Mountain Views-News Saturday, May 31, 2014 4 Mountain Views-News Saturday, May 31, 2014 4
The Social Side By Deanne Davis
“A Nation that does not honor it’s heroes will not long she is working hard to get one placed on the PCC
endure.” President Abraham Lincoln Campus. Let’s hope she’s successful!
Had the best Memorial weekend ever! Put out our Former Mayor, Mary Ann MacGilivray spoke
flags, both American and Sierra Madrean, and are on the origin of Memorial Day, mentioning that
delighted to have them up for a few days. 3 p.m. has been set as the National Moment of
Remembrance. As she spoke, I could hear the
Saturday morning: The Mt. Wilson Trail Race.
happy voices of young people playing basketball in
Perfect race weather, cool and cloudy. A lone
the court down in the park and see our beautiful
runner or two running up the hill, as we walked
swimming pool below us. Mary Ann spoke
down, warming up, expending a little of that
movingly of our ‘citizen warriors’ and said, “If you
nervous energy. This is such a friendly race.
haven’t read the Constitution lately, or haven’t ever
Everybody seems to know everybody else and the
read the whole thing, do it!” She quoted President
hugs and good luck wishes are so nice to see. A
Ronald Reagan:
splendid rendition of The Star Spangled Banner by
eleven year old Sierra Madre Elementary School “Freedom is never more than one generation
student, Miss Kaiya Wilson was a highlight of the away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our
morning. It took the 325 runners thirty seconds for children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for,
all of them to pass the starting line! protected, and handed on for them to do the same,
or one day we will spend our sunset years telling
The kids, my personal favorites, took their places at
our children and our children’s children what it
the starting line, seven through twelve group first,
was once like in the United States where men were
did some stretching exercises and shot up the hill
chasing The Rabbit, Simon Cooper. The three to
six crowd were off a few minutes later, slathered Peter Vecchio sang a piece dating from the Civil
with grim determination, all eyes on The Rabbit, War, “Everyone Is Somebody’s Darling,” Stanley
and we retired to Wistaria for breakfast where we J. Pinta, the VFW Chaplain, asked a blessing;
barely had time to order coffee and some pancakes wreaths and flowers were placed on a symbolic
when James Timphony was back down crossing grave; Paul Puccinelli played Taps followed by the
the finish line at 1:00:12! That’s beyond fast! That’s rifle volley. The colors were retired and the VFW
phenomenal! members invited everyone to enjoy refreshments.
We wiped our eyes, my dear patriotic best walking
Monday morning: Got to Pioneer Cemetery in
partner, John and I, and walked down the driveway
time to get a couple of spots in the shade, admired
through the flag decorated graves and agreed it
the flags affixed to white crosses on many of the
was the best Memorial Day service we had ever
graves and were happy to see so many of our VFW
attended. If you haven’t been to one of these, like
Harry L. Embree Post 3208 members on hand;
Mary Ann MacGilivray said, “Do it!”
some in wheelchairs, some with walkers and canes,
but in uniform and able to be there. The color Then we went to see “X-Men Days of Future Past”
guard presented the colors. Rev. Msgr. Richard and I got to look at Hugh Jackman for two hours.
Krekelberg gave an excellent invocation, stating It just doesn’t get much better than that!
that he would be using the National Chaplain’s
Got a great FaceBook note from my grandson,
Manual for Memorial Day as he felt that we would
David, who lives in Germany, letting me know
be uniting in prayer with many other groups all
he made the Cinnamon Coffee Cake that’s in my
over the Nation to remember “the awesome cost of
book right below and it came out really great!
the freedom we enjoy.”
First time he’s ever baked anything and discovered
Speaker, Congresswoman Judy Chu mentioned her that “cream butter and sugar” does not mean melt
father who served in Okinawa, one of the lucky butter and sugar together.
ones who did come home, and her nephew, Harry,
“A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter.”
who died in Afghanistan three years ago. She also
said that health care for veterans must be a top Is available on and at the following
priority for Washington, DC, and that it is shameful link:
that there is no VA clinic in the San Gabriel, but
The Board of Directors of Village
Vine Online has decided to
move the organization in a new
direction. In keeping with our
mission of community service, we
are discontinuing 24/7 live audio
streaming. In order to better serve
the community, our focus will be
on providing live audio and video
webcasts and podcasts of community
events, podcasts of hosted shows
home-grown here in Sierra Madre,
video and audio webcasts and podcasts of community sports events, and, by the end of the
summer, we will present a community blog, with guest host bloggers rotating every few months.
CITIZEN WEBCASTERS: Part of our new approach is to utilize “citizen webcasters” living
here in town. We are now actively recruiting people who can attend public events, and, utilizing
equipment as simple as their smart phones, webcast those events through the Village Vine web
site. Contact us at if you would like to volunteer. Training will be provided.
CITIZEN PODCASTERS: We are looking for podcasters who might like to share their homegrown
podcasts on the Village Vine web site. Subjects for podcasts could include original music,
gardening, cars, dogs, water conservation, sports, etc. The subject matter for potential podcasts is
only limited to the degree the community might have interest in it. Contact us at hostvi@yahoo.
com if you would be interested in podcasting with us.
On Wednesday, The Kensington, an assisted living facility in SIerra Madre held a soft opening
for guests to get a feel of things to come. The event was complete with valet parking and
the new staff to welcome you. Guests toured the termporary offices where they had the
opportunity to review floor plans, amenities and services that will be provided when the project
is complete. Units range from 325 - 595 sq. ft. and some units will have a ‘companion living’
private bedroom. For more info go to www.TheKensigntonSierra Photos MVNews