Maintenance of Way platforms under construction at the Operations
Campus in Monrovia
FOOTHILL GOLDLINE - Pasadena to Azusa Update:
By Joan Schmidt
The nearly $1 billion Foothill Gold Line from Pasadena to Azusa continues on time and on budget
for a Sept 2015 turn-over to Metro. Nearly all two dozen bridge structures are now complete, and
only three of the 17 at-grade crossings remain under construction. Each sta-tion is at a different
phase of construction, and parking construction is underway at most stations.
Work on walls,
fencing, light rail
track, Overhead
Catenary System
poles and wiring
are all evident
throughout the
corridor. At the
nearly $300 million
Operations Campus,
steel contin-ues to
be raised for the
main shop building
and outer walls are
being formed at other
Irwindale Station,
one of the last to
begin construction,
continues to take
shape .
OCS Poles and
lighting within
the six miles of
Duarte Mayor Liz Reilly, Guest Speaker Sergeant Antonio Ayala, Monrovia Mayor Mary Ann Lutz,
storage track at the
Congresswoman Judy Chu
Operations Campus
are now installed
Saturday, Supervisor Mike Antonovich held his 17th annual Veterans Fair, at Arcadia Country
Rail installation
Park. Speakers included Channel 4’s Fritz Coleman and Congresswoman Judy Chu. Attending were
is taking place
Arcadia’s Sho Tay, Peter Amundson and Gail Marshall; Monrovia’s Becky Shevlin; El Monte’s Jay
throughout the 11.5
Gomez, and Monrovia-Arcadia-Duarte Town Council Members, Linda Sells and John Nicoloro.
mile corridor. Here,
crews install rail near
Presentation of Colors by Irwindale AmVets Post 113 began the day which included great music by
the project terminus,
the Marine Band, a flyover, information on employment, veterans’ benefits and legal issues, military
east of Citrus Ave in
vehicles’ display, Sheriff ’s Posse, food booths, kids’ play area and “Wall of Remembrance” displaying
Monday, we attended a great Tribute at Live Oak Cemetery co-sponsored by the Allied Vets Council.
crews completed
This week,
Janine Coyne welcomed us and M.C. was President Scott Sinclair. The Brighter Side Singers from
installation of the
Temple City High provided great music throughout the program. Invocation was by American Legion
concrete soundwalls
Post 44 Chuck Keen Clint Stamps, Arcadia/Monrovia VFW Post 2070 led the Pledge.
(left and right) from
Keynote speaker Marine Sgt. Antonio Ayala was “humbled by the brave courage of fallen brothers
the Santa Anita
and sisters who paved the way for us.” Judy Chu, Congresswoman proudly spoke of her dad, a World
Wash to Mayflower
War II Vet and nephew Harry Lui who made the ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan three years ago.
Arcadia Mayor John Wuo reminded us to thank Veterans for what is “most precious- our freedom”.
Monrovia Mayor Mary Ann Lutz spoke of the “immeasurable amount of words” to thank the Vets for
all the great freedoms we have, and Duarte Mayor Pro Tem Liz Reilly felt “It is an honor to be at this
Memorial and we should never forget the meaning of Memorial Day.
Also attending were Duarte’s Reyna Diaz and John Fasana, and Monrovia’s Mayor Pro Tem Becky
Shevlin, husband Chris and Council Member Larry Spicer.
There was recognition of Blue Star Families, Gold Star Mothers, and Veterans of ALL branches of
service. The Celebration concluded with Benediction, a 21 gun salute, Taps, Raising of the Flags,
Dove Release and Amazing Grace performed by Pipe Major John Massie, MBE. Afterwards, Live Oak
Cemetery provided refreshments and attendees left with an even deeper appreciation of the GREAT
SACRIFICES our Serviceman and Servicewomen and their families made for us.
From the office of Supervisor Michael Antonovich
LOS ANGELES COUNTY — During the month of April, Los Angeles County
D.I.S.A.R.M. officers conducted 1,011 searches and confiscated 28 weapons
in-cluding 13 handguns, 1 assault rifle, 5 shotguns, and over $36 million in
illegal drugs and drug money, announced Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich.
In conjunction with local law enforcement, probation officers conducted
searches of probationers who, as a condition of probation, are subject to unannounced search-es
targeting guns, drugs and other contraband. Nearly 10 percent of probationers searched in this
program were out of compliance with the terms of their proba-tion. Since its implementation in
Irwindale Station, one of the last to begin construction, continues to take shape (photo of recent
February of 2000, the D.I.S.A.R.M. program has seized over 9,403 weapons and more than $487
concrete pour above)
million in illegal drugs and drug money and made nearly 20,000 arrest.
D.I.S.A.R.M was initiated by Supervisor Antonovich following the tragic August 1999 shootings at
Ave, Monrovia. (left)
the North Valley Jewish Community Center and the murder of a postal worker by Buford Furrow,
an armed felon on probation from Washington State.
Maintenance of Way
platforms under
construction at the
Operations Campus
in Monrovia
The Operations
Campus will be turned
over to Metro ahead of
the 11.5-mile project.
The Construction
Authority anticipatesturning the campus
over to Metro in
March 2015 and the
entire project over in
September 2015. It is
important to note
that Metro will decide when passenger service begins on the line.
Submitted by Lisa Levy Buch, Director of Public Affairs
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: