Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 26, 2014
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
Pat Birdsall
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Hail Hamilton
Rich Johnson
Merri Jill Finstrom
Lori Koop
Rev. James Snyder
Tina Paul
Mary Carney
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Greg Welborn
Renee Quenell
Ben Show
Sean Kayden
Marc Garlett
GREG Welborn
HOWARD Hays As I See It
“There are two kinds
of people in the world;
those who divide
people into two kinds,
and those who don’t.”
- Robert Benchley
I like to think I
treat everyone as an
individual, but with
last week’s events, I’ll state flat-out there
are good people and bad people. I have
a simple rule: those who harm people are
the bad ones – especially if they harm
The Times last week reported on
students from Carlsbad High School
who’d put together a documentary
promoting childhood vaccinations.
They weren’t prepared, though, for
the vilification coming from the anti-
vaccination crowd once the subject of
their film got out. A PTA screening was
cancelled when it threatened to become a
lightning rod for pumped-up activists.
I don’t question the sincerity of those
choosing internet gossip over science.
But with outbreaks of whooping cough
and measles in places like neighboring
Orange County, where parents are
opting-out of routine vaccinations, kids
are being harmed - and sincerity doesn’t
let you off the hook.
A three-judge panel from the D.C.
Circuit decided in favor of Halbig in
Halbig v. Burrell. I figured Burrell was
our HHS Sec. Sylvia Burrell, but had
to dig to find that Jacqueline Halbig
is a former lobbyist for the Christian
Coalition and “faith-based” advisor in
the Bush Administration who’s since
established her own corporate lobbying
and consulting firm.
In the suit, she was joined by business
groups and attorneys general from states
that have refused to go along with the
Affordable Care Act.
Halbig contended that language in the
ACA providing subsidies to those buying
insurance through “state” exchanges
implied that subsidies shouldn’t be
available to residents of states where they
had to go through the federal exchange.
The purpose of the action wasn’t to
clarify language, but to kill the ACA
– doggedly pursuing the goal after
fifty failed attempts in the House and a
Supreme Court decision that didn’t go
their way. Politically, those behind it,
along with leaders of states that rejected
the ACA, hope to stick it to the president.
They didn’t succeed with the
propaganda war; enrollments are up
(including for younger, healthier folks)
with the number of uninsured Americans
dropping to the lowest on record,
premiums holding steady and overall
healthcare costs down in the first quarter
of 2014 from the previous quarter.
According to the Commonwealth Fund,
74% of Republicans are happy with their
new plans under the ACA.
In states that expanded Medicaid
under the ACA, the rate of uninsured
among the poor dropped from 28% to
17%. In states that refused to cooperate,
it remains at around 36%. According to
an MIT economist, should this week’s
initial ruling hold, 6.5 million Americans
could lose their insurance. The cheapest
available plan could cost a quarter of a
person’s income in states without their
own exchanges.
Chances are, this isn’t going anywhere.
A three-judge panel from a Virginia court
unanimously ruled it’s not the judge’s job
to interpret language in the law.
I don’t begrudge operatives making
a buck off corporate clients or serving
party honchos strategizing the next
election. But as to those able to do so
with no consideration of the potential
harm to millions of Americans – families
and kids – from losing health coverage,
these aren’t good people.
In the Middle East, there are clearly
good people and bad people. There
are Israelis and Palestinians who strive
for peace, self-determination and the
well-being of all. There are Israelis and
Palestinians who seek to stifle prospects
for peace and promote unending conflict.
With both Israeli Prime Minister
Netanyahu and President Abbas of
the Palestinian Authority, I get the
impression of a Speaker John Boehner
(R-OH); not adverse to making progress,
but stymied by, and unwilling to stand up
to, a small minority of hot-headed tea-
baggers in the wings.
Over the past several months,
negotiations between the two, led by
Secretary of State Kerry, have floundered
over issues like West Bank settlements,
prisoner releases, Jerusalem, a “Jewish”
state, imprisoned spy Jonathan Pollard
and Palestinian status at the U.N.
Politically, this failure is a winner
for Israeli factions that would love to
see occupation become annexation
of Palestinian territories (factions
Netanyahu relies on to maintain a
majority in his ruling coalition). In this
they are allies with Hamas, who sees
the exchange of rocket fire into Israel
for Israeli attacks on Gaza as useful
confirmation of the futility of negotiation
– and a guarantee of continued popular
In the meantime, there’s the suffering
in Gaza; an area smaller than Bakersfield
with half the population of L.A.; some
25 miles long and 4-to-7 miles wide.
Hundreds are dead, two-thirds civilians,
many children.
Two-thirds of Gazans are under 25,
43% under 15. Many have no memory of
life except for under a crippling blockade;
unable to travel or dream of a future.
There are good people among
Palestinians and Israelis working
cooperatively so kids in both lands might
have those dreams. And there are the bad
ones, on both sides, who see their hold
on power as dependent on unending war.
People, especially kids, being harmed
are not a factor – except for propaganda
It seems to be mostly the bad people
who make the news. We heard about
good people, though, when President
Obama paid tribute to the AIDS
researchers on board the Malaysian
airliner downed over Ukraine: “These
were men and women who had dedicated
their lives to saving the lives of others . .
. In this world today, we shouldn’t forget
that in the midst of conflict and killing,
there are people like these . . . who are
focused on what can be built rather than
what can be destroyed . . . how they can
help people that they’ve never met . . . it’s
time for us to heed their example.”
There are good people and bad people.
Sometimes, it helps to look in the mirror
and think about what kind we see.
Where the President spends his time is important – as much for
what he’s actually doing as for the message it communicates to
the world. In the same vein, what the President says is equally
important for the message and tone it delivers. While there
have been plenty of examples of this particular president’s tone
deafness to what Americans and the larger world audience
need to hear, the White House’s most recent pronouncements
communicate a level of detachment and disinterest which is dangerous.
In response to a question about the wisdom of the President’s aggressive fund
raising trips while much of the world seethes in war, White House Communications
Director Jennifer Palmieri responded that changes in the President’s fundraising
schedule “can have the unintended consequences of unduly alarming the American
people or creating a false sense of crisis”.
If that’s meant to be reassuring, it missed the mark by a wide margin. It assumes,
presumes and postulates that we shouldn’t be alarmed right now; that things are
going swimmingly enough that he can spend half a week jetting up and down the
west coast to attend fundraisers. But anyone who can read a newspaper – heck
even those who don’t read but just watch T.V., even with the sound off – can see
that the world is spinning out of control toward dangerous shoals. If ever the
winds of another world war were blowing, they are now.
Putin’s Russian separatists have seized control of eastern Ukraine and are so
confident in the security of their booty and the unlikeliness of facing any serious
consequences that they shot an unarmed, fully loaded commercial airline out of
the sky with a SAM. Hamas and Israel are engaged in a serious ground war. Hamas
shows so little contrition about having started the whole damn thing that it makes
economic “demands” before it entertains any cease fire. ISIS has consolidated its
control over roughly one-third of another nation state, whose sovereignty we paid
dearly in lives and treasure to protect. Syria’s Assad basks in the glorious pomp
and ceremony of his inauguration for yet another term as murderer-in-chief.
Boko Haram still holds “our girls”, continues to kill people in Nigerian villages,
and just exploded two bombs which killed 75 more people. Most troubling about
this little fraternity of thugs is their willingness to wantonly kill fellow Muslims
and specifically target other Muslim leaders. Their willingness to take on other
offshoots of the broader Al Qaeda community tells us that Al Qaeda has not been
defeated and has now gone beyond metastasizing. Al Qaeda’s resurrection under
our current president has prompted competing terrorist organizations to take
bolder steps in their own attempts to lay claim, through intimidation and murder,
to territory for their own mini nation-states and fiefdoms.
My question to the President is how much more needs to happen on your watch
before we should be alarmed? One of the great civilizing accomplishments in
human history is on the verge of being reversed. It took centuries for the world to
“civilize” enough to eliminate right-of-conquest as a legitimate means by which
land is simply taken or carved out from another nation. Even as we civilized and
came to the adoption of this unique Judeo-Christian moral value, it was clear that
at least one “moral” nation would have to be strong enough to enforce the ban.
The moral ban, after all, was not on war. The ban was on unjust war – on the use
of force to take that which does not belong to you. War was not banned, nor can
ever be, because military action is sometimes the only means by which a moral
nation can enforce a civilizing norm on those thugs and tyrants who would seek to
conquer and plunder their neighbors.
When war becomes unthinkable, or when the moral nation on whose shoulders
a just world order rests shirks from its responsibilities, then evil fills the void and
the right-of-conquest regains its allure as an affective political strategy. President
Obama is the leader of one such moral nation who has made clear he does not
believe in his own country’s morality, let alone its moral call to duty, does not
intend to bear the responsibility which is his alone to bear right now, and cannot
think of a legitimate reason to pursue any war to the logical conclusion of defeating
an immoral, evil enemy.
Mr. President, the furthest thing from your mind should be any concern about
creating a false sense of crisis or alarm. There is no other earthly power on this
globe which can, nor, sadly, any constellation of lesser earthly powers willing
to, right the world order. The world is spinning out of control, thousands are
dying and whole people groups are being subjugated. Europe has lost its nerve,
depending too heavily on Muslim immigrants for much of its basic labor and on
Russian for its energy. It will not confront evil; witness the muted reaction to
the downing of Malaysian flight 17 – strong words but little action. Europe will
not defend Ukrainians, Syrians, Jews, Muslims or Africans. I doubt they’ll even
defend themselves.
It is time for the United States of America to resume the role which only it can
fill. The world needs a moral leader up front and confident, not detached and in
the rear. Right now is the time to step up to the plate. If you can’t do it, please get
the hell out of the way; maybe Biden’s got it in him, or John Boehner. Right now
we don’t seem to have a leader; let’s hope we have some bench strength. So, right
now seems like a pretty good time to be alarmed!
About the author: Gregory J. Welborn is a freelance writer and has spoken to several
civic and religious organizations on cultural and moral issues. He lives in the Los
Angeles area with his wife and 3 children and is active in the community. He can
be reached HYPERLINK “mailto:gregwelborn2@gmail.com” gregwelborn2@gmail.
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OUT TO PASTOR A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
I think I am in a rut. No matter
how hard I work, I do not seem
to be getting any further along in
life. Could it be that somewhere
in my past, I peaked and did not
realize it? If so, I wish I knew about it so at least I
could have the consolation that I have peaked.
This week I celebrate another birthday. This is
a rut I am talking about. After all, I celebrate my
birthday every year on the same day. The only reason
I celebrate it on that day is because my mother said
that was the day I was born. What if she lied about
my birthday? After all, there is that issue with Santa
I cannot prove one way or the other that I was
born on a particular day because knowing what I do
know now it is very easy to manipulate paperwork
and birth certificates. It might be old age, but I just
do not trust anybody about anything these days. I do
not even trust myself.
In the early days of my life, my parents told a few
things that have proven not exactly true. I would not
say they were lying to me they were just protecting
me from the gruesomeness of truth.
I mentioned Santa Claus. The thing that irks me
about Santa Claus is that now that I am older and
have children and grandchildren I am supposed to
be Santa Claus. Who in the world made up that rule?
Then there is the whole issue about the tooth fairy.
It took me a long time to figure out that the tooth
fairy did not really exist. Several times I extracted
teeth ahead of time in order to get some cash from
the tooth fairy. I frequently questioned why the tooth
fairy was so stingy with his giving until I figured out
that the tooth fairy was none other than my father,
known for his closed cash policy.
Growing up in Pennsylvania one of the big factors
had to do with Punxsutawney Phil. It took me a long
time to figure out that that little rodent was not who
my parents said he was. If he was who they said he
was, he sure was not very good at predicting the
A lot of things my parents told me turned out not to
be true, so why should I put a lot of stock in believing
that my birthday is the exact day I was born?
According to them, I get to celebrate my birthday
one day out of the year and a specific day that I
believe they picked out. Now what I want to know is,
why can I pick my own birthday? After all, it is MY
While I am on that subject, why can’t I celebrate
my birthday whenever I want to, why can’t I celebrate
my birthday every month? After all, nobody gets
tired of eating birthday cake.
Now that I am older (I am not quite sure how old
I really am because I am not sure my parents were
exactly forthcoming in telling me the year I was
born) what am I supposed to do?
Personally, I would like to establish a set of rules
associated with ”my birthday.” I do not care what
other people do about their birthday, it is my birthday
and I should be able to set the rules.
I think the first rule I would establish is, there
should be no ”surprise” birthday parties. If it is my
birthday, I know when it is. If it is my birthday, I
should be in charge of planning the party. After all, I
know what I would like.
Who in the world started putting birthday candles
on a birthday cake. I have been to several birthday
parties and watched the ”birthday boy” blow out
those candles. After seeing him blow out those
candles, I had no desire to eat the cake subjected to
his spit-laden breath. After all, germs and I are not
Do not let this get around, but when there are
candles on my birthday cake, I make sure my tongue
is well lubricated before I start blowing out those
candles. After all, I love to share.
Another rule I would like to put in place has to do
with birthday presents. It seems quite hypocritical
for somebody to go out and buy a birthday present,
wrap it up in fancy birthday wrapping paper and
then bring it to me so that I can unwrap that paper
to get to the birthday present.
If I am going to have birthday presents I think I
should be the one to buy those presents. Everybody
who wants me to celebrate my birthday could slip me
a fiver and let me go out and buy what I really want.
Nobody knows what I want better than I do.
Finally, I think if it is my birthday and I am
celebrating it, I should get to pick what year I am
Good old King Solomon had it right when he
wrote, ”The glory of young men is their strength: and
the beauty of old men is the grey head” (Proverbs
You are only young once but you can be old for a
very long time. I am learning to live with it.
Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God
Fellowship, PO Box 831313, Ocala, FL 34483. He
lives with his wife, Martha, in Silver Springs Shores.
E-mail jamessnyder2@att.net or website www.
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