Mountain Views-News Saturday, November 8, 2014
I can say that
I long for
Savasana at the
very beginning
of class! When
do I ever get a
chance to rest and lay completely still? Unless I’m
sleeping, almost never. Savasana, or corpse pose, is
almost always the final pose of a group yoga class.
It’s one of the most important poses we can do.
If Savasana is not part of the class you attend,
find a different class! The benefits of it are
immense. It’s where we absorb and assimilate
all the benefits of the practice. It’s incredibly
refreshing and soothing to the body and mind to
rest completely without effort. All the great benefits
seep in: peace, calm, acceptance and confidence.
In this all important pose, we lay down on
our backs and allow the legs to stretch out.
Our arms stay along our sides with the palms
facing up.We let go of any effort with the
breath and keep our eyes closed. As we feel the
support of the floor beneath us, we relax any
remaining areas where we might be “holding.”
If we need extra comfort in Savasana, place a
bolster underneath the knees to assist with lower
back pain or a thin blanket under the head. We
need to make sure we’re warm enough too.
Savasana can be particularly hard to complete
in our home practice. We might feel there’s not
time to just lay down and do nothing. Set a timer, if
even just for 3 minutes, so you don’t have to worry
about the time. This easy pose is so essential;
it’s like hitting the reset button on the body and
mind. Refreshed, calm, and ready to do the day.
See you in class,
Keely Totten
Yoga Madre
Butternut squash is a
variety of winter squash.
However, winter squash
is grown in the summer
and harvested in the
fall so how come it is
called winter squash?
That’s because winter
squashes have a hard
thick skin making
them ideal to be stored
for several months and
eaten during the winter
season. Butternut
squash, called butternut
pumpkin in Australia, is
a great vegetable to add
to your diet this time of year because it is in season.
If it’s in season then it’s going to be fresher, tastier
and less expensive than any other times of the year.
Butternut squash is full of potassium and vitamin
A. It is also fat free, low in calories and high in
fiber. A big push in my practice is to get my clients
eating more plant foods like butternut squash
because vegetables are associated with decreasing
the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and
overall mortality. You get all of those benefits from
increasing your intake of high fiber vegetables plus
a healthy complexion, increased energy, and overall
lower weight.
Butternut squash has a naturally sweet, nutty
taste but as it ripens, it increasingly turns a deeper
orange and becomes sweeter and richer. It provides
significant amounts of potassium, important for
bone health. It is also high in vitamin B6, essential
for the proper function of both the nervous and
immune systems.
Hopefully you have heard that you should eat
a rainbow of colorful foods. That is because there
are benefits to all the different colors. In the case
of butternut squash, its orange color provides an
abundance of the powerhouse nutrients known as
carotenoids, shown to protect against heart disease.
In particular, it has high levels of beta-carotene,
which your body automatically converts to vitamin
A. The vitamin A derived from butternut squash
helps to produce sebum which helps keep your hair
So if you have never bought a butternut squash
you are missing out. Try it baked, roasted or
mashed with cinnamon, maple syrup or balsamic
vinegar …it’s all good!
Dr. Tina is a traditional
naturopath and nutritionist
at Vibrant Living
Wellness Center
A Word From The Editor: I’m proud to introduce a new voice to our Mountain View News team!
AMANDA ROGERS is a published author, life coach, somatic experiencing practitioner and professional
speaker. She is a resident of Arcadia and member of our Sierra Madre community where she a runs her Life
Coaching practice. In addition to her private sessions she leads a variety of adult workshops and has toured
High Schools motivating young people through her various seminars which include; The Art of Decision
Making, Healthy Boundaries, Personal Values and Compare/Despair (bringing social comparison theory
to light.) Amanda is an award-winning playwright best known for her comedic interpretations of life’s more
dramatic questions. Her column with The Mountain View News will explore, expose and even challenge
what we think of life’s infinite quandaries as well as its day-to-day conundrums. Look for her article today
in the Healthy Lifestyles section. You will find her column here the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month.
You can also read more about her at her website amandarogerscoaching.com. Welcome aboard, Amanda!
Mmm…Velveeta cheese. The color, texture, taste – the packaging! It was like finely aged Camembert
to my six year old taste buds. Today, you couldn’t pay me enough money to ingest that neon block
of rubbery cheese food. So what happened? Did my taste buds develop? Mature? Or could it be that
they simply…changed?
What is change? If my pallet can change, does that mean the rest of me is capable of change? You
know, the other parts…the quirks, the neuroses, the way I deal with random Lego pieces left all over
the living room rug. No doubt we’ve all been motivated a time or two or twenty by an enlightening
book, or inspiring sermon or maybe our child’s Karate Master with the soulful eyes. But what happens
to that inspiration? Does it ever last? Or are we simply inspired for a brief period of time to “slip into”
or “try on” a newer, fresher attitude, quality or philosophy? At the end of the day, like the designer
clothes we package ourselves in, do these new skins fall to the ground as we climb back into our
comfy, old, not always redeeming but certainly familiar, flannels?
For those who can pull off the transformation, how long do they have to wear this new skin before we
are convinced of their metamorphosis? Does the celebrity at the center of the newest scandal need
to spend the next month, year or decade living a life of integrity (enjoying French cheese, if you will)
before the public is satisfied that he or she has changed? At what point will we stop digging through
his or her trash in search of empty boxes of Velveeta?
Can people’s morals, behaviors, fundamental natures change like their sense of taste? Whose
demonstration of change can we really trust? I believe the answer is…our own. The only way to trust
that people can make profound and lasting changes is to start with ourselves. In my own life I have
set forth on a mission to change a quality that does not serve me. A tweak, if you will, on the original
design. Nothing too enormous but the change could have enormous positive results.
Give it a try. We should all take a lesson from our taste buds… some things just don’t taste so good
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 5, 2014 – California made
history yesterday – continuing its role as a public
health leader. From clean indoor air to happy
meal incentive ordinances, California has led the
way. The voters of Berkeley delivered a big win for
not only the health of their children, but children
across the country by demonstrating that cities
have the power to initiate positive change.
“We commend Berkeley for rejecting the false
arguments of ‘Big Soda’ and standing up for
what is right for their community,” said Alistair
Phillips, MD, Board Member of the American
Heart Association Los Angeles Division and Co-
Director of the Congenital Heart Program at
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. “Families declared
no to nutritionally void products and proclaimed
yes to a heart healthier generation of kids.”
Evidence shows adults should not consume
more than 36 ounces, or 450 calories, each week
yet the average 8-year-old boy consumes eight
servings, or 64 ounces, each week. These statistics
are even higher for our children of color and those
who live in communities with limited access to
healthy food and beverages.
The American Heart Association is proud
to stand with the residents of Berkeley as they
become the first city in our nation to deliver a
victory against big soda. Berkeley’s Measure D
raised more than $325,000 in cash – including
$23,000 from the American Heart Association –
and nearly $412,000 in in-kind contributions. In
all, the beverage industry spent about $10 million
to defeat Measure D and Proposition E in San
“The American Heart Association is proud of
Berkeley’s game-changing passage of Measure D
and thank the more than 50% of San Francisco
voters who cast a “yes” vote for children’s health,”
said Kathy Rogers, Executive Vice President of
the American Heart Association Western States
Affiliate. “Multiple solutions are needed to address
the obesity epidemic and this is a first step in our
efforts to build healthier environments and reduce
poor health outcomes especially within our at-risk
About the American Heart Association
The American Heart Association is devoted to saving people from heart disease and stroke – America’s
No. 1 and No. 4 killers. We team with millions of volunteers to fund innovative research, fight for stronger
public health policies, and provide lifesaving tools and information to prevent and treat these diseases. The
Dallas-based association is the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary organization dedicated to fighting heart
disease and stroke. To learn more or join us, call 1-800-AHA-USA1 or any of our offices around the country,
or visit heart.org.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com