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this Week: Calendar: Sierra Madre: Pasadena – Altadena: Arcadia · Monrovia · Duarte: Education & Youth: Food & Drink: Just for Best Friends: Arts & Entertainment: Healthy Lifestyles: The Good Life: The World Around Us: Opinion: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO SIERRA MADRE ON CHRISTMAS EVE 7pm - December 24th at the Sierra Madre Fire Station SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2014 The Candlelight Walk is held each Christmas season to celebrate the journey that Joseph and Mary made to Bethlehem where Jesus was born over 2,000 years ago. The procession will begin at St. Rita�s Catholic Church in Sierra Madre, with �Mary and Joseph� leading the way, and other participants holding candles while singing traditional Christmas carols. The procession will end at Kersting Court in the center of town where the Christmas Story will be read from Scripture. The procession begins at St. Rita traveling down Baldwin to Kersting Court. It is recommended that you arrive by 6:45pm, so that the walk can begin promptly at 7:00 pm. VOLUME 8 NO. 51 CANDLELIGHT WALK Sunday, December 21st Happy Holidays FROM ALL OF US TO ALL OF YOU SIERRA MADRE NEWS BRIEFS OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMITTED Just a reminder to all Sierra Madre residents, beginning tomorrow December 20th, and continuing through January 4th 2015, overnight parking will be exempt for the Holiday season! Please be sure to help spread the word! Happy Holidays! BE CAREFUL - BE CAUTIOUS BE AWARE! Recent rash of vehicle and residential burglary. Be aware! Lock and secure vehicles! Sierra Madre has experienced a recent rash of auto and residential burglaries. With each incident, an unfortunate trend seen in most of them is the victim failing to LOCK and SECURE their vehicle. Each night as you lock and secure your home, take a minute to lock your vehicle and remove any items of value from the car. Remember, if you See something, Say something! FREE CHRISTMAS TREE RECYCLING Athens Services will pick up and recycle your Christmas Tree from December 26th to January 9th. Residents may put their tree by the curb on their regular pick-up day for this free program. Please remove stands, nails, ornaments, lights and tinsel, and place the trees next to your containers. Trees with flocking or fire retardant are acceptable. Trees over 6 feet in length must be cut in half. If you miss the date for recycling, please cut up your tree and place it in your yard waste container, or call Athens Services for a �bulky item� pickup. For additional information, please call Athens Services at 1-888-336-6100 or the Sierra Madre Public Works Department at 626-355-7135. The Osti Christmas Decorations from Sonny Salsbury�s 2009 Sierra Madre Calendar. Salsbury said in 2006, �Sierra Madre is my favorite town anywhere� and many of his paintings, such as the scene above, depict a look into the charm of Sierra Madre that still exists today. For years we have shared Salsbury�s works with our readers. This picture originally appeared in 2008. THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS Inside this week: SIERRA MADRE SEARCH AND DECEMBER RESCUE LOG In the history of the world, what day has been so honored and so recognized as Christmas? The scoffers and skeptics will testify that the enchantment of Christmas is perpetrated by the craftsmanship of our imagination and authored in the same resourcefulness that brought Dickens� ghosts to life. If we are to concede that some of our most genuine moments of life nest in the power of dreams, than I think it is best that we should never wake from the instruments of heaven�s peace, where kindness penetrates the heart in a degree which no other activity is equipped to supply. The world has never read a story as perfectly powerful as the story of Christmas. To suppose a belief that a simple prophet born to the lowly town of Bethlehem could flourish in importance during an age of Roman rule, is an obstacle to an idea that this is but a dream. Once acquainted with the fact that Jesus was never associated with wealth or sought political power, is another piece of information that violates the realms of logic. Jesus is contrary to all that we would anticipate from a famous figure in history. He is even deficient in chronicling his own life as he neglects to author a single line by his own hand, so this raises another question as to how such a story could inspire and endure for 2,000 years. One of the most intriguing aspects of Jesus is contained in the people who detailed his life. Not one of Jesus� biographers professes to be a writer, author or editor. His followers were simple men: identified as fishermen, a tax collector and a traveling doctor. Even Shakespeare in all his imaginative genius did not boast the mental proclivity of fashioning a story as completely compelling as the life of Jesus. If there are miracles, more improbable than any of those performed by Jesus, it would be that such men of undecorated backgrounds could conjure up the greatest story ever told. As I reflect upon the power of Christmas and attempt to depict the emotion as it is characterized in my mind, I must turn to a single supernatural event of Jesus to illustrate the passion that fills my heart. The once quiet town was filled with the chatter of voices as a throng of people trailed Jesus. As he made his way among the streets, a certain woman who was steadily sick for 12 long years, touched the fringe of his cloak and was instantly healed. Jesus turned to the crowd and said, �Who has touched my clothes?� The divine power of God had been transferred from Jesus to the woman. What a fortune is conferred on to those who can walk through life and appreciate the power of Christmas. Our lives are organized like the day when Jesus advanced along those cobble streets, and all we have to do is touch him. The story of Christmas still astonishes those who are willing to recognize its meaning, and it remains just as powerful today as it was when angels called upon Bethlehem on that glorious night of antiquity. Christmas is not confined to a single day. It begins with our mind the first moment we establish a belief, and grows in our heart with each passing season. If there exists one verifiable truth in this world, then the thought of Christmas and Christ has added more light to this earthly realm than the dull lit fire of a distant sun. In the full reflection of God�s birth and the wonder-filled meditation of a heavenly star, it is my heartfelt hope that you and your family know the power and peace of Christmas. A Most Merry of Christmas to Each and to All! CraigHakola@aol.com CALENDAR Pg. 2 While not a record, 2014 has been a busy year for the Sierra Madre Search and Rescue (SMSR) Team with the Team responding on 98 operations. Thirteen of these operations took place in November and December (to date). Over 3,800 hours of time was logged and 140 people assisted by the Team this year. In addition to actual search and rescue calls and training, Team members donated over 1,900 hours in support of the Team�s mission. This included 30 public preventative search and rescue (PSAR) events where Team members discuss wilderness safety and preparedness with scout groups, schools, and other community groups. Members invested just under 5,500 hours of training in a broad array of SAR disciplines and skills in order to maintain the level of proficiency required to safely perform SAR operations. Probationary members of the Team, better known as �Probies�, dedicated almost 1,000 hours of time in 2014 focused on building and refining their foundational mountain rescue skills. In total, Team members dedicated over 11,200 hours of official time in support of the Team�s mission. Many additional hours of unofficial time were spent by individual Team members maintaining readiness. A good example of some of the Team training includes an activity from last weekend. On Saturday, December 13th, the Team spent time training with the Los Angeles County Sheriff�s Department Air- 5 crew. Training consisted of a �ground school� session where various safety, aircraft familiarization and operational protocols were discussed while the helicopter was not operating. This eliminated the noise and rotor wash typically encountered when the helicopter is running. After ground school was completed the training progressed to evolutions working with the helicopter in operation. Among a variety of topics, Team members practiced patient packaging, loading/unloading, hoist insertion and extraction as well as rappelling from the hovering helicopter. Events like this allow Team members and the Air-5 crew to refine skills and build familiarity between SMSR members and the helicopter crew that is necessary to safely conduct mountain rescues. Training in a structured environment removes the variability and time constraints associated with an actual SAR operation. Personnel can easily discuss and practice techniques that are often called upon during rescues. For over 60 years the all- volunteer Sierra Madre Search and Rescue team has been responding to calls for help in the local mountains and beyond. As a Team, SMSR prides itself on stepping up to any challenge. Responding in the middle of the night to a call for help � no problem. Search all night in the rain for a missing hiker � we�re there. SMSR is funded entirely by private donations. We wouldn�t be able to do anything without the support of you, our friends and neighbors. Thank you for all of your support over the past year. Whether it is a monetary donation, or a Facebook like, we truly appreciate knowing that the community has our back! You can find more information on how to support the Team, including how to arrange a wilderness safety demonstration for your school or group by visiting www.smsr.org. SIERRA MADRE NEWS Pg. 3 PASADENA/ALTADENA Pg. 4 AROUND SGV Pg. 5 ARCADIA NEWS MONROVIA/DUARTE Pg. 6 EDUCATION & YOUTH Pg. 7 FOOD & DRINK Peter Dills / Rich Johnson Pg. 8 BEST FRIENDS Pg. 9 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Pg. 10 HEALTHY LIVING Pg. 11 GOOD LIFE Pg. 12 BUSINESS NEWS Pg. 13 THE WORLD AROUND US Pg. 14 OPINION Pg. 16 LEGAL NOTICES Pg. 17 | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |