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this Week: Calendar: Sierra Madre: Pasadena – Altadena: Arcadia · Monrovia · Duarte: Education & Youth: Food & Drink: Just for Best Friends: Healthy Lifestyles: The Good Life: Arts & Entertainment: The World Around Us: Business News & Trends: Opinion … Left/Right: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 VOLUME 8 NO. 46 COUNCIL STAYS FOCUSED DESPITE VERBAL ATTACK BY FORMER MAYOR by Susan Henderson VETERANS DAY CELEBRATIONS GIVE THANKS FOR YESTERDAY, PREPARE FOR TOMORROW’S VETS On Thursday, at a special meeting of the Sierra Madre City Council to continue their review of the reorganization of City Hall, the budget and the general plan, no one was prepared for what happened during public comment. Former Mayor Nancy Walsh approached the public podium and began an emotional, vitriolic rant which included personal attacks on the current council. Walsh, who according to the statement she submitted to the City Clerk, is angry about the reorganization of City Hall. She accused at least two members of the council and the City Manager of embracing a reorganization agenda that would destroy the city. “We are about to do something at best, inappropriate and at worst illegal.” She also stated that this alliance had already bankrupted the city’s water company. Her presentation was laced with expletives as her emotions appeared to boil over. She even went so far as to compare two council members and the city manager to predators that lure children with candy. Walsh, who served on the council from 2010-2014, chose not to run for re-election earlier this year. The task of reorganizing city staff is part of the budget process in anticipation of the $1 million dollar loss of revenue that is the result of the failure of the Utility User Tax increase. Since that time, the City Manager and the Council have been trying to reconfigure staff in a manner that will continue to provide services to the residents. In Walsh’s written and spoken comments, she suggested that the Sierra Madre Water Company had been bankrupted. It has not. Audits performed by outside accountants confirm that the water company is solvent. Moody’s Credit Rating Service did downgrade the city in 2013 because of Sierra Madre’s failure to sufficiently raise revenues enough to cover its bond obligations. However, in the last letter issued by Moody’s in July, the agency indicated that there would be no further downgrade at this time. Despite Walsh’s claims of conspiracies, collusion, and malfeasance, the council proceeded to focus on the matters on the agenda. As Mayor John Harabedian stated when asked to respond to Walsh, “As a leader, my objective is to be above the bickering and personal attacks that we are seeing now and have seen in the past. I want this council to work through our differences and come up with solutions that will benefit all of our residents.” The council did move on through the agenda. It declined by consensus a request to impose a city wide Property Inspection Ordinance which would have had an adverse financial impact on sales, rentals and/or leases in Sierra Madre. It also confirmed the remaining issues on the city’s reorganization, continued deliberations on the budget and made additional progress on approving the city’s general plan. On a more positive note, the city has received a grant of $78,000 from the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District and the council approved the use of $48,000 of it to be used to assist residents with turf removal. The remaining funds will be used for things such as water audits to help residents find ways to reduce consumption and educational materials on water conservation. The council’s next meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at 6:30, a Special Meeting on the General Plan. Sierra Madre’s VFW 3208 was at the center of all Veteran’s Day activities this year, beginning with their annual service in Memorial Park on Sunday, November 9th. Congresswoman Judy Chu bestowed a Certificate of Congressional Recognition on three local heroes, World War II Veterans Ken Anhalt and Art Contreras and Korean War Veteran Bud Switzer. Chu also congratulated VFW 3208 for their generous donation of $10,000 to a veterans health care center planned for the San Gabriel Valley. Robert Spencer the keynote speaker, discussed the Koran and his new book, “Arab Winter Comes To America” and the current threat of terrorism by Islamic extremists. On Veteran’s Day, Tuesday, November 11th, the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club hosted a luncheon for VFW 3208 with a menu in honor of Navy servicemen and women - selected items from The Galley on the USS Carl Vinson. The guest speaker at the Kiwanis event was Denise Wadsworth representing United For Vets the organization spearheading the effort to establish The Veteran’s Health Center Of the Foothills. She too acknowledged the contribution of VFW 3208 and encouraged the public to support the project. In her speech, she reminded the group of the lack of health care facilities for returning Vets in the area. Currently, Veterans requiring medical hospital care must go either to the VA in West LA or Long Beach. Pictured above left to right: VFW 3208 Commander Dave Loera, WWII Vet Ken Anhalt, Korean War Purple Heart recipient Bud Switzer, WWII Vet Art Contreras and U.S. Congresswoman Judy Chu. S. Henderson/MVNews Photo by Dean Lee/MVNews IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR - THE SIERRA MADRE ROSE FLOAT ASSOCIATION NEEDS YOUR HELP! A unique aspect of our float this year will be the use of a particular succulent in a geometric design. But we need to find enough of this variety, aeonium haworthii, pictured right, to make the design work. These plants are very common in the gardens in and around Sierra Madre, so hopefully some of you can help us. Don’t cut your plant now!! If you have some to donate, call the float barn at 626-355-7005 or email us at volunteers@ smrosefloat.org with your name, phone number and address and we will come out and look at your plant. On our website we have a color photo – it shows a red edge to the “rosette”. We want both the red edged and the all-green variety. We will be ready for them in early December. Now for the details – each “rosette” needs to be between 2 ½ - 3 ½ inches across and have an attached stem of at least 1 ½ inches. We don’t want to destroy your plant – we just need a handful of rosettes from each one. SMRFA is also looking for people to help with a variety of things. Volunteers are needed to help with feeding the volunteers (grilling, serving and clean-up for lunch and dinner), helping with the sales booth, shuttling around the area picking up supplies and helping to coordinate the volunteers. We also need help on the 31st selling left-over flowers and cleaning up after the float moves out. It takes a village to produce a beautiful Rose Parade float which is why the City of Sierra Madre has been so successful for so many years. Do you have an RV that could sleep 6 on New Year’s Eve? The SMRFA float crew needs a heated place to sleep while parked near the parade route and would be grateful for a one- night loan. We can provide a letter documenting your donation of the use of your RV for tax purposes. If you can help with any of these items or if you have further questions, please contact Bonnie, the SMRFA Volunteer Coordinator, at volunteers@smrosefloat.org or leave a message at the float barn (626-355-7005) and include your name, phone number and how you would like to get involved. This year’s Rose Parade Theme is “Inspired Stories and the Sierra Madre Entry will be “I Think I Can”. THE CIVIC CLUB SHOPPE RETURNS TO THE WINTER VILLAGE FESTIVAL On Nov. 29, the Sierra Madre Civic Club Shoppe will be back in Kersting Court as part of the Sierra Madre’s Chamber of Commerce’s 2014 Winter Village Festival - formerly Dickens Village/WhoVille). As in years past, we offer beautiful hand knitted items such as hats, scarves and baby accessories. This year we are expanding our offerings to include handmade jewelry, quilted Christmas stockings, Christmas ornaments, note cards, ceramics, and even a few quilts. These one-of-a-kind items are hand made by members of the Sierra Madre Civic Club and their friends and will get your holiday shopping off to a wonderful start. All proceeds from the sale of the Shoppe support Civic Club’s philanthropic donations to local non-profits and Club’s educational awards to local high school seniors. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to buy wonderful handmade treasures while supporting community organizations and youth. Inside this week: CALENDAR Pg. 2 SIERRA MADRE NEWS Pg. 3 PASADENA/ALTADENA Pg. 4 ARCADIA NEWS MONROVIA/DUARTE Pg. 5 EDUCATION & YOUTH Pg. 6 FOOD & DRINK Pg. 7 BEST FRIENDS Pg. 8 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Pg. 9 THE GOOD LIFE Pg. 10 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Pg. 11 ASCENSION INVITES THE VILLAGE TO GIVE THANKS Soon, the American tradition known as Thanksgiving will be upon us. As we gather together with great enthusiasm for amazing food and fellowship let us remember to be grateful for all the blessings in our lives. Sierra Madre’s Village Church (Ascension) invites the community for celebration of the liturgy of Thanksgiving and worship during the Thanksgiving Mass on November 27th at 10:00 a.m. at Church of the Ascension, 25 East Laurel Avenue in Sierra Madre. This event makes for a wonderful family outing to meet new neighbors and check out a wonderful community church. For more information, please call (626) 355-1133 or visit: www.ascension-sierramadre.com. SECTION B AROUND SGV Pg. B1 THE WORLD AROUND US Pg. B2 BUSINESS NEWS Pg. B3 OPINION Pg. B4 LEGAL NOTICES Pg. B5 | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |