RICH Johnson
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
Richard Garcia
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
CoCo Lasalle
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Dr. Tina Paul
Rich Johnson
Merri Jill Finstrom
Lori Koop
Rev. James Snyder
Tina Paul
Mary Carney
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Greg Welborn
Renee Quenell
Ben Show
Sean Kayden
Marc Garlett
Do you like your last name? I was never really keen on
mine. Johnson? It’s so bland and plain. Recently a friend has
helped me develop a new appreciation for my last name. For
one reason my name is easy. Rarely does someone ask me
to spell or pronounce my name. “May I say who’s calling?”
“Johnson.” “Reservation for whom?” “Johnson.”
This new found appreciation for the simplicity of my name came because of
my new friend. Lets just say his
name is a little more complicated
than mine. His first name is
easy. It’s Roy. Now for his
last name. Boulghourjian. Roy
Boulghourjian. It’s pronounced
Bull-Ghoor-jyan. If the truth be
told I think I still like his last name
better than mine.
Roy is a great guy. And he is
running for the Pasadena School
Board District 2. After spending
time with Roy I’m hoping he gets
elected. Why? I’ll tell you.
Before Roy became a professional
educator and administrator he
was a successful businessman. So
successful he drove around in a
Porsche 911 Turbo. Being a good
guy he decided to give back to
his community and, among other
efforts, volunteered to teach ESL
(English as a second language).
He soon realized his Porsche
driving days were numbered.
Roy discovered he had a passion
for teaching. He gave up the
lucrative diamond business,
traded in his Porsche for a Nissan
Sentra and set his sights on his passion: Education. He taught high school math,
and subsequently became a vice-principal at 2 high schools. He later moved
to the college level teaching math, economics, leadership, negotiation and
conflict management. And currently he is the chair over the general education
and business education Departments at Mt. Sierra College in Monrovia. By the
way, Roy speaks 5 different languages. And he has now added a sixth language:
Spanish. In fact, one of Roy’s passions is teaching our students at least one
additional language.
In his quest to give back to the community Roy wants to become a member
of the Pasadena School Board. Combining his educational background with his
previous business career gives Roy a unique advantage and perspective into
analyzing, evaluating and improving our whole educational system.
One of Roy’s mentors, Robert Osterholm, advised him years ago that its not what
you sell that’s important, it’s you who you sell. And Roy sold me. I appreciate his
honesty and dedication. I walked away trusting Roy and have faith he’s going to
put his best into his role on the School Board.
I take a special look at candidates who can transcend partisan politics. Roy’s
supporters include both democrats and republicans, including Democratic
Congresswoman Judy Chu and Republican LA County Supervisor Mike
Antonovich. That means a great deal to me.
Roy does not regret leaving the diamond business. Roy demonstrated to me that
he interested in working with something far more valuable than diamonds…our
Have a good week. And vote for Roy.
Dear Sierra Madre Community,
We are happy to endorse Larry Torres to serve on the Pasadena Unified School
Board, District 6, which represents the Sierra Madre Community. As Principals
Emeriti of Sierra Madre School, we have had the pleasure of knowing Larry for the
past fifteen years. During those years he was actively involved in supporting the
Sierra Madre School Community by:
- Serving in a leadership capacity on the School Site Council.
- Assisting in writing the school plan.
- Working with Title I School Improvement.
- Becoming involved with school fund raisers.
- Supporting the arts.
- Working for the passage of Measure Y and Measure TT construction projects.
- Promoting the establishment of the middle school.
Because he is an educator himself, with up to date knowledge of curriculum and
state education standards, Larry’s input in writing the school plan helped our staff
recognize and meet viable goals. During Larry’s tenure on the School Site Council,
the school’s API scores grew tremendously, making Sierra Madre School the first in
the District to break the 900 mark on the state’s assessment.
Larry is an avid supporter of the arts in the schools, and every Sierra Madre School
student from grades k-8 performs on stage at least once per year. Larry has participated
in several aspects of Sierra Madre School’s yearly auction, which raises money to
maintain and grow an outstanding visual and performing arts program. He has been
adamant about the need for all students to enjoy meaningful art opportunities.
While Larry is firmly attached to the Sierra Madre Community, he sees the big
picture and will be able to work positively with all of the PUSD stakeholders. He sees
the importance of good educational opportunities for tomorrow’s young people. He
worked diligently for the passage of Measures Y and TT and for the building of the
new Sierra Madre Middle School. Larry has many friends and family members living
in Sierra Madre and his two daughters attended Sierra Madre School. The eldest,
Camille, graduated from LaSalle High School and is now a junior at Cal Poly Pomona.
Emilie, the younger daughter is an actively involved junior at PHS.
Because of Larry’s integrity, knowledge, sense of community, collaboration and
leadership skills, he will make a hard working and productive member of the PUSD
Board of Education. We strongly support him for Seat Number 6, representing the
city of Sierra Madre.
Ty Gaffney
Sierra Madre School Principal 1998-2006
Gayle Bluemel
Sierra Madre School Principal 2006-2011
Roy and Congresswoman Judy Chu
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HOWARD Hays As I See It
GREG Welborn
I just finished a great history of WWII and happened to watch a
cable rerun of The Monuments Men. Key points in both led me to
the sobering conclusion that the apocalypse is not something that
is only supposed to happen in some other generation’s future, but
instead is more real and ever more probable now than any time in
The Monuments Men is a movie about a real unit of ally soldiers
who were tasked with saving the great works of art and civilization
from Nazi destruction. One of the key historical elements in the movie was the very real
orders Hitler gave for the destruction of a thousand years of European artwork and for the
destruction of Paris as the Nazis retreated. Such an undertaking was not possible at the
hands of one lone madman; Hitler had many willing followers in the form of the SS who
were more than enthusiastic in destroying staples of European civilization. Were it not for
one German general who refused to destroy Paris, we may well have lost that beautiful city.
The other WWII history I read highlighted many of the strategic turning points in the
war. What is little realized today is that Nazi Germany was also pursuing the development
of a nuclear bomb and was in fact very close developing it. The entire course of WWII can
be seen as a race toward the development of the bomb. Had the Germans won that race,
can there be any doubt they would have used it unmercifully and overtaken much of the
Returning to the theme of this week’s article – Apocalypse Now – next month’s Atlantic
magazine contains an article by Graeme Wood which informs us with undeniable facts
and logic that we are in a race with ISIS and Iran, which if the west loses will very likely
result in a very real apocalypse.
Those words are not chosen lightly. They’re not inflammatory or hyperbolic; they’re
realistically descriptive of what ISIS and Iran want, and will launch, if we let them. Both
are on record as stating that it is their duty to bring about “apocalypse” because God calls
for it. Their recent actions show they are all too willing to act on these messianic visions.
There is no false posturing with them.
Graeme Woods interviewed an Islamic leader in London who stated that “the [Islamic]
state has an obligation to terrorize its enemies”. ISIS actually considers itself the leader
in bringing about the end of the world, committed to “purifying the world by killing vast
numbers of people”. Further evidence is provided to show that ISIS consciously seeks to
“return civilization to a seventh-century legal environment and ultimately to bring about
the apocalypse”.
ISIS’s actions leave no room for doubt. The atrocities which make the front page in the
west are only the tip of the iceberg. As Woods points out, social media posts chronicle
daily individual executions and weekly mass executions. Most of the victims are fellow
Here in the west, and especially in Obama’s administration, there is a temptation to
dismiss the danger because those who lead ISIS and who rule Iran are only a minority
within Islam, thus delegitimizing their religious credentials and their commitment to
actually carrying out any apocalyptic plan. That argument is very dangerous, and may yet
be fatal to us. It doesn’t matter if ISIS and the Iranian Mullahs are in the minority. If they
truly believe themselves to be acting on their deeply held religious beliefs (even warped
ones at odds with other Islamic teaching), they can still do untold damage to the world if
allowed to succeed.
In the atomic age – and more certainly in the age of biological weapons – even a small
minority can kill millions. If allowed to win the race to obtain their own nuclear weapon,
they will use it against the west and/or Israel. No matter which target is selected, such an
act would unavoidably bring about an equal retaliation – the apocalypse.
The Obama administration’s plan won’t work for two primary reasons. First, they do
not acknowledge there is a real and serious enemy to fight, and secondarily they do not
realize we are in a race with Iran. The President stubbornly refuses to acknowledge the
religious intensity which drives our enemy, turning instead to rationalizations of moral
equivalence with the crusaders of 1,000 years ago and to justifications stemming from
insufficient economic opportunity.
Iran and ISIS are drawn from the same cloth – both religiously and philosophically
driven by a desire to destroy Israel and to bring about the apocalypse. They know that
obtaining the bomb will give them the weapon which will allow the one of them to launch
against Israel and the other to sneak such a weapon into the U.S. or Europe.
It is clear at this point that the solution does not, and will never, lie with this president.
Fortunately, our system provides a way for more informed and rational people to counter
Obama’s self-delusion. The House and the Senate have the right, and the moral obligation,
to hear the words and advice of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. It is not an exaggeration
to say that the security of western civilization lies now in the hands of this one man’s ability
to awaken us from a dangerous stupor. The race can still be won, but we’re in the last lap.
About the author: Gregory J. Welborn is a freelance writer and has spoken to several
civic and religious organizations on cultural and moral issues. He lives in the Los Angeles
area with his wife and 3 children and is active in the community. He can be reached
“We don’t really care if you are a Christian, Buddhist, what your religious
affiliation is or what your sexual affiliation is. It doesn’t matter.”
- Butch Berry, mayor of Eureka Springs, Arkansas
“People are very friendly here. I would love to live here.”
- Dixie Hankins, visitor to Eureka Springs from Reno, Nevada
From the comments I received in response to my last column (maybe one or two), I
thought I’d continue on with more stories of Republicans in state government throughout
the country. So many stories appeared just as I was sending my last column in, and I’m
concerned some states may have felt slighted for having been left out.
Eureka Springs (less than half the population of Sierra Madre) made the news with its
attempt to enact its own gay anti-discrimination law. In response, and as a warning to other
locales, the Arkansas legislature passed a bill prohibiting localities from passing anything
more restrictive than what’s provided for under state law. Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) says he’ll
let it pass without his signature, so for now gays can continue to be discriminated against in
employment, housing and public accommodations throughout Arkansas – no matter how
the folks in Eureka Springs feel about it.
Oklahoma Rep. Sally Kern (R) got a bill out of committee that not only bans public funds
from being used to issue same-sex marriage licenses, but threatens removal from office, loss
of pay, pension and benefits for any official who goes ahead and issues them anyway.
In an Idaho hearing on a bill prohibiting remotely-prescribed abortifacients without
an in-person examination, Dr. Julie Madsen, testifying against the bill, was asked by Rep.
Vito Barbieri (R) whether a woman swallowing a tiny camera might allow for a remote
gynecological exam. The doctor had to explain to Rep. Barbieri how a woman’s anatomy is
not really set up that way.
Also in Idaho, a county Republican committee is pushing a resolution that Idaho be
“formally and specifically declared a Christian state”.
Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore (R) on her radio show called cancer a “fungus”
which can somehow be flushed out with some saline / baking soda solution. She was recently
ousted as head of the assembly’s taxation committee. Fiore blames it on Republicans’ “war on
women”. Others cite the million dollars in tax liens placed on her “personal care” business.
I mentioned last week Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s (R) cutting education spending by
$300 million, a third of its total budget. He shouldn’t be singled out. In Wisconsin, Gov.
Scott Walker (R) also cut $300 million from education to help cover a $650 budget hole,
largely a result of having doled out $2 billion in tax cuts. For Arizona’s $1.5 billion shortfall,
new Gov. Doug Ducey (R) wants to take $75 million from education in order to “preserve
major business tax cuts.” Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner (R) is cutting $387 million from public
universities hoping to make a dent in his $6.2 billion budget shortfall.
With Gov. Rauner, he could make up a healthy chunk of that cut out of his own pocket,
having reported personal income of $61 million for 2013. For the state, he’s pushing to have
highway workers’ average pay cut from $49,000 to $39,000. He’s cutting healthcare, services
for the elderly, childcare, drug and mental health programs and the Department of Children
and Family Services. Another thing he’s cutting is taxes for the state’s wealthiest – a cut
which will save him personally some $750,000 a year.
In South Dakota, Rep. Isaac Latterell (R) ranted on his website about the one thing he
calls “worse than ISIS”: Planned Parenthood.
A Judge in New Jersey ruled against Gov. Chris Christie’s (R) attempt to cut $1.6 billion
from its public pension contributions, explaining the state can’t “simply walk away from its
financial obligations, especially when those obligations were the State’s own creation.”
Montana could have a column all its own. SB 130 mandates armed paramilitary
groups in every locality, in order to protect against “the grave danger posed by the federal
government”. HB 321, entitled “Encourage Critical Thinking in the Classroom”, would
offer “legal immunity” for teachers using the Bible for science instruction. Under HB 203 it
wouldn’t be a crime to violate federal gun laws, but it would be for any police officer, state
trooper, sheriff, etc. to try and enforce them. Whether it’s machine guns, rockets, cannons,
they’d all be fine in Montana – and there’s a separate bill to allow silencers for hunting.
Sarah Goodfriend and Suzanne Bryant have been together for 31 years, and are raising
two kids. A judge hurried through a marriage license for them, citing the urgency of
Goodfriend’s diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Now, the top three officials in the State of Texas,
Gov. Greg Abbott (R), Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) and Atty. Gen. Ken Paxton (R), are all
working with their own sense of urgency to see that that license is revoked.
A bill proposed by House Republicans in West Virginia would make it a felony for
any federal official, a misdemeanor for any state official, punishable by fines and/or
imprisonment, to help anyone in the state get coverage under the Affordable Care Act.
The question is, “Who elects these people?” According to a Public Policy Polling survey of
Republican voters released last week, 66% of them don’t believe in global warming. 49% don’t
believe in evolution, with 13% “not sure”. 57% would support “establishing Christianity as
the national religion.”
Though the figure from a YouGov survey showing that only 47% of Americans feel
President Obama “loves America” seems low (17% not sure), the figure is skewed by the fact
only 11% of Republicans believe our president loves his country.
Maybe there’s a reason Republican legislators are so anxious to cut education funding.
But I think it would be wrong to seek answers by generalizing according to education level,
region, big city vs small town, whatever. Just ask the folks in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
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