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11ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 6, 2015 11ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 6, 2015 


By Sean Kayden 

Surfer Blood – ‘1000 originality for the foursome, but also a testament 

Palms’ – Released on that both time and youth are priceless commodities. 

May 12th, 2015 - Florida The album is a cautious, but often-assertive exertion 

surf-rock aficionados from a band that is at crossroads with their music 

Surfer Blood arrive with and their own specific lives. With this record, Surfer 

their follow up to 2013’s Blood is introspective on relationships, youth, 

‘Pythons’. The band and the essence of time—all things that have an 
has turned a new leaf by parting ways with their appointed expiration date attached to them. 
major label (WB Records). 
Currently, on indie label 

Urban Cone – ‘Polaroid 
Joyful Noise Recordings, the 

Memories’ - Released on May 
band has shifted back to their 

12th, 2015 - Swedish indie 
indie roots. However, a deeply 

pop collective Urban Cone 
somber situation has recently 

may specialize in infectious 
come to light. Guitarist Thomas 

electropop, but they bring a 
Fekete has left the group due to 

different approach than their 
a medical diagnosis for a rare 

US counterparts. In 2013, via 
form of cancer that had spread 

Universal Music Group, Urban 
to his lungs and spine. With 

Cone released ‘Our Youth’—a 
his absence and optimistic 

tantalizingly delightful debut 
recovery in mind, Surfer Blood 

that allowed them to transfer 
remains in tack with their third 

some of their momentum 
LP, ‘1000 Palms’. In light of all 

from abroad to American soil. 
this, it is certainly the group’s 

With two years dividing the 
most established record to 

releases, there is even a greater 
date. In 2015, several bands 

accessible pop sound to be 
are attempting to change their 

heard on the sophomore record, 
signature formula, as they get 

‘Polaroid Memories’. Urban 
further into their individual 

Cone shares some similarities 
careers. While Surfer Blood 

with Australian synth-poppers, 
isn’t reshaping their fuzzy, 

The Griswolds, who they are 
summery and laidback vibe, 

coincidentally opening up for 
they are however taking an 

on their own US headlining 
essential step forward to refine 

tour in June. However, despite 
their true creativity. The results 

the similarity in quality, Urban 
are great with a dreamlike vibe 

Cone has created a compilationand a wistfulness that still 

of eleven synth-driven and 
suggests confidence throughout

poppy infused tracks that are 
the course of eleven tracks. affluent with jubilance. In fact, 

submerged underneath many of the glib sounding 
With an independent label supporting them again, tracks is much depth to be discovered. This results 
the band took the liberties of self-recording and self-in strong replay value for these songs off ‘Polaroid 
producing their latest endeavor. With more creative Memories’. This quality is something that is greatly 
control than ever before, Surfer Blood are able to missing in the excess of bands grooming their indieeduce 
a new beginning in an entirely unrestricted pop penchants. 
way. ‘1000 Palms’ serves as not only as a leap in 

On the Marquee: 
Notes from the Sierra MadrePlayhouse 
where much of the action takes place, as well as

the honky tonk bar where she and Patsy met, anda bandstand which will stand in for the various 

By Artistic Director,

stages on which Patsy sang (the show features 19

Christian Lebano 

of her classic songs!) A set has to create a world 
for both the audiences and for the actors. I think 

I came across a line that struck me while reading

this one will live in our theater beautifully. What 

the wonderful Canadian writer Robertson Davies’ 

you can’t see from this rendering is that we are

The Lyre of Orpheus: “I hate theatre where the 

planning on turning the audience area into a

audience is told to use its imagination. That’s 

honky tonk as well. 

cheap. The audience lays down its good money torent imagination from somebody who has more

Please come see how well we’ve done with our 

than they ever dreamed of. Somebody like me.

imaginations when the show opens on July 31.

Imagination’s my only stock-in –trade.” 

Tickets are already selling! The Odd Couple hasbeen playing to delighted houses and will play

That passage stopped me when I read it. I agree

until June 27. 

with it mostly – always so satisfying to be reallydazzled by an inventive stage 
design. AND the reason I like to 
give audiences a little surprise inevery production. Think of the tent 
and the campfire in Battledrum orthe use of the trap for the trunk ofthe car in Driving Miss Daisy. That 
said, I can think of a few bare-bones 
productions that I’ve loved – butI think those were the proverbialrule-proovers! 

I’ve been so pleased with whatwe’ve been accomplishing at thePlayhouse with our sets recently.
We’ve had the good fortune to havesome wonderful designers workwith us and I think the sets have 
been really wonderful – from themess of Oscar’s Upper West Side apartment in TheOdd Couple to the simplicity of the Ingall’s cabin

Remember we give 20% discounts for groups of

in A Little House Christmas. Our designers have

10 or more who purchase their tickets ahead of

used their imaginations to our benefit. I love 

their attendance date. Please call Mary Baville at

standing at the entrance to our auditorium and

626.355.4318 to arrange your purchase. 

listen to patrons react to the set for the first time.
As they sit there waiting for the play to begin, I

As always we do it for you – our SMP family –

really hope that audiences will be prepped to enter

whose support and loyalty mean so much to us

the world of the play. 

and for whom we hope we bring pleasure and joyand moving experiences in the theater. Please let 

We have the good fortune to have our local Sierra

me know how you think we are doing. Reach me 

Madrean John Vertrees working with us again


on Always…Patsy Cline, our next show. As youcan see, his design renders Louise Seger’s kitchen 

Jeff’s Book Picks By Jeff Brown 

ON THE MOVE: A LIFE by Oliver Sacks readers .Zephyr, Alabama, is an idyllic hometownWhen Oliver Sacks was twelve years old, afor eleven-year-old Cory Mackenson—a placeperceptive schoolmaster wrote in his report:where monsters swim the river deep and friends are“Sacks will go far, if he does not go too far.” It isforever. Then, one cold spring morning, Cory andnow abundantly clear that Sacks has never stoppedhis father witness a car plunge into a lake—and agoing. From its opening pages on his youthfuldesperate rescue attempt brings his father face-toobsession 
with motorcycles and speed, On theface with a terrible vision of death that will haunt 
Move is infused with his restless energy. As hehim forever. As Cory struggles to understand hisrecounts his experiences 

father’s pain, his eyes areas a young neurologist

slowly opened to the forcesin the early 1960s, first

of good and evil that arein California, where 

manifested in Zephyr.
he struggled with drug

From an ancient, mystical 
addiction, and then in New 

woman who can hear 
York, where he discovered 

the dead and bewitch the 
a long-forgotten illness in

living, to a violent clan ofthe back wards of a chronic 

moonshiners, Cory musthospital, we see how his

confront the secrets that 
engagement with patients

hide in the shadows of his 
comes to define his life. 

hometown—for his father’s 
With unbridled honesty 

sanity and his own life hangand humor, Sacks shows 

in the balance.Spendingus that the same energy

time with young Cory is athat drives his physical

magical wonderful time. 
passions—weight lifting 
and swimming—also


STORY OF DISASTER drives his cerebral passions.

AND SURVIVAL ON He writes about his love 

THE ANTARCTIC SEAS affairs, both romantic 

by Matt Lewis There’s 
over leaving his family to

and intellectual; his guilt

nothing that armchair 
come to America; his bond 

adventure lovers relish 
with his schizophrenic 

more than a grippingbrother; and the writers 

true story of disaster andand scientists—Thom 

heroism, and Last Man 
Gunn, A. R. Luria, W. H. Off delivers all that againstAuden, Gerald M. Edelman, Francis Crick—who a breathtaking backdrop of icebergs and killerinfluenced him. On the Move is the story of awhales. On June 6, 1998, twenty-three-year-oldbrilliantly unconventional physician and writer—Matt Lewis had just started his dream job as aand of the man who has illuminated the manyscientific observer aboard a deep-sea fishing boatways that the brain makes us human. in the waters off Antarctica. As the crew haul in the 

line for the day, a storm begins to brew. When theBOY’S LIFE by Robert McCammoncaptain vanishes and they are forced to abandonDon’t miss the thrilling novel from this #1 New Yorkship, Lewis leads the escape onto three life rafts,
Times bestselling author.A favorite book of many where the battle for survival begins. 


your loved ones stay out of Court and the assets you’veworked so hard for make it to the people you want to havethem. 

If your assets are not titled in the name of your trustcorrectly, that won’t happen. Your loved ones will have togo to Court to take ownership and control of your assets.
And, oftentimes, they may not even be able to find yourassets. There are currently billions of dollars in assetssitting in the State Departments of Unclaimed Propertybecause people die and their loved ones didn’t know whatthey had.

One of the things we do in our office is prepare a FamilyWealth Inventory to ensure your assets are easily locatedby your family. As long as it is kept up to date (and we helpwith that, too) you’ll never have to worry that what youare working so hard to create will be lost when you are 
Plus, when you have a relationship with our office,
we’ll make sure your loved ones know just what to do ifanything ever happens to you.
Incentivize your children to grow your wealth, not 
squander it. As I mentioned, most trust plans are crafted

IS YOUR LIVING TRUST to distribute assets outright to kids when they turn certainages, whether they are ready for it or not. And chances are REALLY GOING TO that if you die when your kids are still young, they will notbe ready to fully inherit your wealth at an early age.WORK FOR THE PEOPLE We recommend you use your living trust to properlyprepare your children to receive their inheritance.YOU LOVE? That means allowing them to be a co-trustee for some

period of time before receiving full control of theirTraditionally, one of the primary reasons for establishingtrust assets. It means introducing them to us, if we area living trust has been to avoid probate. But your livingyour lawyer, so we can begin to help guide them duringtrust that can help you accomplish much more than that,your lifetime and not wait until after you are gone.

if it’s set up correctly: 
You may also want to consider making small lifetime

Asset protection for heirs. One of the most significantgifts into an irrevocable trust for their benefit so you canbenefits of a living trust can be to protect inherited assetsstart to teach them how to grow the assets while you arefor heirs. For example, because minor children are notliving and enter into a partnership for creating moreallowed by law to inherit property, a guardian is appointedfamily wealth that can last for generations.
by the state to hold the property for them until they reachOne of the main goals of my law firm is to help families

the age of 18. Most parents would agree, however, that 18like yours plan for the safe, successful transfer of wealthis still too young to manage even a modest the next generation. Call our office today if you have aExecuting a living trust on the other hand, allowstrust that hasn’t been reviewed recently or if you’re readyyou to control how and when an inheritance isto get a comprehensive plan in place to protect your loved 

distributed and to name a trusted person to act as 

trustee. In addition, a living trust can be especiallyTo your family’s health, wealth, and happiness, 
useful in protecting assets from spendthrift heirs,
their creditors or a potential divorce, if it’s set up right.
Most living trusts I review have been set up todistribute assets outright to kids at age 21, 25, or 30 insteadof keeping assets in trust for the life of the kids – andeventually giving the kids control of those assets. This 
type of planning is still fairly unknown to most attorneys,A local attorney, father, and CASA volunteer (Courtbut can ensure that what you leave to your kids will not beAppointed Special Advocate for Children), Marc Garlett is

at risk from any future divorces, lawsuits, bankruptcies oron a mission to help parents protect what they love most.
other creditor matters. His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, Sierra 
Ensure none of your assets are lost. The vast majorityMadre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointment to sit down

of the time a living trust is created, one of the mostand talk about ensuring a legacy of love and financialimportant and valuable aspects of creating the trust is lostsecurity for your family by calling 626.355.4000 or visit-- making sure that when you become incapacitated or die for more information. 

Sometimes the simplest thing can make a difference.
It’s amazing how many “businesses” are using a Gmail, Yahoo, AOL or other generic email addressas their primary business email address. Seeing a generic email address is a red flag that says –“Thisisn’t a real business!” or worse “This is spam!” 
Having your business name in your email address is not expensive (instead of,
use Annual domain registration is about $15 per year. Most domainregistry services like include an email address or two.
Once you have your email address, put it to good use. Reach out to your current customers with email 
marketing. At least once per month, send your current customers a professional looking, brandedmarketing message using an email service provider like Constant Contact.
Next, reach beyond your current customers. Social media can help build your audience, but theplay for free days are coming to an end. So you need to set aside some of your budget for advertising 
on these channels. 
Facebook’s ad model is affordable and can be very effective. Yes, you will need to have a campaign 
strategy and relevant message/call-to-action and you will need to experiment and adjust. But the 
exposure should pay off. We’ve seen businesses grow awareness, sales and engagement by using 
Facebook ads and not really spending a lot of money. 
So, back to the $100 investment for a 3-month campaign: 
1. Purchase a domain for your business = $152. Constant Contact Email Marketing starts at $20/month x 3 months = $60*
3. Facebook ads = $10 x 3 months =$30* 
4. That leaves $5 for a cup of coffee – Bonus! 
Why not spend it all in one month? You certainly could, but repetition, consistency andperseverance tend to be a better strategy. Hence the 3 months time frame mentioned above. 
About MJ: MJ and her brother David own HUTdogs, a creative services business that helps their clients build a 
strong on-line presence. “Like” them on Facebook for trending news in social media, internet marketing and other 
helpful tips, Sign up for their upcoming workshops at:
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: