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Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 6, 2015 
Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 6, 2015 
It’s great to have 
a few poses right 
at our fingertipsto help cope with 
stress. Although we 
each have our own 
individual needs, here are a few key poses that can

help all of us shift perspective and melt stress.

1. Child’s pose is a wonderful go-to relaxing &
releasing pose. Start on your hands and knees (bodylike a table) and bring hips back to your heels onexhale. Your forehead should rest comfortably on thefloor, or on a block. Toes are untucked in this pose.
Arms can remain in front (palms face down) or cometo rest along side your body (palms facing up). Beginto breathe in this pose, taking 8-12 breaths.
2. Straddle leg forward fold is both a forward foldand an inversion. It has incredible benefits, the biggestof which is that it stimulates the parasympatheticnervous system. This generates a calming response toour entire body. From standing, take the feet apartapproximately 3 1/2 to 4 feet. Make sure the feet are 
By Dennis Buckley, DC 
“The first step to wealth is health.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson 
the word nutritious, or is it good or right for you? Doesthis food empower you or weaken you?

Many people on the road to success intentionally orunintentionally sacrifice a lot. Health is one of those The same with debt, good debt is what people oweaspects of life that tends to be neglected on the road toyou or the investments that are a cost to you but bring asuccess. Many people spend the first part of their lifereturn. Good debt compounds in a way that raises yourearning a much as they can and then spend the secondassets, bad debt, credit cards, revolving charge cards,
half trying to buy back the health that was to pay bills are bad debt and eat away at you just

 One of our greatest assets is our health. Without itas if you were putting bad things in your body. You canthe other aspects of life may be diminished and are noteither add to your bank account or your health or chipable to be enjoyed. With it, all the other aspects becomeaway at it until it no longer serves youmore valuable.Sleep/Rest -Philanthropy. Sleep and rest provide

 When we invest our money in financial investments,a chance for your body to repair itself. During yourwhether it is stocks and bonds, mutual funds, businesses waking hours your body is in mostly a catabolic state oror projects, we do so with a hope that we will be givena breakdown state, as your body breaks down proteins,
a return on our investments or interest. Hopefullyfats, and carbohydrates for energy. When you rest youwe have learned the lesson of compound interestgive back to your body a chance to repair as it goes intoover many years of how with regular deposits we canan anabolic state or build up. Giving this time back toaccumulate quite a fortune. The same with debt and theyour body ensures that your body will serve you thenegative effects of compound interest which can cost usnext day and beyond. You can’t just take, take, take,
a fortune over time.from your body. It will break down and not be able to

 In regards to our health, there are things we can do tobe repaired.
invest in our selves to promote and protect our health. If The same with philanthropy or giving back. Usingwe do these things on a regular basis, making depositsyour resources to give back empowers the world andin our selves, we can provide a wealth of health thatprovides the stimulus to show others that they tooallows us to enjoy this journey through life withoutshould give back. If everyone just took, took, took, therephysical limitations. As in financial investments wheresoon would be none left for anyone and we would allwe can receive interest, in personal investments we canperish. Giving back provides you the chance to be areceive self-interest. This is different than selfishness center of distribution as things flow through you. Whenfor our self-interest in this context gives us the capacityyou give you actually set up a momentum to allow it toto do more for more people, gives us the discipline tocome back to you. As you sleep you give back to yourmanage ourselves and in turn increases our ability tobody a chance to work so that in the future you can livehelp others, and positions us as a model for others toand live well. Those who give back allow the world inaspire to.which they live to share in their wealth and allow it to

 Think of those people you know who exude health andflow back to them. It is no secret that the most affluent 
confidence? Are they productive, resourceful, positive,people are also the biggest givers.
energetic and confident? Do you want to be in theirPosture – Risk Tolerance. In health good posture iscircle of influence? If you aspire to these things then youessential to allowing your body to function with thewill want to be in their presence to inspire and motivate greatest efficiency. Poor posture stresses the body andyou.makes it work harder and wears it out faster. How you

 Now, if you can, think of those who are struggling.stand, sit, sleep and move is dependent on the properI’m not talking about short term but those who areposture and its effect on health.
always struggling. What is their presence like? Are they In Wealth building risk tolerance is the posture you takepositive and confident? Do they use their resources wellto maximize your potential. When you are younger youor do they even realize what they have? Do they inspirecan be more risky in regards to wealth building becauseyou? Do they suck the energy out of you? Do you wantyou have time to correct for the ups and downs becauseto be in their presence? Probably not, so in regards tothe greater the risk the greater the reward. When youhealth and wealth you must look at what actions peopleget older and you need to protect your assets your riskare taking. Are they positive and constructive actions ortolerance may change to be less risky. It all depends onnegative and destructive actions?what you are trying to accomplish and at what time.

 There are principles upon which health is founded just Attitude – Spending plan/Budget. It is said attitudeas there are principles upon which wealth is founded. Itis everything. Your attitude will set your altitude andis not surprising that there are parallels between the twoit’s not what happens to you it is how you respond toas they are similar. it. Well it is more than that. There is a physiological

component to attitude and it is known that a positive

It has been put forth that the pillars of health are:

attitude is an immune system enhancer. Your immune

system protects your body from unfriendly invaders

and keeps you healthy.

Your spending plan or budget functions the same
way. It protects your financial health by making sure
Structure and function that your assets are allocated properly, that you canmeet your obligations, build wealth and not overextend
It has also been postulated that the pillars of wealth building yourself exposing you to problems. Your budget protectsare: you and helps to extend your financial life.

Goal Setting 
Structure-Function/Tax Planning. In health, the

Debt Management 
relationship between structure and function 

Risk Tolerance 
paramount. Structure can influence function. If an
Spending Plan/Budget 
artery is blocked in the heart, that is poor structure and
Tax Planning can compromise the function of the heart. In wealthbuilding, tax planning and structuring your investments
The commonality of these principles are as follows: 
can be the difference between wealth building or wealthcompromise. Just as there are many things you can do

 Exercise – Goal Setting. In health, exercise is one of the

to improve the structure of your body so it functions

two most important activities along with good nutrition 

well, you can structure your investments and your tax

as a foundation of good health. The body needs 

planning so that you can maximize your returns and

movement to lubricate the joints, move fluids around so

fulfill your tax responsibilities.

they won’t stagnate, reduce stress, build cardiovascular

 These are but a few examples of comparisons between

endurance and burn calories.

health and wealth building. You invest in yourself as

 Exercise rarely “just happens” but is planned and

you invest in the finance market for a return on your

made part of one’s schedule. The same is true with

investment; interest in the form of dividends and gains

wealth building and goal setting. What are you working

and self interest as you build health.

towards? Is it describable, measurable, and does it fit 

 Considering the fact that the number one reason people

within the larger structure of ones life?

file bankruptcy is medical expenses, by improving

It is said that a goal is a dream not yet realized. To

your health and minimizing the debilitating effects of

make that dream come true action must be taken to 

preventable health conditions, you avoid expenses that

move one toward that goal. Goal setting spurns action,

can drain your financial house of its foundations and 

exercise is action.


 Nutrition – Debt Management. In health, nutrition is

 So in your journey to personal success make sure that

the fuel for your body. What you eat you become. Along

the promoting and protecting the health of your body is

with exercise, nutrition it is the foundation of good

also at the top of your priority list. 

health. You can eat anything but nutrition gives way to 

Dr. Tina is a traditional 
naturopath and nutri-
tionist at Vibrant Living 
Wellness Center 


At Vibrant Livingexpanded her knowledge of the overlap of the Body,

Wellness Center Mind, and Spirit connection and began studying

we treat the cause Reiki, Nutrition Response Testing (NRT) and

of your problems Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET). She focused

not the symptoms.on the overlap of these aspects as they applied to

We uses a uniqueFunctional Nutrition by looking for the root cause

testing method toof health and wellness issues rather than a quick fix.

identify sensitivitiesNow, after coming full circle with her education,

and nutritional Heidi works with clients one-on-one utilizingdeficiencies to bring about optimum health safelyall of her education and tools to help her clientsand naturally.achieve maximum results with their health goals.

We use Nutrition Response Testing, a non-In this way, she is able to provide a supportiveinvasive system that analyzes the body to determineand nourishing environment for the health andthe underlying cause to non-optimum health.well-being of her clients. She has had the pleasureUsing this system we precisely identify yourof helping many men and women to achievebody’s specific barriers to your health and thenbalanced health and eliminate long-standing healthintelligently tackles each barrier until your healthchallenges!
is restored. The procedure is simple, with the bodyHeidi joins Dr. Tina, a traditional naturopath, at 
providing all of the information and feedbackVibrant Living Wellness Center. Tina began herneeded. We help your body bring about healing…studies in naturopathy after becoming sick herself.
exactly as Nature intended. The body respondsShe was a misdiagnosis and spent a considerableto the procedure reliably and consistently even inamount of time on a medication that she did not 
cases where everything else has failed.need. That medication began to erode her health.

We are pleased to have Heidi Hoffman, With each passing month she felt worse. After moreregistered dietician join our practice as our newestthan 2 years of feeling awful she began her ownpractioner. Heidi received a traditional education research. She came to the conclusion that her bodyin Nutritional Science from California State did not have what it needed to perform optimallyUniversity, Los Angeles and a Masters in Publicand heal itself. She made permanent changes to herHealth from UCLA. Over the 18 years that she hasdiet along with whole food supplementation so thatbeen in the Nutrition Field, Heidi has explored theher body could do what it does best, heal itself.
many aspects of nutrition by getting experienceAfter receiving her Doctor of Naturopathy degree,
in a variety of settings, including hospitals, long-Dr Tina went on to receive certification in plantterm care facilities, outpatient counseling, andbased nutrition from Cornell University and isthe Women, Infant, and Children Supplementalan Advanced Clinical Nutrition graduate of UlanNutrition Program (WIC).Nutritional Systems.

After years of having her own health issues ofThrough her experience with her current andpoor digestion and excess weight, Heidi sought outpast clients Dr. Tina Truly feels that most symptomsalternative treatments to discover the cause. She are preventable and or reversible. She wants you tolearned that she had some food sensitivities and know there is hope and she can help. 
was in need of digestive supplements. Her healthbegan to improve and her body began to releaseCheck out our website at www.vibrantlivingwc.
the weight. Born out of a desire to help otherscom to what our clients have to say about their healthwith their health issues like she was helped, she improvements. 

I’ve written here many times about wines andtheir trends and popularity. One spring thepopular wine is a merlot and the next it’s back tochardonnay. Is there a “Sideways” movie sequelon the horizon? 
What’s hot at the moment seems to be pinotnoir. It’s so popular, in fact, that there is a festivalcelebrating that grape. The Pasadena Grand Pinot 
Fest will take place today (details below) in SouthPasadena. 
I called my friend Anthony Riboli. Anthony isa fourth generation winemaker with San AntonioWinery, LA’s oldest active winery and producerof some fine wines including a pinot noir straightfrom the highlands of Santa Lucia near Montereyunder the San Simeon label. I took a tour with 
is versatile, it is ready to open, drink, and enjoy. Totake your own tour, call ahead to (323) 223-1401- the bonus is that you don’t have to drive too farfor real wine tasting. 
Dills Score 90 
Alcohol 14.9 
Each week I will give you my Dills Score. Startingwith a base of 50 points, I have added 8 pointsfor color, 8 points for aroma or “nose”, 8 pointsfor taste, 8 points for finish, and 8 points for myoverall impression, which includes my valuerating. 
Tune into Dining w/ Dills Sunday 6 PM onKLAA AM RadioEmail Peter at thechefknows@ and follow me on Twitter @
Save The Date: Join me at the premiere wine 
event of the San Gabriel Valley the 8th Annual 
Anthony last week and he showed me the FrenchUncorked is on June 27th at the Santa Anita Race 

oak barrels that store his pinot noir juice for atTrack. Tickets can be purchased in advance, and 
least ten months. Anthony says, “Monterey isproceeds benefit local charities. (626) 574-race 

great for pinot noir due to its cool climate, whichis highly influenced by fog and wind from theMonterey Bay. These weather conditions allowoptimal fruit maturation and concentration offlavors, such as black cherry and raspberry.” 

Luckily for me, the downtown LA winery hasa tasting area. I enjoyed the fruit-driven flavorsAnthony spoke about as well as the light tanninsthat the oak ageing produced for this 2012 Pinot.
Pinot noir is one of the most resilient grapes,
and I can see why its popularity is skyrocketing.
2012 was a very good harvest. This reasonablypriced pinot noir will be the perfect addition toany backyard BBQ or weekend pasta meal withfamily and friends. Anthony says since the wine 

pointed straight ahead, and begin to fold forward.
There can be a slight bend to the knees to assist tightmuscles. Place fingertips or hands down between thelegs or just in front (resting on a block or small ofbooks if you need to be higher). Begin to breathe inthis pose, taking 8-12 breaths.

3. Legs up-the-wall is another great pose. Simplysit sideways next to a wall with your knees to yourchest. Begin to lay down on your side, slowly creepinglegs up the wall. Torso remains on the earth and legstogether, up the wall as you turn onto your back. Stayhere in this pose breathing steadily for 3-5 minutes.
Try these three poses and see how they work foryou. Make sure you’re comfortable and pain free.

The most important part is to engage in conscious,
mindful breathing (through the nose) while you’rethere. 
See you in class friends! 


Keely Totten 

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