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Mountain Views News Saturday, June 27, 2015 
B5BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS Mountain Views News Saturday, June 27, 2015 

that gift is what you paid for your home.
For example, let’s say you paid $150,000 foryour home many years ago. You then add yourchildren to the deed at some point, which the IRSdeems a gift. After you die, the children sell thehome for the current market value of, let’s say,
$550,000. They will be taxed on the differencebetween the cost basis of $150,000 and the sale 
price of $550,000 – or $400,000. That’s a hugetax burden you’ve left for your children.
It would be better if your children inherited theproperty via your will, then selling it under thescenario described above would not create the 
same tax liability because their cost basis wouldbe what the property was worth when theyinherited it (that being the current market valueof $550,000).
But there is an even better way; much better infact. While inheriting property through a will

HOW TO PASS REAL does avoid some of the tax issues discussed above, 
it does NOT avoid probate. The way to avoid tax


issues AND probate is by creating a living trust andtitling the property in the name of the trust, and


naming your children as the trust’s beneficiaries.
Many parents believe that by adding children’sYou avoid – or more accurately, your kids avoid –
names to a property deed, they can easilythe problems and costs of probate and do so in apass along that property to their way.
Unfortunately, those who act on that belief oftenSo if you own real estate, give us a call today. Wefind they have invited more problems than theywill review your current deed and advise you onhave avoided. on the easiest and most cost effective ways to passThis is because in California, when more than it to your children.
one person owns property together and they areTo your family’s health, wealth, and happiness, 
not married, the default form of title ownershipis referred to as tenants in common. This means 
that if one of the owners dies, his or her ownershipshare does not transfer to the other owner(s).
Instead, it goes to the deceased owner’s heirsthrough probate.
The problems of probate (and there are many)
can be avoided if the deed designates property

A local attorney, father, and CASA volunteer (Court

ownership as joint tenants with the right of

Appointed Special Advocate for Children), Marc Garlett is

survivorship. However, there are several big

on a mission to help parents protect what they love most.

reasons why it may not be advisable for you to

His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, Sierra 
deed real estate to your children in this manner,Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointment to sit downwith adverse tax consequences topping the list.and talk about ensuring a legacy of love and financialThis is because deeding property to children issecurity for your family by calling 626.355.4000 or visitactually considered a gift, and the cost basis for for more information. 

Images are important on Social Media. An Helpful tools like or picmonkey.
interesting image on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterst orcom can help you create quality images for yourInstagram can generate a lot of media content and will help you select the

Unfortunately one size does not fit all. The correct size for the different social media platforms.
same size image on Facebook might cut offAbout MJ: MJ and her brother David own 
someone’s head on Twitter. Getting the right sizeHUTdogs, a creative services business that 
can be tricky if you are trying to eye ball it. It’s best specializes in Internet Marketing strategies andto stick with these dimensions: Social Media. They offer social media management

services and help their clients build a strong on-lineTwitter: 1024 x 512 presence. “Like” them on Facebook for trendingFacebook Post: 940x788 news in social media, internet marketing and otherFacebook Ad: 1200x627 helpful tips,
Instagram: 640x640Sign up for their upcoming classes, webinars andEmail Header: 600x200 presentations at: 
Pinterest: 800x2000 schedule 


Call Patricia at 626-818-2698 Today!
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website:

If you’ve followed advice given here about sprucing up your home's exterior, well done! Now let’s 
focus attention on the next thing potential buyers will see - the front door and the interior. Now is 
the time for spring-cleaning and to show off your home's best features. 

Repaint that front door and touch up around the entry. Make it warm and welcoming with updated 
light fixtures at the entrance and foyer. Speaking of entries, check your windows and doors for 
energy efficiency. If they're not airtight, an investment in new windows and insulation will pay off 
handsomely and impress buyers. 

Freshly repainted walls won’t hurt either, and you can achieve a bright, clean look with light yellow 
or cream on the walls and contrasting white woodwork. Buff up your wood floors, clean your area 
rugs or carpets, and replace any worn carpeting before your first showing. 

Buyers look carefully at bathrooms, so be sure to remove any spots of mildew, replace caulking, and 
consider a small investment in a new sink and vanity to really make things sparkle. 

The icing on the cake is to offer buyers a "home warranty" on the appliances in your house, allowing 
them a full year of service on anything that happens to go wrong. Your pride of ownership and their 
peace of mind should combine to produce a sale! 


Sierra Madre, CA June 22, 2015 

her to grow with the demands-- Andy Bencosme, Managing

of diversity, complex challenges,
Broker of CENTURY 21 

mutli-tasking high level priorities,
Village in Sierra Madre recently

internal investigations and 
welcomed Sylvia Ramos to 

mediation. These qualities andhis Sierra Madre office. The 

skills are extremely important inannouncement was made at the 

the day to day real estate world.
office’s weekly marketing and

Ramos specializes in all aspectssales meeting.

of real estate sales (e.g., buying,
Ramos is a veteran 

selling, probate sales, 1031 
REALTOR with years of 

exchange, short sales, trust sales,
experience assisting clients in the

etc…) and prides herself in herlisting and selling of residential

marketing and promotional plan.
properties by utilizing sound

She sells all over the Southland 
planning, professional ethics,

from San Diego to Santa Barbarapersuasive skills and a strong 

and has expanded to a Globalcompany support system. 

real estate clientele. She is a 
Bencosme stated that, “she 

skilled negotiator, energetic andprovides exceptional service, by

analyzing ever-shifting market

Sylvia also holds advanced Realconditions and effectivelyEstate Designations of SRES, 
communicating it to buyers and sellers.” RamosSenior Real Estate Specialist, GREEN, and ABR,
attains and implements buyer and seller feedbackAccredited Buyer Representative. She serves onto better assist the real estate community.the boards and volunteers on several professional,
Ramos believes in maintaining relationships. Shecommunity and charitable organizations. 
explained that “it is crucial to nurture relationshipsprofessionally and personally. Referrals are theSylvia Ramos and all of the friendly CENTURYfoundation of my satisfied clientele base. In sight,21 Village agents can be contacted at 38 W. Sierrain mind!” Madre Blvd in Sierra Madre or by telephone

She has multiple years of experience in a626.355.1451 or on the internet at c21village.comHuman Resource environment which has allowed or 


Charles Martin is opening a new State Farm officeproducts and services you procure, it’s magical.”
in Sierra Madre. The office will be located at the He goes on to say “I love the feeling of a connectionold Griffin Lumber Yard at 38 E. Montecito Ave well done, whether it helps me or not.” 
in a newly renovated location now owned byRedcar LTD., a well-known downtown developerCharles has been a Sierra Madre resident for over 
specializing in the revitalization of industrialten years and his two boys attend The Goodenzones around Los Angeles.School. “My family and I love Sierra Madre,” he

Excited about the grand opening, Charlessays. “The residents, the business owners… whatexplains “this life pivot collectively puts all ofbetter place to start a business than here?” After 
my 20 plus years of sales and service acumen inmoving to Los Angeles from New York where heone place.” Charles says that although State Farmwas Tommy Hilfiger and Liz Claiborne’s assistant,
has a well-respected reputation that is more thanCharles worked in the production offices of actors93 years long, he plans to create an innovativeand musicians such as Scott Rudin, Elton John, 
and modern approach to what people know asand Bruce Willis, among others. 
an insurance agency. “I definitely have createdthe agency for the 21st Century”, he said. His 
motivation: helping others realize their personalCharles Martin State Farm Agencygoals through all of the financial services State38 E Montecito Ave., STE 3 
Farm offers. Sierra Madre, CA 91024 

“If you’re able to have that once in a lifetime626-606-3600 
chance to move another’s life forward by the Open 9-6 Monday through Friday