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SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 2015 VOLUME 9 NO. 31 SUNDAY’S CONCERT IN THE PARK SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 2015 VOLUME 9 NO. 31 SUNDAY’S CONCERT IN THE PARK WELL KNOWN COMMUNITY LEADER ANN DURGERIAN PASSES AWAY Sponsored by Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club & Friends of the Sierra Madre Library 6-8 p.m. Corfu Restaurant Serving Free Birthday Cake For Kiwanis 88th Birthday SIERRA MADRE ROSE FLOAT ASSOCIATION T-SHIRTS NOW ON SALE The Sierra Madre Rose Float Association, as it diligently works onthe entry for the 2016 Rose Parade now has available for purchaseT Shirts with the color rendering of Rollin’ On The River on them. The shirts cost $15 and Inside this week: PASADENA/ALTADENA Pg. 4 ARCADIA NEWS Pg. 5 MONROVIA/DUARTE Pg. 6 BEST FRIENDS Pg. 8 FOOD & DRINK Pg. 9 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Pg. 10 THE GOOD LIFE Pg. 11 BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Pg. 12 THE WORLD Pg. 13 OPINION Pg. 14 CALENDAR Pg. 2 SIERRA MADRE NEWS Pg. 3 EDUCATION & YOUTH Pg. 7 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY Pg. - LEGALS Pg. 15 can be purchased at theFloat Barn at the CityYards. Proceeds helpsupport the building ofthe float. Go to: http://www. smrosefloat.org/ Spain, Italy, New Zealand, and throughoutEurope on river cruises,” Jerry said. “Eventhough she was suffering in the end, she never complained…she was alwaysconcerned about my health and that ofothers…” In May, 2005 she was diagnosed withMultiple Myeloma (a form of cancer) and for the last 10 years succumbing toit on Wednesday. She is survived byher husband Jerry, brother Andrew, sonsMichael (Caroline) and George (Fiona) andgrandchildren Aram, Aiden and Anya. A Memorial Service will be held on August22, 2015 at Armenian Celicia EvangelicalChurch, 339 S. Santa Anita, Pasadena at 11:00 am. Ann Araxi Durgerian was a familiar faceto so many in Sierra Madre, Arcadia, andPasadena, having spent thirty years as abusiness owner and volunteer in a long list ofservice organizations. She could be spottedin attendance at most community eventsand behind the scenes was an enthusiastic, thoughtful volunteer who likes to ‘makethings happen’. On Wednesday, July 29, 2015, Ann passed away in her home after a10-year battle with multiple myeloma. She was 79 years old. Ann grew up in and around the ArmenianChurch and community, where she mether husband of 51 years, Jerry Durgerian. The couple bought their first home in SierraMadre and where their sons, George and Michael were born. Ann and Jerry worked six and sometimesseven days a weekAnn and Jerry had a retailbusiness in Pasadena called Carousel Toys(Carousel Baby Furniture). An, with shifts that sometimes ran to 17 hours during the holidays. The business succeeded inno small part due to Ann’s work ethic, customer service, and networking skills. The store attracted civic leaders, celebrities, and TV studios as well as a loyal followingof parents. Ann’s passion for babies’ safetyand then-new baby car-seats landed her on “Good Morning LA,” and “Hour Magazine” as well as other shows. She was also featured on news channels 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13 asan expert on child passenger safety. At Arcadia Methodist Hospital she worked both as a volunteer and staff (33 years), promoting Child Passenger Safety. And, in addition to her responsibilities as awife, mother, and entrepreneur, she was amuch sought after volunteer, she found time to help with her sons’ organizations includingIndian Guides, Cub, and Boy Scouts. A partial list of the other organizations thatshe belonged to or was associated with is below: Pasadena-Altadena Soroptimist Club Sierra Madre Rose Float Association Sierra Madre Woman’s Club Sierra Madre Playhouse SM Friends of the Library Sierra Madre Cemetery Association Sierra Madre, Arcadia, Pasadena, San Marino and Glendale Chambers of Commerce and more. Ann also worked at nine area hospitals, teaching new parents about the importanceof child passenger safety. She continuedthis work at Arcadia Methodist for 33 years. Ann’s work led to numerous city, county, state and national awards. Perhaps herhighest honor was the Salvation Army’s“Others” award, given to Ann and Jerry this past June, in recognition of her extensive volunteering and support for hercommunity. When Ann officially retired, she squeezed in time to travel with Jerry, “We went to SIERRA MADRE FIREFIGHTERS JOIN MAD RIVER STRIKE TEAM Sierra Madre OES Engine 281 was deployed from Monrovia Station101 on Monday, August 3, 2015, at 2:30 am as part of Verdugo AreaOES Strike Team 1800A. The Strike Team has been assigned to theMad River Complex Fire in Trinity County, Northern Californiaand includes engines from Arcadia, Monrovia, Santa Fe Springs, andVentura. Crews arrived at the staging area at 1700 Monday evening. From Sierra Madre, riding on Engine 281 are: Captain Brent Bartlett Engineer Ted Walters Firefighter Jonathan Amaya Firefighter Robert Rios The Mad River Complex is a series of seven lightning fires that startedon July 30, 2015 after a lightning storm moved through Northern California. Crews have focused their efforts on structure defense; building containment lines utilizing crews and dozers on the fire. At press time, Mad River Complex fires have burned 14,028 acres, are 8% contained . Estimated containment date is currently Monday, August 31st. COUNCIL APPOINTS JOHN HUTT, LESLIE HINTON TOPLANNING COMMISSION The City Council appointed two members to the PlanningCommission on July 28, 2015. The new appointees are John Huttand Leslee Hinton. Appointments to the Commission are fouryear terms with the option of reappointment for a second four year term. The Planning Commission is a seven-member volunteer citizenbody. The Commission conducts public hearings and makesdecisions and/or recommendations on a variety of land useapplications, including use permits, variances, amendments, zone changes, and subdivision maps. The Commission meets thefirst and third Thursdays of each month at 7:00 pm in the CityHall Council Chambers. UPCOMING PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The August 6, 2015 Planning Commission meeting was canceled. The next Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for August20, 2015, at 7:00 pm. The agenda includes Planning Commissionrotation of Officers, introduction of new Planning Commissioners, and an entitlement application for a Hillside Development Permitfor Stonegate (Lot 6). From SM City Manager’s Report | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |