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THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS ARE IN OUR NECK OF THE WOODS! Pages 5 and 6 VOLUME 9 NO. 30 WWII GRENADE BROUGHT TO THE SIERRA MADRE POLICE By Susan Henderson DEPARTMENTIn November, 2013 when it was reported in this paper that the Passionist Fathers Sierra Madre, CA. – On Saturday, July 19, 2015 at 3:38 pm, a Sierrawere planning to develop housingMadre resident brought a WWII (pineapple type) grenade in a boxwhere the Monastery once stood, into the police station for destruction. Not knowing the status of(http://mtnviewsnews.com/v07/htm/ the old device police personnel immediately moved the box with then46/index.htm) opposition from thegrenade to a secure place between the Police Department and Citycommunity was swift. Signs with”StopHall. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s (LASD) Bomb Squad wasThe Monastery” were planted on lawnsnotified and responded to the City. not only on streets like Sunnyside and Grove which will bear the brunt of For a short time Sierra Madre Blvd. was closed off between Lima the increased traffic should be projectSt. and Hermosa Ave. to both vehicle traffic and pedestrian traffic.be built, but from preservationists all The residents at a nearby senior living facility were moved to the rearover town. At that time, the scopeof their facility. Police personnel were evacuated from the Policeof the project was mere speculation, Facility for safety purposes. Emergency 9-1-1 calls were routed toas no formal application had beenthe Monrovia Police Department. submitted to the city. Speculation was rampant that anywhere from 50 to At 4:43 pm, the LASD bomb squad arrived. After inspecting the100 homes were being planned. Jerrygrenade they found it was a real WWII US ordnance type grenade,Pearson, who is part of the Monastery’showever it was no longer live as the fuse had been previously‘development team’ was and is very Photo by Doreen Thomas removed. clear on what they do not want. “We don’t of Preserve Sierra Madre staged a peaceful want any ‘McMansions’”. “It will not be and orderly protest in front of the property Director of Public Safety, Chief Larry Giannone, stated “thea gated community”, and “It will be an gate when they became aware of a planned incident was handled quickly and efficiently because of theenvironmentally sustainable project”. He meeting between Monastery officials and cooperation of our neighboring police agencies. Because of this also added that nothing would be done to a group of local realtors. At one point it there was little disruption to the community.” Chief Giannone also was estimated that as many as 40 people would like to remind members of the community that when you of all ages carried signs opposing any come across devices, such as an old grenade, to please leave it where development plans. One young Sierra it is located and call 9-1-1. Although many of these devices are not Madre preservationist made a banner functional, if they were they can become unstable and hazardous to admonishing the Passionist Fathers to those around them. protect the wildlife (photo left by MailaThomas). In addition to concerns about wildlife, the impact of any project on thecity’s resources, especially water, wereexpressed peacefully. One supporter of theMonastery’s efforts however did shout tothe crowd, ‘The City’s broke”, as he droveonto the grounds, most likely referring tothe $2 million in development fees thatwould be paid if the revised project of 40homes is approved. To date, no formal application has beenmade to the city. The Passionist Fathers willcontinue their outreach to the communityin hopes that a project that is acceptablecan be developed. SIERRA MADRE PLAYHOUSE ANNOUNCES 2015-2016 SEASON The new in the community- so that everyone5-piece band. A delightful musical fortheir families. season at in Sierra Madre and the surroundingthe whole family.AND Sierra Madre cities can claim the Playhouse as theirOctober 2- November 8, 2015:March 11- April 16, 2016: P l a y h o u s e own. I’ve gotten really talented artists toDeathtrapOf Mice and Men will expand its ongoing mission ofsign on with us. Audiences are in for aWritten by Ira Levin. Directed byWritten by John Steinbeck. Directedinvestigating the American Experience.wonderful ride.” Christian Lebano. by Barbara Schofield. PASADENA/ALTADENA Pg. 4 ARCADIA NEWS Pg. 6 MONROVIA/DUARTE Pg. 7 BEST FRIENDS Pg. 11 FOOD & DRINK Pg. 10 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Pg. 12 THE GOOD LIFE Pg. 13 BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Pg. 14 THE WORLD Pg. 15 OPINION Pg. 16 CALENDAR Pg. 2 SIERRA MADRE NEWS Pg. 3 EDUCATION & YOUTH Pg. 9 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY Pg. 8 LEGALS Pg. 17 Playhouse Artistic Director ChristianJuly 31- September 12, 2015:Sometimes a hit play is worth The powerful story of the friendship Lebano elaborates, “Every play in Always…Patsy Clinekilling for. One of the best thrillersbetween George and Lenny set on the season was written by AmericanWritten by Ted Swindley. Directedever written- full of twists and turns. the California Central Coast during playwrights. We’re presenting a Losby Robert Marra. Musical direction bySuitable for general audiences.the Great Depression. Suggested for Angeles Premiere, two musicals,Sean Paxton. November 27- December 27, 2015:audiences 12 to Adult. revisiting a neglected but once-againThe legendary Patsy Cline and herA Christmas MemoryMay 16- June 18, 2016: timely play, doing our first thriller in amost devoted fan Louise Seger areL.A. Premiere of a musical based on The Glass Menagerie long time, and celebrating three of thedepicted in a retrospective of theirthe novella by Truman Capote.Written by Tennessee Williams. greatest American stories ever told. Wefriendship and of Patsy’s career. PatsyBook by Duane Poole. Music byDirected by Christian Lebano. want to offer something for everyone sings 27 of her hits backed by a live Larry Grossman. Lyrics by Carol Hall.One of the great American plays, Directed by Alison Eliel Kalmus.and the one that established Williams The classic story adapted into aas a playwright of the first magnitude. holiday treat about the true meaningA semi-autobiographical look at a of Christmas and the bonds of troubled family, it is a play of longing, friendship.regret and nostalgia filled with some of January 8- February 13, 2016:the most beautiful writing of Williams’ Other People’s Moneycareer. Suitable for general audiences, Written by Jerry Sterner. Directedbut material may be too advanced for by Kiff Scholl.very young children. The go-go 80s changed capitalismforever, and this wonderfully funnyThe Sierra Madre Playhouse is located atand profane play shows us how we’ve87 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. in Sierra Madre, CA 91024. There is ample free parking behind gotten to the financial world we live the theatre, with several dining choices just a in now. For mature audiences. few yards from the theatre. The city of Sierra THE SPRING REPERTORY Madre is just east of Pasadena. March 4- April 8, 2016: Tickets to all shows are available at www. 3rd annual Field Trip Series playSierramadreplayhouse.org or by calling (626) performing at Student and Saturday355-4318. matinees-SUBSCRIPTIONS: Five-Show Charlotte’s Web Passports are available at a 20% discount offAdapted by James Robinette fromthe single-ticket price and are good for anyfive shows within 18 months of first usage. the book by E.B. White. (A $5 premium will be added for selected The classic story of the friendship shows.) A Five-Show Passport is now $120 between Wilbur the pig and Charlotte for Adults, and $100 for Seniors. the spider. Suitable for children and SATURDAY, JULY 25, 2015 AS MATER DOLOROSA PROJECT PLANS ADVANCE RESIDENTS PROTEST Preserve Sierra Madre Organizes Protest As Local Realtors Are Invited To Discuss Plans the hillside area behind the Retreat Center. Fast forward to 2015. The Monastery’s need to support itself through the development of the property has notchanged, nor has the opposition to it. On Thursday, Matthew Bryant and supporters Inside this week: | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |