Mountain Views News Saturday, July 25, 2015 BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS14 Mountain Views News Saturday, July 25, 2015 BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS14
So how can you avoid a false sense of security with
the funding of your estate plan? First of all, talk to
your preparer about funding before committing
to doing your planning with them. Ask questions:
How do they support clients to ensure plans are
fully and properly funded? Do they charge extra
to answer funding questions when they come
up (as they surely will)? Do they offer the option
of fully funding your plan for you? If not, will
they at least prepare and file your deed transfer
documents so your house – your most valuable
asset – is properly funded into your plan?
Avoid document preparation services
altogether as they will offer very limited funding
support if any at all. And if the attorney or firm
you’re thinking of doing your planning with
doesn’t focus on funding just as much as they do
on documents, do your family a favor and find
someone who does. Also, beware the cheapest
alternatives. Cheap estate planners are cutting
costs (and corners) someplace, and that’s often
in the area of funding. Why? Because most
consumers aren’t aware of funding issues let alone
educated enough about funding to demand that
level of service.
Remember, getting your documents in place
is only the beginning (even though that’s where
most legal services and law firms stop). Don’t
let them short change you. Demand that any
plan they create be properly and fully funded. If
they don’t offer funding as part of their service
package, do not engage them to do your planning.
If you do, you will likely be left with a false sense
of security and your family will be left holding the
If you’re going to do your estate planning, do it
right. Make sure your plan documents are tailor
made for your own unique situation and goals.
Then make sure all of your assets are funded into
the plan. You deserve a real sense of security and
so do your loved ones.
To your family’s health, wealth, and happiness,
A local attorney, father, and CASA volunteer (CourtAppointed Special Advocate for Children), MarcGarlett is on a mission to help parents protect whatthey love most. His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin
Ave., Ste. G, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an
appointment to sit down and talk about ensuring alegacy of love and financial security for your familyby calling 626.355.4000 or visit www.GarlettLaw.
com for more information.
Call Patricia at 626-818-2698 Today!
Last week I talked about how boilerplate
documents often cause trusts to fail. This week
I’m going to talk about funding. Funding is the
fancy legalese way of saying, “transferring assets
into the trust” and it is just as important as having
a solid, customized set of documents. You can
have the best set of documents in the world, but
if the funding isn’t done correctly you’ve just
wasted a bunch of paper (not to mention your
time, energy, and money).
Improper, incomplete, or nonexistent funding
causes trusts to fail more often than you can
probably imagine. In fact, it happens all the time.
Just last week I got a call from a widow whose
husband just passed away a few weeks before.
The couple had set up a trust but only after the
husband died did the wife realize their house was
pulled out of the trust (defunded) for a mortgage
refi, but never put back (funded) into the trust.
Now she is left facing probate, capital gains taxes,
and a host of other problems that could have –
and should have – been avoided.
Unfortunately online legal document services
(and even most lawyers) don’t include funding as
part of their service to clients. This means lots of
people who’ve paid for a set of legal documents
think their estate plan is all in order. But without
properly funding the plan, it’s not worth the paper
it’s written on. That leaves these unfortunate folks
(and their families) with a false sense of security
which catches up to them when the trustor dies
and the plan fails.
I can’t keep up with Twitter. Sound familiar?
In order to appreciate Twitter, you have to know howto slow it down and filter out the noise. Categorizingusers into “Lists” helps you organize the people or
topics you follow.
You can create your own lists or subscribe to a listcreated by someone else. When you click on the list, itwill show a stream from only the users on that list.
To create a new list, go to your main profile page(you’ll find that by clicking on “me”). Select “Lists”
under “More” in the top bar navigation. “Create newlist” and decide if this is a public or a private list. If youmake it public, other people can see it and subscribe toit. Add users (@name) to your list, then test it. Selectyour list (under “More). Only the recent tweets from
those users will show up.
You can also subscribe to a list created by someone
else. For example, if you go to the L.A. Times Twitterpage, click on their lists. Often a newspaper will createlists of their writers and editors. When you select a listthat someone else has created, you have the opportunityto subscribe to it and the list will be added to your mainprofile.
About MJ: MJ and her brother David own HUTdogs,
a creative services business that specializes in InternetMarketing strategies and Social Media. They offer
social media management services and help theirclients build a strong on-line presence. “Like” them onFacebook for trending news in social media, internetmarketing and other helpful tips,
Sign up for their upcoming classes, webinars andpresentations at:
There comes a point in our personal and spiritual growth where we
come to enjoy our hard work and challenges we have overcome. There’s
a feeling of contentment. In yoga, we call this contentment santosha.
It is one of the Niyamas within Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga. We can
relate santosha with the feeling of being comfortable in our skin. It’s a
great feeling! Fully experiencing santosha does mean we have to endure the challenges
that came before. There are many uncomfortable moments before this, which require our unwavering,
sustained focus. This feeling of being comfortable is different from staying in the “safe” zone and
doing what we always do. There’s freedom, fulfillment and illumination. No boredom, staleness or
stuckness at all to this satisfied feeling. Pandit Rajmani Tigunait gave a great simple statement: “any
action that leads to spiritual illumination is yoga.” This is yoga on or off the mat. Actions rendered in
love, compassion and service often bring great satisfactions.
This is not to say that we should stop seeking our growth with the same fierceness we would seek food
to eat, but this principle does bring us back to the right to enjoy each step of the process. The fruits are
in our own journey.
Enjo this week and relish the great life you have!
Namaste, Keely Totten
When someone comes
to me as a client, theyusually have certain
sym-ptoms theywant to alleviate with
the top three beingimprovement in their
weight, energy or theirability to sleep. I see
these three things as
symptoms or a messagethat something is outof balance in their life.
Dr. Tina is a traditional
One cause that I often
naturopath and nutri
see with many of my
tionist at Vibrant Living
clients is that they are
Wellness Center
eating too late at nightor too close to bed time.
When we sleep, our bodies set out on a task
to build, repair and clean up. We are like a fine
automobile, we need tune-ups. But unlike a car, we
not able to do the maintenance it needs because it
is too busy using resources to do other things, likedigesting food. Our last food intake should be no
more than 70 minutes to 2 hours before we go to bedand our last full meal should be closer to 3 hours
before bed.
Both your mind and your body will benefit fromthis practice. Digestion brings about changes inblood sugar, cholesterol, and circulation which maydisrupt blood flow to the brain. Studies show that
people who eat late at night or close to bedtime havemore issues with being overweight and on averagegain 3 . pounds more a year than someone whodoes not eat at night.
I have this conversation with most of my newclients. Especially those who have issues with notsleeping well or their weight. I have yet to meetsomeone who does not want to age a little moreslowly or add life to their years. Here is a way to do
just that! If you are a night time eater, try to starttraining yourself not to graze to close to bedtime.
need daily tune-ups. Sleep is a necessity of life. Even
though many people sleep at night, their bodies are
Let your body do what it was intended to do duringsleep, repair itself, and not digest food!
ARCADIA – Methodist Hospital offers severalfree classes and seminars to the community eachmonth. These are free and are held on the Methodist
Hospital campus unless otherwise noted.
50+ Senior Services informational lecture
Tuesday, July 28Braden Criswell, M.D. is an Orthopaedic Surgeonwho specializes in arthritis, deformity, pain,
and injuries of the foot and ankle. He performsgeneral orthopaedic surgery and complex surgeriesinvolving the foot and ankle. Dr. Criswell will share
his expertise in an informative health presentationon Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 1:30pm at the ArcadiaCommunity Center. The goal of his presentation isto present a comprehensive review of arthritis aboutthe foot and ankle and to provide both non-surgicaland surgical treatments to help alleviate pain.
Program will be 1:30-2:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 28,
at the Arcadia Community Center, 365 CampusDrive. Reservations are necessary: 626-574-5130.
Diabetes Support Group Thursday, July 30Come join us for some summer fun! Diabetescan seem to be an overwhelming disease becauseit impacts so many areas of your daily life. It’s
important to have support from other people withdiabetes.
We will be doing cooking demo, summer meal
ideas, sweet summer treats and updates in diabetes
Thursday, July 30, class time 6-7:30 p.m.inClassroom 3.
For more information or to register, please call626-821-2344.
About Methodist HospitalFounded in 1903, Methodist Hospital of SouthernCalifornia is a not-for-profit hospital serving thegreater San Gabriel Valley. Licensed for 400 beds,
the hospital offers services that include a 24/7emergency department, outpatient surgery, laborand delivery, neonatal intensive care, neurosurgery,
acute physical rehab and complete cardiovascularservices. Methodist Hospital is a Los AngelesCounty-certified stroke center, as well as anapproved STEMI receiving center for heart attackpatients.
A recognized center of excellence for heart
care, knee and hip replacement and cancer care,
Methodist Hospital is accredited by The JointCommission with advanced certification in
heart failure and stroke and is accredited as a
Comprehensive Community Cancer Program bythe American College of Surgeons Commissionon Cancer. For more information, visit www.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: