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Breaking News:Inside
this Week: Calendar: Sierra Madre: Pasadena – Altadena: Arcadia: Monrovia – Duarte: Education & Youth: Just for Best Friends: Arts & Entertainment: The Good Life: Business News & More: The World Around Us: Opinion … Left/Right: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 2015 VOLUME 9 NO. 31The Very Best Of Sierra Madre....... RESIDENTS FILL THE BOOT FOR SMVFD CHRIS SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 2015 VOLUME 9 NO. 31The Very Best Of Sierra Madre....... RESIDENTS FILL THE BOOT FOR SMVFD CHRIS CARJACKERS STRIKE IN SIERRA MADRE MORRISON AND FAMILY One of the unique characteristics of the Village of Sierra Madre is its ability to come together as a community when needed. Earlier this week, the plight of one of our volunteer firefighters was posted on social media and within a matter of days more than $20,000 was raised to help the family of Chris Morrison. Having lived in Sierra Madre for 39 years, “Chris Morrison has always epitomized what it meant to be part of this community. A volunteer firefighter, engineer and Captain with Sierra Madre Fire Department for over 20 years, Chris and his family have served their neighbors selflessly. Now, they need our help” said the call to action. Chris has been diagnosed with an incredibly aggressive stage IV esophageal cancer which has moved into his lungs and has caused multiple tumors in vital organs. Chris is a valiant fighter and his wife Lori and daughter Claire have been right there by his side struggling with the symptoms of this horrible terminal disease. Chris is fighting with everything he has. For over nine months, Chris battled and endured multiple surgeries and issues. Chris has been an inspiration in our community and someone who was there whenever someone needed his help. It's time for all of us to return the favor. To help he and his family, the SMVFD and friends have launched an aggressive fundraising campaign. You can show your appreciation for his efforts and help the family weather this storm Firefighters will be on hand this weekend to receive donations forthe Morrison family. by making a donation today. Members of the SMVFD and friends of the family will be at the corner of Sierra Madre Blvd. on Saturday and Sunday with ‘boots’ that need tobe filled with monetary donations. And, for those who cannot make it into town this weekend, youcan make a donation online by going to: http://www.gofundme.com/chrismorrison. There is no better way to say thanks to Chris forhis service to Sierra Madre than to offer a helpinghand in his time of need. S. Henderson/MVNews Criminals Attempt Robbery andCarjacking on Sierra MadreBlvd. Sierra Madre, Ca -On Friday July 21, 2015 at 8:15 PM a Pasadena resident was traveling toa friend’s home in Sierra Madre when he was confronted by armed suspects. The victim wastraveling eastbound on Sierra Madre Blvd fromMichillinda when he noticed a dark colored sedan tail gating him. As the victim stopped for the stopsign at Sunnyside Ave. the suspect vehicle pulledup on the left side of the victim’s vehicle. The victim looked over and noticed that there were four occupants in the vehicle. At first hethought it may have been some type of roadrage issue but then noticed that the male in theright rear of the vehicle was exiting the vehiclewith a handgun in his hand. The suspect openedthe driver’s door of the victim vehicle and told the victim to give him his property and car. Thevictim fearing for his safety accelerated awayfrom the area forcing the suspects to retreat. The suspects were last seen making a u-turn andfleeing westbound on Sierra Madre Blvd. The suspect vehicle is a dark colored 4-doorsedan, unknown make or model. It was occupiedby a Caucasian female approximately 18 to 20years old with brown hair, who was sitting inthe right front seat. The armed suspect, who wassitting in the right rear seat, was described as aCaucasian male, short brown hair, approximately20-25 years old, 5’ 10” tall, wearing a blue orturquoise colored polo shirt. The weapon wasdescribed as a black semi-automatic handgun. There was no description on the driver or left rearpassenger in the vehicle. Director of Public Safety, Chief Larry Giannone, stated “we are fortunate the no one was hurt in this incident and that the victim as able to retreat in a safe manner without the loss of anyof his property”. Chief Giannone also remindsmembers of the community that it is a goodsafety measure to keep your vehicle doors lockedwhile driving. Anyone that may have witnessedthis incident or has any additional informationare urged to contact the Sierra Madre PoliceDepartment at 626 355-1414. DROUGHT CONDITIONS CONTINUE TO THREATEN WATER SUPPLY The City would like to remind itsresidents that the drought continuesto affect Sierra Madre’s water supply. The State has set a goal for the Cityto reduce water use by 32% over2012-2013 water consumption. While meeting that goal is critical, it remains one of the City’s highestpriorities to return to the use of itshigh quality local water. Until thosegoals are reached, it is important thateveryone in the community do theirpart to reduce water consumption. Many of the City’s water customershave taken this message to heart andhave done a great job of conserving. To encourage further conservation, the City started assessing penaltiesto those not meeting conservationgoals and issuing citations for illegalirrigation practices. TAKE THE PLEDGE AND REDUCE WATER USE...GET A FREE LAWN SIGN! Have you doneall you can to conserve water? The City has launched a new campaignto help remind everyone that this drought isno joke. If you go to thecity’s website (in conjunctionwith the San Gabriel Valley Municpal Water District): http:// www.sgvmwd.org/water_pledge/sierra_madre_pledge.htm. ““Taking the Pledge” is easy. Just submit your contactinformation. As thanks for your commitment, we’llprovide an educational lawn sign for your home or place ofemployment. Please display it proudly!” Inside this week: ATTEMPTED SUICIDE AND SMALL FIRE CLOSES LOCAL PARK & TRAIL AREA PASADENA/ALTADENA Pg. 4 ARCADIA NEWS Pg. 6 MONROVIA/DUARTE Pg. 7 BEST FRIENDS Pg. 11 FOOD & DRINK Pg. 10 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Pg. 12 THE GOOD LIFE Pg. 13 BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Pg. 14 THE WORLD Pg. 15 OPINION Pg. 16 CALENDAR Pg. 2 SIERRA MADRE NEWS Pg. 3 EDUCATION & YOUTH Pg. 9 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY Pg. 8 LEGALS Pg. 17 At 09:16 hrs. Sierra Madre Police Department received a 9-1-1 call of a possible brush fire at Bailey Canyon Park in the 400 Blk of West Carter Avenue. Police and Fire Personnel responded to the location and located a 5x5 spot fire under a tall pine tree. Officers also observed a male adult with a noose around his neck hanging from a tree branch. Fire personnel quickly extinguished the fire and then started life saving efforts on the male. Director of Public Safety, Chief Larry Giannone, stated “our Fire Department personnel were excellent in trying to save this individuals life. They were able to restore a pulse, continue CPR, and get him transported to a local hospital.” Jeffery Taillach, a 54 year Sierra Madre resident is currently being treated at Arcadia Methodist Hospital. His current condition is unknown. Bailey Canyon Park and the trail that leads to Mount Wilson will remained closed for the duration of the investigation. Anyone that may have witnessed this incident or has any additional information are urged to contact the Sierra Madre Police Department at 626-355-1414. ROTARY OF SIERRA MADRE PRESENTS Harry Shahoian as Elvis Sunday, August 2, 2015 from 6-8 pm Sierra Madre Bandstand Rounds Premium Burger Truck Ice Cream Princess Serving from 5pm | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |