Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 22, 2015
Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side
by Deanne Davis
On Wednesday evening September 9th, the Sierra
Madre Historical Preservation Society will present
an evening dedicated to the history of Sierra
Madre’s major downtown landmark and source of
community pride, the Sierra Madre Playhouse. The
Playhouse’s own Ward Calaway will give a talk about
the building’s past, and all that happened within its
walls, and there will also be a backstage tour which
you do not want to miss! The details are below.
You know the Playhouse stages live theater now,
and you may know it was a movie house in its past.
But that’s not all. Built in 1923, it has had other
incarnations over its lifetime. And theater in Sierra
Madre did not begin when the Playhouse was built…
Sierra Madre has always attracted creative citizens
who loved the arts, and they did not neglect the
thespian arts, staging performances here and there
around town. You will hear a bit about those too.
What will you see in the backstage tour? There’s the
fun and funky Green Room, the dressing room, and
all the levers and wires and exciting bits that make it
all possible. You will have the opportunity to stand
on the stage and look out over the seats, seeing what
the players see. You will also be surprised at what the
players see in their peripheral vision, things hidden
from the audience.
The backstage area, which leads to the stage, is
accessible from a side door, so you don’t have to
clamber up on the stage to see everything. A play
will be running (Always…Patsy Cline will be ending
its successful run soon), so you will be standing in a
real working set.
The details: Wednesday, September 9th
at the Playhouse, 87 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.
7:00 p.m. $5 members; $10 non-members
Reservations not required Questions? Contact
Maggie Ellis 355-7074 or MaggieEllis04@msn.com
Or visit our website smhps.com
This week, this quote fits perfectly!
“August in sub-Saharan Los Angeles is one of the
great and awful tests of one’s endurance, sanity and
stamina.” Henry Rollins
The beginning of last week was really pleasant. Then
came the 100+ degree days when we could honestly
say, “These are the times that try men’s (and women’s
and children’s and dogs and cat’s) souls.” Of course,
when Thomas Paine said that in 1776, he wasn’t
talking about the weather. Walking Sierra Madre
has been a challenge when it’s in the mid-70’s at
six in the morning. It’s better now, but the garden
damage is extensive...and painful. The azaleas and
roses are burnt and will require surgery. The new
gardenias we put in a couple of weeks ago did great
and the Gerbera daisy is actually blooming. All the
succulents look fabulous and we don’t look at the
lawn anymore. You probably don’t either. Have you
noticed the crepe myrtle trees all over town? They
look gorgeous, especially the deep pink ones. I’m
giving up on some of the roses and putting in a crepe
myrtle. We’ve been fighting the spider mites for
years and I’m just going to concede victory to them.
Little stinkers! I’ve sprayed everything but Chanel
#5 on them and they just lap it up.
Delighted to see the work finally starting on the
City Hall Re-Landscaping project to make it more
drought-resistant with low-water gardens. Looking
forward to seeing the finished product, which will
inspire us all to new heights of garden ingenuity. I
keep trying to get down to OSH to buy some bags
of wood chips which will save us some water. Maybe
this week.
We have a new florist in town. Her name is Kiwi
Feng and her shop is Ev80 Floral Design. She’s across
the street from Congregational Church and right
next to Left Coast Scooters. She has some lovely
arrangements in her case and can do any kind of
event for you. Her address is 185 W. Sierra Madre
Blvd. Kiwi’s shop is named for her life philosophy
which is, “Do the things you like, even at the age of
80!” Take a look at her website: www.ev80floral.net.
Kiwi is originally from China and like everyone who
works or lives in Sierra Madre, she loves it here. Stop
in and say hi.
I’m sure you’ve noticed there’s a movie going on,
which is always good news for our town as these fine
folk have to buy permits and bring in great bunches
of crew people who need to indulge their Starbucks
latte addiction, grab a bite to eat at Beantown while
they’re filming in front of it, shop a little and,
hopefully, leave a lot of their dollars here. Rumor has
it it’s a murder mystery starring Katherine Heigl.
“Unforgettable,” is the title and we all need to mark
our calendars for a year or two from now when it’s
released. They were shooting at Les Champs Elysees
on Tuesday and laying cables across Baldwin late
Tuesday afternoon. The movie company has a really
cute farmer’s market thing set up in Memorial Park
and every day they’re in town makes me smile. Ka-
ching! Ka-ching!
Thinking of movies in Sierra Madre, how many
can you remember? Of course, the most famous one,
Invasion of the Body Snatchers with the pod people
in Kersting Court. Pioneer Cemetery has appeared
in a bunch of films. Laura Palmer’s funeral in Twin
Peaks was shot there. We especially liked Family
Plot, directed by Alfred Hitchcock, which had a lot
of footage in our cemetery. There was a TV movie
starring Olympia Dukakis shot right across the street
from us and the film company brought everybody on
the street a cute basket of muffins. Nice. Sgt. Bilko,
with Steve Martin was partially filmed by Happy’s
Liquors and there are so many more. It’s kind of neat
to see those big trucks roll into town. Wonder if they
need any extras?
And to end on the happiest note possible, school
has started! May all the returning scholars have the
best year ever. We have a new second grader, a new
kindergartener, a new PCC Freshman, and a Junior
at USC in various parts of our family.
“The best teachers teach from the heart, not from
the book.” Anonymous
May all your children’s teachers this coming year
be just like that.
My book page: Amazon.com: Deanne Davis
Blog: www.authordeanne.com
“Tablespoon of Love, Tablespoon of Laughter” is
available there…
An excellent graduation or wedding gift, by the way!
During the week of Sunday, August 9th, to Sunday,
August 16th, the Sierra Madre Police Department
responded to approximately 264 calls for service.
Tuesday, August 11th
At 6:45 pm, Sierra Madre Police responded to
Memorial Park after being flagged down by a
citizen. The citizen informed Officers that a
group of juveniles appeared to be smoking in the
park. When Officers approached the group, they
discovered a blue container of marijuana on the
ground next to a backpack. One of the juveniles
informed Officers that the marijuana was his.
Officers ultimately confiscated the marijuana,
a glass pipe, and unrolled tobacco. The juvenile
was cited and released to his parent.
Thursday, August 13th
At 8:48 pm, Sierra Madre Police responded to
the station lobby regarding annoying cell phone
texts. The victims informed Officers that they
had been receiving messages from the victim’s
ex-girlfriend’s mother. The victim’s mother
stated that her son recently broke up with the
subject’s daughter, and when he arrived at a
residence earlier that day to pick up a piece
property, his property was nowhere to be found.
The victim claimed that the ex-girlfriend’s
grandfather was present and offered him $40
for the misplaced property. Later that evening,
the victim’s mother received text messages from
the ex-girlfriend’s mother. The messages were
derogatory towards the son, and stated he had
caused her daughter to get arrested recently and
that he stole the money that was said to have been
given to him. The victim ignored the messages
but they continued to come and became
more derogatory and threatening. The victim
responded to the mother to stop messaging and
attempting to contact her and her son or she
would go to the police. When the ex-girlfriend’s
mother refused to leave them alone, the victims
reported the incident to Officers. This case has
been forwarded to the Detective Bureau for
further investigation.
Saturday, August 15
At 12:16 am, Sierra Madre Police responded
to the area of Mt. Wilson Trail and East Mira
Monte regarding a report of a reckless driver. It
was reported a truck was driving at a high rate
of speed with several teenagers in the truck bed
screaming and yelling. Officers quickly located
the vehicle and observed two males in the truck
and two others outside of the truck, which was
parked behind a passenger vehicle. Officers also
noticed a case of beer in front of the left side of
the passenger vehicle, and as the patrol vehicle
approached the teenagers, the two males outside
of the truck got into the passenger vehicle and
attempted to run over the case of beer. Officers
stopped the vehicle and questioned all four males.
After the Officers determined the two males in
the passenger vehicle were not involved in the
incident and released them, they questioned the
two males in the truck. As Officers continued
their investigation they located several unopen
beer cans. The driver of the truck admitted that
the alcohol belonged to him, including the case
that was left in the street. The Officers performed
a field sobriety test, and after determining the
underage teen was not under the influence of
alcohol, Officers cited him for possession of
alcohol by a person under 21 and possession of
alcohol in public. Officers seized the alcohol to
be disposed of, and released the two men.
Sierra Madre, CA. - August 18, 2015 - Please join the
City of Sierra Madre and the Sierra Madre Garden
Club for the dedication of the new Sierra Madre Civic
Center landscaping project! The project has been
designed and coordinated though volunteer efforts
and is being funding through community donations
and a grant from the San Gabriel Valley Municipal
Water District. The landscaping is designed to reflect
an authentic California aesthetic perfect for the city’s
climate and distinctive interests; it features the latest in
irrigation technology, a wide variety of beautiful native
blooms and foliage, and charming permeable walks.
Refreshments will be served from 9am to
9:15, when the dedication will take place. The formal
ceremony will be followed by a 2-hour Speed Learning
Workshop hosted by FormLA which will cover
everything you need to know to create an aesthetic
authentic to Sierra Madre for your home. There is a
suggested donation of $20 per family to attend the
Speed Learning Workshop, proceeds will go towards
the planting of the new drought resistant landscaping.
The Workshop will cover:
Authentic California Landscape Design
FormLA Landscaping experts will discuss what is in
and what is out when it comes to landscaping Los
Angeles in drought. They will share the key features
of an authentically-LA landscape and provide tours of
the new Sierra Madre City Hall Garden.
• Cassy Aoyagi, president, FormLA
• Isara Ongswiseth, co-designer, FormLA
California Native Plants
Developing an authentic, drought tolerant, landscape
requires use of climate compatible materials. While
natives of Australia, Chile, the Mediterranean Basin,
and South Africa meet this criteria, California natives
provide some unique advantages. Learn how planting
native can save the world… or at least Los Angeles.
• Kitty Connolly, executive director, Theodore
Payne Foundation for Wildflowers and Native Plants
The Latest Watering Infrastructure
Effective water infrastructure is the Spanx of
landscaping: you can have the prettiest design and
materials, but a solid structure is needed to carry off
the look. Industry experts will showcase how to deliver
just the right amount of water to your landscape.
• Raul W. Gonzalez, vice-president, industry
relations, Ewing Irrigation and Landscape Supply
• Bill Millward, district manager, Netafim
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com