Mountain Views News Saturday, August 22, 2015
My wife and I were both apartment renters in our
younger years. Now we are landlords with several 3 and
4-unit residential properties in and around Los Angeles.
Good landlords aren’t looking to take advantage of
their tenants. Without even going into the legal and
ethical implications, that’s just bad business. And good
tenants respect their landlord’s property and time. That’s
good business on their end of things as well (again, not to
mention the legal and ethical consequences of not doing
But even when there are good, moral people on both
sides of the landlord-tenant relationship, problems can –
and do – still arise. Often, these problems are because of a
simple misunderstanding. So to help prevent those kinds
of problems, here’s what prospective renters should ask
before signing a lease:
Number 1: What Will My Total Cost Be and When Is It
You might be surprised at how many people sign
leases without understanding all of the associated costs
and when they must be paid. Renting an apartment or
house is exciting and it can be easy to simply just scan
the document and jump straight to the signature line.
Most tenants think about obvious costs, such as monthly
rent and typical utilities. However, some leases require
tenants to pay less obvious costs, such as application fees,
credit check fees, parking fees, and optional service fees,
such as cable and Internet. Review your lease carefully
and compare leases from different landlords--what may
seem like a better deal may not actually be better after
everything is taken into consideration.
Be sure you know what the deposit is, what will be
necessary to get your deposit returned after you move out,
when your rent payment is due and what the late fee is if
you are late (and whether or not there is a grace period for
being late).
Number 2: What Rules and Regulations Will Apply to
Many landlords impose rules on their tenants,
particularly those living in close quarters, such as
apartment buildings. More common rules include
mandatory quiet times, as well as prohibitions on pets or
parties. However, other important rules are also found
in leases. For example, many landlords prohibit tenants
from redecorating their property, from changing locks,
from using propane grills or from storing items on
balconies or porches. Read the lease carefully to ensure
you understand and can abide by each of the rules.
Number 3: When Will My Lease End, and What Happens
When It Does?
Many leases define how long they will last (called the
“term” of the lease) and under what circumstances they
will renew. If the lease does not provide this information,
California state law will set the term of the lease and its
renewal. Before you sign a residential lease, make sure
you know how long you are locked into it and under what
circumstances you can move out and owe no more rent.
If you are not sure, consult with an attorney.
A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a mission
to help parents protect what they love most. His office is
located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, Sierra Madre, CA
91024. Schedule an appointment to sit down and talk about
ensuring a legacy of love and financial security for your
family by calling 626.355.4000 or visit www.GarlettLaw.
com for more information.
I can’t keep up with
Twitter. Sound familiar?
In order to appreciate
Twitter, you have to
know how to slow it
down and filter out the
noise. Categorizing
users into “Lists” helps
you organize the people
or topics you follow.
You can create your
own lists or subscribe to
a list created by someone
else. When you click on
the list, it will show a
stream from only the
users on that list.
To create a new list,
go to your main profile
page (you’ll find that by
clicking on “me”). Select
“Lists” under “More” in
the top bar navigation.
“Create new list” and
decide if this is a public
or a private list. If you
make it public, other
people can see it and subscribe to it. Add users
(@name) to your list, then test it. Select your list
(under “More). Only the recent tweets from those
users will show up.
You can also subscribe to a list created by
someone else. For example, if you go to the L.A.
Times Twitter page, click on their lists. Often a
newspaper will create lists of their writers and
editors. When you select a list that someone else
has created, you have the opportunity to subscribe
to it and the list will be added to your main profile.
About MJ: MJ and her brother David own
HUTdogs, a creative services business that
specializes in Internet Marketing strategies and
Social Media. They offer social media management
services and help their clients build a strong on-line
presence. “Like” them on Facebook for trending
news in social media, internet marketing and other
helpful tips, www.facebook.com/hutdogs.
Sign up for their upcoming classes, webinars and
presentations at: www.hutdogs.com/workshops/
USE NEXT MONTH LaRocca Integrated Solutions, Inc., Discusses Impact, How to Prepare and More
ARCADIA, CA (August 18, 2015) – Major changes to credit card use and processing for businesses and consumers
that will take effect Oct. 1 will be the topic of the monthly Government Affairs Forum at 8 a.m. Thursday, Sept.
3, in the conference room at 388 W. Huntington Drive sponsored by Foothill Credit Union.
A computer chip on new credit cards is replacing the swipe stripe, meaning businesses will have to get new
devices to read cards, and consumers will have to learn a new way to register their payment.
John LaRocca, of LaRocca Integrated Solutions, Inc., based in Westlake Village, and Chairman Emeritus of the
Greater Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce, will be one of the primary speakers along with representatives
from Foothill Credit Union.
LaRocca explain the changes, how they impact retail, restaurants, and on-line commerce, how to prepare, and
offer a vision for the future of merchant processing.
Also at the Forum, Congresswoman Judy Chu’s representative Viola Van will be noting recent
DiverCities award honoree Arcadia Chamber CEO Scott Hettrick, and Forum chairman Jack
Orswell will be recognizing the successful recent efforts of Special Olympics World Games Host
Town Arcadia committee chairman Bruce McCallum and volunteer chairman Denise Weaver.
Arcadia Mayor Gary Kovacic will provide updates on key issues within the city.
The public is invited at 8 a.m. on the first Thursday of each month (except July & August) to hear free informative
presentations at the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce’s monthly Government Affairs Forum sponsored by
Keystone 365 Sponsor Singpoli. Led by Chairman Jack Orswell from Orswell & Kasman, Inc. Environmental
Assessments & Consulting, and co-managed by Arcadia Chamber Deputy Director / Office Manager Bill Hacket,
the Forums are held in the Chamber’s conference room sponsored by Foothill Credit Union.
A discussion of pending legislation and other updates will be provided by representatives from City, County,
and State government offices, the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension and the Monrovia-Arcadia-Duarte Town
RSVPs to the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce office are appreciated – (626) 447-2159 or info@ArcadiaCaChamber.
Karma Yoga is
referred to as the
yoga of (selfless)
service. I love how
Karma is described
as an action and
the results of our actions. There’s power in action.
In fact, it’s the only thing we really have control
over: our actions. I love to incorporate Karma
Yoga, the yoga of service or action, in my everyday
existence. It’s in this ideal that my work becomes
rich, fruitful and fulfilling. Great work divorced
from the attachment of ego is service to the world.
As my work becomes service, I, then, know I’m in
the right place spiritually. It is an offering to the
Divine, the Universe, or God (whatever name
applies to you personally).
Just as I created bad karmas through poor
actions, I can create good karma through positive
actions. This brings hope and inspiration in a
big way! It’s never too late to take good actions,
to practice Karma Yoga as a way of life. We can
overcome our own hurdles and change course to
a more fulfilling way of being in the world. In the
prayer by St. Francis, there’s a line, “For it is by
self forgetting that one finds…” it never fails to re-
direct my actions toward a spiritual solution.
We know the great examples of Karma Yoga, such
as Mother Teresa or Gandhi. Their entire life was
an offering and immersed in service. I love to be
around everyday Karma Yogis, they show me
what it really means to be helpful, thoughtful and
divorced from ego and expectation. Cheers to
helping out our community not only through your
own gifts and talents, but also through selfless
Keely Totten
Winter is upon us. Colder temperatures lower the humidity and tend to
make us use our heat. Add to this that in southern California, colder
weather signals wind. All of these factors can leave our skin feeling very
dry and damaged. So, what can we do to keep our skin moist and healthy
throughout the winter months?
Protect your skin when going outside. Even here in southern California
it is important to wear a scarf and gloves on cold days to prevent drying
and chapping. If you are fortunate enough to make it to the mountains,
remember that snow is a great reflector of the sun. You can easily get a
sunburn. And don’t forget to keep your lips moist because lips do not have
oil glands so they dry out easily.
Use moisturizer liberally. You should look for moisturizers that are
made from natural oils such as coconut, jojoba oil, almond, or avocado.
Watch out for preservatives and fragrances since they can dry and irritate
skin. In addition, don’t use skin care products containing alcohol since
alcohol can strip oil from the skin. Hand sanitizers are mostly alcohol so
they too can be a cause of dry chapped hands.
Don’t overheat your home. Heating systems and space heaters draw moisture out of the air which in
turn dries out our skin. Using a humidifier is a good option. I use a humidifier in our bedroom, to keep
my skin well hydrated while sleeping.
As always, stay hydrated. You need to drink water or herbal tea to prevent dehydration. Our skin
reflects what’s going on inside of us. Remember that alcohol, caffeine, sodas and other kinds of diuretics
increase our need for water.
With a little extra care and planning, you can keep your skin from becoming too dry over the winter
Dr. Tina is a traditional
naturopath and nutritionist
at Vibrant Living
Wellness Center
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com