Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 22, 2015
Following are the weekend’s highlighted issues and events. To see a complete
listing of crimes reported, go to the City of Monrovia website and click on the
crime mapping link. Sign up to follow us on Twitter for police notifications.
Driving Under the Influence/Traffic Collision – Suspect Arrested August 13
at 7:37 a.m., a traffic collision was reported at the intersection of Myrtle and
Evergreen. A 20-year-old, male driver had exited the 210 Freeway and rear
ended another vehicle waiting at the red light. The driver told police he fell
asleep at the wheel. Through investigation, officers determined the driver had
been drinking and was driving under the influence of alcohol; he was arrested
and taken into custody.
Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance/Warrant – Suspect Arrested
August 13 at 9:08 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the 200 block of
Norumbega regarding disturbing subjects. While detaining the subjects,
officers determined one of them was under the influence of narcotics. She also
had an outstanding warrant for her arrest out of Arcadia Police Department.
The subject was arrested and cited to appear in court for the drug offence from
Monrovia and released to the custody of Arcadia Police Department on their
Warrant – Suspect Arrested August 14 at 7:23 p.m., Special Enforcement
Team officers contacted a subject in front of a residence in the 200 block of
Norumbega. A computer check revealed her to have an outstanding arrest
warrant. She was taken into custody and held pending her court appearance.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested August 14 at 8:13 p.m., Special Enforcement Team
officers made contact with a subject at Primrose and Linwood. Investigation
revealed he had an outstanding arrest warrant. He was taken into custody and
held pending his court appearance.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested August 14 at 8:36 p.m., Special Enforcement
Team officers stopped a vehicle in the 600 block of West Huntington for a
traffic violation and contacted the occupants in the vehicle. One of the
subjects was found to be in possession of an illegal substance and also had an
outstanding arrest warrant. He was arrested and taken into custody.
Drunk in Public – Suspect Arrested August 15 at 12:24 a.m., officers made
contact with a subject in the 100 block of East Lemon Avenue who was lying
on the sidewalk. The officers determined he was too intoxicated to care for
himself. He was arrested and held for a sobering period.
Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested August 15 at 2:10 a.m., an
officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle in the 200 block of West Lemon for
a vehicle code violation. Through investigation, the driver was determined to
be under the influence of alcohol and over the legal limit. He was arrested and
held for a sobering period.
Robbery – Suspect Arrested August 15 at 5:55 p.m., officers responded to
the report of a robbery in the 400 block of South Myrtle Avenue. The suspect
entered a skateboard shop, picked up a skateboard and attempted to leave
without paying. A female employee grabbed the skateboard and they struggled
over it until the female employee fell to the floor. The suspect fled out the front
door and dropped the skateboard outside the store. Special Enforcement
Team officers observed a possible suspect matching the description inside
a business on Myrtle. A 17-year-old male was detained and was positively
identified by witnesses as the suspect. He was arrested, taken into custody,
and later released to a parent.
Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance/Warrant – Suspect Arrested
August 15 at 5:19 p.m., Special Enforcement Team officers were dispatched
to a location in the 200 block of Grand Avenue regarding a disturbing
subject. Investigation revealed the subject was under the influence of a
controlled substance. He was arrested and taken into custody. He also had an
outstanding warrant for his arrest, which was added to his charges.
Grand Theft Auto Recovery – Suspect Arrested August 16 at 8:50 a.m.,
dispatch alerted officers of a stolen vehicle and broadcast the description.
The vehicle was located at Huntington and Mayflower and a short pursuit
ensued. The suspect abandoned the vehicle in the 200 block of West Walnut.
Officers set up containment of the area, and a coordinated response resulted
in the capture of the suspect. No property was damaged and no officers were
hurt. The suspect lost his shoes while he was running and lacerated one of
his toes. The suspect was arrested and the vehicle was recovered. Medical
Assist August 16 at 5:20 p.m., officers responded to a business parking lot in
the 100 block of West Foothill on the report of a female sitting in her vehicle
with the engine off and the windows rolled up in the heat. Officers arrived and
found the female unresponsive and the doors of the vehicle were locked. The
officers broke a window to gain access to the driver. Paramedics treated and
transported the female to a hospital. Relatives were notified and took custody
of the vehicle.
Traffic Collision/Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested August
16 at 5:47 p.m., officers were dispatched to traffic collision that occurred in
at California and Olive. Investigation revealed the driver who caused the
collision was intoxicated. A passenger in one of the vehicles had minor visible
injuries and was treated by paramedics at the scene. The suspect was arrested
for felony driving under the influence causing injury and his vehicle was
Battery – Suspect Arrested August 16 at 11:19 p.m., a battery incident was
reported in the 400 block of Cloverleaf. Officers arrived at the residence and
found a mother and daughter were involved in a fight. The investigation
revealed the daughter had battered her mother to gain control of her cell
phone. She was arrested and taken into custody. Warrant – Suspect Arrested
August 16 at 11:41 p.m., officers conducted a traffic stop on a bicyclist at
Mountain and Royal Oaks. A computer check revealed the subject had
multiple outstanding warrants for his arrest. He was arrested and held
pending his court appearance.
Drunk in Public – Suspect Arrested August 17 at 5:48 a.m., Monrovia Fire
Department requested police assistance regarding a subject found lying on
the ground in front of a business in the 600 block of West Huntington Drive.
The subject was too intoxicated to care for himself and was arrested. He was
held for a sobering period.
Injury Traffic Collision August 17 at 1:15 p.m., an injury traffic collision was
reported at California and Evergreen. A driver turned in front of an oncoming
vehicle and was broadsided. The airbags deployed in the driver’s vehicle. The
driver sustained minor injuries and was taken to a hospital for treatment.
Grand Theft August 18 at 11:10 a.m., the theft of a catalytic converter was
reported in the 500 block of West Duarte Road. The victim went to the vehicle
to go to work and realized the catalytic converter had been removed sometime
over the previous 10 hours. The investigation is continuing.
Grand Theft Auto Recovery/Transportation of Narcotics for Sales –
Suspects Arrested August 19 at 12:10 p.m., police were notified of a suspicious
vehicle traveling north in the 2000 block of South Myrtle. They located a
vehicle matching the description at Myrtle and Huntington. A computer
check revealed the vehicle had been reported stolen. Officers attempted to
stop the vehicle; however, the male driver, along with his two male passengers,
evaded officers by traveling at a high rate of speed west on Huntington Drive.
They were forced to stop on Huntington due to traffic at a red light. When
they stopped, the two passengers exited the vehicle and laid face down in the
street. Once the traffic cleared, the driver accelerated forward, running over
the leg of one of his passengers. The Foothill Air Support Team helicopter
followed the suspect vehicle to where it collided into a wall at a dead end in
the 500 block of West Olive Avenue. The driver threw a black backpack out
of the vehicle and then gave up. Officers recovered the bag, which contained
a large quantity of methamphetamine and liquid GHB. The driver admitted
he and the passengers were transporting the narcotics to sell. The driver
was arrested and the vehicle was impounded. The driver was charged with
possession of narcotics for sale, felony hit and run, felony evading, and driving
a stolen vehicle, as well as having a no-bail felony warrant. A warrant was
obtained to search the vehicle. Officers located an additional large quantity
of methamphetamine in the trunk of the vehicle inside luggage. The injured
passenger told police that the luggage belonged to the non-injured passenger.
The non-injured passenger was charged with possession of narcotics for sale.
The injured passenger was taken to a hospital for treatment and will not be
charged at this time.
Residential Burglary August 19 at 11:26 p.m., a residential burglary was
reported in the 600 block of Shady Oaks. The victim left the house at 5:30 p.m.
to do errands and have dinner, and thought the front door was locked. When
the victim returned home at around 11:20 p.m., they found the front door
unlocked and two upstairs bedrooms ransacked. The loss is undetermined at
this time. There were no signs of forced entry into the home. This investigation
is continuing
Residential Burglary August 19 at 11:47 p.m., officers responded to the report
of a residential burglary in the 300 block of North Grand Avenue. The victim
left home at 5:00 p.m. and locked the front door. When they returned home at
around 11:30 p.m., they discovered the front door open and the window next
to the door had been shattered. A video game console was taken, along with
several video games. The investigation is continuing.
Last week, our Public Services Department coordinated the kickoff
for Monrovia’s 2015 Summer Concert Series as participants were
able to enjoy the smooth sounds of Big Papa & the TCB! Throughout
the summer, everyone is invited to come to the Rotary Club
Bandshell at Library Park each Sunday from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
for an evening of free musical entertainment.
The musical act this Sunday, July 26, 2015, will feature the classic
rock sounds of The Bulldogs Classic Rock Band, and the schedule
for the rest of the summer includes:
§ August 23 - Pickleback Shine - Today’s Country Music
§ August 30 - Yari More Latin Band - Latin/Salsa Music
For additional information, please contact the Public Services
Department at (626) 256-8246.
One of the major initiatives that staff has been working on of late is
the development of a comprehensive citywide Capital Improvement
Project (CIP) initiative known as Monrovia Renewal. The overall
project is estimated to cost around $51.7 million and involves the
Repair / replace every street with a pavement condition index
(PCI) rating of less than 70
Repair / replace all necessary water transmission pipes and water
production facilities
Repair / replace all necessary sewer lines
Development of the overall Monrovia Renewal project has
occurred systematically during the past several months. Initially,
the City commissioned a Pavement Condition Index (PCI)
study to determine the overall condition of Monrovia’s street
infrastructure. Subsequently, the City commissioned three master
plan studies for street reconstruction, sewer system improvements,
and water system improvements. Once the studies were completed,
the plans were merged to develop the overall Monrovia Renewal
proposal. The overall plan coordinates the identified infrastructure
improvements throughout the City into six separate project areas
(North, North East, North West, South East, South West, and
South), and based on current timelines, construction is anticipated
to begin in the first quarter of 2016, with the balance of the work
identified for completion within next 3-5 years.
Pursuant to that plan, the estimated costs associated with the
Monrovia Renewal CIP Plan include the following:
Street Repairs: $14.8 million
Water System Repairs: $23.3 million
Sewer System Repairs: $13.7 million
In order to pay for the proposed project, staff has developed
a three-tiered funding option that we are currently working to
For the streets plan, the City will be utilizing our existing
Proposition C and Measure R funds to raise the necessary capital
to repair the streets that have a PCI rating of below 70.
Regarding the water system repairs that have been identified,
staff has recommended a water rate adjustment be implemented to
raise the funds needed for the identified improvements. Based on
the plan that has been proposed, the typical single-family residence
would see a $10 / month increase.
Finally, with regard to sewer system repairs that have been
identified, staff has recommended that a sewer rate adjustment
be implemented to raise the funds needed for the identified
improvements. Based on the plan that has been proposed, the
typical single-family residence would see a $4 / month increase.
This overall funding plan has identified that all of the projects
outlined in the Monrovia Renewal CIP Initiative ($51.7 million of
projects) could be executed at a total cost of around $14 / month for
the typical single family residence.
More recently, on August 4, 2015, the City Council called for
a Proposition 218 Hearing to be held on October 6, 2015. At that
Proposition 218 Hearing, the City Council will be considering the
implementation of a new water rate schedule and a new sewer rate
schedule which if implemented, would combined cost the typical
single-family residential ratepayer around $14 / month.
Pursuant to Proposition 218, in order to implement the proposed
water and sewer fee adjustments, the City will be following the
majority protest proceedings identified by Proposition 218. By way
of background, in November 1996, California voters approved
Proposition 218 which requires specific procedures be followed
with regard to “property-related” fee adjustments, including water
and sewer related costs.
What this means is that all water rate customers and sewer
rate customers will be receiving a notice in the mail this week
which outlines additional details related to the proposed water
rate and sewer rate adjustments. The notices will include details
related to the Proposition 218 Public Hearing, the reasons for the
rate adjustments, and information regarding how customers can
participate in the process. In addition, the notices outline that the
overall proposed sewer and water rates include a provision that
provides for a senior rate discount and economic hardship rate
The Monrovia Renewal CIP Initiative is an important project for
our entire community, and the City has spent significant time and
effort to thoughtfully craft a program which balances economic
considerations with important infrastructure related priorities. If
youshould have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free
to contact our Public Services Department at (626) 932-5575.
DUARTE, CA, August 17, 2015 – The Duarte City Council honored
the 50th Anniversary of the passage of the Voting Rights Act of
1965 at its recent August 11th meeting. At the meeting, the Council
unanimously adopted a Proclamation detailing the original Act and
its purpose to enforce voting rights of all persons as guaranteed by
the US Constitution. The Proclamation was presented to members
of the Pasadena Branch NAACP including President Gary Moody,
Executive Board Member Lois Gaston, ACTSO Co-Chair Karen
Herrera and 2nd Vice President Marcus Jones.
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 signed by President Lyndon B.
Johnson on August 6th was a milestone that specifically prohibited
discriminatory voting practices from disenfranchising the nation’s
African American population. Since its passage, the Act has expanded
its reach to also assist language minorities in the voting process by
providing language specific election materials to jurisdictions with
large minority populations.
For more information about this commemoration, visit
HYPERLINK “http://www.lavote.net” www.lavote.net to view the
actual amendment, passage timeline and examples of literacy tests
that were required to be taken by African Americans at the time.
About the City of Duarte
The City of Duarte was incorporated on August 22, 1957.
With integrity and transparency, the City provides exemplary
public services in a caring and fiscally responsible manner with a
commitment to our community’s future. For more information visit
HYPERLINK “http://www.accessduarte.com” www.accessduarte.
com or call (626) 357-7931. Follow the City of Duarte on Twitter @