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Mountain Views-News Saturday, May 7, 2016 

Jeff’s Book Pics By Jeff Brown



by Lin-Manuel Miranda 
Jeremy McCarter 

Winner of the 2016 
Pulitzer Prize for Drama.
Lin-Manuel Miranda’s 
groundbreaking musical 
Hamilton is as revolutionary 
as its subject, the poor kid 
from the Caribbean who 
fought the British, defended 
the Constitution, and 
helped to found the United 
States. Fusing hip-hop, pop, 
R&B, and the best traditions 
of theater, this once-in-a-
generation show broadens 
the sound of Broadway, 
reveals the storytelling 
power of rap, and claims 
our country’s origins for a 
diverse new generation.T 
he book gives readers an 
unprecedented view of both 
revolutions, from the only 
two writers able to provide 
it. Miranda, along with 
McCarter, a cultural critic 
and theater artist who was 
involved in the project from 
its earliest stages--”since 
before this was even a show,” 
according to Miranda--
traces its development from 
an improbable performance 
at the White House to its 
landmark opening night on 
Broadway six years later. 
In addition, Miranda has 
written more than 200 funny, 
revealing footnotes for his 
award-winning libretto, the 
full text of which is published 
here.Their account features 
photos by the renowned 
Frank Ockenfels and veteran 
Broadway photographer, 
Joan Marcus; exclusive looks at notebooks and 
emails; interviews with Questlove, Stephen Sondheim, 
leading political commentators, and more 
than 50 people involved with the production. 

TO MAKE YOURS WORK by Yoni Freedhoff 

Despite the success stories publicized by Atkins, 
South Beach, Weight Watchers, and others, 90% 
of all diets end in failure. How can fix the way we 
lose weight so that we make results last? Weight 
loss expert Dr. Yoni Freedhoff has uncovered 
the flawed thinking that sabotages even the most 
earnest weight loss efforts. The majority of dieting 
or weight loss programs call for regular sacrifice: 
Give up an entire food group; fight hunger day and 
night; undertake exhausting and grueling exercise 
regiments. These approaches are unrealistic, 
unhealthy, and make it nearly impossible to 
maintain results. Now, at last, there is hope. 
In The Diet Fix, Dr. Freedhoff offers a tested 
program for breaking down the negative thought 
patterns that prevent people 
from losing weight and 
keeping it off. Through the 
course of years of research 
and patient treatment, he has 
developed a 10-Day Reset 
that supports losing weight 
while maintaining a healthy, 
enjoyable lifestyle. This reset 
is designed to eliminate the 
habits that so often lead to 
weight gain: use it to shut 
down cravings, prevent 
indulgences from turning 
into binges, and break up 
with the scale once and for 
all. The 10-Day Reset can 
make any diet more effective, 
whether it’s low-carb, low-
fat, meal replacement, 
calorie tracking, or anything 
in between. Whether used 
on its own or in conjunction 
with any other diet, Dr. 
Freedhoff’s program shows 
how to replace this toxic 
dieting mindset with positive 
beliefs and behaviors. It is 
time to break the cycle of 
traumatic dieting. With The 
Diet Fix, Dr. Freedhoff offers 
a groundbreaking, useable 
guide to begin living happily 
while losing permanently.

by John Gottman Ph.D. 
Nan Silver 

Whatever their stage of life 
or marital status, readers will 
be fascinated and buoyed by 
this classic in the making.
With more than a million 
copies sold worldwide, The Seven Principles 
for Making Marriage Work has revolutionized 
the way we understand, repair, and strengthen 
marriages. John Gottman’s unprecedented study 
of couples over a period of years has allowed 
him to observe the habits that can make—and 
break—a marriage. Here is the culmination of 
that work: the seven principles that guide couples 
on a path toward a harmonious and long-lasting 
relationship. Straightforward yet profound, 
these principles teach partners new approaches 
for resolving conflicts, creating new common 
ground, and achieving greater levels of intimacy. 
Gottman offers strategies and resources to help 
couples collaborate more effectively to resolve 
any problem, whether dealing with issues related 
to sex, money, religion, work, family, or anything 
else.Packed with new exercises and the latest 
research out of the esteemed Gottman Institute, 
this revised edition of this book is the definitive 
guide for anyone who wants their relationship to 
attain its highest potential.

Jeff’s History Corner By Jeff Brown



On the Marquee: Notes from the Sierra Madre Playhouse

The U.S. celebrates National Nursing Week 
each year from 6 May to 12 May (the birthday 
of Florence Nightingale)Florence Nightingale, 
12 May 1820 – 13 August 1910) 
was a celebrated English social 
reformer and statistician, and the 
founder of modern nursing.She 
came to prominence while serving 
as a manager of nurses trained 
by her during the Crimean War, 
where she organised the tending to 
wounded soldiers.She gave nursing 
a highly favourable reputation 
and became an icon of Victorian 
culture, especially in the persona of 
“The Lady with the Lamp” making 
rounds of wounded soldiers at 
night.Some recent commentators have asserted 
Nightingale’s achievements in the Crimean War 
were exaggerated by the media at the time, to satisfy 
the public’s need for a hero. Nevertheless, critics 
agree on the decisive importance of her follow-up 
achievements in professionalising nursing roles for 
women. In 1860, Nightingale laid the foundation of 
professional nursing with the establishment of her 
nursing school at St Thomas’ Hospital in London. 
It was the first secular nursing school in the world, 
now part of King’s College London. The Nightingale 
Pledge taken by new nurses was 
named in her honour, and the 
annual International Nurses Day 
is celebrated around the world on 
her birthday. Her social reforms 
include improving healthcare 
for all sections of British society, 
advocating better hunger relief in 
India, helping to abolish prostitution 
laws that were over-harsh to women, 
and expanding the acceptable 
forms of female participation in 
the workforce.Nightingale was a 
prodigious and versatile writer. 
In her lifetime, much of her published work was 
concerned with spreading medical knowledge. 
Some of her tracts were written in simple English so 
that they could easily be understood by those with 
poor literary skills. She also helped popularise the 
graphical presentation of statistical data. Much of her 
writing, including her extensive work on religion and 
mysticism, has only been published posthumously.


Ross Philips, Katherine James, Andre Muller, and Christian Durso in The Glass Menagerie. 
Photo by Gina Long

By Artistic Director, Christian Lebano

I write this the day before we open The Glass 
Menagerie. I am as proud of this show as of anything 
I’ve ever done. This has been a wonderful experience 
– the cast has been a dream and are doing some of the 
finest work we’ve ever seen on the Playhouse stage. 
Katherine James, Christian Durso, Andrea Muller, 
Ross Philips, and Jackson Kendall are each giving of 
themselves so completely and have embraced this 
show and how we are telling it so fully that rehearsals 
have been a constant revelation and joy. I’m going 
to miss working with them every day, but am so 
incredibly eager to share the work they are doing 
with an audience.

 I’ve been thinking about this play for a few years 
and to see my ideas manifested on stage as beautifully 
realized as they have been is thrilling beyond words. 
The lighting that Pablo Santiago has created with 
assistance from Rebecca Hairston is so beautiful, 
the costumes that Candice Cain has pulled together 
make the period come to life, the sounds that Jeff 
Gardner has crafted are so specific to the telling of 
our show, the set makes the dream world real and 
thanks to Erin Walley for taking my idea and making 
it work, the projections of Shara Abvabi add so much 
to the concept, and the choreography (yes, there is 
dancing!) of Cate Caplin is sublime. Jonathan Beard 
and I have worked together on two other shows and 
his music here is hauntingly beautiful.

 The show has come together with so much 
help from so many people – Estelle Campbell, my 
producer and friend, has supported me from the 
start, Jen Gies our Production Manager has jumped 
in with both feet on this her first show with us, 
Todd McCraw has come on board as our new Tech 
Director and came to the rescue at just the right time, 
Emily Hopfauf who has worked often with us in 
many different capacities has lent her sewing skills 
and her oh-so efficient management of the backstage 
happenings, the beautiful work and staunch support 
of our resident scenic painter Orlando de la Paz has 
been a gift, and so many others who have helped in 
ways big and small.

 Three last thank yous: Diane Siegel who continues 
to outdo herself with each successive lobby; Alexandra 
Wright who has been a wonderful sounding board 
as my Assistant Director; and, Derek Copenhaver 
our Stage Manager, without whom I don’t think this 
show would have come together the way it has.

 I am grateful to them and to you, our loyal patrons 
for your support of the work we do and the vision to 
which we aspire. This truly is your theater. Please 
come see The Glass Menagerie, I would love to share 
it with you.

* * *

 The Glass Menagerie is selling very well. I hope 
to see you there! Tickets are now on sale as well for 
Carney Magic on Friday & Saturday, June 10 & 11 – 
John Carney is a marvelous magician who will bring 
his sleight of hand work to SMP. Please visit our 
website at or call Mary at 626.355.4318 to purchase 