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SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2016 VOLUME 10 NO. 21 VFW 3208 SPONSORS MEMORIAL DAY HONORS Sierra Madre Harry L. Embree VFW Post 3208 invites patriots, families and friends to attend our Memorial Day Ceremony honoring our deceased War Veterans at Sierra Madre Pioneer Cemetery, Monday, May 30 at 11:00 A.M. Please arrive early to get a seat. In recent years, the ceremony has attracted standing-room only crowds. A sandwich lunch will be served following the ceremony, courtesy of Post 3208. Patriotic and WW II music will be played before and after the ceremony. Guest speakers and/or participants will include CA VFW 4th District Commander Dave Loera, keynote speaker former Mayor and City Councilwoman MaryAnn MacGillivray, Congresswoman Judy Chu, CA State Assemblyman Chris Holden, and other past and current officials. We hope to see many of you there. Thank you for your continued support and interest! God bless America! LEW WATANABE, 83, RENOWNED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DIES Lew Watanabe, beloved ‘Goodwill Ambassador’ and true friend of the Sierra Madre community, died on Thursday morning after a difficult battle with pancreatic cancer. At the time of this death, his home was in Wildomar with his wife Joyce. Watanabe was best known for his commitment to change the world by leaving lasting symbols of peace and tranquilty. In a 1991 LA Times article he is quoted as saying, “I went from a landscaper to an artist”. His work was described as creating ‘little gardens of Eden’. One of his beloved creations is the Goodwill Garden at Sierra Madre School. Several years ago, Mountain Views News contributor, Chris Bertrand wrote of Watanabe’s restoration of the garden after it was destroyed by vandals. A plaque created in 1995 reads, “This garden was created in 1931 by grateful parents of Japanese-American students. It was destroyed by vandals during WW II as the caretakers were taken away to internment camps. It lay buried for 50 years. In 1995, it was rediscovered and restored by the efforts of the sixth grade class of 1995 and Lew Watanabe (A true ambassador of goodwill) in hopes of healing the wounds of war. PEACE ON EARTH, GOODWILL TO ALL. (http://mtnviewsnews. com/v04/htm/n15/p11.htm). In December 2013, he created and donated his work, “Antiquity”, a fountain, to Creative Arts Group on North Baldwin. The gift was in honor of the 34 years of service retiring CAG Executive Director Jacki Raymond had given to the community. In 1989 Lew won the sweepstakes award at the LA County Arboretum. The recipient of numerous books, awards and honors. In 1989 Lew won the sweepstakes award at the LA County Arboretum. In 1996 he was Sierra Madre Citizen of the Year. In 1999 he donated a granite sculpture to the City of Sierra Madre. This sculpture called “the weeping wall” and is located in Memorial Park. In 2010 he was Grand Marshall in the Sierra Madre 4th of July parade. (Partial listing) Watanabe will be greatly missed and yet his life will live on through his many works of art. Photos Courtesy Creative Arts Group SIERRA MADRE SEARCH AND RESCUE LOG With warming weather and many of our schools preparing to end the school year, the Sierra Madre Search and Rescue Team is gearing up for the summer hiking season. The month of April saw the Team responding to six search and rescue calls. While not a particularly high volume of calls, the calls allowed the Team to provide assistance to 18 individuals. 65th Anniversary Open House - Sierra Madre: On Saturday, May 21st, the Sierra Madre Search and Rescue Team will be celebrating the 65th Anniversary of the Team. Part of the anniversary events will include an open house at the Team’s rescue station at 1901 Stonehouse Road in Sierra Madre. The event will start at 12 noon and run until 4 p.m. in the afternoon. The event will include: Demonstrations of various search and rescue techniques and equipment Preventative Search and Rescue (PSAR) programs for all ages including the nationally recognized Hug-A-Tree program designed to help kids (and adults!) understand what to do in case they are ever lost in the mountains Displays of Team history and memorabilia Opportunities to meet Team members and learn more about what we do. A BBQ Live music We look forward to seeing you at the event on Saturday the 21st! For 65 years the all-volunteer Sierra Madre Search and Rescue team has been responding to calls for help in the local mountains and beyond. Funded entirely by private donations, SMSR provides a range of public programs on wilderness safety in addition to its search and rescue activities. The Team never charges for any of its services. For more information, including how to arrange a wilderness safety demonstration for your school or group, visit www.smsr.org. INPUT WANTED FOR SIERRA MADRE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) TRANSITION PLAN AND SELF-EVALUATION Sierra Madre, CA. May 20, 2016 – The City of Sierra Madre, in keeping with its ongoing efforts to serve all members of the community, is updating its Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) transition plan and self-evaluation. The accessibility plan provides a comprehensive plan for access for individuals with disabilities to City facilities, parks, programs, services, activities and events. The City of Sierra Madre is seeking input from agencies, organizations and individuals with disabilities. As an agency, organization or individual, the value of stakeholder guidance will help to address and prioritize current and future needs. Individuals who would like to provide input are invited to complete a survey, call or email the ADA Coordinator. Surveys are available for organizations that represent individuals with disabilities, patrons, community members, employees, and other interested individuals who wish to participate in the evaluation. Your comments and opinions are important to us and will provide valuable information regarding how the City of Sierra Madre can better serve individuals with disabilities. Surveys are available from the City’s ADA Coordinator. CIVIC CLUB PRESENTS EDUCATIONAL AWARDS AND PHILANTHROPY GRANTS On April 2 O’Malley Hall at St. Rita Church was turned into a 1920s dance hall when the theme of the Sierra Madre Civic Club’s major fundraiser was “All That Jazz”. More than two hundred fifty members and friends enjoyed a delicious luncheon, placed silent auction bids, bought tickets for opportunity drawings, and participated in a sometimes hilarious Chinese auction. The luncheon, in addition to selling confetti eggs on the Fourth of July, Civic Club Shoppe sales, our booth at the City’s Yard Sale, and Eat Out evenings raised thousands of dollars this Club year. Civic Club’s May general meeting was what has become one of members’ favorite meetings because that’s the time when we give away the money we’ve worked all year to raise. On May 12 the Educational Awards Committee introduced twelve exceptional local high school seniors who were receiving awards for outstanding scholarship and community service. Honorees included Ruby Baer, Jordan Rupp, Chance Woods, Connor Bent, Cameron Martinez, Samantha Carter, Anita Velazquez, Alexander Gallagher, Lauren Savo, Anora Denison, Zachary Damir and Emma Goehle. That same evening the Philanthropy Committee announced that we’d raised $23,486 to fund the requests made by twenty-two local non-profit organizations. These organizations submit requests for funds for special projects and members vote to determine which requests are funded. Recipients of the philanthropy grants will receive their checks at the May 24th City Council meeting. By evening’s end Civic Club had given away close to twenty-eight thousand dollars in educational awards and philanthropy grants amidst much clapping and laughter. Following the announcements of the educational awards recipients and the philanthropy grants, the 2016-17 Civic Club Board was elected. The new officers are Karma Bell, president, Jean Coleman, first vice- president, Marlene Enmark, second vice-president, Virginia Mullanely and AliceClark, co-third vice- presidents, Meegan Tosh, recording secretary, Kari Jantzen, communications secretary, Darlene Traxler, treasurer, and Anita Thompson, parliamentarian. These officers will be installed at the Installation Dinner to be held at the Monrovian Restaurant on May 19. The Sierra Madre Civic Club is a civic and philanthropic organization. We meet the second Thursday of every month at 7:30 PM in the Hart Park House. WATER PENALTIES SET TO INCREASE Sierra Madre, CA. – May 19, 2016 –This year’s El Niño rains have had a limited impact on our part of the state. Water conservation remains as critical as ever as California enters into its fifth year of drought. Sierra Madre City Council approved a measure earlier this month that would increase the penalty rate assessed on excess water use. The City of Sierra Madre would like to thank its water- wise customers for doing their part to make every drop count. The latest water billing numbers for May show 75% of Sierra Madre customers met, or outperformed, their water conservation targets. The remaining 25% of customers are of increasing concern for the City, as many of the customers who exceeded their water use target in the month have a repeat history of doing so. The City of Sierra Madre will introduce a new water penalty rate beginning on July 1, 2016. The rate will apply to each billing unit used in excess of a customer’s conservation target. The current penalty rate is $5.04/unit. The new rate will increase to $10.72, or two times the Tier 4 rate. If you would like to learn more about conservation and water utility rates, please visit the City of Sierra Madre website at: www.cityofsierramadre.com. | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |