Mountain Views-News Saturday, May 28, 2016
Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side
by Deanne Davis
“Hold him over the light, he loves the light!
You see how the light shines through him?”
“She lives in a world of her own-a world
of-little glass ornaments.”
The Glass Menagerie Tennessee Williams
Last Sunday, packed house at our very
own Sierra Madre Playhouse for The Glass
Menagerie. If you haven’t bought your
tickets yet, you’ve still got time. The run
has been extended through June 19th when
The Glass Menagerie will pack up Laura’s
little glass animals and make way for those
angst-ridden kids of The 25th Annual
Putnam County Spelling Bee.
The Playhouse’s Artistic Director,
Christian Lebano, directed Glass Menagerie
and did a superlative job with this classic
drama. The cast he put together: Christian
Durso (Tom); Katherine James (Amanda);
Andrea Muller (Laura) and Ross Philips
(Jim) was superlative. Reading through
these folks’ bios in the program, we were
doubly impressed as they’ve got some
serious acting credits. Of course, it takes
more than actors to create a successful
show and Christian has put together a
team who can, apparently, do just about
anything! The technical upgrade to the
electrical system made possible by the
Charles & Ruth Gilb Family Foundation
has given the Playhouse a whole new look
as far as lighting and sound is concerned
and you can really tell the difference!
The Playhouse these days is such an asset to
Sierra Madre...a far cry from the old Bogart
Theater days when movies were shown and our
youngest daughter, Crissy, hid under the seat
during one of the Dr. Phibes movies, starring
Vincent Price, as the title character, Dr. Phibes,
who blames the medical team that attended to
his wife for her death four years prior and sets
out to exact vengeance on each one, inspired in
his murderous spree by the Ten Plagues of Egypt
from the Old Testament. What we, her feckless
parents were thinking, bringing this small child
to a horror movie, is lost in the foggy past. We
probably couldn’t get a sitter and all the rest of
the kids wanted to go. I was particularly fond
of both the Dr. Phibes movies and am proud to
report that they both achieved the coveted Rotten
Tomatoes award. Good times!
Under Christian Lebano’s direction, the
Playhouse is getting rave reviews in all sorts
of publications and the shows we have seen:
Always...Patsy Cline, Deathtrap, and now The
Glass Menagerie have been as well done as
anything you’d see at the Taper or any of the
other theaters around town. Charlotte’s Web
introduced theater to thousands of kids who
attended on school field trips.
Christian has a nifty column here in
the Mountain Views News on the Arts &
Entertainment page and I invite you to take a
look. It’s exciting to see what he’s got planned for
future months like Carney Magic, June 10 & 11, a
slight of hand show for all of us who love magic.
It wouldn’t hurt if you’ve liked something at the
Playhouse to let Christian know about it. A pat
on the back never hurts. You can check out the
Playhouse website and even buy tickets at: www.
Assuring each other that our family wasn’t
nearly as dysfunctional as the one in The Glass
Menagerie, we walked across the street to
Zugo’s Café and enjoyed an excellent Cabernet
and variously the Spicy Shrimp, Vegetarian
Lasagna and the Salmon Pesto Penne. A guitarist
was playing some gentle music just below the
animated conversation of lots of people having a
good time.
The Mt. Wilson Trail Race is today! Most
exciting event all year. Word has it the Trail is in
splendid shape and 350 well-trained runners will
be tearing up Baldwin and then back down again
in about an hour. We love the little kids’ race,
too. You can watch the race start at 7:30 a.m. and
then stick around for the kids at 7:45. Plan on
breakfast after the runners get on their way and
be there for the winners about the same time you
say, “No thanks, that’s enough coffee!” Shopping
opportunities in Kersting Court, too.
Have a great week and come out to Pioneer
Cemetery on Monday, Memorial Day, at 11:00
a.m. to honor our veterans. There will be guest
speakers and VFW 3208 will be hosting a
sandwich lunch after the ceremony.
“Freedom isn’t free. A veteran is someone
who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check
made payable to The United States of America for
an amount of up to and including his life.”
My book page: Amazon.com: Deanne Davis
Blog: www.authordeanne.com
“Tablespoon of Love, Tablespoon of Laughter”
is available there.
The Friends of the Sierra Madre Library announces
that the Best Used Book Sale will be on Friday,
June 3 (3 -7 p.m.) and Saturday, June 4 (10 a.m. - 2
p.m.). The sale takes place in the basement and the
parking lot behind the Sierra Madre Library.
We have a lot of books on our shelves in the
basement. The Cookbook, Wine, Gardening,
Decorating, Remodeling, Crafts and Hobby shelves
will feature a BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE! We
will be charging for the higher-priced book: the
second book of equal or lesser value will be FREE!
Sorry, this won’t apply to the Table Books, but only
the shelves marked. Also in the basement, we are
featuring a set of Cooking with Bon-Appetit books,
The World’s Best Reading, which is the Reader’s
Digest adult classic literature along with two partial
sets by Mark Twain, and Churchill’s The Second
World War set. Look for Sports, History and
Barbecue books for Dads for Father’s Day too.
In the parking lot, we are featuring our Children’s
Books from .25 - $1.00, Bargain books are for sale
for only $1.00 each and small paperbacks are five
for $1.00.
At the sale you also will have an opportunity to
join the Friends of the Sierra Madre Library and
help support the library. The Friends of the Sierra
Madre Library is a non-profit organization and all
proceeds benefit the Sierra Madre Library. For
more information visit us on Facebook, at our
website www.sierramadrelibraryfriends.org, or call
the library at 626 355-7186.
See you at the Book Sale!
City of Sierra Madre
From: The City of Sierra Madre
AMENDMENT 16-01 (MCTA 16-01)
Applicant: City of Sierra Madre
Project Location: Properties in the City of Sierra Madre,
County of Los Angeles, State of California
On May 24, 2016 the City Council of the City of Sierra Madre introduced for first reading Ordinance No. 1376, amending
Chapter 17.38 – Institutional Zone, of the Sierra Madre Municipal Code. The revisions include: changers to the Purpose
and Intent of the Institutional Zone (Sections 17.38.010) – to allow public and private uses which provide public services to
the community, and to allow the integration of adjacent commercially zoned property into the institutional environment,
provided there is no net loss of commercial space; Permitted uses (Sections 17.38.020) – to allow repairs, maintenance,
interior alterations, minor exterior alternations, and minor structural alternations that do not result in expansion of the
use; Uses subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit (Section 17.38.030) – adding public recreation facilities, retreat
center, health spas an similar uses, schools, and social service office excluding “for profit” activities; Master Plan (Section
17.38.040) – amending the objectives and contents of a master plan to ensure structures convey the village theme in their
siting, massing, scale use of open space, and architectural character and preservation of historic structures; Modifications to
Development Standards and criteria of modification of Development Standards (Section 17.38.050) – to allow adjustments
to the master plan provided that the project contains activities and functions which will be a significant asset to the city,
adequately mitigates impacts attributable to any increase in floor area ratio and height, and providing additional community
benefits without limitation making available parking to the pubic when not in use, dedication of on on-site recreation space,
parkland, facilities for public meetings, and child care made available to the public. The City Council will conduct a second
reading of Ordinance 1376 at the June 14, 2016 City Council Meeting at 6:30 PM, in the City Council Chambers at 232 W.
Sierra Madre Boulevard.
This summary is published pursuant to Government Code Section 36933(c)(1) and a full and complete certified copy of the
text of Ordinance 1376 is available at the Sierra Madre City Manager’s Office located at City of Sierra Madre City Hall,
232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA. For further information on this subject, please contact the Planning and
Community Preservation Department at (626) 355-7138.
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The project qualifies for an exemption from the California Environmental Quality
Act review pursuant to Title 14, Section 15061(b)(3) of the California Code of Regulations as it can be seen with certainty that
there is no possibility the adoption of this Ordinance may have a significant effect on the environment, because it will impose
greater limitations on development in the City thereby serving to reduce potential significant adverse environmental impacts.
APPEAL: If in the future anyone wishes to challenge the decision of the City Council in court, one may be limited to raising
the issues that were raised or presented in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or before the scheduled
public hearing. For further information on this subject, please contact the Planning and Community Preservation Department
at (626) 355-7138.
“The Kindness of Strangers” feature encourages readers
to share their stories. I can assure you, they will be
uplifting especially in contrast to all the the challenges
and issues we have to deal with daily. So, if you have
something you would like to share, please submit it to:
editor@mtnviewsnews.com. It doesn’t matter where you
were or when it happened. Share your good expeiences in hope that it might bring a little joy and/
or inspire someone.
-Susan Henderson, Editor/Publisher MVNews
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com