Mountain Views News Saturday, May 28, 2016
Susan Henderson
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Patricia Colonello
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Merri Jill Finstrom
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Rev. James Snyder
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Pat Birdsall (retired)
DICK Polman
TYRADES! by Danny Tyree
It’s mildly irritating when Facebook tries to nudge me into
tagging a photo of my wife’s sister as my wife or my son as
myself, but there are much more ominous possibilities in
the world of facial recognition software.
According to the Washington Post, an Israeli start-
up company called Faception claims to be able to take
one look at a person’s face, compare it to a database and
deduce a whole slew of character traits, including whether
the person is a potential terrorist.
Yes, Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar was all “old school” when he observed “Yon
Cassius has a lean and hungry look”; but artificial intelligence is bringing snap
judgments into the 21st century.
With 80 percent accuracy, Faception’s technology can purportedly identify
everything from great poker players to extroverts, pedophiles, geniuses, white
collar criminals, wimps who won’t sue Faception if they get beat up after being
misidentified as one of the aforementioned groups, etc.
The main focus of Faception is on homeland security issues; but even there,
effectiveness may be short-lived. The terrorists may figure ways around it. I
understand ISIS is flooding the market with photos of jihadists on jowl-flapping
roller coaster rides and urging its scientists to finalize new real life applications for
advanced Wooly Willy technology.
Keenly aware of ethics concerns, a Faception spokesman assures us that the 15
different classifiers used by the company to produce its profiles will never be made
available to the general public. I have my doubts. (“The secrets are guarded by a
trusted employee – who, um, meets 14 of the 15 classifiers for being a member of
WikiLeaks! Darn! Darn! Darn! Pay no attention to that massive data dump on the
Imagine the societal upheaval if such information does go public, gets exploited
by unregulated copycats and tempts individuals and institutions to abuse it.
Suddenly everyone will be muttering “Maybe you CAN judge a book by its cover,”
“Better safe than sorry” and “Guilty until proven innocent.”
Romantic invitations will be rejected, job offers will be rescinded and adoptions
will never take place. Even something as simple as a payday loan will be affected.
(“Why do you REALLY need this loan? According to analysis of the surveillance
camera photos, you probably need to establish a new identity after you mass
murder my helpless family. Take your business somewhere else, sir! But please
take a complimentary calendar, and a nail file for your 80 percent likelihood of
having brittle nails.”)
Remember the 1980s Pantene “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful” ad? Soon
it could be “Don’t hate me because my symmetrical follicles indicate bouts of
The medical profession will never be the same, thanks to exchanges like the
“The facial swelling from your allergic reaction to bee stings may never fully
“I want a second opinion, doc.”
“Okay, and you’ll probably win the backgammon tournament while humming a
creditable version of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’.”
I’m all for preventing another 9-11, but there’s still something easily skewed and
downright creepy about the services offered by Faception.
I’m not sure I even want to live in a world where the inspirational words of
Martin Luther King, Jr. have devolved into “I look to a day when people will not be
judged by the color of their skin, but by whether their ears hang low and wobble
to and fro.”
©2016 Danny Tyree. Danny welcomes email responses at tyreetyrades@aol.com
and visits to his Facebook fan page “Tyree’s Tyrades”. Danny’s’ weekly column is
distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons Inc. newspaper syndicate.
We all know by now that Republicans are well practiced at the art of
magical thinking — massive tax cuts balance the budget, human-
induced climate change isn’t real, Donald Trump is a normal
candidate — but the delusion that tops them all is their apparent
belief that the Zika virus will slow its pace and take its cues from the
ideological cheapskates on Capitol Hill.
Way back on Feb. 8, President Obama — acting on dire warnings
from the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention —
requested that the Republican Congress pony up nearly $1.9 billion to head off an impending
public health emergency. The mosquito-borne Zika virus was nearing American shores and
imperiling pregnant women, who, if infected, could give birth to babies with abnormally
small heads and severe brain defects. What could be more prudent than to pump sufficient
money into preventive mosquito control, vaccine research, and public education?
Sixteen weeks later, the Republican Congress has passed squat. With no end in sight. It
simply refuses to spend the money that health experts know is necessary.
I had long assumed that, for all their hostility to governance, Republicans at minimum
believed that protecting American families was paramount. (You know, family values.) I now
stand corrected. Apparently, even babies are to be sacrificed on their ideological altar.
The Republican House wants to give the NIH and CDC only $622 million — roughly one-
third of what Obama requested. That money would come from the funds that were OK’d in
2014 to fight the Ebola outbreak (we’re still fighting Ebola, in Africa). The Republican House
also says that the $622 million would basically expire in September, and at that point Obama
would have to ask for more. Meanwhile, the Republican Senate wants to provide $1.1 billion
— roughly half of what Obama requested. It toyed with the idea of financing the Zika fight by
taking money out of Obamacare, but it finally passed the bill without doing something that
No doubt you’ve spotted the big problem: The Republican House and the Republican Senate
are far apart on how many pennies should be pinched, and that stalemate is expected to last well
into the summer. That should give the Zika virus more time to infect more people — unless,
of course, the virus agrees to abide by the Republican timetable. More than 1,300 cases have
already been confirmed; most are pregnant American travelers and citizens of Puerto Rico.
Public health experts can’t fathom why Congress is behaving this way. Dr. Peter J. Hotez, at
the Baylor College of Medicine, recently said, “I’m very worried, especially for our U.S. Gulf
Coast states ... It’s like refusing emergency preparedness funds for an approaching hurricane.”
Even the GOP-dominated National Governors Association pleaded for Congress to act,
warning in a statement this month that “the nation is on the threshold of a public health
Best of all, we have Marco Rubio. Freed of the need to pander, the lame duck senator —
mindful of Zika’s threat to Florida — is clanging the alarm.
“Do we (spend) now before it becomes a crisis, or do we wait for it to become a crisis?” Rubio
asked “Congress is going to have to explain to the people why it is we sat around and did
nothing on something of this magnitude.”
And let’s not kid ourselves here. The main reason they’ve been sitting around since February
is because the request came from Obama. Saving babies is a lower priority than hating Obama.
Two years ago, in the early days of the Ebola crisis, Republicans said that Obama wasn’t
doing enough to keep the disease away from American shores. Yet today, with Obama doing
everything he can to keep Zika away from American shores, Republicans don’t like that,
either. And if, as expected, the Zika cases mount after the virus hits here, rest assured they’ll
try to blame Obama.
But like Rubio, a few rare Republicans prefer to be rational. Earlier this month, House
member Vern Buchanan — mindful of the virus threatening his Florida district - announced
his support for Obama’s money request, and cited medical research which shows that Zika
“eats away” at the brain and “destroys the ability to think.”
Destroys the ability to think…
Sounds like a Zika mutation has already infected his colleagues.
Copyright 2016 Dick Polman, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.
Dick Polman is the national political columnist at NewsWorks/WHYY in Philadelphia
(newsworks.org/polman) and a “Writer in Residence” at the University of Pennsylvania. Email
him: dickpolman7@gmail.com
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H. SUSAN Henderson
MAKING SENSE by Michael Reagan
Howard is
unavailable for his
Left Turn column
this week, so I
thought I would
share a few of my
thoughts with you.
As I am certain
you are aware,
the state of our
election process
has been on most
people’s minds. On
every TV channel, all over the news, and yes,
sadly, even in community based newspapers
such as this, all day, every day. I don’t think a
week has gone by in 2016 without a column on
the upcoming election. And, with all of this
attention, one thing is crystal clear, the state of
our electoral process is a MESS! Not only is it a
mess, the chaos is being exploited for the sake of
ratings and free media, and the end result may
very well be the election of a man who is far
worse than Nancy Reagan’s ‘village idiot’. (See
footnote below*).
So, who do we really blame for this hysterical
candidate selection process and sophomoric,
media influenced way of choosing our next
President? Do you have a mirror handy? Then
take a good look at the image in it. Yes, we
are all to blame and for so very many reasons.
What we are experiencing are the consequences
of our actions (or inactions). Think about it:
1. Too many people don’t vote! It is staggering
to read the statistics of just who participates
in the voting process. In 2012, there were
240,926,957 Voting Eligible Americans. How
many went to the polls? Only 130,234,600…a
little over 50%. To be exact, 53.6%. (Source:
html). We no longer celebrate the privilege
when our kids turn voting age. We no longer
instill in them their responsibility to have
their voices heard. And, almost half of you
reading this won’t vote either. Almost half of
the eligible voters will stay home with dozens of
lame excuses as to why not. Being in Intensive
Care is acceptable, not missing your favorite
TV show is not. Personally, my parents taught
me a long time ago that if I sit on the fence and
do nothing, then I have given away my right to
complain. They were right. The solution is not
to say ok and stay on the fence, the solution is, if
you really care about something, to get involved
or at least do your part, VOTE.
2. Don’t be surprised at the way things work!
Most people never paid attention to the political
organizational structure (The Parties) before
this election cycle. Do you even know what your
party’s County Central Committee is? And
yet, you go to the polls and vote for “County
Central Committee Members” and have no idea
who they are or what they do. You relegate the
internal workings and rules to these volunteers
and never look back until someone like Sanders
or Trump exploit the process to escalate the
discontent among the masses. Those who
want change within the party should have
been proactive instead of reactive at the most
inopportune time. Those who are dissatisfied,
should have been INVOLVED long before this
cycle began.
3. Stop letting people treat you like dummies!
Recognize when your intelligence is being
insulted. The President of the United States
does not operate in a vacuum as we have all
painfully witnessed with President Obama. If
the opposition party goes to congress and sits on
their hands, nothing will get done. So don’t let
anyone suggest to you that their ascendency to
the highest office in the land is a magic wand. It
takes experience and a commitment to serving
others to even begin qualifying to be the leader
of this country. If you’ve been serving your
own self-interests all your life, unless the Good
Lord himself recently touched you, looking out
for others is just not in your wheel house -- Mr.
Trump. Personally, whether I agree with an
elected official or not, they all are to be given
credit for stepping up to the plate, they are all
public servants, warts and all.
4. Know who the devil is. The devil is NOT
Wall Street. The devil sits on the shoulders of
those members of Congress who waste time
and millions of dollars investigating some
married man’s dalliances, a matter that really
is not their business, and those members who
will do anything that will make the 6 o’clock
news with their names attached. They are the
elected officials who will not work together and
come up with regulations that protect citizens
from abuse in our financial markets. Oh my,
that would be more government regulations,
huh? Imagine what this country would be like
without Wall Street? No banks, no corporations
to work for, no mechanism for maintaing and
facilitating growth of retirement funds. Yes,
Wall Street needs managing to protect us, but
it is not our enemy. Elected officials whose
only job is to be obstructionist are our enemy.
Demonizing everything is an easy way to get
people’s emotions riled up, but an INFORMED
electorate should be able to see through that.
Do your own homework.
5. Stop eating up red herrings, they give you
indigestion! According to the dictionary, a red
herring is: “something unimportant that is used
to stop people from noticing or thinking about
something important”. Really, personal e-mails,
someone else’s sins, red herring debates (Trump’s
invitation to Bernie), name calling, bullying....
What do any of those things that we tend to
commit to memory and may use to decide
who we vote for, have to do with improving the
quality of life for any of us? When a candidate
cannot or will not articulate the who, why, when
and where of what they intend to do if elected,
don’t waste your time listening to anything they
have to say. It’s the issues…not the insults.
I could go on and on, but the bottom line is
this, too many of us sit on our hands and don’t
vote. Too many of us let others think for them.
Too many of us don’t do any research from
reliable sources in order to learn the facts on
our own. Too many of us blindly just ‘go for
the sound bites’. This isn’t Reality TV folks.
This isn’t the schoolyard in second grade. This
is real life. It is our future. It is time for us to
demand that our elected officials to do their jobs
and stop playing games, because if we don’t, the
consequences will be unimaginable.
“…in “The New York Post,” Cindy Adams wrote a column
[2001] in which he said that Nancy Reagan is not very
impressed with President Bush. In fact, according to Cindy
Adams, she calls him the village idiot.” From CNN Transcript.
The statement was later retracted.
Consequence: (n) something that happens as a result of a particular
action or set of conditions
Look which party is blowing itself up now and struggling to unify
behind a single candidate.
Hint: It’s not the Republicans.
After all those months of worrying and complaining about having
too many candidates, the GOP finally found its 2016 presidential
candidate, for good and bad.
A couple weeks ago I said the Republican Party was in such sad shape it should use Leslie
Gore’s 1963 hit “It’s my party” for its theme song.
The opening line -- It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to -- was a perfect description of
how miserable conservative Republicans and the GOP establishment were at the prospect of
having Donald Trump as their standard bearer.
Now the GOP is suddenly getting its act together and Donald Trump is looking stronger.
He has been picking up more support from the party establishment -- though it’ll dry up
real fast if he keeps sucker-punching Republican governors like Susana Martinez of New
Mexico for no good reason.
Trump’s poll numbers against Hillary are up.
He’s already giving “Crooked Hillary” the same roughing up he gave his primary opponents.
He’s exhuming subjects that she, her pretend husband Bill and their liberal media friends
thought were buried decades ago in the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository.
Already the names of Bill’s victims are coming back to haunt us – Jennifer, Paula, Juanita,
Kathleen, Monica…
Trump will be repeating those names until November, whether Hillary, Big Media or
squeamish Republicans like it or not.
For the next six months he’ll do to Hillary what liberal journalists won’t do because they’ve
still in bed with the Clintons after 24 years.
He’ll be hitting Hillary every day on Benghazi, her emails, her Wall Street speeches, her
crooked foundation, her Senate record, her record as secretary of state, Whitewater, Vince
Foster, her hairdos, her voice, etc., etc.
With Trump and Hillary’s negative poll numbers being as high as they are, we might still
see a third party candidate emerge to go after conservative Republicans and the NeverTrump/
Anybody But Hillary voter.
Meanwhile, it’s the Democrat Party that’s gone to war with itself.
Bernie Sanders isn’t giving up in his leftwing crusade to take down Hillary. He’s got the
money, the troops and the rage to make the Democratic convention an ugly battle scene.
America’s most lovable socialist is pushing Hillary so far to the left she’s about to fall in the
Pacific Ocean. She’ll never have time to swim back to the center.
Even MSNBC can see Hillary’s whole campaign is a fiasco.
Apparently, she still hasn’t watched the highlight reel of the Republican primary to see how
Trump destroyed his attackers like they were monsters in a video game.
She’s making the same stupid mistake they did. She’s attacking him, which only makes him
stronger with his base and lets Trump hit back even harder at her.
Hillary’s campaign “style,” if you can call it that, is so boring and scripted it’s like she’s teaching
a chemistry class or reading for a poorly written part in a movie.
Everything she screeches at her pep rallies has been measured, weighed and poll-tested a
dozen times until it’s clichéd liberal mush.
She should let Elizabeth Warren or Larry David read her scripts from now on before half
the country slips into a coma.
Trump needs to pick a perfect conservative VP candidate to allay the fears of the Paul
Ryans in the GOP, offset his lack of experience and bring some grown-up gravitas to his
political stand-up routine.
But nothing can save Hillary from herself.
My old girlfriend Leslie Gore had a follow-up hit to “It’s My Party” that, if adapted slightly,
describes where Mrs. Clinton is right now.
‘Cause now it’s Hillary’s turn to cry
Hillary’s turn to cry
Hillary’s turn to cry
Copyright ©2016 Michael Reagan. Michael Reagan is the son of President Ronald Reagan,
a political consultant, and the author of “The New Reagan Revolution” (St. Martin’s Press).
He is the founder of the email service reagan.com and president of The Reagan Legacy
Foundation. Visit his websites at www.reagan.com and www.michaelereagan.com. Send
comments to Reagan@caglecartoons.com. Follow @reaganworld on Twitter.
Mike’s column is distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. For info
on using columns contact Sales at sales@cagle.com.
Susan Henderson,
Mountain Views News
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