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Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 25, 2016 


Saturday, July 9, 2016 , 7:30am Sharp! 

Kick off your weekend with a fun and healthy 
hike for the entire family. Come on an adventure 
to the Eaton Canyon Nature Center in Sierra 
Madre Saturday, July 9! This nature hike is 
approximately 4 miles roundtrip with a 40-foot 
waterfall at the end of the trail. Participants will 
meet at the Arcadia Community Center at 7:30am 
and travel by bus to the Eaton Canyon Nature 
Center. At the end of the hike participants will 
enjoy a picnic lunch by the water fall. Participants 
should bring sunscreen and a hat. The $15 fee 
includes transportation and lunch. Children 
must be accompanied by an adult. You can 
register now, on-line, by mail or in person! The 
City of Arcadia’s website is 
or stop by the office, 375 Campus Drive. For more 
information please call 626.574.5113! 

About the City of ArcadiaNestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel 
Mountains, Arcadia is an 11.38 square milecommunity with a population of just over56,000. Located approximately 20 miles eastof downtown Los Angeles, Arcadia is knownfor combining small-town charm with theconveniences and amenities of a mid-size city.
Arcadia is a full-service charter city governedby a five-member City Council, elected atlarge. Recognized for exceptional education 
and recreation opportunities and beautiful 
neighborhoods, Arcadia is also defined asthe “Community of Homes” and has twicebeen designated the “Best City in Californiain which to Raise Kids” by Business Week 


For the period of Sunday, June 12th, through Saturday,
June 18th, the Police Department responded to 1,044 callsfor service of which 128 required formal investigations. Thefollowing is a summary report of the major incidents handledby the Department during this period. 

Sunday, June 12:

1. Around 6:09 p.m., officers responded to Westfield SantaAnita, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a physicalaltercation in progress. An investigation revealed both 
parties exited their vehicles and began arguing over aparking space. The suspect slapped the victim’s hand awayand pushed his wife before running out of sight. The coupledeclined prosecution against the suspect. The incident wasdocumented. 
2. Just after 7:58 p.m., an officer responded to a solo vehicletraffic collision near the area of Santa Anita Avenue and 
Virginia Road. Upon contacting the driver, the officerdetected a strong odor of alcohol emitting from the driver.
Through a series of tests, the officer determined the 34-yearold 
female from Pasadena was driving under the influenceof an alcoholic beverage. The suspect was cited and left in thecare of Arcadia Methodist Hospital personnel for treatment. 
Monday, June 13:

3. Just before 3:22 a.m., an officer was dispatched to Denny’s,
7 East Huntington Drive, regarding a subject causing adisturbance. Upon contacting the male suspect, the officernoticed symptoms of alcohol intoxication and determinedhe was unable to care for himself. The 28-year-old male fromMonrovia was arrested and transported to the Arcadia CityJail for booking.
4. Just after 8:35 a.m., an officer was dispatched to FishingBoat Chinese Cuisine, 516 East Live Oak Avenue, regardinga vandalism report. An investigation revealed two unknownsuspects smashed the front door to the location, made entryand forced the cash register open. They stole twenty dollarsbefore fleeing the restaurant in an unknown direction. The 
investigation is ongoing. 
Tuesday June 14:

5. Just after 1:26 a.m., officers received a license plate readernotification of a stolen vehicle in the area of HuntingtonDrive and Fifth Avenue. Officers located the vehicle and 
detained the driver. An investigation revealed the driver wasin possession of several stolen packages, mail, cellphones,
tablets, ammunition and a firearm. The driver was also 
in possession of narcotics. The 31-year-old female, fromBurbank was arrested and transported to the Arcadia CityJail for booking.
6. At approximately 2:51 a.m., an officer was dispatched to the300 block of Laurel Avenue regarding a residential burglary.
An investigation revealed three male suspects made entryinto the residence through a bedroom window. They stole$2,000 in cash, an AR-15 style rifle and two handgunsbefore fleeing the location in an unknown direction. Theinvestigation is ongoing. 
Wednesday, June 15:

7. Around 2:55 a.m., officers responded to Westfield SantaAnita, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding an activationof an Arcadia Police Department GPS tracker. ArcadiaPD detectives had previously deployed decoy bicyclescontaining tracking devices to combat the increase in bicyclethefts around the city. An investigation revealed a 44-yearold 
male and a 52-year-old female, both from Pasadena, tookthe bicycle and fled the scene. They were located with thebicycle, arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail forbooking. 
8. Just after 12:06 p.m., officers were dispatched to the areaof California Street and Third Avenue regarding the reportof a subject with a knife. An investigation revealed a knownmale suspect chased two male victims and threatened toharm them while holding a folding knife. He left when onevictim called the police. The 14-year-old male from TempleCity was located at his residence, arrested and transported tothe Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
Thursday, June 16:

9. At about 12:59 p.m., officers responded to the U.S. Bank,
1400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a suspect attemptingto commit fraud. An investigation revealed a male suspectwas in possession of a falsified driver’s license. He attemptedto steal a large amount of money from the victim’s accountand had also used the victim’s identifying information toopen credit accounts. The 38-year-old male from ValleyVillage was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jailfor booking.
10. At approximately 6:30 p.m., officers responded to theparking lot of Coldwell Banker, 77 West Las Tunas Drive,
regarding a vehicle burglary report. An investigationrevealed an unknown suspect smashed the front passengerside window and stole an Apple iPad that was on thepassenger seat. No suspects were seen and no witnesses werelocated. 
Friday, June 17:

11. At about 1:04 p.m., an officer responded to Villa CatrinaRestaurant, 251 North Santa Anita Avenue, regarding thereport of a drunk male seen having a hard time walking,
drive away in his vehicle. Officers located the reportedvehicle and contacted the driver. Upon contacting the driver,
the officer detected a strong odor of alcohol emitting fromthe driver. Through a series of tests, the officer determinedthe 67-year-old male from Arcadia was driving under theinfluence of an alcoholic beverage. The suspect was issueda citation and left in the care of Arcadia Methodist Hospitalstaff for treatment. 
12. At approximately 1:17 p.m., an officer responded to thefront counter of the Arcadia Police Department, 250 WestHuntington Drive, regarding the report of a package theft.
An investigation revealed an unknown suspect stole apackage containing $570 worth of clothing from the victim’sfront porch on the 500 block of Third Avenue. No suspectswere seen and no witnesses were located. 
Saturday, June 18

13. At about 2:05 a.m., officers were dispatched to the600 block of First Avenue regarding a burglary alarm.
One officer contacted two subjects near the residenceriding bicycles without proper lighting equipment. Aninvestigation revealed that the subjects were not involved,
however one subject was in possession of a meth pipe and theother subject had an outstanding warrant for his arrest. The29-year-old female from Monrovia was cited and releasedin the field. The 33-year-old male from Covina was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
14. Just after 8:06 a.m., an officer responded to the LosAngeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden, 301North Baldwin Avenue, regarding a vandalism report. Aninvestigation revealed a female suspect shattered the frontdoor of the gift shop with a rock and fled the scene in adark colored Mini Cooper. Several additional reports ofvandalism to vehicles with rocks were received in Arcadia 
and Sierra Madre with matching suspect description. Thefemale suspect was located in her vehicle with several rocks.
She was transported and left in the care of Arcadia MethodistHospital staff. 
Call Patricia at 626-818-2698 Today!
1450 Rutherford Drive, Pasadena 

Exclusive Listing Agent 


Catherine “Tink” Cheney 
Previews Estates Director 
Cell: 626 233 2938 
CalBRE# 01173415 

©2016 Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corporation. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corporation. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. 
Owned and Operated by NRT, Incorporated. Coldwell Banker does not guarantee the accuracy of square footage, lot size, or other information concerning the condition or features of property provided by the 
seller or obtained from public records or other sources, and buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy of that information through personal inspection and with the appropriate professionals. 

Square per Assessor: 3,245 | 4 Beds & 3.5 Baths 
Lot Size: 50,019 | Year Built: 1987 

OWNED AND OPERATED BY NRT | Pasadena South Lake Office 

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