Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 25, 2016
BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDSJUST FOR BEST FRIENDS 11 Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 25, 2016
It just doesn’t get any more adorable thanwill make her a superb canine citizen. Meet
this! Meet Pechanga (A4955981), a bright-Pechanga today! To watch a video of Pechanga,
eyed 1-year-old red female Dachshund andplease visit the following link:
Chihuahua mix puppy who was found inXYa4817XVFQ
La Puente and brought to the Baldwin ParkTo meet Pechanga in person, please see her atAnimal Care Center on June 2nd. Weighing 10the Baldwin Park Shelter, located at 4275 N. Elton,
pounds, Pechanga is a darling little girl as cuteBaldwin Park, CA 91706 (Phone: 626-962-3577). She
as a button. Scared in the shelter, she shivers is currently available now. For any inquiries aboutfrom head to toe. She
Pechanga, please referenceis curious and alert
her animal ID number:
though, watching
A4955981. The shelter is
everything around her
open seven days a week,
with beautiful amber
12 pm-7 pm Monday-
eyes and taking comfort
Thursday and 10am-5pmin being held and
Friday-Sunday. This is a
stroked. Pechanga is
high-intake shelter with alow-key in her current
great need for adoptions.
environment, and she
For more information
gets along well with
about Pechanga or
other dogs (including
the adoption process,
her rowdy kennel
contact United Hope
mates), so she would be
for Animals Volunteer
a good candidate for a household with canineAdoption Coordinator Samantha at Samantha@
siblings. For now, she prefers being carried To learn more about United
doing the walking herself, although we expectHope for Animals’ partnership with the Baldwinthat she will likely blossom with the safety andPark Shelter, as well as the many dogs of all breeds,
love that comes with having your own foreverages, and sizes available for adoption in localhome. She stands ready to meet her forevershelters, visit
family and learn the training basics that about-us/shelter-support-program/.
E. Foothill Blvd. in Pasadena, 12:30-3:30.
We know our cats very well to find theright match for you, and when you adoptfrom Lifeline for Pets, you know youare getting a healthy, much loved kittywho will fit well into your family and
have a lifelong home. Call 626-676-9505.
Convenient adoption application, more
pic- tures, and a video of Lulu on ourexcellent website, www.lifelineforpets.
Lulu, age 4, is a simply
gorgeous girl! She was
lovingly owned for 4 years,
but her owner needed assisted living,
so now Lulu needs a new home. Maine
Coons are a wonderful breed, and highly
sought-after. Lulu is mellow and loving,
and will fit in well with almost any family.
Adoption fee is $100, which includes spay/
neuter, microchip, & vaccines.
Lifeline for Pets is a no-kill rescue
organization. We show some of our catsmost Sunday afternoons at Petsmart, 3347
SEP covers any time before the employmentends, and for eight months thereafter. A word ofcaution here: employers with less than 20 workersmay require employees turning 65 to enroll inMedicare and have the employer plan serve onlyas a backup insurer.
What If I Missed The Deadline?
If you failed to enroll during your initial orspecial period, you must enroll in a generalenrollment period (GEP) which is in effect fromJanuary 1 to March 31 of each year. In such acase, you will be charged a penalty of 10 percentof the premiums for each full 12-month periodafter the end of your IEP and the beginning of theGEP.
The good news for some who enroll duringa GEP is that they may not have to pay anypremiums for Medicare Part A coverage, sothere is no penalty to be assessed. If you havecontributed Medicare tax while employed for40 quarters (10 years), you have enough credit
to get Part A coverage for free. Part A covershospital and skilled nursing facility charges.
Part B, which covers doctor’s services, outpatientservices and medical equipment, always comes
with a premium, and an enrollment penalty willbe assessed as long as you are in the plan.
NEARING AGE 65 While the process can be complicated, theseare some of the more important facts people need
People who are nearing the age of 65 should beginto know about Medicare enrollment. There are
making plans for the transition from privatestill other factors that may apply to individuals,
health care to Medicare. It is not a simple processespecially anyone who is disabled and receiving
or one that happens automatically. You have toMedicare benefits prior to age 65. As such,
initiate the enrollment process at a specific timecontacting the Social Security Administration
or suffer a monetary penalty.(or if you need more help, contacting us) wellIt is important to understand that applyingbefore your 65th birthday is the smart thing to
for Social Security benefits and enrolling indo.
Medicare are two totally different things. Don’tDedicated to your family’s health, wealth, and
confuse your eligible age for Social Security withhappiness,
the eligible age for Medicare. For Medicare, it is
65; there are no variations based on your date of
Can I Sign Up Whenever I Want?
If you are turning 65 and are not covered under
a health insurance plan through your employer
or your spouse’s, you must enroll in Medicare
during an initial enrollment period (IEP) that
applies just to you. The period runs for a seven-A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on
month span beginning and ending on either sidea mission to help parents protect what they love
of your 65th birthday. The fourth month of themost. His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave.,
period is the month in which you turn 65. That isSte. G, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an
how you establish your window of opportunity.appointment to sit down and talk about ensuringIf you passed the age of 65 while covered under aa legacy of love and financial security for your
plan through your or your spouse’s employment,family by calling 626.587.3058 or visit www.
you have a special enrollment period (SEP). The for more information.
Richard was found running loose in the streets offree wellness exam at a participating veterinarian.
Alhambra. No one has claimed him. He is a 3-year-Feel free to call us at (626) 286-1159 for moreold Chihuahua mix weighing a little less than 10information on Richard. He currently resides at thepounds. He is quite a handsome boy with a shortSan Gabriel Valley Humane Society located at 851coat of light-colored tan fur.E. Grand Avenue in San Gabriel. We are located
Richard greets his visitors with a wagging tail,off San Gabriel Blvd, north of Mission and south of
and he may even share a kiss
Las Tunas Drive. To arrange aor two. He likes getting pets
‘Meet and Greet’ with Richard,
around his head and neck, and
please stop by any time frommay even roll over for a belly
10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesdayrub, or stick his back end up in
through Sunday. Website:
the air for a back massage.
Richard is easy to harness
LA Renegade Rollergirls take
and enjoys going for walks.
on the Tucson RollergirlsHe is easy to handle on the
on Saturday, June 25 at 7pmleash and happily interacts
in Wingate Park, 735 N.
with people and with other
Glendora Avenue in Covina to
dogs he meets along the way.
support the San Gabriel ValleyRichard enjoys playing with
Humane Society. Tickets athis kennel mate, and you will
the door are $10 dollars: $8
find the two of them wrestling
presale. Bring Pedigree dogwith each other when you
food, Purina cat chow or cat
walk by, both smiling and
litter and be entered in a raffle
having a great time.
to benefit the animals.
Richard is a happy boy with
We are always looking for harda gentle nature. He deserves to working, dedicated animal
have a secure, loving home with a family who treatslovers to join our team to fulfill our goal of ‘Puttinghim as the special dog he is meant to be. Come in People and Pets Together’. If you have what it takesto meet him and see if his big brown eyes don’t meltto succeed in our life-saving work, we want to meetyour heart . His adoption fee is $130 and includesyou! Check out our employment opportunities atneuter surgery, vaccinations, microchip and a
Last week my husband and I took a trip toMassachusetts to attend a memorial for myauntie Evelyn. She passed away last Novemberat the ripe ole age of 102! It was a bittersweettime with family and friends that I hadn’t seenin many years, and we all shared our memoriesof times we had with Evelyn who was quite afeisty lady and stayed amazingly healthy up tosoon before her passing.
As a dog sitter, it can be challenging to taketime off for a getaway, but that’s typically okaywith me as I haven’t really had much desire totravel in recent years. However, now that I’vehad a taste of what it feels like to be somewhere
other than in Sierra Madre, I am thinkingperhaps it might not be a bad idea to try andplan a quick trip along the coast for a freshperspective, this summer.
While thinking of this over the weekend,
I decided to look into some desirable dog-
friendly coastal destinations where my littlefour-footed girl Molly would be just as welcomeas we would be. I got lucky on my first Googlesearch when I found a website with a blog pagebelonging to a couple who likes to share theirstories about life with their two dogs, Sierraand Lexi.
One particular story I found on their sitecaught my eye, as I had rover-friendly roadtrips in mind. The title is “Doggie Vacation Upthe California Coast”. It includes snap shots oftheir trip with creative captions and excellentdescriptions of the vacation destinations theyvisited along the way. I suppose it goes withoutsaying that each of their stop spots were placesthat openly invite the family dog to tag alongand enjoy the fun with their humans.
So with my mind gathering momentumfor wanderlust, I began to think some of myreaders may also have a desire to partake insome easy going getaway time during the hotmonths of summer. And so it is that I offer upthis list of dog-friendly haunts requiring onlya relatively short road trip with ‘Rover‘ in tow.
No fuss with a bus or train and no insane wait
to board a plane. Keep it simple, relax andenjoy!
Thanks and credit go to Todd Porter &
Diane Cu for sharing this lovely list of pet-
friendly destinations with the rest of us pup-
loving road trip travelers. Bark Voyage!
Santa Barbara County,
Arroyo Burro Beach (Hendry’sBeach) - The one beach thatis legal for off leash use in theCity of Santa Barbara, locatedat 3401 Edgewater Way, belowthe Douglas Family Preserve.
It begins east of the sloughat Arroyo Burro Beach andstretches almost to the steps atMesa Lane. From the parkinglot at Arroyo Burro, walk tothe beach, turn left and cross
the slough.
San Luis Obispo County,
Happy Tails
by Chris Leclerc
Fiscalini Ranch Preserve - Features gentlyrolling hills on one half with a gorgeous cliffside hike on the other half, overlooking theocean. There’s no sandy beach romp here, butyour pups will love running free up the hillsthrough the tall grasses. Located at 604 MainSt. in Cambria, CA.
Monterey County, Carmel Beach City Park
- With soft white sandy hills and great viewsof Pebble Beach Golf Course, this beach is
guaranteed to be a hit with the whole family.
The sand is so soft and fine it squeaks beneathyour feet! You’ll find this little bit of heaven onOcean Ave. at Scenic Rd. in Carmel, CA.
Monterey County, Hofsas House, dogfriendly hotel - Privately owned and operated,
the down-to-earth family (original owners)
you’ll meet at this super dog friendly hotelliterally welcomes your entire clan with openarms. What really stands out is the care andattention they give to the dogs that stay there.
Oh, and they’re friendly to humans too!
Between 3rd & 4th Ave. on San Carlos St.,
Carmel-By-The-Sea, CA.
Carmel, Mission Trail Nature Preserve This
largest open space park in the City ofCarmel-By-The-Sea, has so many leash freetrails to explore it is hard to choose. Theauthor recommends the trail to Mesa Pond
where you and your pups can swim laps andlap up the beauty of the gorgeous naturalsurroundings. It also boasts a very interestinghistory and some truly amazing native plantgardens. The park encompasses 33 acres ofmostly undeveloped land bordered by HattonRd. to the north, Mt. View to the west, 11th
Ave. to the south and Rio Rd.(Carmel Mission)
to the east.
Santa Cruz, The Penny Ice Creamery - Besure to stop by this gem for some of the bestice cream ever! There is a shop and also a littlestand, but be sure to visit the shop where you’llfind a larger selection of flavors. It is the onlyice cream shop in Santa Cruz that makes smallbatches of the delicious delight completelyfrom scratch, in house. Flavors change withthe seasons and feature locally farmed organicingredients. Don’t fret if you drip…let yourpet lick it up! 913 Cedar St., Santa Cruz, CA.
Happy trails to you! Oh, and happy tails,
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: