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Community Calendar:
SM Calendar of Events

Sierra Madre:
Walking SM … The Social Side
Sierra Madre Police Blotter

Shop Sierra Madre:

Pasadena – Altadena:
Crime Blotter for Altadena
Pet of the Week

Arcadia Police Blotter

Education & Youth:

Food & Drink:
Chef Peter Dills
Table for Two

The Good Life:
Senior Happenings

The World Around Us:
Looking Up
Christopher Nyerges
Out to Pastor

Best Friends and More:
Family Matters
Happy Tails
Pet of the Week
SGV Humane Society
Katnip News!

F. Y. I. :

Section B:

Arts & Entertainment:
Jeff's Book Pics
All Things Considered
On the Marquee

Opinion … Left/Right:
Will Durst
John L. Micek
Dick Polman
Michael Reagan
The Funnies

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F. Y. I. :

Jeff Brown
Deanne Davis
Peter Dills
Bob Eklund
Marc Garlett
Chris Leclerc
Christopher Nyerges
Rev. James Snyder

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SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 2016 
VOLUME 10 NO. 26 
SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 2016 
VOLUME 10 NO. 26 


egan her next Adventure June 15, 2016 

Snooky joined SMWC in 1990 and immediatelybecame part of the “let nothing stand in our way”
group of 12 - 15 widows who wanted to enjoy lifeto the fullest. They became known as the “GoldenGirls” and for 23 years they enthusiastically tookpart in everything the club and our City had to offer,
and then some. They enjoyed dressing up - and hatswere always worn at Fashion Shows. Snooky was oneof the quiet supporters of the activists, always withtwo hands helping out - in the Thrift Shop, settingup food for teas (13+ years) and other events andalways one of the lunch ticket sales crew, as well asa lunch Reservations Caller. She anchored seat #1 
at SMWC’s “table” at the Rose Float’s semi-annual 
Legendary Bingos; ditto for the Fireman’s Breakfast.
She helped decorate and set up curb-side chairs forthe Pre-Parade Open House, was part of the SMWCConcert in the Parks on Summer evenings andhelped dip ice cream for the sodas the years we had abooth there. A Life member, she was also a stalwart 
at the Wistaria Festival’s Info Booth at Memorial 
Park, and a solid anchor for the Oranges Table atthe Mt. Wilson Trail Race. Her thoughtfulness,
support and humor have been missed at ourmeetings, and now will be missed all the time. 

Her daughter, Marilyn Simcox, will let us knowabout future plans; all Snooky’s family is out-of-town / state, so it may be a while. Cards may still besent to The Family of Snooky Gregor, 195 San Gabriel Court, Sierra Madre, CA 91024 

Submitted by Mary Carney, Sierra Madre Women’s Club 


Lew Watanabe a long time resident and one of our most generousvolunteers passed away on May 19th after a brave battle with pancreatic 

A celebration of Lew’s life will be held on Thursday June 30th, at

1:30 PM in the auditorium at Sierra Madre Elementary School,
following an 11:30 AM grave side service at the Sierra MadrePioneer Cemetery. In leiu of flowers contributions can be madeto the Gofundme account “Lew’s Japanese Garden MemorialFund”, created to provide continued care for the garden at SierraMadre School that Lew so lovingly restored and maintained 


In cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service Sierra Madre Police Department will assist the ANF 
Staff with keeping Chantry Flats Recreational Area closed. The gates at Santa Anita and Arno will 
remain locked. The area is off limits due to the fire danger and the San Gabriel Complex Fires. Santa 
Anita Canyon road is closed to everyone. Therefore no bicyclist, walkers, or hikers are allowed in 
the area as well. Individuals going beyond the gate who are not authorized to be in the area are 
subject to possible prosecution. Law Enforcement realizes that this is a very popular area, especially 
during the weekends, however for the public's and the community's safety we must ask that you be 
diligent in remaining out of the area. 

Bailey Canyon and Mount Wilson Trail will remain open at this time but is subject to immediate 
closure if fire conditions in the area worsen. 


The City Council will hold a public hearing on June 28, 2016 at 6:30pm in City Hall Council 
Chambers to consider amendments to the R-3 (Multiple Family Residential Zone) Ordinance, 
Chapter 17.28 of the Sierra Madre Municipal Code. The meeting is open to the public and there 
will be opportunities to make comments. The purpose of the Municipal Code Text Amendment is 
to allow densities of approximately thirteen (13) units per acre and establish a maximum floor area 
based on lot size. Information regarding the draft amendments will be available on Thursday, June 
23rd at 5:30pm on the City Council agenda page on the City’s website, at City Hall, and at the City 


The Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing to consider amendments to the R-1 
Single Family Residential Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 17.20 of the Sierra Madre Municipal Code.) 
The revisions include the establishment of a maximum allowable floor area specifically for lots 
created by subdivision and lots reconfigured through lot line adjustments, new minor lot lineadjustment provisions, requirements for minimum frontage for lots located at the end of a cul-desac 
and for lots accessed by a shared private driveway, new diagrams illustrating the requirements 
for lots accessed by a shared driveway and prohibited/permitted lot configurations for lot splits, and 
elimination of flood control easement areas in the calculation of lot area for purposes of calculating 
maximum allowable floor area. The Commission will also consider an amendment to the definition 
of lot area in the Definitions Ordinance (Chapter 17.08 of the Sierra Madre Municipal Code). 

The Planning Commission meeting will be held on July 7, 2016 at 7:00pm, in the City Council 
Chambers at the Sierra Madre City Hall located at 232 West Sierra Madre Blvd. The meeting is open 
to the public and there will be opportunities to make comments. Information regarding the draft 
amendments is available on the Planning and Community Preservation page on the City’s website, 
at the Planning and Community Preservation Department counter at City Hall, and at the City’s 


For almost 50 years the Sierra Madre Community has 10:30pm. The event will feature the outstanding local 
joined together in celebration of the great American rock music of Groovy Lemon Pie and the not-to-betradition 
with music, picnics, games and the ever missed Bubblewrap fireworks at 8:00pm. Kids and 
popular 4th of July Parade. Residents and guests grown-up alike will stomp on hundreds of square 
crowd Sierra Madre Boulevard to watch youngsters feet of bubble wrap, making the sounds of shooting 
on their patriotic bikes stroll down the route alongside fireworks. Other park activities include the Friends of 
hometown heroes like the Sierra Madre Search and Sierra Madre Little League Beer Garden (sales benefit 
Rescue Team and Sierra Madre Fire Department. The youth sports), Civic Club’s famous confetti eggs, 
official sponsor of the 2016 parade is The Kensington. Sierra Madre Community Foundation Dunk Tank 
The Kensington-Sierra Madre is an assisted living (where you might be able to dunk a local politician) 
and memory care residence in the heart of Sierra and tons of food for purchase. 
Madre, sitting along the parade route. 

Community Picnic Dunk Tank Schedule for Sunday 
Honorees: July 3rd – Memorial Park: 

The Sierra Madre 4th of July Committee is pleased to 5:30 PM Assistant City Manager Elisa Cox 
honor Pete Siberell as the 2016 Fourth of July Parade 

6:00 PM Sue Berhrens, Alverno High School 
Grand Marshal. The Grand Marshal is a person or 
persons whose efforts over a long period of time has 6:30 PM Mayor Pro Tem Rachelle Arizmendi 
been beneficial to the community of Sierra Madre. 

7:00 PM Grand Marshal Pete Siberell 
The title of Grand Marshal is intended to honor a 
person or persons’ volume of work, dedication and 7:30 PM Library & Community Services Director 
overall enhancements to our community. Pete is a Ryan Baker 
shining example of this. 

8:30 PM 4th of July Chair Jim Annes 
Since moving to Sierra Madre he has been involved 
8:30 PM Kris Lowe, hometown hero 
with a number of community efforts including Sierra 
Madre Little League, Friends of the Library, Library Come hit the streets for the 6th Annual Spero 
Board of Trustees, Pasadena Humane Society and Foundation’s Fire Cracker Fun Run on the morning 
is known for years of work with the Mount Wilson of Independence Day. Race will take place from 
Trail Race. Pete has dedicated thousands of hours to 8:00 - 9:30am (check in 7:00 – 7:45am) in Kersting 
make sure Sierra Madre is a great place to live, work Court. This unofficial 5K Fun Run is geared for the 
and play. Pete and his family blaze the trail living the entire family to enjoy. Although untimed, a clock is 
Sierra Madre spirit every day. Sierra Madreans that provided. Runners and walkers of all ages welcome. 
make a difference. Participants can bring strollers and dogs (on leashes) 

with them as this is a true community event! 

The Committee is also proud to recognize hometown 
hero Kris Lowe for her years of dedicated service to Registration is available online. The cost is $26.00 
the Sierra Madre community. A lifetime Sierra Madre per entry regardless of age. Participants will receive 
resident, Kris is a well-loved retired captain of the a custom 2016 Firecracker Fun Run medal! We 
Sierra Madre Volunteer Fire Department (SMVFD). encourage everyone to dress up and show their 
She served the community for over 15 years and patriotism with the most creative Red, white and blue 
continues to volunteer her time to her community outfit. Have fun and show your support for the stars 
through charitable events such as the Friends of the and stripes. 
Library Wine Tasting, Wistaria Festival & the Sierra 

Immediately following the 5K, at 10am sharp, is 

Madre Volunteer Fire Department Association. 

the Annual 4th of July parade which kicks off at the 

Kris is also the newest member of the Sierra Madre 

corner of Sierra Madre Boulevard and Sunnyside 

Community Foundation. She is currently a teacher 

Avenue. The parade travels down Sierra Madre Blvd. 

with the Glendale Unified School District and the 

to Sierra Vista Park where the party keeps going. 

coordinator for the Public Safety Academy at Hoover 
High School, a program which certifies youth for The after-parade Community Picnic & Celebration 
disaster preparedness and emergency response. She starts at 11:00am with featured music from the 
is truly is preparing the next generation of heroes. Wabash Wailers. The Sierra Madre pool will also be 

open for FREE. The afternoon will be topped off with 


games in the park with the ladies of Sierra Madre 
Grease Sing-Along – Join your neighbors as Pink Civic Club. 
Ladies and T-birds as we kick the weekend off with 

Wanna throw water balloons at your friends, or 

a sign-along showing of Grease in Memorial Park 

challenge your folks to a three-legged race or sack 

starting at dusk. Snacks will be on hand. 

race? This picnic is the place to be. Join us for a Home 
Pre-Parade Party - Before the July 4th parade, the Run Derby and food for sale. 
town will be rockin’ in Memorial Park for the Pre-
Parade Party & Picnic on Sunday, July 3rd from 5:30 - 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website:

Useful Reference Links

Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548