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Mountain View News Saturday, July 16, 2016 

Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side

by Deanne Davis 

“Many flowers open to the sun but only onefollows it constantly. Heart be thou the sunflower,
not only open to receive God’s blessing, butconstant in looking to him.” Jean Paul Richter 

“I don’t think there’s anything that moretrumpets life than the sunflower. For me that’sbecause of the reason behind its name. Not 
because it looks like the sun, but because it 
follows the sun. During the course of the day,
the head tracks the journey of the sun across thesky. A satellite dish for sunshine. Wherever lightis, no matter how weak, these flowers will find 
it. And that’s such an admirable thing, such alesson in life.” 2003 movie, “Calendar Girls” 

We saw this sunflower, my Walking SierraMadre best buddy, John, and I this morning,
Monday, July 11th, on Highland and couldn’tresist taking its picture. It is the brightest, mostvibrant yellow and its leaves are a deep healthygreen. To me, sunflowers mean hope. Here are afew more things that speak hope to us today: Ourgrandson, Luke, turns 19 today. He was born onmy Aunt Helen’s birthday, long after she had leftus behind to take up residency in heaven. Luke, Ithink, has taken on at least one of Auntie Helen’s 
best qualities, i.e., he is kind. He is also a talentedactor-singer-dancer with many credits to hisname, and he gives us hope. Actually, all ourgrandchildren give us hope. There are the littlegirls in Texas: Jessie, who is 8 and Emily, who isalmost 6; taking swimming lessons – valiantlyjumping off the side of the pool, bravely puttingtheir faces in the water, heroically stroking andkicking. And there’s our granddaughter, Ashleythe R.N., who has been married a whole month 
today. She and Trevor have just moved into theirvery own condo as homeowners. Grandson,
Chad and wife, Hayley, are expecting a little girlnext month. Hope!

We are looking for hope as this last weekin our Nation has been a very grim week withshootings and death seemingly on every side.
We have wept over the pain which surroundsus...a four year old boy in Altadena, SalvadorEsparza III, shot to death on his front porch;
the police officers in Dallas and so many more 

this past week. We see these tragedies as ripplesof pain extending out through family after 
family...parents, brothers and sisters, children...
touching literally hundreds of lives. Even thoughwe don’t know these people personally, we seetheir faces on television, hear their families 
weep tears that will never dry. We are remindedof God’s Word in 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If mypeople, who are called by my name, will humblethemselves and pray and seek my face and turnfrom their wicked ways, then I will hear fromheaven and will forgive their sins and will healtheir land.” 

We hear our next door neighbor’s chickensclucking around, making cheerful chicken 
noises and we can’t help but smile. The vincaplants I put in last week are looking happy andI’ve bought some succulents that were on sale20% off to replace seven roses. 

Some roses are pink, yellow or white,
Some are a bright, cheery red.
But thanks to the spider mites,
Those nasty little aliens,
Most of our roses are... 
About to be outta here! 

If you do much Walking Sierra Madre, I’msure you’ve seen Belle, the absolutely gorgeousgreat white dog who might possibly be a GreatPyrenees, but who is the most dignified lady we’veever seen, making her stately way around theneighborhood. Her owner, Lois, is starting a newdog walking business here in town and if you’dlike someone to walk your dearest canine friend,
try Lois: HYPERLINK “mailto:walknthedog9@”

The giant pumpkin vines are already takingover their area and we are watching for blossoms.
More hope! “Once you choose hope, anything’spossible!” Christopher Reeve. May your weekabound with hope.

My book page: Deanne Davis 

 “Tablespoon of Love, Tablespoon of Laughter”
is available there… 
An excellent graduation gift, by the way! 

New Art Exhibition at Sierra 
Madre City Hall Through 
August 2016 

W. Jack Savage is a retired broadcaster, actor and 
educator. He is the author of seven books including 
Imagination: The Art of W. Jack Savage (wjacksavage.
com). To date, more than fifty of Jack’s short stories 
and over eight-hundred of his paintings and drawings 
have been published worldwide. He has appeared in 
over fifty plays including Susan Slept Here at the Sierra 
Madre Playhouse in the 90s. He was an avid runner 
and in addition to several marathons, was finisher in 
the Annual Mount Wilson Trail run. Jack and his wife 
Kathy live in Monrovia, California 
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: