Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, July 16, 2016

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Mountain View News Saturday, July 16, 2016 



July 15, 2016 – The Arcadia City Council is 
honoring the life and service of Jerry Collins 
by dedicating the Picnic Pavilion at Wilderness 
Park with a memorial plaque to commemorate 
his unique achievements and contributions to 
the Arcadia community. 

The ceremony will be held 

a classic venue in Arcadia that 
on Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 

symbolizes the unique and far

5:00 p.m. at Wilderness Park, 
reaching impacts of recreationlocated at 2240 N. Highland 

that Jerry embraced—the City 
Oaks Drive in Arcadia. The 

is recognizing an exceptional 
public is invited to attend.

public servant whose 
Jerry Collins began his 

accomplishments continue 
service with the City of 

to have a profound and 
Arcadia in 1970 as Assistant 

lasting impact on the Arcadia 
Director of Recreation and 

became Director of Parks and 
Recreation in 1978. During 

About Arcadia 
his 24 year career with the 

Nestled in the foothills of 
City, Jerry led efforts for 

the San Gabriel Mountains, 
the planning, construction, 

Arcadia is an 11.38 square 
and opening of the Arcadia 

mile community with a 
Community Center, in 

population of just over 56,000. 

addition to developing 
innovative Senior Programs designed to focus 
on the physical, social, and financial well-being 
of Arcadia seniors. Mr. Collins also championed 
Youth Programs that focused on the holistic 
importance of exercise, healthy diets, sports, 
music, and dance. 

As a recognized pioneer in the field of recreation 
services, the Southern California Municipal 
Athletic Federation (SCMAF) established the 
Jerry Collins Award which is presented annually 
to individuals who are, “actively involved in the 

SCMAF San Gabriel Valley and committed to 
future success of the organization; a person who 
believes in the purpose of the organization and 
stands by it through their support and dedication.”
By commemorating the Jerry Collins Picnic 
Pavilion at Wilderness Park – 

Located approximately 20 
miles east of downtown Los Angeles, Arcadia 
is known for combining small-town charm 
with the conveniences and amenities of a mid-
size city. Arcadia is a full-service charter city 
governed by a five member City Council, elected 
at-large. Recognized for exceptional education 
and recreation opportunities and beautiful 
neighborhoods, Arcadia is also defined as the 
“Community of Homes” and has twice been 
designated the “Best City in California in which 
to Raise Kids” by Business Week Magazine. 


The Arcadia Police Department is starting upa Business Watch program. This is a crimeprevention program similar to NeighborhoodWatch but geared toward our business 
community. There is no cost to participants inthe program.

Business owners are encouraged to join BusinessWatch and get to know their business neighbors. Bybecoming familiar with neighboring businesses,
owners and employees will become more alert tostrangers and suspicious activities in their businessdistricts. The program encourages the businesscommunity to stay in touch with each otherby means of formal Business Watch meetings, 

informal community meetings, phone calls andsocial media. In doing this they can get to knoweach other better and discuss areas of concern. 
Part of the program includes training by theArcadia Police Department Community AffairsOffice on crime trend information, business 
security and personal safety for business personneland customers. 

If you are interested in the Business Watchprogram an informational and sign up meetingwill be held at the Arcadia Police Departmentcommunity room 250 W. Huntington Dr. Arcadia

(626) 574-5150 on Wednesday July 20th 2016 at
6:30 pm. All are welcome to attend. 
For the period of Sunday, July 3rd, through Saturday, July 9th,
the Police Department responded to 938 calls for service of which100 required formal investigations. The following is a summaryreport of the major incidents handled by the Departmentduring this period. 

Sunday, July 3:

1. At about 7:05 p.m., an officer initiated a traffic stop on avehicle in the area of Longden Avenue and Doolittle Avenuefor equipment violations. A consensual search of the driver’svehicle revealed methamphetamine. The 51-year-old malefrom Monrovia was arrested and transported to the ArcadiaCity Jail for booking. His vehicle was impounded for havingexpired registration over six months.
2. Just after 8:47 p.m., an officer responded to the 700 blockof Arcadia Avenue regarding a report of a man down. Aninvestigation revealed the subject was found unconscious byhis wife. He regained consciousness and was found to be inpossession of cocaine. The 36-year-old male from Arcadia wascited and released at the scene. 
Monday, July 4:

3. Just after 12:29 a.m., an officer initiated a traffic stop on avehicle in the area of Baldwin Avenue and Gate 7 of the Santa 
Anita Race Track for speeding. Upon contacting the driver,
the officer detected a strong odor of alcohol emitting fromthe driver. Through a series of tests, the officer determinedthe 24-year-old male from Pasadena was driving underthe influence of an alcoholic beverage. He was arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
4. At approximately 8:45 p.m., officers were dispatched tothe 000 block of Alta Avenue regarding a report of domesticviolence. An investigation revealed the suspect head-buttedthe victim causing injury to her jaw. He then held her againsther will preventing her from calling police. The victim wasable to escape with her children to a neighbor’s house. Thesuspect fled the scene. An emergency protective order wasissued. The investigation is ongoing. 
Tuesday July 5:

5. At about 5:02 a.m., an officer patrolling the area of SantaAnita Avenue and Huntington Drive noticed a vehiclestopped in a turning lane with a driver who appeared tobe unconscious. An investigation revealed the subject hadfallen asleep at the wheel and was in possession of drugparaphernalia. The 36-year-old male from Lancaster wasarrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
6. Around 10:55p.m., officers responded to the 500 blockof West Live Oak Avenue regarding a residential robbery. Aninvestigation revealed three suspects entered the residencewhile the elderly couple was sleeping. The suspects ransackedthe entire residence then woke the victims and demanded 
money and gold. The victims reported minor injuries. Noweapons were seen by the victims. The investigation isongoing.
Suspect #1 is described as a male, dark complexion, 20 to30-years-old, 5 feet 5 inches tall, thin build, wearing a hoodedsweatshirt. Suspect #2 is described as male, 20 to 30-years-old,
wearing dark clothing. Suspect #3 is described as male, 20 to30-years-old, wearing dark clothing. 

Wednesday, July 6: 

7. Around 2:59 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the 1500 
block of Clark Street regarding the report of a man in thestreet. The officer made contact with the subject and aninvestigation revealed the 24-year-old male from El Montehad an outstanding warrant for his arrest. He was arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.

8. Just after 12:07 p.m., an officer responded to the 1500block of Cambury Avenue regarding the report of an autoburglary. An investigation revealed the victim left her vehiclelocked and parked on the street. The victim returned to hercar and discovered her credit card and cash missing from thetrunk. No suspects were seen. No witnesses were located. 
Thursday, July 7:

9. At about 7:54 a.m., officers responded to Srisiam Thai Kitchen,
106 East Foothill Boulevard, regarding a burglary report. Aninvestigation revealed an unknown suspect(s) gained entryinto the restaurant by smashing the front window with a rock.
The suspect(s) fled undetected with the cash register and anunknown amount of cash. The investigation is ongoing.
10. At approximately 10:46 a.m., an officer conducted a trafficstop on a vehicle in the area of Tenth Avenue and BungalowPlace for false display of registration. An investigation revealedthe driver was driving the vehicle without insurance and thevehicle registration had expired in August of 2015. The driverhad placed a red 2016 registration tab on his rear license plate.
The 33-year-old male from Pomona was cited and released at the 
Friday, July 8:

11. At approximately 1:13 a.m., officers responded to the 400block of East Santa Clara Street regarding a report of a mandown. An investigation revealed an unknown suspect shotthe victim multiple times before fleeing the scene. The ArcadiaFire Department responded and administered medical aid.
The victim, an adult male, was transported to a local hospitalfor further treatment. The investigation is ongoing.
12. At about 3:40 p.m., an officer was dispatched to Sephora,
400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a shoplifting report.
A loss prevention specialist witnessed the suspect concealmerchandise in her purse before exiting the store, failing tomake payment. The 18-year-old female from Pasadena wasarrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
Saturday, July 9:

13. At about 1:45 p.m., an officer responded to BoutiqueHailey, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a fraud report.
An investigation revealed a female suspect entered the storeand purchased over $1,000 worth of children’s clothing anda car seat. The store owner received notification after the 
transactions had been completed, that the purchases weremade with two fraudulent credit cards. The investigation isongoing.
14. At approximately 5:17 p.m., an officer was dispatchedto Sephora, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding two femalesuspects that were detained for shoplifting. A loss preventionspecialist witnessed the suspects conceal several items inplastic shopping bags before exiting the store, failing to makepayment. The suspects were contacted by the loss preventionofficer and a consensual search of the plastic bags revealedadditional stolen merchandise taken from other stores 
located inside Westfield Santa Anita. The 19-year-old and the20-year-old females, both from Pasadena, were arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 

In response to concerns about street cleanlinessOlive, the south boundary at Central Ave. and theand litter, the Duarte City Council voted ateasterly boundary consisting of Las Lomas Rd. toits May 10th meeting to launch a pilot streetRoyal Oaks and Fernley Drives.
sweeping program effective July 1, 2016. TheThe northern portion of the Quadrant 2 will beprogram involves a designated area of theswept during the period of 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
City which will has new signs posted to reflectand the southern portion will be swept from 7:00mandatory parking restrictions which will beam to 11:00 am. Street signs indicating parkingenforced by citation.restrictions with days and times were posted in the

The pilot program launched on July 1, 2016 forpilot area during the month of June prior to thea period of six months. The program involvesbeginning of the program.
the mandatory removal of vehicles on both sidesThe program also features a thirty-day graceof the street on street sweeping days to facilitateperiod where written warning notices will beunobstructed access to curb and gutter by theleft on windshields in order to both educate and 
sweeper. Street sweeping will occur on the secondfamiliarize affected residents with the program.
and fourth Wednesdays of every month. TheActual parking enforcement will commence afterarea involved in the pilot program is defined asAugust 1st. Citations will cost approximatelyQuadrant No. 2 which will be divided into north $45.00. Prior to the introduction of the program,
and south sections. The northern section of the staff will be involved in extensive public outreach.
quadrant includes the Duarte Mesa, every streetStaff will return to council in January of 2017 withabove Freeborn St. with the outer boundarypilot program findings.
of Woodbluff Ave. The southern section of the For additional information on the proposedquadrant is defined as Freeborn Street and allstreet sweeping program, contact Duarte Publicstreets south of it, with the west boundary at Mt. Safety at 626-357-7938. 


As our nation continues to mourn and react and 
respond to the vicious and despicable sniper attackagainst police officers in Dallas, here at the City, wehave felt emotions that range from shock to angerto sadness… to hope. Because as the situation andour emotions have developed these past few days,
a feeling we didn’t expect to associate with Dallashas developed throughout our organization… a 
feeling of gratitude.

All of us in the City are having trouble puttinginto words the depths of our gratitude for theentire Monrovia community. In the wake of theshooting in Dallas, the tremendous outpouringof support for the Monrovia Police Departmenthas left us all a bit speechless, and all of us feel soblessed to serve this community. Thank you so verymuch, Monrovia, for the calls, and the letters, and 
the visits, and the vigils, and the rally’s… all insupport of the Monrovia Police Department.

Also of note, in the wake of the shooting in Dallas,
all members of the Monrovia Police Departmentwill be wearing a mourning band over their policebadge to honor, recognize, and remember the fivepolice officers who were killed. 

Lorne Ahrens, Dallas Police Officer 
Michael Krol, Dallas Police Officer 
Michael Smith, Dallas Police Officer 
Brent Thompson, Dallas Area Rapid Transit PoliceOfficer 
Patrick Zamarripa, Dallas Police Officer 

The mourning band is a solid black band that 
is worn around the police badge, and here in 
Monrovia, we will be wearing the band until allof the fallen officers have been buried. And while 
we grieve and mourn the five police officers whogave their life in protection of others in Dallas,
no matter how angry or sad or frustrated we feelabout the current state of affairs in our nation, the 
picture attached to this email really shows howhere in Monrovia… we should all feel a sense of 
hope that we can figure this out together. 


The City of Monrovia and the 
acclaimed Levitt Pavilion have 
partnered to offer a special 
concert series at Station Square 
Park this summer! We hope 
that you’ll make plans to come 
on out to Station Square Park 
by the new Gold Line Station 
every Wednesday evening from 

7:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m., beginning 
on July 13, 2016 and lasting 
through August 17, 2016. The 
6 week concert series will 
feature a variety of Jazz, Latin, 
Americana, and Children’s 
music performances.
In addition to the concert 
series at Library Park and 
Levitt Pavilion, the City is also 
offering an additional summer 
concert series at Station Square 
Park in light of this being the 
inaugural summer of activity 
at Monrovia’s newest park! To 
that end, we hope that you’ll 
stop by Station Square Park 
by the new Gold Line Station 
on select Thursday evenings 
from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. 
for a series of four concerts 
beginning on July 14, 2016. The 
musical features will include a 
tribute band collective playing 
songs from The Who, Journey, 
Fleetwood Mac, and the 
Doobie Brothers. The concerts 
are being sponsored by the 
Monrovia•Arcadia•Dua rte 
(MAD) Town Council. 

Due to the San Gabriel Complex Fire, the Cityfor one free dog license if the pet is spayed orof Duarte In cooperation with VET CARE, hasneutered. A $50 late penalty will be added to therescheduled its annual, low cost Vaccination cost, if the license is purchased after August 31.
Clinic to Saturday, July 16, from 8:00-10:00 a.m.Remember, all dogs over the age of 4 monthsThe clinic will be held at Duarte Park, 1344 must be vaccinated for rabies to comply with stateBloomdale Street, adjacent to the Teen With the foothills in our back yard, the chanceRabies vaccinations will be available for $8 of your dog having contact with local wildlife iseach, microchip registration for $40, and othergreat. Don’t hesitate...Vaccinate!
vaccinations will also be available upon request. If you cannot make this event your license can be

Participants will also be able to purchase Duartepurchased at Duarte City Hall, 1600 Huntingtondog licenses.Dr. or at the Public Safety Office located in theDog Licensing Fees:Target Shopping Center, 1042 Huntington Dr.
One Year, unaltered $48 during regular business hours Monday - ThursdayOne Year, spayed/neutered $257:30 am 6:00 pm. For more information, call

Senior citizens, 65 years and older are eligible Duarte Public Safety at (626) 357-7938. 
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: