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Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 16, 2016 JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS 9HEALTHY LIFESTYLES 
Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 16, 2016 JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS 9HEALTHY LIFESTYLES 
Happy Tails

by Chris Leclerc 

While visiting some kitties in the canyon last The parrots we see in our local area are native 
week, I crossed paths with a dear friend, Terri to Mexico, Central and South America. They 
Owens. It’s always a pleasure to see her and it are presumed to have landed in our neck of the 
had been a while since we’d talked so I took a few woods as remnants of the exotic avian trade 
minutes to say hello and catch up. She shared dating back to the 1950’s. These contemporaries 
with me an experience she and her boyfriend are naturalized individuals from 13 species -
had while out walking his dog, Bonnie a few descendants of birds smuggled or imported 
days prior.years ago from their native lands. That is how 

As the three were out walking about town, they wound up thriving (or trying to thrive as 
they suddenly heard a high-pitched screech it were) in San Diego, Los Angeles and Orange 
coming from somewhere nearby. They looked County.
around and eventually found what was making As is true with most displaced species, the 
all that noise. It was a really small baby parrot, Amazon parrots have had their own hurdles to 
apparently abandoned or orphaned and far too clear in order to simply be okay with living here. 
young to fly. The tiny creature appeared to be in Southern California cannot possibly offer the 
much distress, scared out of it’s wits and clearly kind of lush vegetation or arboreal advantages 
in need of help. They immediately sprang into they originally enjoyed in Mexico and the 
action. Central/South American regions.

After getting the bird coddled safely into a In case you haven’t already noticed, we live in 
towel, they began their search for a place where a desert, folks! Yes, we do have trees that we’ve, 
their new found friend could be cared for for the most part, imported, but if nature were 
properly. Fortunately, they were successful in allowed to take her course without the “help” 
finding a an organization called SoCal Parrot of the human, southern California would 
where kind and caring bird lovers specialize eventually revert back to a sandy, desolate valley 
in rescuing orphaned or injured Amazons (the with practically bald hillsides and an occasional 
green parrots we see locally). They called right natural spring of well water. Not exactly ideal 
away and SoCal promptly sent a volunteer out to landscape for an Amazon parrot, ya think?
pick up the baby bird and take it to their refuge And so it is, once again we humans find 
for immediate medical attention. ourselves forced into a position to try and mend 

I was so pleased to hear that there is an the fallout of a ridiculous trend set forth by those 
organization focused on helping local parrots in before us. Trends come and go and most trends 
need of human intervention. I was particularly are okay, I guess, if they don’t involve some 
impressed with the fact that they had someone form of cruelty to animals. I am so grateful for 
on hand willing to drive all the way to Sierra the people who dedicate their energy, time and 
Madre to rescue the little chick Terri and resources to righting our collective wrongs on 
her friends had found. I was so impressed I behalf of animals who‘ve suffered as a result of 
decided to find out more about this intriguing our foolish mistakes. 
organization to share with my readers, in case If you do happen to find a local wild parrot in 
there are other locals who might come across a distress, don’t just guess about what you should 
parrot in distress, and need to know where to go do about it. Avoid touching it and do your best 
for secure it in a soft blanket or towel, then call 

SoCal Parrot was officially launched in 2011 by SoCal Parrot and let them do what they do 
Brooke Durham who’d previously volunteered best…rescue, rehabilitate and release. Here’s 
at Project Wildlife in San Diego. While she’s how: If you have an injured or orphaned wild 
always loved animals of every kind, somehow parrot, call their emergency hotline number: 
the naturalized parrots in southern California 858-522-0852. 
really put a bee in her bonnet to reach out and For more information about this awesome 
assist those in need of her help.501(c)3 non-profit organization, visit www.

Now Durham and her husband, Josh Bridwell, follow them on Facebook or 
are the 24-7 caretakers of many Amazon parrots keep up with them on Instagram. You can also 
that have come to them for rehabilitation and call 1-855-REP-44WLD (855-737-4953) and 
potential release back into the wild. These two select from the following extensions: Wild Parrot 
avid ave lovers transformed the first floor of EMERGENCIES, ext.1; General Questions, 
their San Diego County home into a refuge and ext.2; Volunteering, ext.3. If you do visit their 
rehab for the birds, and if you ask Durham, she’ll website, you’ll be given the opportunity to 
tell you she wouldn’t have it any other way.donate to their worthy cause. Do what your 

In spite of legal hurdles they’ve had to clear heart tells you to do. Love and let live! 
over the past few years (apparently 
Fish and Game took issue with 
the release process for whatever 
reason), Durham and Bridwell 
have succeeded in maintaining 
SoCal Parrot as a legitimate nonprofit 
rescue organization and 
have become a valuable resource 
for local veterinarians who are 
unable to keep the Amazons 
they’ve taken in and tended to, 
until they are healthy enough to 
(hopefully) be returned to wild 
where they can fly again with the 


This is the most unique looking dog! Meet Peanut 
(A4970523), a gentle, sweet-natured golden 7-yearold 
male Longhaired Dachshund and Corgi mixwhose owner surrendered him to the Baldwin 
Park Animal Care Center (volunteers don’t knowwhy) on July 8th. Weighing 38 pounds, which is afew pounds too many, and bearing a heavy, mattedand unkempt coat, Peanut is pretty stressed out inthe heat and the scary environment of the shelter.
He appears to be great with other dogs and walksexpertly on leash; he also appears to be easygoingand sweet. But the #1 thing about Peanut that struckvolunteers is how much he is panting and how not-
well he is doing in the shelter. He desperately needsa haircut and a spa day to bring him some relief,about Peanut, please reference his animal ID 
and getting to safety is a priority for him. We thinknumber: A4970523. The shelter is open seven 
he will do fine in any loving household that willdays a week, 12 pm-7 pm Monday-Thursday andgive him the care and love he’s obviously lacked,10am-5pm Friday-Sunday. This is a high-intakeand with an owner who will appreciate him for theshelter with a great need for adoptions. For more 
loving and gentle creature he is, ready to devoteinformation about Peanut or the adoption process,
himself to being your love muffin. Peanut is a sweetcontact United Hope for Animals Volunteerand awesome boy that deserves a good home. ToAdoption Coordinator Samantha at Samantha@
watch a video of Peanut, please visit the To learn more about United 
link: for Animals’ partnership with the Baldwin

To meet Peanut in person, please see him at thePark Shelter, as well as the many dogs of all breeds,
Baldwin Park Shelter, located at 4275 N. Elton, ages, and sizes available for adoption in localBaldwin Park, CA 91706 (Phone: 626-962-3577).shelters, visit
He is currently available now. For any inquiries about-us/shelter-support-program/. 

is a beautiful, all white feline, 
microchip, & 
vaccines. Our cats are negative FELV/FIV unless 
otherwise indicated. We know our cats very well 
to find the right match for you, and when you 
adopt from Lifeline for Pets, you know you are 
getting a healthy, much loved pet who will fit 
well into your family and have a lifelong home. 
Convenient adoption application, more pictures, 
and videos on our excellent website, www., email: 

Sugar, age 3, 
and is very affectionate to humans. She enjoys 
being petted, and is very playful. Her favorite 
toys are strings and ribbons. She is comfortable 
being held and likes sitting on laps. Right now, 
Sugar will be happiest if she is the only cat in the 
home. We show some of our cats most Sunday 
afternoons at Petsmart, 3347 E. Foothill Blvd. 
in Pasadena, 12:30-3:30. Adoption fee is $100, 
which includes spay/neuter, 

Svastha is a 
sanskrit term 
that means 
“established in 
the self” or beingin one’s natural 
state. It’s our true self – the one that’s secure, 
solid, stable and peaceful. We know these timeswhen we experience this entirely and are able tohonor ourselves. There is no conflict inside. 

This way of being, Svastha, is very differentfrom being self- centered which comes from theego. Selfishness and self-centeredness usuallydrives people away from us, creates trouble inrelationships and is rarely peaceful.

The first steps to take to become “establishedin the self” are through self healing, of course.

Dr. Mark Halpern, a leading AyurvedicDoctor and Educator, reminded me again of apoint of universal wisdom. Our experience in theworld reflects what’s going on inside. As you healyourself, the world reacts differently to you. Love 

and light comes to you.

Our yoga practice, however much, is workingin ways big and small to facilitate this buildingof love and light. By nourishing the body andmind, our well being (in present moment andlong term) is changed. We are granted stability,
lightness, confidence and freedom. The more wecan experience this the better. We can be well onour way to living “established in the self”. Wewill attract healthy relationships and people willlove our secure, blissful nature. 

So what kind of practice will give you balance,
nourish your body and calm your mind?

Consider your physical practice of yoga: doesit include rest and systematic relaxation? Howabout meditation and self-study/reflection? Arethere other ways you can honor who you are?
Explore this and keep practicing! 

Namaste friends, 

Keely Totten 


Toot is the new guy on the blockin Meow Manor. He came in as a 
stray and he’s made himself rightat home. He’s a handsome brown 
tabby and what really makes himstand out is the pleasant greetingshe sends out to all visitors invitingtheir attention. If the pets stop toosoon, Toot politely approaches andbutts his head vocalizing his requestfor more socializing . He prefers to 
lay on the high beds and doesn’t 
enter into the games of other catschasing toys on the floor. He will bat 
at strings and flying things broughtto his perch. Toot gets along withhis roommates so would do well 
in a multi-cat household, or as an only fur kid.
He’s 10 years young so is eligible for the ’Seniorfor Senior Adoption Program’ discount. 
adoption fee is $99 and includes neuter surgery,
vaccinations, microchip and a free wellness examat a participating veterinarian. Feel free to call usat (626) 286-1159 for more information on Toot.
He currently resides at the San Gabriel ValleyHumane Society located at 851 E. Grand Avenue inSan Gabriel. We are located off San Gabriel Blvd, 
north of Mission and south of Las Tunas Drive. 
To arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’ with Toot, pleasestop by any time from 10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday 

through Sunday. Website:

Go to and find the San 
Gabriel Valley Humane Society and every timeyou buy something 0.5% will be donated to theshelter! It’s easy to do and helps the shelter withevery purchase you make! Let your friends knowabout this simple way to make a difference!

We are always looking for hard working,
dedicated animal lovers to join our team to fulfillour goal of ‘Putting People and Pets Together’. If 
you have what it takes to succeed in our lifesaving 
work, we want to meet you! Check out 
our employment opportunities at http://www. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: