Mountain Views News Saturday, July 16, 2016 BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS B3
Mountain Views News Saturday, July 16, 2016 BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS
We may not think about it often, but even celebritiestake care of their aging parents. For example,
actress, singer, and songwriter Queen Latifah playsan active role in caring for her mother, Rita Owens,
who was diagnosed with heart failure more than 10
years ago.
Owens learned of her condition when she passedout at work one day. She moved from New Jersey toCalifornia to recover and be close to her daughter.
There, Queen Latifah cared for her mom and
acted as a coordinator for a network of healthcare
providers, family, and friends.
After her recovery, Owens was able to return toher home in New Jersey. Now, the two are working
with the American Heart Association to raise
awareness of heart failure.
Queen Latifah’s story is far from unique, and canhelp you remember that if you are a caregiver of anelderly or sick parent, you are not alone. And thereare resources available to support you.
AARP reports of a study that found morediscontent in relationships between U.S. elderlyparents and their adult caregivers than in five othercountries. In the U.S., 20% of the relationships wererated as disharmonious. In the five other countries
surveyed—England, Germany, Israel, Norway, andSpain—less than 10% were similarly ranked. Here in
the US, it is sadly “normal” for caregivers of elderlyor sick parents to feel frustrated, unappreciated,
and resentful. But, it doesn’t have to be that way.
With advance planning, strong communication,
and family coordination, the potential for adisharmonious relationship can be greatly reduced.
Proper planning should not only account for
the legal issues involved, but also the personaland interpersonal issues, too. Schedules shouldbe worked out, structures put in place, and legaldocuments prepared. Getting your lawyer involvedearly in the process ensures all issues are identified,
contingencies prepared for, and the transition intocaregiving is as easy as possible for both you and
your parents.
Dedicated to your family’s health, wealth, andhappiness,
A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on amission to help parents protect what they love most.
His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G,
Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointmentto sit down and talk about ensuring a legacy of loveand financial security for your family by calling626.587.3058 or visit www.GarlettLaw.com for
more information.
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