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5 Mountain View News Saturday, July 30, 2016 5 Mountain View News Saturday, July 30, 2016 
City CouncilMeetingsCanceled

Development Ordinance 
hearing set for Sept. 19. 

 For the second week in a 
row, the Pasadena city councilhas canceled their regular 
meetings, including this 
Monday night.

 A public hearing set forMonday night’s meeting“Substantial Amendment to 
The annual Action Plan (2016

- 2017) For the CommunityDevelopment Block Grant 
Program” will be continued tothe regular city council meetingof August 8 at 7:00p.m. 
According to the city staff,
The Annual Action Plan sets 
forth the projected uses of the

U.S. Department of Housingand Urban Development funds(HUD), and addresses the 
available resources for programimplementation, activities 
to be undertaken, program 
guidelines, and monitoring.
The Annual Action Plan also 
addresses the efforts made 
toward accomplishing the goalsand objectives included in theCity’s Five-Year ConsolidatedPlan (2015-2019). 
At the council’s last meeting,
July 18, they also postponed acontentious amendment to the 
Transit-Oriented DevelopmentOrdinance that would restrict 
certain types of businesses 
within .25 mile of the Gold 
Line stations including autorepair shops, vehicle sales orleasing, and car washes.

 About 40 auto businesses 
that currently exist would beallowed as “non-conforming.” 
The public hearing is set to behead Sept. 19 at 7:00 p.m.

 The city council meeting forAug, 22 and Aug. 29 are alsoscheduled to be canceled. The 
council regularly meets in thecouncil chambers City Hall, 
100 North Garfield Avenue. 

For more information visit and click 
on Mayor, Council and 
Commissions, or call (626)

Pet of the 

Susan (A401603) is a 
sweet, 1-year-old, spayed 
female, longhair calico cat. 
She perks up the second you 
enter the room to greet you 
by rubbing against your legs 
and purring. She especially 
enjoys head rubs, and after 
she gets to know you, she’s 
happy to relax in your lap 
for a quick cat nap. This 
affectionate kitty gets along 
well with the other cats in 
our communal room, and 
would get along very well 
with you in your home!

 The adoption fee for cats is 
$70 (or two for $85), which 
includes the spay or neuter 
surgery, microchip, and 

 New adopters will receive a 
complimentary health-andwellness 
exam from VCA 
Animal Hospitals, as well 
as a goody bag filled with 
information about how to 
care for your pet.

 Call the Pasadena Humane 
Society & SPCA at (626) 
792-7151 to ask about 
A401603, or visit at 361 S. 
Raymond Ave. in Pasadena. 
Adoption hours are 11 a.m. 
to 4 p.m. Sunday; 9 a.m. 
to 5 p.m. Tuesday through 
Friday; and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

 Pets may not be available 
for adoption and cannot be 
held for potential adopters 
by phone calls or email. 
Directions and photos of 
all pets can be found at

ApplicationsOpen forRoyal Court 

99th Rose Queen to be 
announced and crowned 
on October 20. 

Officials said applications for the 
2017 Tournament of Roses Royal 
Court will be available starting 
Monday via the Tournament of 
Roses website. Young women 
from the Pasadena area who 
meet the eligibility requirements 
can apply and participate in one 
of the initial interview sessions 
on September 10 and 12 at 
Tournament House. 

 The application and additional Tournament of Roses Royal Court 2015 

information can be found at tradition, hoping to become official ambassador for 

 To be eligible, an individual the Tournament of Roses. All 
must be an unmarried female individuals who participate in 
resident of the Pasadena Area the initial interview sessions 
Community College District; will receive a ticket for two 
be a senior in high school or people to attend the Royal Ball, 
enrolled as a full-time student a semi-formal dance hosted by 
in an accredited school or the Tournament of Roses at the 
college in the Pasadena Area Pasadena Convention Center on 
Community College District; September 23.
possess at least a 2.0 (“C”) After the initial interview 
cumulative, non-weighted sessions, approximately 250 
grade point average; be at least participants will be invited back 
17 years of age by December 31, for a second round of interviews. 
2016, and not more than 21 years From that group, about 75 
of age before January 5, 2017, young women will be asked to 
with no children; complete an participate in the third round 
official online application and of interviews. On September 
participate in one of the initial 28, approximately 25 of the 
interview sessions. candidates will be announced 

In recent years, as many as as finalists. The seven-member 
1,000 young women have Royal Court will be announced 
participated in this Pasadena on October 4 at Tournament 

Altadena: Free Concert 
Tonight at Farnsworth Park

House. The announcement and 

coronation of the Rose Queen 

is scheduled for the evening 

of October 20 at the Pasadena 

The grand finale for the Royal 

Court will be riding on a float 

in the 128th Rose Parade and 

attending the 103rd Rose Bowl 

Game on January 2. 

LA County


Air Fleet 

The Los Angeles CountyFire Department and theChief Executive Office will 
review the feasibility of 
purchasing, leasing, and 
partnering with other publicentities for the operationof SuperScoopers, rotary,
and fixed-wing aircrafts, ona motion by Tuesday LACounty Supervisor MichaelAntonovich.

 “As a result of the County’s52-week fire season, it is 
vital that we maintain the 
best arsenal and resources 
to protect life and property,” 
Antonovich said.

 This report will include acomprehensive assessment 
of the current aircraft 
program to provide strategicreplacement and expansionrecommendations for rotaryand fixed-wing aircrafts. 

Kitten Go: 
Gotta Adopt‘Em All

 Pasadena Humane 

Society & SPCA to 

hold Pokémon-themed 

adoption event 

 On the hunt for a Pikachu or 
an elusive Mew? Adopt ‘em allduring the Kitten GO adoptionweekend at the Pasadena 
Humane Society & SPCA. 
On August 5, 6 and 7, PHS islowering the adoption fee forall available kittens to just $15.
Take home two for $25.

 From Charmander to 
Meowth, adoptable kittens 
will don the names of beloved 
Pokémon. The “Kittendex” 
will list all adoptable kittensin the Neely Cat Center. Catkennels will be adorned with 
coveted Kitten GO tradingcards, a souvenir for each 
Visitors who share snapshotsof Kitten GO trading cards 
on Facebook, Twitter and 
Instagram, tagging @ 
pasadenahumane with the 
hashtag #PHSKittenGO willget a free toy in the PHSShelter Shop.

 Pokémon GO players areencouraged to set lures in theshelter to draw more Pokémon 
and adopters to PHS. PHS hastwo PokéStops onsite withmany more nearby, includinga fountain in Central Park 
presented by the National 
Humane Alliance in 1905. A 
Pokémon gym is just down theroad at Del Mar station.

 All feline Pokémon will 
be spayed or neutered, 
microchipped and receive aset of vaccines before going totheir new homes. PHS will be 
open during normal adoptionhours, Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m.; Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to

4:00 p.m.; Sunday, 11:00 a.m.
to 4:00 p.m. Regular adoptionscreening applies. 
The Pasadena Humane 
Society & SPCA is locatedat 361 S. Raymond Avenue.
Parking is available onsite. Viewall animals at the shelter at 

Pasadena Sister Cities 
Armenia Honored

 The Pasadena Sister Cities Isabelle Warner, chair of the 
Committee Armenia Pasadena Sister Cities Armenia 
Subcommittee announced Subcommittee, and MaggieWednesday they have receivedGihanian, vice chair, led the 
the Innovation: Humanitarian effort.
Assistance Award from Sister The Pasadena Sister Cities 
Cities International during theinclude, Ludwigshafen, 
organization’s annual conferenceGermany; Mishima, Japan;
July 16 in Washington, D.C.Järvenpää, Finland; Vanadzor,
Vanadzor, Armenia, is one of Armenia; and the XichengPasadena’s five sister cities. With District of Beijing, China. 
the assistance of the Pasadena 
community and the PasadenaSister Cities Committee, the 
Armenia Subcommittee raised 
funds to have heaters installed 
at Vanadzor KindergartnerSchool #3 to bring much neededwarmth during harsh winters.
The total cost of the projectwas $5,000. Vanadzor MayorSamvel Darbinyan assisted withcoordination of the project andthe school principal, Gohar 
Kocharyan, conveyed her thanksin a letter to the subcommittee. 

Health Department AdvisesProtecting from Mosquitoes

 Maximize your outdoor fun thissummer by protecting yourself,
your family and pets againstmosquitoes. The Pasadena 
Public Health Departmentadvises you to clean up, coverup and use bug repellant to helpfight the bite.

 As of Tuesday, there havebeen no reported human casesof mosquito-borne diseases 
including Zika, West Nile, 
Chikungunya and Denguefever in Pasadena this year.
While that’s good news locally,
California’s drought and travelplans outside of Pasadena canincrease your chances of beingbitten by a mosquito, and 
possibly contracting one of thesediseases, if precautions are nottaken.

 “There are some easy thingsyou can to do to help preventmosquito bites,” Pasadena PublicHealth Officer Dr. Ying-YingGoh said. “Clean up habitatswhere mosquitoes can breed andgrow; cover up by wearing longpants and long-sleeved shirtswhen weather permits, and usebug repellant.” 

Some mosquito eggs can survivewithout water and drought cyclesof heat and intermittent moisture 
can actually spur mosquitobreeding, said Dr. Goh, whooffers the following tips andreminders.

 Around the home: 
Eliminate all outdoor sources of 
standing waterUse a scrub brush and hot soapywater to clean unused, outdoor 
containers you intend to keep,
such as tires, buckets and flower 
pots, that have had standingwater in them; then turn over 
those unused containers to 
prevent new standing water fromaccumulating insideKeep swimming pools clean 

and water circulating; keep filterequipment in good repairCheck for larvae in ornamental 
water sources and treat as 
necessary with “mosquito dunks”
available from hardware stores 
Change bird bath water everyfive (5) daysKeep ornamental & fish pondsstocked with mosquito fish; use apump to keep water movingScreen and cover rain barrels

 At home and when traveling:
Wear repellants containingDEET or oil of lemon eucalyptusIf possible, wear long-sleevedshirts and long pants whenoutdoors, as conditions permitRegularly check yourself for bugsand bites if outdoors for longperiodsMake sure your hotel or lodginghas air conditioning and window 
Check window screens for holes 
or tears

 West Nile, Chikungunya andDengue are not contagiousfrom person to person and arespread through mosquito bites.
Although primarily transmittedby mosquitoes, Zika virus can betransmitted by sexual partners.
Pregnant women or women 
who may become pregnantshould take precautions againstZika infection because a Zika 
infection is now known to cause 
birth defects.

 The U.S. Centers for Disease 
Control & Prevention 
recommends pregnant womenpostpone travel to areas withongoing Zika virus issues. If youreturn from an affected regionand experience fever with jointpain or rash within two weeksfollowing your return, contactyour doctor immediately. For 
more on mosquito-borne 
diseases, visit

Free Events Roundup at thePasadena Senior Center

 There is something for 
everyone at the Pasadena 
Senior Center, 85 E. Holly St. 
You do not have to be a member 
to attend. Some events require 
advance reservations. 

 Cardmaking Workshop – 
Monday, Aug. 1, from noon to 2 

p.m. Surprise a special someone 
with a personalized, handmade 
greeting card. Whether it’s a 
happy birthday, happy holidays, 
thank you, thinking of you or 
other sentiment, you’ll create 
a decorative card in your own 
unique style and have fun 
discovering your creativity 
while workshop leaders help 
you bring your ideas to life. All 
materials will be provided.
Stay Connected with 
Social Media – Tuesdays and 
Thursdays, Aug. 2 to 25, from 
9 to 11 a.m. Learn how to keep 
in touch with family and friends 
via email, Skype, Facebook 
and other forms of social 
media during a 30-minute, 
one-on-one meeting with an 
instructor. You’ll choose which 
applications you want to learn. 
Bring a laptop or use one of the 
onsite computers. If you have an 
email address, bring it and your 
password. Sign up with Edison 
at the Welcome Desk. 

Smart Phones, Tablets and 
Computers – Any Questions? 

– Tuesdays and Thursdays, 
Aug. 2 to 25, from 10 to 11 
a.m. Get the answers you need 
about technology devices, 
whether you own them already 
or are considering a purchase. 
Learning how to text, check 
voicemail, set an alarm, navigate 
the Internet and download 

 Friday Movie Matinees – 
Fridays, Aug. 5, 12 and 19, at 
1 p.m. Everyone enjoys movies 
and the pleasures they bring. 
Aug. 5: “Concussion” (2015, 
PG-13) starring Will Smith and 
Alec Baldwin. An accomplished 
pathologist uncovers the truth 
about brain damage in NFL 
football players who suffer 
repeated concussions in the 
course of normal play. Based 
on a true story. Aug. 12: “Hello, 
My Name is Doris” (2016, R) 
starring Sally Field and Max 
Greenfield. A self-help seminar 
inspires a 60-something woman 
to romantically pursue her 
younger coworker. Aug. 19: 
“Shutter Island” (2010, R)
starring Leonardo DiCaprio and 
Mark Ruffalo. A U.S. Marshal 
investigates the disappearance 
of a murderer who escaped from 
a hospital for the criminally 
insane. For more information 
or call 626-795-4331. 

Live Longer and Stronger 
at Every Age – Thursday, Aug. 
11, at 12:15 p.m. Explore the 
challenges to living fully as 
you age and focus on concrete 
steps to adapt to successful 
aging. Dr. Bonnie Olsen of 
Keck USC Family Medicine 
will help you develop goals for 
achieving a more satisfying 
balance in physical health, 
cognitive stimulation and social 
engagement. A boxed lunch will 
be served to the first 50 people 
who RSVP to 626-795-4331. 

Heartbeat City, a tribute 
band to The Cars

Named for one of the Cars 
biggest selling albums, HeartbeatCity faithfully re-creates the 
look and sound of the Cars. 
They dress in the period-correct80’s style of the Cars and, beingaccomplished musicians, theirsound is amazingly close to thereal thing. Seeing Heartbeat Cityis as close as you can come toseeing an 80’s Cars concert. As aSan Diego promoter once said...
“This isn’t just a Tribute to theCars...this is The Tribute to the 

 The members of Heartbeat 
City have come together from 
a few different well-known 
national level Tribute acts, as 
well as some pretty famous 80’srecording acts... On the Tribute 
scene, various members have 
worked with Hotel California 

- a Salute to the Eagles, WildChild - a Tribute to the Doors, 
Belladonna - a Tribute to Stevie 
Nicks/Fleetwood Mac, Get Backwith the cast of Beatlemania 
(featuring members from theBroadway cast and movie), andmany more. Heartbeat City’sDrummer has also worked with 
members of the real Cars.

 On the recording front, 
members have come from 80’s 
recording acts like Mastedon(former Kansas members), 
Berlin, Survivor, and have 
recorded on the 80’s classic 
movie soundtrack St. Elmo’s 
Fire along with many othermovie soundtracks and film 
& television placements... plusthey have worked with dozensof other recording acts toonumerous to list. This band has 
a solid background in the musicbusiness.

 Farnsworth Park amphitheater 
located at 568 E. Mt. Curve 
Ave., at 7:00pm Heartbeat City 
will be performing a tribute to 
The Cars... Let the Good Times 

Crime Blotter for Altadena

Sunday, July 17th

2:00 PM – Frank Garcia, 34 
years old of Los Angeles was 
arrested in the 300 block of 
Crosby Street for battery.
5:43 PM – A package theftoccurred in the 10 block W. of 
Pine Street. Suspect described 
as a male Black. Stolen: 
climbing shoes. 
Monday, July 18th

11:50 AM – A vehicle vandalism 
occurred in the 2100 block of 
N. Lincoln Avenue. Suspect(s) 
shattered the front passenger 
4:00 PM – A business vandalism 
occurred in the 2300 block of 
N. Lincoln Avenue. Suspect(s) 
shattered the front glass door. 
Tuesday, July 19th 

12:00 PM – A vehicle burglary 
occurred in the 2400 block of N. 
El Molino Avenue. Suspect(s) 
entered the vehicle via the rear 
window. Stolen: 3rd row seats 
to a Chevrolet Suburban. 
Thursday, July 21st 

1:00 PM – A telephone scam 
incident occurred in the 1000 
block of Alta Pine Drive. The 
victim received a phone call 
from an unknown male who 
posed as her grandson and 
requested money to be bailed 
out from jail. The victim wired 
money to Florida and she later 
discovered her grandson was 
not incarcerated nor in Florida. 
Stolen: currency.

7:30 PM – A vehicle vandalism 
occurred in the 20 block of 
E. Mariposa Street. Damage: 
shattered front and rear 
Friday, July 22nd 

12:34 AM – Siaee Shaw, 21 
years old of Los Angeles was 
arrested in the 1200 block of 
Rubio Vista Road for receiving 
stolen property. Deputies 
later discovered that the stolen 
property; a firearm, was stolen 
during a residential burglary in 
2:04 AM – A petty theft from 
an unlocked vehicle occurred 
in the 400 block of E. Alta Pine 
Drive. Stolen: brown wallet and 
2:06 AM – Derrick Henry, 25 
years old of Ontario was arrested 
in the 1200 block of Rubio Crest 
Road for vehicle vandalism. 
Damage: punctured tire. 
11:00 AM – A business 
vandalism occurred in the 100 
block of Mountain View Street. 
Suspect(s) cut the cable wires 
leading to a residence. 
Saturday, July 23rd 

10:26 PM – A shooting was 
reported in the 2200 block of 
Marengo Avenue. No injuries. 
No suspect information. 
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: