Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, July 30, 2016

MVNews this week:  Page B:4

Susan Henderson 
Dean Lee 
Joan Schmidt 
LaQuetta Shamblee 
Richard Garcia 
Patricia Colonello 
John Aveny 
Chris Leclerc 
Bob Eklund 
Howard HaysPaul CarpenterKim Clymer-KelleyChristopher NyergesPeter Dills 
Dr. Tina Paul 
Rich Johnson 
Merri Jill Finstrom 
Lori KoopRev. James SnyderTina Paul 
Mary CarneyKatie HopkinsDeanne Davis 
Despina ArouzmanGreg WelbornRenee Quenell 
Ben Show 
Sean KaydenMarc Garlett 
Pat Birdsall (retired) 
Mountain Views News 
has been adjudicated asa newspaper of GeneralCirculation for the Coun-
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for the City of SierraMadre; in Court Case 
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Mountain Views News 
Mission Statement 
The traditions of 
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top priorities. We 
support a prosperouscommunity of well-
informed citizens. 
We hold in highregard the values 
of the exceptionalquality of life in our 
community, includingthe magnificence of 
our natural resources. 
Integrity will be our 
Susan Henderson 
Dean Lee 
Joan Schmidt 
LaQuetta Shamblee 
Richard Garcia 
Patricia Colonello 
John Aveny 
Chris Leclerc 
Bob Eklund 
Howard HaysPaul CarpenterKim Clymer-KelleyChristopher NyergesPeter Dills 
Dr. Tina Paul 
Rich Johnson 
Merri Jill Finstrom 
Lori KoopRev. James SnyderTina Paul 
Mary CarneyKatie HopkinsDeanne Davis 
Despina ArouzmanGreg WelbornRenee Quenell 
Ben Show 
Sean KaydenMarc Garlett 
Pat Birdsall (retired) 
Mountain Views News 
has been adjudicated asa newspaper of GeneralCirculation for the Coun-
ty of Los Angeles in CourtCase number GS004724: 
for the City of SierraMadre; in Court Case 
GS005940 and for the 
City of Monrovia in CourtCase No. GS006989 and 
is published every Satur-
day at 80 W. Sierra MadreBlvd., No. 327, Sierra 
Madre, California, 91024. 
All contents are copy-
righted and may not bereproduced without the 
express written consent ofthe publisher. All rights 
reserved. All submissions 
to this newspaper becomethe property of the Moun-
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Opinions and viewsexpressed by the writersprinted in this paper donot necessarily expressthe views and opinionsof the publisher or staffof the Mountain Views 
Mountain Views News is 
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Mountain Views News 
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Phone: 626-355-2737 
Fax: 626-609-3285 
Mountain Views News 
Mission Statement 
The traditions of 
community news-
papers and the 
concerns of our readers 
are this newspaper’s 
top priorities. We 
support a prosperouscommunity of well-
informed citizens. 
We hold in highregard the values 
of the exceptionalquality of life in our 
community, includingthe magnificence of 
our natural resources. 
Integrity will be our 
Electing Donald Trump presidentwould be terrible for the economy,
according to a new report from Moody’sAnalytics.
The super rich would get richer andeveryone else would be worse off,
Moody’s concludes.
Just how bad would it get? The downturnunder a President Trump would last 
longer than the Great Recession. About 
3.5 million Americans would lose their 
jobs, unemployment would jump backto 7%, home prices would fall, and thestock market would plummet, Moody’spredicts.
“The economy will be significantlyweaker if Mr. Trump’s economic 
proposals are adopted,” writes Moody’s.
“It will be a difficult four years for the 
typical American family.” 
Hillary Clinton’s plans for the economywould boost growth and create millionsof jobs, according to a new analysis.
Moody’s Analytics estimates that if theDemocratic presidential nominee’s 
proposals are enacted, the economywould create 10.4 million jobs duringher presidency, or 3.2 million more than 
expected under current law.
The pace of GDP growth would alsoaccelerate to an annual average of 2.7%, 
from the current forecast of 2.3%. 
“The upshot of our analysis is thatSecretary Clinton’s economic policieswhen taken together will result in a 
stronger U.S. economy under almost anyscenario,” Moody’s writes in its report.
Moody’s Analytics is an independent researchgroup, providing essential insight for globalfinancial markets 


Dear Donald Trump,

 I just want to thank you for being the spoon thatskimmed back all of the surface fat which was sittingon top of a pot of racism, homophobia, sexism,
sectarianism, and so many other isms and phobias.

 Thank you for exposing your true self and so manyothers like you who have for decades been hidingbehind false smiles of acceptance and inclusionfor those who are darker than you, speak differentlanguages than you, have different beliefs than you,
have different socioeconomic experiences than you,
who have different sexual orientations than you,
who wear different clothing than you, who work ashard or harder than you, who arrived in the UnitedStates of America differently than you, who are justplan different than you.

 Thank you Donald Trump for letting me know thatyour definition of humane is to build a wall thatseparates (SEGREGATES) people from each other.

 Thank you Donald Trump for letting me knowthat you are comfortable acting like a child, havingtemper tantrums, and calling people names. Most ofus outgrew that phase of life when we became adults.

 The road that the people of this “ALREADYGREAT” Country must travel is long and windingand full of hills and mountains that must be climbed 
and valleys that must be trekked across. We as a 
Nation have travelled through horrid times whenmen and women did unspeakable things to othermen and women just because of differences. Andthere you are… wanting to be president of this “All 
Ready Great Nation” with your broken GPS wantingto drag us all back to and through those times againwhen we need to be moving forward.

Being different makes us great. As a Nation we stillhave so much more that we have to do in order to 
equalize everyone who lives here and who chooses tocome and live here. We are going to make mistakesand take missteps. We are going to royally screw up.
We are going to make bad decisions, but we are alsogoing to make things work along the way.

 Just about every brick and mortar business hasa sign that reads “We Reserve the Right to RefuseService”. Thank you Donald Trump for making merealize that your presidency will make those who arelike you feel comfortable enough to change thosesigns to read “We Reserve the Right to Refuse Serviceto: MUSLIMS, BLACKS, ASIANS, MEXICANS, 
NEEDS, and anyone else who is DIFFERENT….needI go on?

 Thank you Donald Trump for making it so easy forme to decide that I don’t want you as my president.
Thank you Donald Trump for helping me to decidethat I’m voting for Hillary Clinton in November 
because this election is personal. 

Adrianne Marie Hall 
A Very Proud Woman, Mother, Life Partner, AfricanAmerican - Native American, Democrat & Citizen of 
the “Already Great” United States of America. 

DICK Polman 

nesses recover and rebuild. But because


the rules were so loose, Trump and some

TRUMP big corporations jumped in. The state 

PROFITED program defined “small business” as 500

employes or less; Trump, in his appli-

FROM 9/11 

cation, said that his building at 40 WallStreet had 28 employes. Voila, he got

Unlike their Re

$150,000 — even though, as he told Ger-

publican counter

man TV shortly after the 9/11, his prop-

parts, Democrats 

erty “wasn’t, fortunately, affected by what 

tend not to wallow 

happened to the World Trade Center.”

in the sewer with 
infantile chants 

Did he break any laws? Nope. Instead,

like “Lock Her Up.” Instead, they simply 

as the conservative Weekly Standard

whacked Donald Trump with substance 

wrote last winter, “through a loophole

throughout their four day convention in 

in the rules, Trump was able to squeeze


$150,000 of money from taxpayers.” 

Take for instance New York congress-

Is this a character issue? Absolutely. As

man Joe Crowley, who assailed Trump for 

the Red State site wrote last winter — and

grabbing federal money that was intended 

it’s great to see these conservative outlets

to help small businesses crippled by 9/11. 

in sync with a Democratic congressman

Crowley’s indictment has the added ad

— we’re talking here about a despicable
vantage of being true. 

human being: 

“Where was Donald Trump in the days 

“This simply goes to Trump’s sense of

and months and the years after 9/11? He 

entitlement. If he wants your house for a 

didn’t stand at the pile, he didn’t lobby 

limousine parking lot, well, he’s entitled

Congress for help, he didn’t fight for the 

.... Support abortion and then expect to

first responders,” Crowley noted. “Nope, 

be believed when he changes his tune?

he cashed in, collecting $150,000 in gov-

Entitled. Money for small businesses af

ernment funds intended to help small 

fected by 9/11? Entitled. He took this

businesses recover — even though days 

grant money, and I’m sure he’d tell you 

after the attack Trump said his properties 

that $150K is chump change .... He didn’t

were not affected.” 

need it. But he wanted it.” 

One goal of the Democratic National 

And sure enough, Trump does think it’s

Convention was to draw stark character 

chump change. Two months ago, when

contrasts between Hillary Clinton and 

The New York Times asked him about

Trump. Case in point, their divergent re-

it, he described it as “this small amount

actions after the planes leveled the towers. 

of money.” That’s probably news to themedian American household, which, ac-

Clinton, as a newbie senator, worked suc

cording to the Census Bureau, posts an 

cessfully on health legislation to address 

annual tally of $54,000.

the needs of first responders who’d spentweeks breathing toxic PCBs. In ‘04, the re-

Still, the odds are high that compared to

sponders staged a ceremony to thank her. 

the many other faults and failures of the

Trump, on the other hand, did precisely 

Republican presidential nominee, this

what Crowley described. He made money 

episode of “Donald Trump, 9/11 Leech”

off the attack. 

will look like chump change.

 Dick Polman is the national political col-

This has been well-documented by the 

umnist at NewsWorks/WHYY in Phila-

New York Daily News, and seconded by 

delphia ( and a

two conservative media outlets, Red State 

“Writer in Residence” at the University

and The Weekly Standard. A state grant 

of Pennsylvania. Email him at dickpol

program was set up to help small busi 

MAKING SENSE by Michael Reagan 

back to the White


House he did some-HINCKLEY thing completely se-

A federal judge has ruled that John rious. He said he hadHinckley Jr., the mentally disturbed forgiven Hinckley.
man who tried to assassinate my father 

Not only that, he

35 years ago, will be set free in about a wanted go

to toweek. meet Hinckley face-

Many people, including members of my 

to-face and tell him 

own family, think it’s a terrible injustice that he had forgiventhat Hinckley, now 61, will be allowed him.
to leave the mental hospital and live 

Hinckley’s doctors didn’t think that was

permanently with his elderly mother in a good idea because Hinckley was tooVirginia.mentally unstable, so it never happened.

I don’t. 

But it proves, as I always like to say, that

Before I explain, I’d like to remind peo-my father didn’t just recite “The Lord’s
ple of what my father said and did in the Prayer,” he lived it.
days following the events of March 30, 

A lot of people can’t forgive Hinckley1981. even today.
When I walked into his hospital room They were shocked in 1981 when he was

the next day and saw my wounded fa-

found not guilty by reason of insanity

ther, the first thing he said to me, af-and they were angry when they foundter “Good morning,” was “Michael, if out he’d become eligible for release 
you’re ever going to be shot, don’t be 

some day.
wearing a new suit.”Because of Hinckley, the laws wereWhat? I thought to myself.changed. Today if you shoot at the pres

“Well, yesterday I was shot.”

ident you stay in prison for life, no mat

“I know, father. I know.”ter how crazy you are.
“Well, I was wearing a brand new suit I Over the years all of us in the families

had just picked up the day before. And 

hurt by Hinckley have watched the

I’m telling you, if you’re going to get courts and doctors slowly but surelyshot don’t be wearing a new suit.release him through the mental health 

“When I was on the gurney they cut that 


suit off me and the last time I saw it it Hinckley’s not a threat to my family or 
was in shreds in the corner of my hospi-anyone else’s. But he’s not totally free

tal room. That’s what they do. They cut 

and never will be.
it off you.”He may not have bars to look through,
My father was only half done with his but he has his own type of jail. People


will be watching him all the time. So will

“That young man who shot me, John the Secret Service.
Hinckley Jr., I understand his parents At first I was very upset and angry when

are in the oil biz.” 

Hinckley got off on the insanity defense.
“Yes they are, Dad.”How could a person shoot the president“I understand they live in Denver.”of the United States and be allowed to

“Yes they do, Dad.

ever have any freedom at all?
“Do you think they have any money?”Fifteen years ago I was still angry. But

“Dad,” I said, “they are in the oil busi-15 years later I want to be more like myness and live in Denver. Of course they 

father and have a forgiving heart, not an

have money.”angry heart.
My dad looked at me and said, “Well, So at the same time John Hinckley has

do you think they’d buy me a new suit?”

been set free, maybe I have been too.
Humor was my dad’s way of making Michael Reagan is the son of President 

strangers feel comfortable in his pres-Ronald Reagan, a political consultant,
ence. He was the same way with his 

and the author of “The New Reagan Revfamily.
olution” (St. Martin’s Press).

Before my father was well enough to go 

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