Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 30, 2016 10 THE WORLD AROUND US Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 30, 2016 10 THE WORLD AROUND US
Light from a distant galaxy can be strongly bent by thegravitational influence of a foreground galaxy. That
effect is called strong gravitational lensing. Normallya single galaxy is lensed at a time. The same foregroundgalaxy can—in theory—simultaneously lens multiplebackground galaxies. Although extremely rare, sucha lens system offers a unique opportunity to probethe fundamental physics of galaxies and add to ourunderstanding of cosmology.
One such lens system has recently been discovered—
and the discovery was made not in an astronomer’s office,
but in a classroom. The lens system has been dubbed TheEye of Horus, and this ancient eye in the sky will help usunderstand the history of the universe.
Telescope organizes a school for undergraduate studentseach year. One such session was held in September 2015 atthe National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)
headquarters in Mitaka, Tokyo.
Subaru is currently undertaking a massive survey toimage a large area of the sky at an unprecedented depthwith the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) as part of theSubaru Strategic Program. A group of astronomers andyoung students were analyzing some of that HSC data atthe school, when they found this unique lens system. Itwas a classic case of a serendipitous discovery.
“When I was looking at HSC images with the students,
we came across a ring-like galaxy and we immediatelyrecognized it as a strong-lensing signature,” said
Masayuki Tanaka, lead author of a science paper on thesystem’s discovery. “The discovery would not have beenpossible without the large survey data to find such a rareobject, as well as the deep, high quality images to detectlight from distant objects.”
Arsha Dezuka, a student who was working on the data,
was astonished at the find. “It was my first time to look atthe astronomical images taken with Hyper Suprime-Camand I had no idea what the ring-like galaxy is,” she said. “Itwas a great surprise for me to learn that it is such a rare,
unique system!”
WHAT THEY SAW. A close inspection of theimages revealed two distinct arcs/rings of light withdifferent colors. This strongly suggested that two distinctbackground galaxies were being lensed by the foregroundgalaxy. The lensing galaxy is 7 billion light-years away.
Follow-up spectroscopic observations of the lensed
objects using the infrared-sensitive FIRE spectrometeron the Magellan Telescope confirmed that there are twogalaxies behind the lens, lying at 9 and 10.5 billion light-
years away.
“The spectroscopic data reveal some very interestingthings about the background sources,” said KennethWong from NAOJ, the second author of the scientific
paper describing the system. “Not only do they confirmthat there are two sources at different distances from
us, but the more distant source seems to consist of two
distinct clumps, which could indicate an interacting pairof galaxies. Also, one of the multiple images of that sourceis itself being split into two images, which could be due toa satellite galaxy that is too faint for us to see.”
The distinct features for the system (several brightknots, an arc, a complete Einstein ring) arise from the nicealignment of the central lens galaxy and both sources,
creating an eye-like structure. The astronomers dubbed it“Eye of Horus,” for the sacred eye of an ancient Egyptiangoddess, since the system has an uncanny resemblance toit.
You can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@
A schematic diagram showing the location of
galaxies creating the gravitational lens effect of the
Eye of Horus. A galaxy at 7 billion light-years from the
Earth bends the light from the two galaxies behind it,
one at 9 billion light-years, and the other at 10.5 billion
light-years. (Credit: NAOJ)
Eye of Horus in pseudo color. Enlarged image to the right show two arcs with different colors. The inner arc
has a reddish hue, while the outer arc has a blue tint. These arcs are lensed images of the two background
galaxies. There are blobs in and around the arcs, which are also the lensed images of those background
galaxies. The yellowish object at the center is a massive galaxy 7 billion light-years away, which bends the
light from the two background galaxies. (Credit: NAOJ)
Data analysis workshop for undergraduate students, held at the Mitaka Campus of the National Astronomical
Observatory in September 2015. (Credit: NAOJ)
an excerpt from “Extreme Simplicity: Homesteading in the City”
[Nyerges is the author of “Extreme they watched us from their window withSimplicity,” “How to Survive Anywhere,”large grins. We laughed to ourselves too,
“Foraging California,” and other books. Forand wondered if they would be telling andinformation on his classes and books, contact re-telling this curious story to their friendshim at, or and grandchildren.
Box 41834, Eagle Rock, CA 90041.]When we got home, we scattered all those
When we first moved into our home, leaves around the needy front and courtyard
the front yard was ugly – barren and oily.areas. We knew that we’d have to add more
The previous residents had used the yardand more organic matter before the soil
to park their cars, an area of about 35 bywould be fertile enough to grow plants, so15 feet. Just a bit of crabgrass grew aroundwe collected leaves from other sources as
the edges. The inner front yard, which wewell and spread them in our yard.
called the courtyard, was almost as barren,Neighbors watched our leaf mulch projectthough there were a few trees there.curiously.
One of our first improvements, once weWe contacted an acquaintance who runshad removed bits of old metal, wood scraps,a tree-pruning service. This man and his
logs, and an old shack, was to very heavilycrew prunes trees and then chips up themulch the barren yard and the neglectedprunings, and when their truck is full ofcourtyard areas. Mulch consisted of natural chips, they take it to the local landfill andmaterials such as wood chips, leaves, grasspay to unload the chips. In response to ourclippings – organic matter that can be spreadinvitation, they were happy to bring a loadon the ground to hold in moisture. As the to our place instead and dump it in a hugemulch decomposes, it helps to increase thepile onto our front yard.
soil’s fertility.The huge pile covered most of the front
While driving home one day, we saw ayard, and the central peak was nearly fiveyard that was covered with fall leaves. We feet tall. We knew the pile would gethad our rakes and bags with us, so we pulledsmaller over time as the chips decomposed.
over and knocked on the door. In fact, the pile had sunk down about a foot
“May we rake up your front yard and takeafter the first week, and we spread the chipsthe leaves with us?” we asked the elderlyout on each side so we’d have a mulch that
man who came to the door. uniformly covered the entire area.
He was silent for a moment, uncertain If you’ve ever been around a big compost
what we had said, or perhaps suspicious ofpile, you know how it generates lots of heat as
our intentions. We repeated the request.the contents decompose. We noticed our pile
“We’d like to rake up your yard. We don’t steaming in about two weeks, and we also watered
want to charge you. We just want the leaves it to help the decomposition process.
to use for mulch.” One morning, a neighbor form next door
By now, his wife had come to the door andyelled, “Your front yard’s on fire!”
we had to repeat the request again. TheyWe ran out expecting to see flamesseemed to realize that we were sincere, and somewhere but saw only the steamingagreed.chip pile. We assured our neighbor that
As we raked, they began to laugh ateverything was fine.
their good fortune with sheepish smilesIn two years, after two big truckloads of
– someone had actually knocked on theirwood chips, we were able to sink our handdoor requesting to do something for freedown into the soil in the front yard, andthat they usually had to pay for.wild plants had begun to grow and thrive.
“Take all you want!” the man told us,FOR THE CONTINUATION OF THIS
cheerfully and loudly.STORY, get a copy of “Extreme Simplicity:
We busied ourselves filling up about fourHomesteading in the City” wherever qualitylarge trash bags of the yellow leaves, and books are sold.
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
Lately I have been listening to political campaignsupply the coffee.
speeches, which has helped me catch up on someAnother little chore around the house that needs
sleep I have missed in the last two years. Don’t getexpert attention is taking out the trash. I say expertme wrong on this issue. It is not that I am boredbecause we try to recycle at our home. My wife has awith this whole business. It is simply the fact that ifsaying around our home: A bag for everything andyou have heard one political campaign speech, youeverything in the bag. One morning I awoke andhave heard one too many.found myself in a garbage bag on the back porch.
I once read about a politician making anI’m sure it was not intentional.
impressive campaign speech sometime after the Each candidate has some solution to balancingCivil War. the National Budget. Forget about the national debt.
“Fellow Citizens,” he bellowed passionately fromI could use some help balancing my checkbookhis campaign stump, ”I have fought against theeach month.
Indians. I have often had no bed but the battlefield, No matter how often I add those figures, I neverand no canopy but the sky. I have marched over theget the same result twice. The best I can do is addfrozen ground till blood has marked every step.”up the figures at least three times and then take the
By the time he finished with his speech everyoneaverage.
was impressed with his illustrious record. Everyone,Those politicians boast of how they will handlethat is, except one old codger in the back of theInternational Affairs. As for me, time could be better
crowd. Loud enough so the speaker could hear hespent helping me with some neighborhood affairs.
said, “By golly, if you ain’t done enough fer yourI am not too concerned about the dog in Baghdad.
country. Go home and rest. I’ll vote fer the otherThe dogs running around my neighborhood havefellow.” me all hot and bothered. I would be eternally
Our country sorely misses that “old codger.” grateful for an amicable solution to this problem.
One common thread in campaign speeches, IOnce a politician is in office, he spends a lothave noticed, is each candidate wants to go toof time passing House bills. Just come and helpWashington and “fight for me.” me figure out my monthly telephone bill. The
I want to go on record and say that I am not madtelephone companies in our country are destroyingat anyone, really. Honesty compels me to admit thata thousand square miles of trees each month justI do not have any charitable thoughts toward theto make the paper to bill us. I have no idea whatDevil, but that is where I draw the line. In manyall those fees are on my monthly statement. Oneregards I am a pacifist and I will punch anyone inmonth I decided to call the telephone company tothe nose who says otherwise.ask about my bill. That was in 1989 and I am still on
That is the trouble with our country today.hold!
Everyone thinks he can solve his problem withThis is just my short list, and, given more time, Iviolence and looks around for someone to sure I could come up with enough little jobs toI am violently opposed to violence in any fashionprofitably occupy an entire four year term of office.
(except my wardrobe which makes a maliciousI have all but given up on politicians. I am sure mostfashion statement). Politicians should set an of them mean well, but the practical things in lifeexample and stop fighting.are important to the individual.
If these candidates want to fight for me, what IWhen I need practical, personal help, I turn towant to know is where were they when I was in theone place and am never disappointed.
third grade and Ricky Callahan beat me up. I sureWhen I feel the stress and burden of daily life, Icould have used a fighting hand back then. As far asturn to the Lord Jesus Christ. His cordial invitation
I know, all of them looked the other way while I gotis found in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come unto me, all
my nose bloodied and I have not that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give
Time has healed my wounds and I cannot thinkyou rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;
of anyone I am mad at, with the exception, maybe,for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall findof politicians who insist on fighting for me. Myrest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and myadvice is, don’t fight for me, Mr. Candidate.burden is light.”
I do not need a politician to fight for me, but theyI can always count on God to fight my battles.
could do something, if they have a mind to (and tryto find one with a mind).Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of
For example, start with bringing me a hot cupGod Fellowship Ocala, FL where he lives with theof coffee each morning. I have a hard time gettingGracious Mistress of the Parsonage. Call him at
awake without that Java Jolt. My day would be a lot1-866-552-2543 or e-mail
better with this bedside service and I would even His web site is
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