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Mountain View News Saturday, July 30, 2016 


The Arcadia Performing Arts Foundation, the City ofArcadia and the Arcadia Unified School District proudlypresent a Free Community Summer Dance Night onSaturday, August 13, 2016 from 7-9:30pm on the quad ofthe Arcadia Performing Arts Center, 188 Campus Drive,
Arcadia 91007. There will be karaoke singing and dancingunder the stars. Tours of the Arcadia Performing ArtsCenter facility and desserts will also be available.

Mark your calendar and make sure you don’t missout on this special fun night! Please RSVP to jwang@ if interested in karaoke singing or signup at Bring the whole family outto participate in this FREE event! For more information, 
please call 626.574.5113. 

About The Arcadia Performing Arts Center and ArcadiaPerforming Arts Foundation

The opening of the Arcadia Performing Arts Center, whichanchors the northwest corner of the campus of ArcadiaHigh School, on October 18, 2012, was the realization of along-standing dream for the citizens of Arcadia to have amajor center for arts and culture in the community. This40,000 square foot, state-of-the-art facility includes a mainperformance hall with seating for 1,150, a stage that holds200 musicians, tunable acoustics and professional lightingand sound. In addition, the center boasts an orchestra room 
with practice rooms and music library, a dance studio withsprung wood floors, a professional stagecraft workshop anda Black Box theater with separate control room and flexibleseating that can host 125 guests.

The realization of the Performing Arts Center clearly 

shows the commitment of the Arcadia community to thearts. With this realization comes the need for another 
commitment – to the future of the building, arts educationand arts programming. The Arcadia Performing ArtsFoundation is dedicated to maintaining the PerformingArts Center as a nucleus for the arts, education and 
engagement where the lives of students and the greatercommunity are enriched.

The Arcadia Performing Arts Foundation has currentlyset a fundraising goal $10 million that will result in anendowment to provide regular funding for the schooldistrict arts programs and the Performing Arts Center.
The Arcadia Performing Arts Center provides a first-classvenue for the San Gabriel Valley where the public can enjoymajor concert and performing arts attractions, and wherestudent talent can be fostered and supported with a venuefor their work. 

About the City of Arcadia

Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, 
Arcadia is an 11.38 square mile community with apopulation of just over 56,000. Located approximately 20miles east of downtown Los Angeles, Arcadia is known forcombining small-town charm with the conveniences andamenities of a mid-size city. Arcadia is a full-service charter 
city governed by a five-member City Council, elected atlarge. Recognized for exceptional education and recreationopportunities and beautiful neighborhoods, Arcadia is alsodefined as the “Community of Homes” and has twice beendesignated the “Best City in California in which to RaiseKids” by Business Week Magazine. 



Aaron Rose will be installed as president of the ArcadiaChinese Association (ACA) on July 31, 2016 at ArcadiaMasonic Lodge. Also installed are Vice Presidents 
Francine Chiu, Jamie Lee, Lily Lam, Treasurers NingLiu, Alice Wang, and Secretaries Sherry Liang andCaroline Rose. 

The immediate past president is Francine Chiu. Shewill continue to serve as Vice President for the next 

The Arcadia Chinese Association has been servingthe community for 35 years and is committed tosupporting the city of Arcadia in building a safe,
prosperous and loving community by helping newimmigrants from China integrate into Americansociety. This year’s theme is “West Meets East”
with the goal of facilitating interaction between the 

Chinese community and other ethnic groups in andaround Arcadia as the city grows to create a largerand closer community in the San Gabriel Valley.
Several new ACA initiatives are underway to providenew and exciting services to the residents of Arcadiaand surrounding communities. Traditional activitiessuch as Law Day, the Chinese New Year’s Party forseniors, and the Recognition Luncheon for the city’semployees will continue in the effort to serve thecommunity.

Anyone interested in volunteering or becoming amember of ACA is welcome to attend the monthly boardmeetings held at the Arcadia Chamber Of CommerceBoard room. Specific Times and dates can be found, or on facebook 


For the period of Sunday, July 17th, through Saturday, July23rd, the Police Department responded to 1,007 calls for serviceof which 115 required formal investigations. The followingis a summary report of the major incidents handled by theDepartment during this period. 

Sunday, July 17:

1. At about 4:00 p.m., officers responded to Nordstrom, 400South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a report of fraudulentactivity. An investigation revealed the suspects were planningto make a large purchase using fraudulent credit cards withstolen account information. The suspects were contactedand found to be in possession of fraudulent cards and movietickets that had been purchased with the cards. The 28-yearold 
male and the 25-year-old male, both from San Gabriel,
were arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail forbooking.
2. Just after 10:19 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the areaof Santa Anita Avenue and Colorado Boulevard regardingthe report of a possible drunk driver. The vehicle was located.
Upon contacting the driver, the officer detected a strong odorof alcohol emitting from the driver. Through a series of tests,
the officer determined the 69-year-old male from Arcadiawas driving under the influence of an alcoholic beverage. Thesuspect was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jailfor booking. 
Monday, July 18:

3. At approximately 11:14 a.m., officers conducted a traffic stopon a vehicle, on the 1100 block of West Huntington Drive, forequipment violations. An investigation revealed the driverwas in possession of a baton, stolen credit cards and drugparaphernalia. The 30-year-old male from Phoenix, Arizonawas arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail forbooking.
4. At approximately 4:08 p.m., an officer responded toCricket Wireless, 1108 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding atheft report. An investigation revealed an unknown suspectstole the victim’s wallet from a service counter while she was 
engaged in a conversation with an employee. The investigationis ongoing. 
Tuesday July 19:

5. At about 12:47 a.m., an officer conducted a traffic stopon a vehicle near the area of Peck Road and Clark Street for 
swerving in and out of lanes. Upon contacting the driver,
the officer detected a strong odor of alcohol emitting fromthe driver. Through a series of tests, the officer determinedthe suspect was driving under the influence of an alcoholicbeverage. The 32-year-old male from Monrovia was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
6. Around 02:30 a.m., an officer responded to the 1400 blockof South Baldwin Avenue regarding the report of a womanwalking in lanes of traffic. Upon contacting the 49-year-oldfemale from Arcadia, the officer noticed symptoms of alcoholintoxication and determined the suspect was unable to carefor herself. She was arrested and transported to the ArcadiaCity Jail for booking. 
Wednesday, July 20:

7. At approximately 10:22 a.m., an officer responded to 
IHOP, 1113 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding the report ofa female causing a disturbance in the area. An investigationrevealed the suspect had an outstanding warrant for herarrest. The 31-year-old female from Los Angeles was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.

8. Just after 11:40 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stopon a vehicle near the area of First Avenue and Camino Real 
Avenue for an equipment violation. An investigation revealedthe driver was in possession of concentrated cannabis andmarijuana. The 18-year-old male from Arcadia was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
Thursday, July 21:

9. At about 4:06 p.m., officers responded to the 000 blockof West Palm Drive regarding a tree fire. An investigationrevealed the fire was caused by a downed power line. The firespread to two trees, the front lawn of a residence, and a truckparked on the street. Arcadia Fire Department responded tothe scene and extinguished the flames. No one was injured.
10. At approximately 5:19 p.m., officers responded tothe scene of a traffic collision at West Foothill Boulevard and 
North Santa Anita Avenue. Officers contacted an involved 
driver who began screaming profanities at them. Officersdetected a strong odor of alcohol emitting from the driver.
Through a series of tests, the officer determined the suspecthad been driving under the influence of an alcoholic beverage.
The 22-year-old male from West Covina was arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
Friday, July 22:

11. At approximately 8:00 a.m., officers and Arcadia Firepersonnel responded to the parking structure of AAA,
420 East Huntington Drive, regarding the report of anunresponsive subject lying in the stairwell. An investigationrevealed the subject was sleeping and in possession of drugparaphernalia. The 25-year-old male from Arcadia wasarrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
12. At about 3:40 p.m., an officer responded to a residencein the 1000 block of Singing Wood Drive regarding a burglary.
The officer determined unidentified suspect(s) entered theresidence by prying windows and a rear door. The suspectsransacked the residence and left water faucets on in the 
kitchen and bathroom before fleeing. No suspects were seenand no witnesses were located. The investigation is ongoing. 
Saturday, July 23:

13. At about 1:43 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on avehicle near the area of Live Oak Avenue and Fourth Avenue 
for expired registration. An investigation revealed the driverwas driving with expired registration and had placed a currentyear tab sticker, belonging to a different vehicle, on his licenseplate. The tab was confiscated as evidence and the driver wascited and released at the scene. 
14. At approximately 9:44 p.m., an officer respondedto a residence on the 1900 block of South Third Avenue 
regarding the report of a subject passed out in the driveway.
An investigation revealed the subject had no lawful businessat the location and was extremely intoxicated. The officerdetermined the subject was unable to care for himself.
The 23-year-old male from Alhambra was arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 


Following are the weekend’s highlighted issues andevents. To see a complete listing of crimes reported,
go to the City of Monrovia website and click on thecrime mapping link. Sign up to follow us on Twitterfor police notifications. 

Warrant – Suspect Arrested July 21 at 8:46 a.m.,
an officer stopped a bicyclist for a vehicle codeviolation in the area of Mayflower and Fano. Furtherinvestigation revealed the bicyclist had a warrant forhis arrest. The suspect was arrested and taken intocustody. 

Warrant – Suspect Arrested July 21 at 1:04 p.m.,
officers were on patrol in the 600 block of W.
Huntington when they saw a suspect they knew hadan outstanding warrant for his arrest. The subjectwas located inside a business. After the warrant was 
confirmed, the suspect was arrested and taken intocustody. 

Vehicle Burglaries / Theft From a Vehicle July 21,
two vehicle burglaries and a theft from a vehiclewere reported to police. The two vehicle burglariesoccurred at an apartment complex in the 200 blockof W. Lime. Unknown suspects broke into thevehicles and stole miscellaneous items that were left 
inside, including a purse. The theft from a vehicleoccurred in the 300 block of S. Primrose. The victim 
left the vehicle unlocked and a personal checkbookand some cash was taken. The investigations arecontinuing. 

Bear Incident July 23 at 9:37 a.m., a bear wasreported in the 200 block of W. Hillcrest Drive. Theresident reported that the bear was in the crawl spaceunder their home, which had been left unsecured. 
Officers arrived at the location and made attemptsto get the bear to flee, but the bear did not respond.
The Department of Fish and Wildlife responded andwere able to get the bear to leave the crawl space andto go back into the foothills. 

Grand Theft Auto Recovered July 24 at 10:42 
p.m., officers were dispatched to the 100 block 
of N. Encinitas on the report of a recovered 
stolen vehicle. The vehicle was located outside 
of Monrovia by another police department. The 
officers requested assistance with locating the 
owner of the vehicle to confirm if he knew the 
whereabouts of his vehicle. The vehicle owner 
stated his vehicle should be parked in his complex 
in Monrovia and that he did not give anyone 
permission to take it. A grand theft auto report 
was taken and the victim was told where to pick 
up his vehicle. The investigation is continuing. 

Grand Theft Auto Recovery / Possession of DrugParaphernalia / Fraud / Warrants – Suspects 
Arrested July 25 at 2:05 a.m., officers were on 
patrol in the area of Duarte and Tenth when theystopped a driver for a vehicle code violation. Furtherinvestigation revealed the vehicle was stolen outof Fontana. The passenger was found to be in 

possession of drug paraphernalia and had warrants.
The driver was in possession of stolen credit cards,
checks and identifications. Both suspects werearrested and taken into custody. 

Grand Theft Auto Recovered – Suspect ArrestedJuly 25 at 3:00 p.m., officers were advised of a stolenvehicle possibly traveling north on Myrtle. An officerin the area saw the vehicle near Myrtle and Lime. Heconfirmed the plate, which showed it was reportedstolen to Signal Hill Police Department. Officersstopped the vehicle in the 200 block of N. Alta Vistaand arrested the female driver. The suspect was alsofound to have warrants for her arrest, which were 
added to her charges. 

Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested July 26 at 10:29 a.m.,
loss prevention personnel from a business in the500 block of W. Huntington called police to reporta shoplifter that left the store without paying. Thesuspect was last seen getting on a public transit busheaded west on Huntington Drive. Officers stoppedthe bus in Arcadia and learned the suspect hadexited at the prior stop. The officers returned to theprior stop and searched the area. The suspect wasdetained by an officer. He was positively identifiedand arrested. The stolen property was recoveredoutside of the store during the course of theinvestigation. 

Possession of a Controlled Substance/Possession ofDrug Paraphernalia/Warrant – Suspects Arrested

July 26 at 11:06 p.m., officers were on patrol in the100 block of W. Walnut and conducted a traffic 
stop on a vehicle for a vehicle code violation. Therewere two female subjects in the vehicle. During thetraffic stop, the driver was found to have a warrantfor her arrest. The passenger admitted to havingmethamphetamine concealed on her person anddrug paraphernalia was located in the side door ofthe vehicle. Both suspects were arrested and takeninto custody. 

Battery – Suspect Arrested July 27 at 12:42 a.m.,
officers were dispatched to the 100 block of W.
Walnut regarding the report of a battery incident.
The victim lives at a group facility in the 200 blockof W. Colorado. He reported that his roommateaccused him of taking his cell phone. When the 
victim denied taking the cell phone, the roommatestarted hitting the victim. The victim ran from thelocation and called the police. Officers responded tothe residence, where the victim placed the roommateunder private person’s arrest. The roommate wasarrested and taken into custody. 

Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested July 27 at 4:54 p.m.,
an employee from a business in the 500 block of

W. Huntington called police to report a shoplifter.
The suspect left the store with merchandise withoutpaying. An officer arrived, located the suspect anda short foot pursuit occurred. The suspect wasapprehended and arrested. The stolen property wasrecovered. 
As you may recall, we have for a few monthsthe guard house entrance to Bradbury Estatesbeen discussing with Bradbury the possibilityA 0.10 acre vacant sliver parcel (APN 8527-026of 
annexing four parcels currently located in023) owned by the Bradbury Estates AssociationMonrovia into the City of Bradbury. The four A 1.75 acre parcel (APN 8527-026-025) thatparcels in question are located on the eastern edgehouses a developed residential estate.
of Monrovia off of Wildrose Avenue near Deodar Based on the assessment that has been conducted 
Lane (see the map attached below). In total, theby staff, we believe that it would be appropriateparcels combined make up 2.65 acres of property,to allow the annexation of the four parcels intoand of particular note, the land in question alsothe City of Bradbury. Two of the properties infalls under the purview of the Bradbury Estatesquestion are actually owned by the BradburyAssociation / Community Services District. AEstates Association and serve as an entry pointmore detailed description of the four parcelsinto Bradbury. In addition, the other two parcelsincludes the following:are connected to properties that have structures

A vacant 0.73 acre residentially zoned parcelwhich were built and are located in Bradbury.
(APN 8527-003-002)Given this overall situation, staff plans on

A 0.07 acre parcel (APN 8527-003-001) ownedtaking this item to the City Council for review andby the Bradbury Estates Association that houses consideration at our August 2, 2016, meeting. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: