Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, August 6, 2016

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5 Mountain View News Saturday, August 6, 2016 5 Mountain View News Saturday, August 6, 2016 
Found Dead

 Family considering lawsuitwith Los Angeles County 
Sheriff’s over father’s 
handling during release 
from jail. 

The body of a Pasadena elderly 
man, who had gone missing 
last week, was found dead 
Monday in a maintenance yard 
in downtown Los Angeles. 
According to family members 
Gerry Sakamoto died of 
exposure after being released 
from LA County jail with no 
money or cellphone.

 The 71-year-old Sakamoto 
was last seen live by the family 
July 28. They said Sakamoto 
suffered from a number of 
medical conditions, including 
bipolar disorder and dementia. 
They allege that their concerns 
about Sakamoto’s health were 
ignored by deputies and if not, 
he would still be alive. 

 Family members also said 
that his wife, Jane Sakamoto, 
was ignored by operators at 
the jail when she called trying 
to get medication to Sakamoto. 

 Los Angeles County Sheriff 
deputies claim Sakamoto was 
given an option to stay at the 
jail up to 16 hours to wait for 
relatives to pick him up. The 
family said they were never 
notified of Sakamoto release.

 Sakamoto was arrested on 
suspicion of drunk driving 
after he was stopped by the 
California Highway Patrol 
following an accident July 
28 in the San Gabriel Valley. 
Sakamoto was booked, cited 
and released that same day. 
The family said they are 
considering a lawsuit over 
Sakamoto’s death. 

Pet of the 

Four-month-old Diglet 
(A402362) is quite the 
people person, greeting 
everyone she meets with 
purring and rubbing. After 
she gets to know you, she 
enjoys being held and sitting 
in your lap. This 4-monthold, 
female, shorthair tortie 
can be found jumping 
around to chase down her 
beloved sock toy!

 Adopt Diglet or any other 
kitten 11 months and 
younger for just $15 for one 
kitten or $25 for two during 
our Kitten GO adoption 
event August 5-7. Regular 
adoption screening applies.

Otherwise, the adoption 
fee for cats is $70 (or two 
for $85), which includes 
the spay or neuter 
surgery, microchip, and 

 New adopters will receive a 
complimentary health-andwellness 
exam from VCA 
Animal Hospitals, as well 
as a goody bag filled with 
information about how to 
care for your pet.

 Call the Pasadena Humane 
Society & SPCA at (626) 
792-7151 to ask about 
A402362, or visit at 361 S. 
Raymond Ave. in Pasadena. 
Adoption hours are 11 a.m. 
to 4 p.m. Sunday; 9 a.m. 
to 5 p.m. Tuesday through 
Friday; and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

 Pets may not be available 
for adoption and cannot be 
held for potential adopters 
by phone calls or email. 
Directions and photos of 
all pets can be found at

Carport Fire Damages 11 Vehicles 

By Dean Leescene she said. No one was 
An early morning carport injured during the incident. 
fire in East Pasadena Monday Derderian told reporters 
destroyed four cars and that one of the cars, possibly, 
left another seven severely had an electrical issue. Heat 
damaged —the fire caused from the fire was so intense 
an estimated $250,000 in that two of the cars damaged 
damages.melted in another carport. 

 According to fire The fire also damaged the 
spokesperson Lisa Derderian, window of a nearby unit of 
the fire, first reported shortly the apartments. Concrete 
after 4 a.m., in the 1800 block around the cars got so hot in 
of East Colorado Boulevard smoldered. 
took about 40 minutes to Derderian said residents in 
knock down. Four Engines, nearby apartments quickly 
two trucks, one rescue evacuated. The fire was 
ambulance, a Battalion Chief, contained within the carport 
an Arson Investigator and 28 area.
firefighters were sent to the Damage to the vehicles 

CommunityInvited In 
on Her 

Pasadena Public Library invites 
the community, Aug. 26, to bid 
farewell to Library Director 
Jan Sanders as she concludes 
a career of 45 years in library not leaving town, and I certainly 
leadership.won’t stop using this library. I 

 “Never have I worked with a can’t wait to see what’s next!”
finer staff or community, or one The event will take place from 
so dedicated to the work of the 3 to 5 p.m. in Central Library’s 
library,” Sanders said. “During West Patio, 285 E. Walnut St. 
my tenure in Pasadena, we Refreshments will be provided.
have seen libraries undergo For more information, contact 
monumental changes. We Catherine Hany, (626) 744-4207 
no longer serve as a simple or
depository for books and Pasadena Public Library 
information. We have expanded is dedicated to free and 
to be the hub of community life, equal access to information, 
the center for conversation and knowledge, independent 
ideas, and the spot for creation lifelong learning, cultural 
to occur.”enrichment, and the joy of 

 “I look forward to staying reading. Established in 1884,
connected with PPL as a faithful the library is a department of 
library user,” she added. “I’m the City of Pasadena. 

Crime Blotter for Altadena 

Jan Sanders 

Sunday, July 24th

6:00 PM - A vehicle vandalism 
occurred in the 100 block of W. 
Pine Street. Vehicle damage: 
shattered window. 
Monday, July 25th

7:30 AM – A petty theft 
occurred in the 3300 block of 
Lake Avenue. Stolen: vehicle 
registration tags. 
9:30 AM – A grand theftoccurred in the 2300 block 
of Grandeur Avenue. Stolen: 
LG television 47 inch, LG 
sound bar, Xbox game console, 
PlayStation 3, Toshiba laptop, 
subwoofer, Wii game control, 
iPad mini, Nintendo 3DS, and 
PlayStation Vita. 
11:07 PM – An assault with 
a deadly weapon occurred 
in the 600 block of E. Pine 
Street. Victim sustained non-
life threatening injuries. The 
investigation is ongoing. 
Tuesday, July 26th

1:29 AM – An assault with 
a deadly weapon occurred 
in the area of Lake Avenue 
and Woodbury Road. Victim 
sustained non-life threatening 
injuries. Investigation is 
2:15 AM – A shooting at an 
inhabited dwelling occurred in 
the 200 block of W. Calaveras 
Street. No injuries and no 
8:00 AM – A commercial 
vandalism occurred in the 500 
block of W. Woodbury Road. 
Damage: wall spray painted. 
1:25 PM – A petty theft 
occurred in the 200 block of W. 
Mountain View Street. Stolen: 
clothes, shoes, and jewelry. 
Wednesday, July 27th

No significant incidents.

Thursday, July 28th

2:30 PM – A residential 
burglary occurred in the 1800block of Bellford Avenue. 
Suspect(s) entered the 
residence by kicking the frontdoor. Suspects described as
(4) male Blacks. Stolen: Xbox,
MacBook Pro, platinum Rolexwatch, Breitling watch, and TagHeure watch. 
Friday, July 29th

3:36 PM – A residential 
burglary occurred in the 1800block of Sinaloa Avenue. 
The suspects knocked on thefront door several times and 
proceeded to kick down thedoor after no one responded.
The victims who were home at 
the time described the suspectsas (2) male Blacks. The suspectsfled the location after the 
burglar alarm was activated.
Stolen: silver MacBook Air, 
brown wallet and currency.
6:40 PM – An attempt robberyoccurred in the 3300 block of 
N. Lincoln Avenue. Suspect isthe victim’s ex-boyfriend. Noitems stolen. 
7:00 PM – A vehicle burglaryoccurred in the area of 
Pinecrest Drive and Mt. Wilson 
Road. Suspect(s) entered 
the vehicle by shattering the 
passenger window. Stolen: 
silver MacBook Pro. 
Saturday, July 30th
9:02 PM – An assault with a 
deadly weapon occurred in 
the 2200 block of N. Lincoln 
Avenue. Investigation is ongoing. 
was estimated at $100,000 

and another $150,000 was 

estimated in loss to the 

Above photo courtesy of 

Pasadena Fire.

of Murder 

 After a four week of arduous 
trial work, a jury convicted 
a father, last week, who 
intentional drowned his one 
year old daughter while the 
mother was at work. 

 On May 20, 2011 Pasadena 
Police Officers responded to 
145 W. Del Mar Bl. regarding 
a baby not breathing. Upon 
arrival, Officers found one 
year old Monajah Jackson 
not breathing. She was later 
pronounced dead.

 The subsequent investigation 
by Homicide detectives led to 
the arrests of the baby’s father, 
Marquise Jackson. Following 
his arrest and later admonition 
to detectives, the Los Angeles 
County District Attorney’s 
Office filed one count of first 
degree murder along with one 
count of child endangerment. 

 In June 2016, the trial against 
Marquise Jackson began in 
the Los Angeles Superior 

Annual Wiggle 
Waggle Walk 

 Animal lovers and their 
canine friends are invited to 
the Pasadena Humane Society& SPCA’s 18th Annual WiggleWaggle Walk – a communityfundraiser for animals – at 
Brookside Park adjacent to theRose Bowl. The Walk will start 
at 8 a.m. on Sunday, September

Walkers can choose either a 
one-mile or three-mile route 
around the outside of the Rose 
Bowl stadium before enjoyingevent festivities including K-9and agility demonstrations, 
pet-related vendors, contests,
and food trucks until noon. 
Participants do not need a dogto join the fun, just a desire tohelp animals.

 “The Walk brings togetherpeople from all parts of ourcommunity,” says Carol Kirby,
Chairman of the PHS Board 
of Directors. “It helps fundthe shelter and gives us all achance to celebrate the joy ofdogs.”

 Organizers hope to raise$325,000 from the event, which 
will provide food, shelter andmedical care to the nearly12,000 homeless animals taken 
in by the PHS every year.

 Walkers can create a team, joinan existing team, or registeras an individual on the new 
Wiggle Waggle Walk website.
Event registration is $25 perperson, and includes an eventT-shirt, bib, and bandana for 
your dog.

 Early bird registration isopen now until September12 and includes a discounted 
registration fee and an 
opportunity to pick up yourT-shirt and prizes before theWalk.

 Event-day registrations opensat 8 a.m., the walk will beginat 9:00 a.m., and the festivities 
last until noon. Brookside Park 
is located at 480 North ArroyoBlvd in Pasadena.

 For more information, visit 

Reward Offered In ShootingDeath of Altadena Boy 

 The LA County Board of 
Supervisors unanimously 
approved a motion Tuesday 
offering a $20,000 reward 
in exchange for information 
leading to the arrest and/ 
or conviction of the 
suspect(s) responsible for 
the fatal shooting of 4-yearold 
Salvador Esparza in 

 On July 5, 2016, according 
to witnesses, the shooting 
suspect chased a male black 
adult onto the property on 
300 block of West Figueroa 
Drive and fired at him. The shooting is believed to be 
victim survived the attack gang-related. Detectives 
but Esparza was also hit do not believe that victim 

with a single gunshot to the Esparza or his family were 
head and was subsequently the intended target. 
pronounced dead at the Supervisor Michael 
Huntington Memorial Antonovich is encouraging 

Hospital. The suspect fled anyone with information 
south on Olive Avenue. to contact Sergeant John 

 According to Sheriff ’s O’Brien at 323-574-0461 or 
Homicide detectives, the Sergeant Domenick Recchia 
suspect is believed to be 323-574-2851 with the LASD 

a gang member and the Homicide Bureau. 

Leadership InstituteApplications Available

Applications for the 2016 of life in their neighborhoodsPasadena Neighborhood through team-oriented problemLeadership Institute (PNLI) solving. Participants are linked 
are available now and due with community resources, 
back to the city Department’slocal institutions, social services 
Neighborhood Connections and representatives from otherOffice no later than, Aug. neighborhoods to enable 

25. PNLI is a free, 10-week, successful, creative solutions.
interactive training program PNLI was established in 2000 
designed to empower emerging,by former Mayor Bill Bogaard inlocal community leaders.partnership with the Flintridge 
Applications are availableFoundation www.flintridge.orgonline at www.cityofpasadena.and the Pasadena Communitynet/NeighborhoodConnections Foundation https://pasadenacf.
or by contacting Ms. org/. It is administered by 
Araceli Mellen, amellem@ the City’s Neighborhood, (626) 744-Connections Office, part7363. All applications must beof the Human Services and 
received by close of business atRecreation Department,
the Department’s
Connections Office, 1020 N. HumanServices.
Fair Oaks Avenue. Applications Each leadership programcan be submitted online; hand includes up to 20 participants.
delivered or mailed. Postmarks High school seniors are alsoare not acceptable as a substituteeligible. Priority is given to 
and the City is not responsibleapplicants who demonstrate 
lost, misdirected or late deliverya record of prior communityof applications.service and civic activities, 

 “Pasadena has a wonderful express a commitment to 
tradition of encouraging newaction on local issues and who 
leaders and enabling them are interested in developingwith the necessary skills collaborative teamwork and 
available through our Pasadenaskills to empower themselvesNeighborhood Leadership and their neighbors. ParticipantsInstitute,” Mayor Terry Tornek must live, work or study withinsaid. “Leaders come from all the Pasadena Unified School 
walks of life, but the skills theyDistrict boundaries.
need to be successful can be The institute provides 10obtained through the training atworkshops and a graduationour institute.”celebration. Workshops are 

 PNLI is designed to helpheld on Tuesdays, 6-9 p.m.,
develop future neighborhoodSeptember 13, 20, 27, Octoberleaders who are committed to 4, 11, 18, 25 and November 
taking action on local issues. The 1, 15 and 22. A graduation 
program teaches participantsceremony will be held 
how to improve the quality November 29. 

Free Events Roundup at thePasadena Senior Center 

Salvador Esparza

There is something for everyone 
at the Pasadena Senior Center, 
85 E. Holly St. You do not 
have to be a member to attend. 
Some events require advance 

Stay Connected with 
Social Media – Tuesdays and 
Thursdays, Aug. 9 to 25, from 
9 to 11 a.m. Learn how to keep 
in touch with family and friends 
via email, Skype, Facebook 
and other forms of social 
media during a 30-minute, 
one-on-one meeting with an 
instructor. You’ll choose which 
applications you want to learn. 
Bring a laptop or use one of the 
onsite computers. If you have an 
email address, bring it and your 
password. Sign up with Edison 
at the Welcome Desk. 

Smart Phones, Tablets and 
Computers – Any Questions? 

– Tuesdays and Thursdays, 
Aug. 9 to 25, from 10 to 11 
a.m. Get the answers you need 
about technology devices, 
whether you own them already 
or are considering a purchase. 
Learning how to text, check 
voicemail, set an alarm, navigate 
the Internet and download 
Friday Movie Matinees – 
Fridays, Aug. 12 and 19, at 1 

p.m. Everyone enjoys movies 
and the pleasures they bring. 
Aug. 12: “Hello, My Name is 
Doris” (2016, R) starring Sally 
Field and Max Greenfield. 
A self-help seminar inspires 
a 60-something woman to 
romantically pursue her 
younger coworker. Aug. 19: 
“Shutter Island” (2010, R) 
starring Leonardo DiCaprio and 
Mark Ruffalo. A U.S. Marshal 
investigates the disappearance 
of a murderer who escaped from 
a hospital for the criminally 
insane. For more information 
or call 626-795-4331. 

Live Longer and Strongerat Every Age – Thursday, Aug.
11, at 12:15 p.m. Explore thechallenges to living fully asyou age and focus on concretesteps to adapt to successfulaging. Dr. Bonnie Olsen ofKeck USC Family Medicinewill help you develop goals forachieving a more satisfyingbalance in physical health, 
cognitive stimulation and 
social engagement. A boxedlunch will be served to the 
first 50 people who RSVP to626-795-4331. 

LA Opera: Specialty Topic – 
Monday, Aug. 15, at 1 p.m. An 
LA Opera community educator 
will take a deeper look into 
opera and classical music while 
sharing passion and enthusiasm 
for topics ranging from the 
delightful to the disastrous and 
everything in between.

 Need a Senior TAP Card? 

– Thursday, Aug. 18, from 
10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Metro 
Mobile Customer Center will 
come to the Pasadena Senior 
Center to provide free Senior 
TAP cards for discounted fares 
on any Metro transportation 
route. Applicants must be 62 
or older and bring a valid ID. 
Temporary cards will be issued 
on the spot so you can ride right 
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: