Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, August 6, 2016

MVNews this week:  Page A:6

Mountain View News Saturday, August 6, 2016 



Floretta Lauber,90, Arcadia’s first female Mayor passed away 
on August 1st, peacefully. Born in Sierra Madre on June 18, 
1926, in Sierra Madre, California, she passed away on August 
1, 2016. 

 According to Arcadia’s Best, ” Floretta was the first female 
appointed to Arcadia’s Planning Commission, serving until 
1973. In 1974 she was the first woman to be elected to the 
Arcadia City Council and served as Mayor in 1976.”

 Services for Floretta are planned as follows:

Viewing: Wednesday August 10 8:00pm at Douglass and Zook 

Mortuary 600 E. Foothill Blvd. Monrovia

Services: Thursday August 11 10:00am Sierra Madre 

Congregational Church 170 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra 


Interment: Following services at Live Oak Cemetary 200 E. 

Duarte Road Monrovia 

Reception: Arcadia Woman’s Club 324 S. First Avenue Arcadia 


Our School Resource Officer, Detective Stark, and Cadet Bolduc had the pleasure of talking with 
a group of young folks attending an Arcadia Recreation and Community Services summer class 
last week. Safety was the topic of the day. Great group of kids and staff Courtesy APD


For the period of Sunday, July 24th, through Saturday, July30th, the Police Department responded to 969 calls for serviceof which 116 required formal investigations. The followingis a summary report of the major incidents handled by theDepartment during this period. 

Sunday, July 24:

1. At about 12:29 a.m., officers responded to the parking lot ofWestfield Santa Anita, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regardinga report of intoxicated subjects throwing trashcans. Uponcontacting the subjects, the officers noticed symptoms ofalcohol intoxication and determined the suspects wereunable to care for themselves. The 23-year-old female fromUpland and the 24-year-old male from Covina were arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
2. Just after 2:35 a.m., an officer was dispatched to the 300block of East Forest Avenue regarding the report of a malesubject seen jumping the fence of a construction site. Aninvestigation revealed the subject had no lawful businessat the location and was carrying an empty backpack and amotorcycle helmet. The 19-year-old male from Lompoc wasarrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
Monday, July 25:

3. At approximately 4:05 a.m., an officer responded to thefront counter of The Arcadia Police Department, 250 WestHuntington Drive, regarding a domestic violence report.
An investigation revealed the victim went to Hampton Innto confront the suspect about his infidelity. The suspectpunched the victim and drug her by her feet. A loadedhandgun was recovered at the scene and the 40-year-oldmale from Palmdale was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking.
4. At approximately 7:28 p.m., an officer initiated aconsensual contact with a subject at Arcadia CommunityRegional County Park, 405 South Santa Anita Avenue. Uponcontacting the 51-year-old male from Inglewood, the officernoticed symptoms of alcohol intoxication and determinedthe suspect was unable to care for himself. He was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
Tuesday July 26:

5. At about 4:34 p.m., officers responded to Michael Kors, 400South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a report of fraud that hadjust occurred. An investigation revealed the suspect madelarge purchases with fraudulent credit cards. The 28-yearold 
male from El Monte was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking.
6. Around 6:56 p.m., an officer responded to the frontcounter of The Arcadia Police Department, 250 WestHuntington Drive, regarding the report of a battery. Aninvestigation revealed the victim was seated on a benchat Tierra Verde Park, when the suspect sat next to her. Thesuspect brushed his hand across the victim’s thigh. Thesuspect fled the scene in a silver van.
The suspect is described as a male adult, approximately 30to 40-years-old, 5 feet 6 inches tall and heavy set. 

Wednesday, July 27:

7. At approximately 7:31 a.m., officers responded to avictim’s residence regarding the report of a sexual assault 
that occurred the previous day at Tierra Verde Park, 200East Camino Real Avenue. An investigation revealed thevictim was seated on the grass when she was approachedby the suspect. The suspect attempted to engage the victimin a conversation. The victim ignored the suspect. He thenreached over and touched the victim’s buttocks. The suspectfled the scene in a silver SUV style vehicle.

The suspect is described as a male adult, approximately30 to 40-years-old, six feet tall, heavy set, with a shaved head,
moustache and tattoos on both arms. 

8. Just after 8:31 a.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop ona vehicle near the area of Duarte Road and El Monte Avenue 
for speeding. An investigation revealed the driver wasdriving with a suspended license and had seven outstandingwarrants for his arrest. The vehicle was released to a valid 
driver and the 43-year-old male from Arcadia was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
9. At about 6:47 p.m., officers responded to the parking lotof Mc Donald’s, 143 East Foothill Boulevard, regarding thereport of a physical altercation in progress. An investigationrevealed a nanny was at the location to drop off an 11 monthold child with the child’s grandparents. The grandmother,
upset about the nanny arriving 15 minutes late, attacked thenanny. A bystander began video recording the attack. Thegrandfather attacked the bystander while he was holdinghis grandchild. The 70-year-old male from Anaheim 
was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail forbooking. The 66-year-old female from Anaheim was issueda citation and released to Arcadia Methodist Hospital stafffor treatment. 
Thursday, July 28:

10. At approximately 7:10 p.m., an officer responded to JCPenney, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a theft report.
A loss prevention specialist witnessed the suspect concealnumerous items inside her purse and shopping bags beforeexiting the store, failing to make payment. The 18-year-oldfemale from Fullerton was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking. 
Friday, July 29:

11.At approximately 7:30 p.m., officers responded to theparking structure of a business complex located at 411 EastHuntington Drive regarding the report of a suspicioussubject. An investigation revealed the subject was driving astolen vehicle and found to be in possession of stolen property,
a fraudulent check, drug paraphernalia and was also underthe influence of a controlled substance. The 27-year-oldmale from San Gabriel was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking.

12. At about 11:19 p.m., an officer initiated a traffic stop ona vehicle near the area of Clark Street and Kardashian Avenue 
for swerving in and out of lanes. Upon contacting the driver,
the officer detected a strong odor of alcohol emitting fromthe driver. Through a series of tests, the officer determinedthe 37-year-old male from Azusa was driving under theinfluence of an alcoholic beverage. The suspect was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.. 

At a recent Duarte Kiwanis Meeting, MikeAntonessi came to share the vision and current 
focus of the Foothill Unity Center. Believe it ornot, the Unity Center was started 36 years agoby Josephine Anderson. She told her priest atImmaculate Conception church that some of theparishioners needed food and the priest gave hera closet and asked her to ”step up” - and she did.
Turns out many other churches in the area wereexperiencing the same thing and together theycreated the ”Unity” Center. The latest event willbe the annual Back To School event on August 9thbeing held at the Santa Anita Race Track. Mikeexpects that over 1000 kids will be served with alltheir needed school supplies, new undies, socksand uniforms, haircuts and even eye and dentalexams! As you can see, Duarte Kiwanis is alwaysready to partner with Foothill Unity. President,
Cheryl Reynolds was thrilled to present Mikewith a $400.00 check. For further information 
on speaking or joining the club, contact Dr. DianeHernandez at drdiane@drhernandezoptometry. 

Call Patricia at 
626-818-2698 Today!
We’d like to hear from you! 
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mountainviewsnews AND Twitter: @mtnviewsnews 
and complaint of pain to his shoulder, then booked for severalfelony and misdemeanor charges, as well as the outstanding 

Warrant – Suspect Arrested

July 29 at 2:30 p.m., a parking control officer was issuinga citation to a parked vehicle and found a person with anoutstanding warrant came back after checking the vehicleregistration. Officers arrived, located the subject associatedwith the vehicle, confirmed the warrant and took him into 
custody. The subject was later issued a citation to appear in 

Mailbox Tampering

July 30 at 7:00 a.m., an incident of mailbox tampering wasreported at an apartment complex in the 300 block of GenoaAvenue. Sometime between midnight and 7:00 a.m., someonepried open the door to the apartment mailbox. No loss couldbe substantiated at the time of the report. The investigation iscontinuing. 

Following are the weekend’s highlighted issues and events. To seea complete listing of crimes reported, go to the City of Monroviawebsite and click on the crime mapping link. Sign up to follow uson Twitter for police notifications. 

Grand Theft Auto 

July 28 at 10:44 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the800 block of W. Foothill. The victim parked and locked thevehicle in front of her apartment complex. When she returnedto the vehicle in the morning, it was missing. The investigationis continuing. 

Theft of a Package

July 28 at 1:26 p.m., a resident from the 100 block of N.
Primrose Avenue called police to report the theft of a packagefrom her property. The resident had purchased radios andhad them delivered to her home. She received notification 
that the package was delivered, but when she arrived home,
the package was missing. The empty packaging the deliverycame in was found a short distance away. The investigation iscontinuing. 

Warrant – Suspect Arrested

July 28 at 6:41 p.m., officers responded to the report of asuspicious female subject loitering behind homes in the 200block of W. Cypress. Officers arrived and located the femalesubject. A computer check revealed the subject had a warrantfor her arrest. She was arrested and taken into custody. 

Vehicle Pursuit / Driving Under the Influence of a ControlledSubstance / Possession of Stolen Checks / Warrants – SuspectArrested 

July 29 at 12:04 a.m., officers were on patrol, heading south onCalifornia, when a motorcycle passed them, traveling northon California at a high rate of speed. The officers made au-turn and drove after the motorcyclist to stop him. A shortpursuit ensued onto the 210 Freeway. The motorcyclist exitedthe freeway at Irwindale Avenue and drove into a gas station atIrwindale Avenue and Foothill. 

The suspect then exited onto Foothill to make a left turn,
but did not see a raised island in the middle of the street. 
The motorcyclist slammed on his brakes to avoid hittingthe island, causing the police car, which was behind him, tocollide into his rear tire. The motorcycle toppled over and thesuspect ran north, across Foothill. The officers gave chase andapprehended him as he attempted to jump over a wall into arock quarry.
The suspect was found to have a suspended license, warrantsfor his arrest, stolen checks, and he was driving under theinfluence of drugs. He was taken to a hospital for a minor cut

Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested

July 30 at 7:58 a.m., an officer observed a bicyclist commit avehicle code violation. The officer stopped the subject on thebike and, during the investigation, a syringe was found on hisperson. The subject was arrested and later issued a citation toappear in court. 

Domestic Violence – Suspect Arrested

July 30 at 8:31 p.m., an incident of domestic violence wasreported in the 1100 block of Sesmas Street. A male subjectcalled police to report his wife was intoxicated and wasdamaging his property. Officers arrived and learned the wifehad slapped and scratched her husband, causing injuries. Thewife was arrested for domestic violence and the case will be 
submitted to the District Attorney’s office for filing. 

Fight in Progress – Suspects Arrested

August 1 at 3:02 a.m., police responded to the report of a fightin progress involving five to six subjects in the 100 block of

W. Duarte Road. The subjects had fled the area, several ofthem in a taxi. An officer located the taxi turning south onShamrock from Duarte. Several subjects were in the taxithat had been involved in the fight. One subject, who was thevictim of battery during the fight, was taken to the hospitalfor treatment; one was taken into custody for possession ofnarcotics; and a third subject was arrested for an outstandingwarrant. The suspects who committed the battery were notfound. The investigation is continuing. 
Residential Burglary

August 1 at 4:00 p.m., officers responded to the reportof a residential burglary in progress in the 300 block ofNorumbega. Two adult male subjects wearing long hoodedsweatshirts were seen fleeing the front yard of a residence onfoot. The caller reported that the front door of the residencewas open. Police dispatch then received a burglary alarmactivation at the same residence. 
Officers responded, searched the area and the residence. Thesuspects were not located. It appears the suspects kicked arear door open and once inside, the alarm activated, causingthe suspects to flee. No loss was reported. The investigation iscontinuing. 

Hit and Run Traffic Collision 

August 1 at 7:29 p.m., a hit and run traffic collision wasreported in the 800 block of W. Foothill. The victim called toreport his vehicle was struck and the side mirrorwas damaged. The suspect driver left the scene of the collisionand left no identifying information. The investigation is 

Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested

August 2 at 2:50 a.m., officers on patrol observed a vehicletraveling north in the 2000 block of S. Myrtle at a high rateof speed. The officers attempted to catch up to the vehicle asthe driver entered the 210 Freeway, heading west. The vehiclewas eventually stopped at Rosemead in Pasadena. The driverwas determined to be intoxicated. Field sobriety tests wereconducted and the driver was arrested for DUI. He was taken 
into custody, booked for the applicable charges and held forsobering. 

Domestic Violence – Suspects Arrested

August 2 at 1:45 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the400 block of E. Walnut regarding a disturbing subject. Whenthey arrived, they determined the male and female adults wholived there were in a dating relationship and had been involvedin two separate fights. The female started the first fight andthe male subject started the second fight. Both parties werearrested for domestic violence and taken into custody. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: