Susan Henderson,
You would think that a but I want you to know that we truly appreciate
woman of my maturity you.
would rather not speak
And last but not least, thanks to my family who
of birthdays. That is
have withstood so much. They’ve been willing to
incorrect. First of all, as
share companion, mom and grandmom, sister,
my mother used to say,
and aunt with the paper. You are also appreciated
“The only way to avoid
and loved.
growing old is to die
young.” I listened and It has not always been easy, but I have the same
happily chose not to die commitment that I had when I suggested that
young. And my father Sierra Madre needed a real community paper.
whispered another gem
A few years ago, , I answered a question that was
in my ear that made me
asked of me by someone in town, “Why Are You
appreciate birthdays
Doing this?” Now that is truly a good question.
even more. He said,
Let’s see. Perhaps my parents dropped me on my
“Your birthday is your
head when I was a child. No, that’s not it. Ok, well
own personal holiday.
perhaps I just like working 100 hour weeks. Or
Enjoy it!” And so, in the spirit of wisdom of both
better yet, maybe I just love pouring every penny
my parents, I want to celebrate, a very special
I have into this enterprise. Hmm…that doesn’t
birthday. No, not mine - that’s in February, but
sound right either. Ok, I got it. I publish this
the birthday of the Mountain Views News nee
paper because I love it. I love sharing information
with others. I love learning and writing about the
It has been nine years ago this month that this treasures in our communities. I love providing a
paper was created and believe me, we are proud needed service to the community. I love bringing
to be here. This paper follows in the traditions people together, even when they don’t agree.
my parents spoke of. We will not die young
I love giving the opportunity for others to
and we will take the time to appreciate our own
share their talents. And please know, there is
special day.
no one associated with the Mountain Views that
As you may notice, I keep saying we. Well that supports their families or even their cheapest
is because the Mountain Views News is not just
the paper that I own and publish. It belongs OTHER MOUNTAIN VIEWS NEWS
to many other people too. To the wonderful DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI
staff, contributors, volunteers, supporters and
Pat Ostrye, Paul Carpenter, Stuart Tolchin,
caretakers, and most of all, it belongs to the
Hail Hamilton, Stanley J. Forrester, Trish
communities we serve. Without you, this
Collins, Teresa Baxter, Julie Puterbaugh,
paper would not be possible. Oh, and yes, to
Bruce LaMarche, Ann Luke, Ben Show and
our detractors, we thank you too, because your
Meaghan Allen
unrelenting criticism makes us stronger.
There are several people who have been with
hobbies with the money they earn, if any. The
this paper since the beginning. Special birthday
people celebrating with me today all participate
greetings to: Dean Lee, Rich Johnson, Bob
because it is a labor of love, and we love to do this
Eklund, Mary Carney, Kim Clymer-Kelley, Jeff
because you, the communities we serve, have
Brown, John Aveny, and Peter Dills. This paper
shown that you love us too!
also has a stellar alumni that for a variety of
reasons, mostly relocation, are no longer with I wish that more people would look around
us. They include Chris Bertrand who retired to and see what they can contribute to make our
Northern California to be closer to her grandson; communities a better place. Many people do,
Hail Hamilton who retired and moved away; but there are many more that don’t. If you don’t,
and Joe Russo, who spent many, many hours you have no idea how good it would make you
working with me on the production of the paper. feel. Sharing your talents unconditionally is the
Joe has married, become a wonderful father and best feeling in the world. And, when you have
now lives in the midwest. Our dear friend and done it long enough to have a ‘birthday’ you
contributor, Ralph McKnight, the original voice really rejoice.
of the “Left”, and dear friend Pat Birdsall, passed
So, pick something, a school, a library, a church,
an organization, someone who is sick and shut
We’ve also been blessed to add to our ranks in, or even your next door neighbor. Take a little
many other fine writers including those listed on time to share what God has given you. When
our masthead (Page B4). I hope I didn’t forget you do you will find that, birthdays roll around
anyone, if so, I am certain you will let me know! pretty fast but they feel really good!
For 9 years, 468 consecutive weeks, you have
So, Happy Birthday Mountain Views News.
been with us in pen and/or spirit. We also wish
We should all be very proud of what we have
to thank those who have been behind the scenes
accomplished in such a short time. And, thanks
supporting the paper with their kind deeds and
to each of you for all you have done.
encouraging words. You shall remain nameless,
During the week of September 10th, Sierra Madre CERT will be offering FREE comprehensive
emergency preparedness training classes to the public.
Classes involve a mix of lecture and hands on exercises. The final day even includes a comprehensive
disaster scenario!
Harry Shahoian as Elvis at the Sierra Madre Concert in the Park
Sponsored by Sierra Madre Rotary Club
Sunday August 7th, 2016.222 West Sierra Madre Blvd.
Sierra Madre, CA6 pm to 8 pmFree show, all ages welcome! See you there!
LOS ANGELES COUNTY – The Board of the head and was subsequently pronounced deadSupervisors unanimously approved a motionat the Huntington Memorial Hospital. The suspectby Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich offeringfled south on Olive Avenue.
a $20,000 reward in exchange for informationAccording to Sheriff’s Homicide detectives, theleading to the arrest and/or conviction of thesuspect is believed to be a gang member and thesuspect(s) responsible for the fatal shooting ofshooting is believed to be gang-related. Detectives4-year-old Salvador Esparza in not believe that victim Esparza or his family
On July 5, 2016, according to witnesses, thewere the intended target.
shooting suspect chased a male black adult ontoSupervisor Antonovich encourages anyone withthe property on 300 block of West Figueroa Driveinformation to contact Sergeant John O’Brien atand fired at him. The victim survived the attack 323-574-0461 or Sergeant Domenick Recchia 323but
Esparza was also hit with a single gunshot to 574-2851 with the LASD Homicide Bureau.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: