Mountain View News Saturday, August 13, 2016
For the period of Sunday, July 24th, through Saturday, July
30th, the Police Department responded to 969 calls for service
of which 116 required formal investigations. The following
is a summary report of the major incidents handled by the
Department during this period.
Sunday, July 24:
1. At about 12:29 a.m., officers responded to the parking
lot of Westfield Santa Anita, 400 South Baldwin Avenue,
regarding a report of intoxicated subjects throwing
trashcans. Upon contacting the subjects, the officers
noticed symptoms of alcohol intoxication and determined
the suspects were unable to care for themselves. The
23-year-old female from Upland and the 24-year-old male
from Covina were arrested and transported to the Arcadia
City Jail for booking.
2. Just after 2:35 a.m., an officer was dispatched to the
300 block of East Forest Avenue regarding the report of a
male subject seen jumping the fence of a construction site.
An investigation revealed the subject had no lawful business
at the location and was carrying an empty backpack and a
motorcycle helmet. The 19-year-old male from Lompoc
was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for
Monday, July 25:
3. At approximately 4:05 a.m., an officer responded to the
front counter of The Arcadia Police Department, 250 West
Huntington Drive, regarding a domestic violence report.
An investigation revealed the victim went to Hampton
Inn to confront the suspect about his infidelity. The suspect
punched the victim and drug her by her feet. A loaded
handgun was recovered at the scene and the 40-year-old
male from Palmdale was arrested and transported to the
Arcadia City Jail for booking.
4. At approximately 7:28 p.m., an officer initiated a
consensual contact with a subject at Arcadia Community
Regional County Park, 405 South Santa Anita Avenue.
Upon contacting the 51-year-old male from Inglewood,
the officer noticed symptoms of alcohol intoxication and
determined the suspect was unable to care for himself. He
was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for
Tuesday July 26:
5. At about 4:34 p.m., officers responded to Michael Kors,
400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a report of fraud
that had just occurred. An investigation revealed the
suspect made large purchases with fraudulent credit cards.
The 28-year-old male from El Monte was arrested and
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
6. Around 6:56 p.m., an officer responded to the front
counter of The Arcadia Police Department, 250 West
Huntington Drive, regarding the report of a battery. An
investigation revealed the victim was seated on a bench at
Tierra Verde Park, when the suspect sat next to her. The
suspect brushed his hand across the victim’s thigh. The
suspect fled the scene in a silver van.
The suspect is described as a male adult, approximately
30 to 40-years-old, 5 feet 6 inches tall and heavy set.
Wednesday, July 27:
7. At approximately 7:31 a.m., officers responded to a
victim’s residence regarding the report of a sexual assault
that occurred the previous day at Tierra Verde Park, 200
East Camino Real Avenue. An investigation revealed the
victim was seated on the grass when she was approached
by the suspect. The suspect attempted to engage the victim
in a conversation. The victim ignored the suspect. He
then reached over and touched the victim’s buttocks. The
suspect fled the scene in a silver SUV style vehicle.
The suspect is described as a male adult, approximately
30 to 40-years-old, six feet tall, heavy set, with a shaved
head, moustache and tattoos on both arms.
8. Just after 8:31 a.m., an officer conducted a traffic
stop on a vehicle near the area of Duarte Road and El
Monte Avenue for speeding. An investigation revealed
the driver was driving with a suspended license and had
seven outstanding warrants for his arrest. The vehicle was
released to a valid driver and the 43-year-old male from
Arcadia was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City
Jail for booking.
9. At about 6:47 p.m., officers responded to the parking
lot of Mc Donald’s, 143 East Foothill Boulevard, regarding
the report of a physical altercation in progress. An
investigation revealed a nanny was at the location to drop
off an 11 month old child with the child’s grandparents. The
grandmother, upset about the nanny arriving 15 minutes
late, attacked the nanny. A bystander began video recording
the attack. The grandfather attacked the bystander while he
was holding his grandchild. The 70-year-old male from
Anaheim was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City
Jail for booking. The 66-year-old female from Anaheim
was issued a citation and released to Arcadia Methodist
Hospital staff for treatment.
Thursday, July 28:
10. At approximately 7:10 p.m., an officer responded to
JC Penney, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a theft
report. A loss prevention specialist witnessed the suspect
conceal numerous items inside her purse and shopping
bags before exiting the store, failing to make payment.
The 18-year-old female from Fullerton was arrested and
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
Friday, July 29:
11. At approximately 7:30 p.m., officers responded to the
parking structure of a business complex located at 411 East
Huntington Drive regarding the report of a suspicious
subject. An investigation revealed the subject was driving
a stolen vehicle and found to be in possession of stolen
property, a fraudulent check, drug paraphernalia and
was also under the influence of a controlled substance.
The 27-year-old male from San Gabriel was arrested and
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
12. At about 11:19 p.m., an officer initiated a traffic stop
on a vehicle near the area of Clark Street and Kardashian
Avenue for swerving in and out of lanes. Upon contacting
the driver, the officer detected a strong odor of alcohol
emitting from the driver. Through a series of tests, the
officer determined the 37-year-old male from Azusa was
driving under the influence of an alcoholic beverage. The
suspect was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City
Jail for booking.
On Thursday, August 11, 2016,
at approximately 7:20 a.m., the
Arcadia Police Department
responded to the 600 block of W.
Camino Real Avenue on a report of
a vehicle versus pedestrian traffic
collision. Preliminary investigation
revealed the suspect vehicle was
traveling westbound on Camino
Real Avenue and struck a 72-year-
old victim walking westbound in
the street. After colliding with the
pedestrian, the vehicle stopped for
a brief moment as the driver exited
and walked around his vehicle. The driver then
got back into his vehicle and fled the scene. The
vehicle and suspect description is as follows:
Vehicle – White, 2016, 4-door, Mercedes, with
“RUSNAK” paper plates and upgraded sport
wheels. Driver – Male, Asian, Approximately 70
years old, Gray Hair, Clean Shaven,
wearing a short- sleeved shirt and
Arcadia Detectives have located a
vehicle that may possibly be related
to this incident. The vehicle has
been impounded as evidence for
further investigation. The driver of
the vehicle has yet to be positively
identified. The vehicle was found
late this evening in the City of
Monterey Park.
Anyone with information on this
incident is encouraged to contact the
Arcadia Police Department at (626) 574-5156, case
#16-4233. Or if you wish to remain Anonymous,
call “LA Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS
(8477), use your smartphone by downloading the
“P3 MOBILE APP” on Google play or the App Store,
or by using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org
Last week, we had an opportunity to connect with
representatives from Warner Pacific Properties, the firm
that purchased the former Albertson’s shopping center.
As you may recall, we have had discussions with the
new development firm regarding their intentions for the
site, and staff has been told on multiple occasions that
Warner Pacific intendeds to subdivide the available +/-
91,000 square feet of building space for three different
users. Subsequent to those discussions, staff has had a few
discussions with an architect representing the developer
regarding their proposed project. However, we have found
it difficult to obtain concrete information regarding
Warner Pacific’s plans moving forward.
This past week, our contact at Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL)
was able to connect with the broker representing Warner
Pacific. That interface shed some additional light on the
disposition of the former Albertson’s site. It appears that
the new owners have been holding off on finalizing and
submitting any plans to the City for plan check purposes
until they are able to finalize and execute leases with at
least two operators. Staff will continue to monitor this
situation closely, and we will be certain to share additional
details related to this matter as soon as additional progress
has been made.
Duarte, CA, August 8, 2016 - Residents are
encouraged to attend an upcoming community
meeting “Post Fire Disaster Preparedness” on
Tuesday, September 6th at 7 pm at Valley View
Elementary School Cafeteria, 237 Melcanyon Road.
The City is conducting the meeting for both residents
and property owners that are at risk of being
impacted from the Fish Fire mud and debris flow
from upcoming storms. With the recent damage
to Duarte’s hillsides, the City must prepare for
severe flooding and debris flow problems on public
roadways that can arise during and after each rain
possibly for the next five years. The US Geological
Services in collaboration with the Angeles National
Forest and Los Angeles County Water Resources
Division are currently assessing the area burned and
generating mud and debris flow modeling. The U.S.
Geological Survey has created an interactive map
of the San Gabriel Complex Fire. The map displays
estimates of the likelihood of debris flow, potential
volume of debris flow, and combined relative
debris flow hazard and is available online at http://
With the assistance of Debris Flow maps
generated by Los Angeles County Flood Control
District, properties with the highest risk of being
impacted by flooding/debris flows from rainfall
due to the loss of vegetation in the foothills have
been identified. The debris flow areas are above
the Westvale Road, Crestview Court, Cedarwood
Avenue, Las Lomas Road, Greenbank Avenue,
Valley View Neighborhood, and Brookridge Road.
Residents in the areas of Westvale Court and
Sunnydale Avenue will be impacted by Los Angeles
County Public Works storing debris in the nearby
basins. Representatives from the following agencies
will be present and provide valuable preparedness
information to community members: Los Angeles
County Fire, Los Angeles County Public Works, Los
Angeles County Sheriff, and Duarte Public Safety.
These collaborating agencies will provide expert
information about the steps individuals and families
need to take in order to prepare for the rainy season
in light of the recent Fish Fire.
Additionally, City staff will also present
emergency steps the City will implement including
its impact on various neighborhoods; especially
those near fire areas. The cooperation of all persons
working or living within the designated Fish Fire is
critical to the City’s primary goal of protecting life
and property.
Refreshments will be provided. For additional
information please contact the Duarte Public Safety
office at (626) 357-7938.
About the City of Duarte
The City of Duarte was incorporated on August
22, 1957. With integrity and transparency, the City
provides exemplary public services in a caring and
fiscally responsible manner with a commitment
to our community’s future. For more information
visit www.accessduarte.com or call (626) 357-7931.
Follow the City of Duarte on Facebook at facebook.
com/duartecommunity; Twitter @CityofDuarte;
Instagram @city_of_duarte and LinkedIn.
2016, AT 4:30 P.M.
As you may recall, Orchard Supply Hardware will be hosting
a ribbon cutting event this coming Wednesday, August 10,
2016, at 4:30 p.m. This past week, the City was contacted
by a representative from Orchard Supply Hardware who
asked if it would be acceptable for their company to make
a monetary contribution in support of the MAP Program!
The Orchard Supply Hardware representative indicated the
following in her correspondence to the City:
“I have stumbled across the MAP program and I think
this is just so amazing and we would love to contribute! We
would like to make a donation to the MAP program, we
would just ask that someone be present to represent MAP
and accept the check on their behalf.”
Here at the City, we would agree with the assessment…
the MAP program is amazing, and we are so grateful to all
of our community partners who help make the initiative
such a success!
We hope to see you all there at the Orchard Supply
Hardware ribbon cutting event on Wednesday, August 10,
2016 at 4:30 p.m., and we’re looking forward to MAP being
represented at the event as well!
12, 2016, BY 2:00 P.M.
If you have any interest in
purchasing the City’s Annex
Facility (200 East Lime Avenue),
make sure you submit a bid to the
City by the response deadline this
coming Friday, August 12, 2016,
at 2:00 p.m.!
We have had multiple calls
inquiring about the property,
which requires a minimum bid
of $670,000. A copy of the MLS
listing has been included as an
attachment to this email for your review and reference.
Known as the Tillapaugh House, the 2,331 square-foot,
American Foursquare style home was originally built
in 1906. The house sits on 8,000 square feet of land, and
given that the building has been designated as Historic
Landmark #100, the property is eligible for a Mills Act
Contract, which can offer the new owner significant
property tax savings.
Currently owned by the City, the house has for years
been used as office space. The home features 3 bedrooms,
a den, . bathroom, a sizeable living room, and includes
a detached one-car garage. Yes, the home is in need of
repairs, but with a little TLC, you could live on a tree-lined
street just steps away from all that Old Town Monrovia
has to offer!
The City is currently accepting bids for the home, with
the minimum required bid price being $670,000. If you
have any questions, and for any additional information,
please contact Caroline Velarde, Management Analyst
with the City of Monrovia, at
(626) 303-6601, or via email at
You can also find additional
information regarding the sales
process for this amazing house by
visiting the City’s website at http://
It should also be noted that the
website, Curbed Los Angeles,
posted a story about the sale of the
Annex Facility. To read the story,
please click on the following link:
One last update regarding the sale of the Annex
Facility... as we assessed the best way to list the property,
the most cost effective option was offered by Mayor
Adams, who was willing to place the property on the MLS
through his real estate company at no cost to the City.
Furthermore, Mr. Adams will not be compensated in any
way for listing the property. As is outlined on the MLS
overview for the Annex Facility attached to this email, the
following remarks are included on the listing:
The City of Monrovia is seeking bids for the sale of
this home. Please contact Caroline Velarde, Management
Analyst with the City of Monrovia, at (626) 303-6601,
or via email at cvelarde@ci.monrovia.ca.us. Showings
Monday-Thursday. The commission will be paid to the
agent representing the successful buyer only. There is NO
Following are the weekend’s highlighted issues and events.
To see a complete listing of crimes reported, go to the City of
Monrovia website and click on the crime mapping link. Sign
up to follow us on Twitter for police notifications.
Drug Paraphernalia – Suspects Arrested August 4 at
10:22 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 200 block of W.
Huntington Drive and noticed a make shift enclosure that
had multiple subjects inside, blocking the rear access to
a business. Officers made contact with the subjects and,
through investigation, arrested one suspect for having
an outstanding warrant and being in possession of drug
paraphernalia. A second suspect was arrested for being in
possession of drug paraphernalia and was issued a citation.
Grand Theft August 4 at 12:00 p.m., a grand theft from a
vehicle was reported in the 700 block of W. Huntington
Drive. The victim parked and locked his vehicle in a hotel
parking lot the day before. When he returned to his vehicle
the following day, he found his third row seats had been
stolen. There were no signs of forced entry into the vehicle.
The investigation is continuing.
Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested August 4
at 3:22 p.m., police received a call reporting a subject behind
the wheel of a vehicle, who appeared to be asleep. Officers
arrived and determined the suspect had been driving while
intoxicated. The suspect was arrested for driving under the
influence and two outstanding arrest warrants.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested August 5 at 2:18 a.m., officers
were on patrol in the 300 block of S. Myrtle when they
observed an adult male subject loitering in the park after
it was closed. They contacted the subject and a computer
check revealed the subject had a domestic violence warrant
for his arrest. He was arrested and taken into custody for
the warrant.
Hit and Run Traffic Collision / Driving Under the
Influence – Suspect Arrested August 5 at 3:37 a.m., a
resident in the 100 block of West Olive reported that the
driver of a red Toyota had just crashed into a parked vehicle
and fled south on Primrose with its bumper dragging on the
ground. The driver of the Toyota failed to stop and exchange
information or leave a note on the vehicle. Officers searched
the area and located the suspect vehicle in the 100 block of
W. Maple, being driven with no lights. The driver headed
north on Magnolia, still dragging the bumper. When the
officer turned on his red and blue lights, the driver put the
car in park while it was still in motion, causing the gears to
grind to a halt. The driver was asked to exit the vehicle and
field sobriety tests were conducted. The driver was arrested
for driving under the influence and the hit and run traffic
collision. She was taken into custody.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com