Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 20, 2016
Step outside as the stars come out, look southwest, and
you’ll see an eye-catching pattern. For the next few days,
bright orange Mars shines to the right of Saturn and the
reddish supergiant star Antares. The three form a tall
triangle that changes every night.
Mars is moving leftward on its way toward passing
between the other two. On August 23 and 24, the
triangle shrinks down to a nearly vertical line of three
shining points.
After that, Mars will continue leftward and the
triangle will widen again, now pointing in the opposite
Not that the three have anything to do with each
other. Mars is the nearest of them, 7 light-minutes from
Earth (79 million miles). Saturn is almost a dozen times
farther away: 82 light-minutes (914 million miles).
Antares, the lowest of the three in the sky, is about 550
light-years in the background, or 3.3 quadrillion miles
into deep space.
Fainter stars of the constellation Scorpius glimmer in
the area too.
Notice that, being a star, Antares is the only one of
the bright three that twinkles. That’s not the star’s own
doing; twinkling is caused by the slight heat waves that
are always rippling through in Earth’s atmosphere,
mostly just a few miles from your eyes. Planets appear
larger from our viewpoint, so the separate twinklings of
each point on a planet’s face generally average out to a
steady glow.
Meanwhile, the two brightest
planets—Venus and Jupiter—are
going through a dance of their own.
They’re very low in the sky, due
west after sunset. Look for them
close to the horizon, somewhat left
of where the Sun went down, 20
or 30 minutes after sunset. If you
have a very low view and clear air,
you’ll see that Venus and Jupiter
are drawing closer together every
evening. Venus is the lower one. If
the air is hazy, binoculars will help.
The brightest of all the planets,
Venus recently returned to the
evening sky after spending several
months as our “morning star.” We
will continue to enjoy its presence as the “evening star”
through the fall and winter months.
By August 24th, Venus and Jupiter will appear
separated by just two finger-widths at arm’s length. On
the 26th they’ll be less than one finger apart. Then on
August 27th, they’ll have such a close conjunction that
you may need binoculars to see that they’re two objects,
not one!
Again, looks are deceiving. The two planets merely
happen to be along our same line of sight. Venus on
August 27th is 13 light minutes from Earth (144 million
miles), while Jupiter is four times farther: 53 light-
minutes away, or 592 million miles.
Astronomers refer to such close apparent pairings
as conjunctions, and this is the last of a recent trio of
very close ones involving Venus and Jupiter. The other
two occurred before dawn on August 18, 2014, and on
October 26, 2015.
For skywatching information and astronomy news,
visit or pick up Sky & Telescope
magazine. Sky & Telescope and
are divisions of F+W, a content and ecommerce company.
F+W also publishes SkyWatch (an annual guide to the
night sky) as well as books, star atlases, posters, prints,
globes, apps, and other astronomy products.
You can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
[Nyerges is the author
of various books
including “Extreme
Simplicity” and “How to
Survive Anywhere.” For
information about his classes and books, go to
www.Schoolof, or Box 41834,
Eagle Rock CA 90041]
From 1977 until 1979, I was a squatter in
an abandoned house in Los Angeles. The
following is adapted from a book I wrote about
that period called “Squatter in Los Angeles,”
available as a Kindle book.
I had no regular job during this period,
though I earned $5 each week by writing an
outdoor column for a local paper. It wasn’t
much money, but it seemed to add up when I
got a check at the end of each month. It also got
my name out there, and I began to get requests
to give talks to local groups and to lead walks
for schools.
Even though I paid no rent, I did have a
utility and phone bill to pay, so I needed a bit
more than $5 a week. I sought out part time
work here and there which would still allow
me to attend the various small classes offered
by the non-profit during the week. I found
work doing such tasks as roofing, framing,
writing magazine articles.
I landed a part-time job doing typesetting,
which also led to my writing for that little
newspaper, the Altadena Chronicle, owned
by Sue and Rich Redman. I thought I was on
top of the world with that income and my $5 a
week income from the local paper. I also ended
up doing some framing and painting at the
newspaper office when they remodeled.
In reality, I was on the edge of poverty
financially, and yet I felt good, at peace most
of the time, and loved to try new things and
experiment. My primary source of mental
stimulation was through my classes and
involvement with the non-profit next door, and
I believed this was the most important work I
could do. In fact, there was no reason why I
could not have gotten some full-time job like
all my friends, or enrolled back into college
full-time and gotten a degree that would
enable me to earn a reasonable income. But
somehow I convinced myself that -- for better
or worse – my lifestyle was more important
for the solace of my soul, and for the salvation
of the planet. Still, my soul wasn’t always
solaced by my “lifestyle” because I always had
a nagging fear anytime anyone came up the
driveway. Furthermore, I constantly wavered
between confidence and doubt that my way of
life had any effect whatsoever on the direction
the planet was taking.
My time was divided between my work,
my studies and research with the non-profit
organization that brought me to Highland
Park in the first place. I drove a Honda 90
motorcycle at the time that got 100 miles to
the gallon so my transportation costs were
very low.
I derived great pleasure from experimenting
and learning all the ways I could provide for my
daily needs, and even my wants, using things
that I made, grew, found on the property, or
obtained from discards. Had I been married
with children, I believe this would have been
an impossible pursuit, for obvious reasons.
But I was essentially alone.
I read Thoreau’s Walden Pond for the
first time during this period, and found my
state of mind frequently resonating with
the basic themes in the book. Remember,
Thoreau wasn’t a bum, or a drop-out, or an
alcoholic. Actually, for that matter, he was
no squatter either, for the land where he was
given permission to do his “experiment” was
owned by fellow writer and friend William
Emerson. He built for himself a little house (a
“shack” by most accounts), and did a lot of his
writing there. It would be accurate to say that
Thoreau – like me – was profoundly interested
in the very meaning of life and wanted to
discover the point of all the rushing about
to get somewhere. Unable to discover these
answers in his town, Thoreau built and moved
into his little shack in the woods and learned
how to grow the food that he ate, and found
it nourishing and satisfying. Indians and
trappers would visit and talk, and somehow
through this unprejudiced intercourse, he
found that all people were more alike then
different, and a life lived for purely material
reasons is a life wasted.
Now I found myself in a similar setting,
though it wasn’t in the woods but a ruralish
part of Los Angeles. I had no pond nearby,
but I did manage to get over the Arroyo Seco
which was as close to my personal Walden
Pond as I felt I would get.
At night, thinking over the day’s classes
and studies, typing up my notes and insights,
I often ruminated over how life should be
lived, and wondered why we take up so much
time and waste so much of life on trivial
I did learn some years later when Thoreau was
mentioned by the academics he was regarded
as a brilliant intellectual who discovered
the simple reality that was right in front of
everyone. Be here now. Imagine. The kingdom
is within. Which is why I naturally assumed
that his own peers would have regarded him
as a saint and savior. Wrong! I have actually
spoken to descendents of Thoreau’s peers and
they said that in the day, Thoreau was by no
means universally respected. Rather, many
regarded him as a bum, an outsider, someone
who had rejected society to hang out with the
Indians in the woods. I was starting to see
that there were more
parallels with me and
Thoreau than were
originally apparent.
So I did my best
– though usually
unsuccessfully – to not
be seen as a freeloading
bum who chose not
to work and who just
sat around listening to
the birds and who saw
secret messages in the
Recently it has been rather hot around here. A
little hotter than usual, in my estimation. I really
don’t know if it is getting hotter or as I get older,
I’m not able to handle the hot weather.
Whoever invented air-conditioning needs
to have a Nobel peace prize offered him (or
her). I have been enjoying the luxuries of air-
conditioning inside while the outside is boiling
I was enjoying the A/C with all of its amenities
when the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage
came inside literally sweating.
“My goodness,” she said hardly able to get the
words out, “it’s hot outside.”
That did it for me. I did not need to go outside to
check to see if it was hot outside, I did not have to
listen to the weather report to see how hot it was,
the wife said it was hot and therefore it was hot.
I have learned after a gazillion years of marriage
that life is a lot more pleasant when you agree
with your spouse. I would not say this in public,
but, she is not always right, but I will never tell
her when she is wrong. Of course, I cannot think
of any time right now when she was ever wrong.
However, that does not close the book for the
Truthfully, I must admit that she has been
right concerning the weather. It has been hot and
everybody is complaining about how hot it is,
even her better half.
When she complains about it being too hot, it is
too hot, guaranteed!
Not only is it too hot, but the humidity has gone
out of sight.
“The air is so heavy outside,” my wife said which
means the humidity is really bad.
For the longest time I was also complaining
about how hot it was outside. Then I had one of
those, what do you call it, euphoric moments. You
know what I mean, a moment when something
bad all of a sudden has a good side to it. Well, I
had mine.
I found that being too hot outside is a great
advantage, at least for someone like me.
I did not realize this until the other day when
my wife said something along the line, “Don’t you
think you should go out and mow the backyard?”
At the time, I was busily engaged in reading a
book. I cannot remember what book it was but I
did not want to stop where I was at and go out
and mow the backyard. As I was reaching for
my bookmarker to put in my book so I could
come back and pick up where I left off, a brilliant
thought exploded in my mind.
I love it when a plan comes together!
The conversation went something like this.
“I would love to go out and mow the backyard,”
I said with a deep sigh, “but it’s just too hot outside
today.” When I said that I was expecting a little
confrontation from the other side of the room.
But I was greatly surprised.
“Yes,” she said stammering a little bit, “it’s too
hot to go outside and mow the grass.”
That was it! I won this battle. I was so excited,
this is probably the first time ever I won anything
like this but I could not get back to reading my
book. I wanted to break out into my happy dance.
It is not every day that I accomplish something
this significant.
Then, not surprisingly, she wanted to know if
I could help her go outside and do something.
I rather forget what it was but I took it as an
opportunity to try my new ploy.
“That sounds like a wonderful thing,” I said as
cheerfully as I could grind it up, “but don’t you
think it might be just a little too hot to go out and
do that kind of work?”
I had no idea if this would work, but I was
holding my breath.
“You know,” she said rather slowly, “I think
you’re right. It’s probably too hot for us to go out
and work up such a sweat.” She then walked away.
Talk about wanting to break into your happy
dance! Did I discover something or what?
Just this morning she said something to the
effect that we needed to go to the store to get a few
things. I was just about ready to open my mouth
when she said, “And, if you mention how hot it is
outside, you will be in deep, deep trouble.” And
she was not smiling.
“Oh, no, my dear,” I said as I got up out of my
chair, “the weather is perfect to go to the store.”
Obviously, there was no perchance of breaking
into my happy dance; however, I did put on a
happy smile.
One thing I have learned and that is no matter
how bad a situation may be, there is always
something good that you can discover. Sometimes
it’s rather difficult to find anything good in some
Jeremiah, known as the weeping prophet,
discovered this sort of thing. “It is of the Lord’s
mercies that we are not consumed, because his
compassions fail not. They are new every morning:
great is thy faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23).
Every cloud has a silver lining, and sometimes
you have to really work hard to find that silver
Dr. James L. Snyder is
pastor of the Family of God
Fellowship, Ocala, FL where
he lives with the Gracious
Mistress of the Parsonage.
Call him at 1-866-552-2543
or e-mail jamessnyder2@ His web site is www.
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