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DICK Polman
If you read Superman
comics as a
kid, you’re probably
familiar with
Bizarro World —
the planet where
everything is the
opposite of life
on Earth. I bring
this up because
it’s clear Donald
Trump is running
for president of Bizarro World.
Trump is on track to lose female voters
like no other candidate in modern times
— a new poll in pivotal Florida says that
he’s losing white women by 17 points —
so you would think, here on Earth, that
he’d want to prepare for the autumn debates
by enlisting an adviser who’s politically
savvy about women. But no. Hewing
to the rules of Bizarro World, Trump
will take debate advice from Roger Ailes
— the Fox News chairman who lost his
job amidst allegations that he sexually
harassed at least 20 women.
Trump is bursting with Bizarro behavior
these days. He has no chance — zero,
nada — of winning Maine or Connecticut
or Wisconsin ... so naturally he has
campaigned this month in all three. He’s
trying to pitch himself to black voters ...
so naturally he staged a rally in a white
suburb. He badly needs to broaden his
“appeal” beyond the fever swamp ... so
naturally he announced this week (in yet
another staff shakeup) that his new campaign
CEO is Steve Bannon, the notorious
chairman of Breitbart News, a fever
swamp website that’s pitched to people
who think Fox News is too nice.
Bannon is bad enough — conservative
critic Erick Erickson says the Trump
campaign is “moving from dumpster fire
to Chernobyl” — but the fateful pairing
of Trump and Ailes is what fascinates
me most. Two serial sexists, jointly plotting
their last hurrah. They deserve each
Even as various Trump flacks tried to
deny that Ailes is on board, it’s patently
obvious why Trump wants him around.
Ailes is the acknowledged master of using
television to fool gullible viewers.
Long before he ever worked his magic
at Fox News, creating a misinformation
propaganda shop that masquerades as
journalism, Ailes made his bones repairing
and honing the TV images of Republican
candidates. And no candidate
has ever needed image repair more than
Ailes won’t be the only voice in Trump’s
ear as debate season draws near, but he
alone brings expertise dating back to
Dick Nixon in 1968. His task that year,
as Nixon’s media adviser, was to package
a New Nixon in place of the Old Nixon.
The Old Nixon was paranoid and polarizing;
the New Nixon was wise and mature.
It was all fakery, of course, but Ailes
did his job well. He crafted 30-minute
infomercials that featured Nixon taking
a lot of softball questions in TV studios
from citizens pre-chosen by Ailes.
The studio spectators applauded every
It’ll be the challenge of Ailes’ career to
soften Trump’s detestable image, especially
during his debates with Hillary
Clinton. It’s one thing to fool the
credulous viewers of Fox News, but it’ll
be tough to foist a New Trump on the
broader, skeptical public.
During debate prep, Ailes will probably
try to shave down Trump’s rough edges,
try to make people forget the divisive
bellowing buffoon. Heck, even an alleged
sexual harrasser understands that female
viewers won’t vote for an alpha male who
yells at a woman.
But there are two big problems: (1)
Trump doesn’t listen to anybody, and (2)
The rest of Trump’s brain trust — new
CEO Steve Bannon, Putin-compromised
Paul Manafort, and new campaign manager
Kellyanne Conway (who has toiled
in vain for 20 years trying to get more
women to vote Republican) — will be
competing to make Trump listen. Bannon,
for instance, is not big on image
makeovers; he thinks that Trump should
just be Trump.
How sad for Roger Ailes. He may have
launched his political career as a genius,
but now, after leaving Fox News in disgrace,
he risks going down in the smoking
Dick Polman is the national political columnist
at NewsWorks/WHYY in Philadelphia
(newsworks.org/polman) and a
“Writer in Residence” at the University of
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MAKING SENSE by Michael Reagan
JOHN L. Micek
I’ve finally figured out what Donald Trump’s main problem is.
No jokes, please.
It’s because at his core he’s an entertainer who’s looking for
applause, not a politician who’s looking for votes.
Applause makes you feel good on stage at the Improv or at the end of a Broadway
play. But it doesn’t get you elected.
If Trump really wants to save what’s left of Western Civilization from four years of
President Hillary Clinton, he’s got to learn how to get his message out to more voters.
When he gives his big policy speeches, he does fine. The addresses he delivered
recently about fighting terrorism and fixing the economy were generally good.
They’d make good stump speeches and he should shorten them to twenty minutes
and repeat at least one of them every day.
But the most important thing about those careful, joke-free teleprompter speeches
wasn’t what Trump said or even how he said it.
It was that he was speaking to the whole country, not just the people in the auditorium.
He wasn’t seeking the instant approval of the audience with his “Crooked Hillary”
shtick or promises to build a border wall and make Mexico pay for it.
In those two serious policy speeches Trump did what my father did in Berlin in 1987
at the Brandenburg Gate, when he told Mikhail Gorbachev to “Tear down this Wall!”
My father wasn’t merely speaking to the huge crowd in front of him, he was speaking
beyond them to all the people on the other side of the Berlin Wall who were not free.
Trump has to start speaking to a wider, broader, larger audience -- the independents
and Republicans that he’s got to get to vote for him.
He needs to do it every day. He can’t slip back to delivering his applause lines. We’ve
heard those jokes.
We’ll soon see whether Trump’s new team of Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon
can make a difference in his behavior or focus.
Conway is a pro who knows what she’s doing. But you can hire the best people on the
planet and it won’t help if you don’t listen to them.
While Team Trump is in a hiring mood, how about finding someone who actually
knows how to stage a campaign speech?.
When Trump was in Wisconsin earlier this week talking about the economy and
how the Democrat Party’s has failed and betrayed black people, I don’t think I saw a
single black person.
It was incredibly amateurish stagecraft.
It’d be like giving an important policy speech about the plight of out-of-work coal
miners to an audience of nuns or guys in three-piece suits.
I realize Trump isn’t exactly surrounded by black supporters. And I know the part of
Wisconsin he was in was 95 percent white.
But couldn’t someone in his campaign have found fifty black people to be in the
crowd so the media couldn’t react in the knee-jerk way they did?
My father’s media genius, the late deputy chief of staff Michael Deaver, would have
had a thousand blacks in that audience even if he had had to pay them to be there.
Trump has to do a lot more learnin’ and a lot more hirin’.
And if he doesn’t do it real soon he’ll be back running his business empire, living a
quiet life in Trump Tower and getting in almost as many rounds of golf each week as
President Obama.
Michael Reagan is the son of President Ronald Reagan, a political consultant, and the
author of “The New Reagan Revolution” (St. Martin’s Press). He is the founder of the email
service reagan.com and president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Visit his websites
at www.reagan.com and www.michaelereagan.com. Send comments to Reagan@
caglecartoons.com. Follow @reaganworld on Twitter.
If you ever wonder why some people think the game is rigged,
why they believe the rich get access to government and power
and influence the way the average working stiff doesn’t, then
two headlines are instructive.
Earlier this week, The New York Times reported that Paul Manafort, the campaign
manager for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, had popped up in a
“secret ledger” showing $12.7 million in cash payments were earmarked for him from a
political party headed by Ukraine’s former president, a pro-Russian strongman named
Viktor F. Yanukovych.
That came on top of revelations last week of what appears to have been an entirely
too cozy relationship between Democrat Hillary Clinton’s State Department and major
donors to the controversy-prone Clinton Foundation.
Both incidents are each, for their own reasons, profoundly troubling. And they would
be, on their own, in a normal campaign year, a serious argument for disqualification
for the respective candidates.
But this isn’t any other year. The voting public has proven strikingly immune (or
perhaps is now simply indifferent) to shocking, shameful or embarrassing things the
Democratic and Republican nominees have said or done.
However, there is something more unsavory and unseemly about Manafort’s
Ukrainian payday and the reports that Clinton’s State Department skated right up to
the edge of “pay-to-play.”
Let’s stipulate up front that the skills of a political consultant like Manafort are
entirely portable. Getting a candidate elected in Pretoria isn’t that much different from
getting one elected in Pittsburgh.
The difference here, of course, is the candidate. Yanukovych was a strongman whose
stormy tenure was beset by allegations of police abuse and corruption, according to
published reports.
There’s no evidence Manafort, based on the ledgers, received any cash. And he has
denied taking any. Even still, it’s more than a little troubling that Trump would pick a
guy who was apparently okay with shilling for someone as repellent as the pro-Russian
Meanwhile, at issue for Clinton are two email conversations, dating from 2009 and
made public by the right-leaning Judicial Watch.
They showed that Douglas J. Band, then the head of the Clinton Global Initiative,
pressed senior Clinton aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl D. Mills to arrange a meeting
between a foundation donor and a senior State Department official.
That donor, Gilbert Chagoury, has denied that a meeting with anyone at the State
Department ever took place. And he says that he was just trying to relay information
about his home country of Lebanon, The Post reported.
As The Post also notes, Clinton herself was not involved. But Abedin, who
simultaneously (and improperly) worked at both the State Department and Clinton
Foundation, was involved and apparently encouraged the interaction.
And, no, there’s no direct evidence of illegality here. Even so, it doesn’t pass the basic
smell test. In the end, a deep-pocketed donor received favorable consideration in a way
that is unimaginable (and unavailable) to the average citizen.
And that’s just unacceptable.
If Trump is serious about his bumper-sticker pledge to make America great (whether
it needs to be made great “again” is open to debate), then he can’t employ a guy who
takes money from governments whose values are not consonant with our own.
And if Clinton is going to credibly champion the little guy on the stump, then she
needs to thoroughly explain (and perhaps be held to account by voters) why the
Clinton Foundation was not a favor bank for the rich and powerful.
And then she needs to reassure voters that it will never happen in the White House.
And if neither thing happens, then ask yourself (again) why people think the game is
rigged. It shouldn’t be hard to answer.
An award-winning political journalist, Micek is the Opinion Editor and Political
Columnist for PennLive/The Patriot-News in Harrisburg, Pa. Readers may follow him on
Twitter @ByJohnLMicek and email him at jmicek@pennlive.com.
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