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Mountain View News Saturday, September 17, 2016 

Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side 

by Deanne Davis

“I had the spinach of the best I’ve 
ever had and the

 Cinnamon Roll French Toast will keep you full 
till dinner!”

 “I had the Nano Café Skillet, which was made up 
of egg, bacon, ham, sausage, onion, bell pepper and 
country gravy served over home fries.”

(Yelp Reviews)

 “Where is this?” you’re asking. It’s the Nano Café 
and it’s right here in Sierra Madre. Yes, indeed, 
friends and neighbors, if you remember the Nano 
Café on Michillinda in the former Albertson’s 
Market center, or if you make an occasional 
pilgrimage down to Nano’s on Duarte Road in 
Monrovia, you’ll be beyond happy. The Peppertree 
Grill – 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. - is now Nano 
Café #3!

 The Walking Sierra Madre team, that would be 
me and my favorite breakfast companion, John, 
had the honor and privilege of being the very first 
guests at the new Nano Café #3, a week or so ago, 
along with daughter, Leah, son-in-law, Chuck, 
the Mountain Views News very own occasional 
intrepid reporter, Rich Johnson, and good friend 
Mark Levinson. All pictured here with happy 
faces, knowing breakfast is on the way, along 
with owner, Jackie Shue, and waitperson, Sue. We 
were delighted to meet these splendid ladies and 
we foresee many happy Nano Café years ahead. 
Blueberry and buttermilk pancakes, fresh fruit 
and the aforementioned, Nano Café Skillet filled 
the table and there were no leftovers at all! Really 
good coffee, too.

 Jackie opened the first Nano Café on Michillinda 
in 2003 and was a complete success with Sierra 
Madre and Pasadena for about seven years until 
her Father became ill. Nano #2 down on Duarte 
Road opened in 2006 and if you take a look at their 
Yelp reviews, you’ll see that folks are driving from 
great distances to wait their turn for one of the 
Nano specials.

 Jackie and her sisters, Chiali and Sabrina along 
with nieces Angela and Connie have created a 
family atmosphere in all of their Nano Cafés. They 
pride themselves on excellent service by staff that 
have been part of the Nano family for years. The 
chef who will be officiating at Nano #3 is Fernando, 
who has been with Jackie and the family since 1993. 
Happily, the Peppertree Grill staff, who are well 
liked here in town, will still be there: Matt, Katie, 
Wayne the waiter, and Bob, longtime bartender in 
the classic bartending style.

 Nano #3 is Jackie’s sixth restaurant since 1982 so, 
obviously, she knows what she’s doing! Originally 
from Taiwan, Jackie arrived in the United States in 
1979 and couldn’t wait to get into the restaurant 

 Hopefully, you’ve already discovered Nano 
#3 and, also hopefully, found it before Saturday 
night, September 10th, when occasional intrepid 
reporter, Rich Johnson, who is also the heart of J 
J Jukebox, and his lively group of musicians made 
their sixth sold-out appearance at Nano #3. Just 
one of the many stops on his “In Bed By 10 Tour!” 
More appearances to come.

 Nano #3 will be open seven days a week, serving 
breakfast Monday and Tuesday from 6 a.m and 
open for lunch and mid-day meals till 3 p.m. 
Wednesday through Saturday, Nano’s will be open 
from 6 a.m. and serving lunches and dinners till 9 
p.m. with the bar area remaining open somewhat 
longer. Sundays will start breakfast just a little 
later, but in plenty of time for all you early birds 
out there. And, speaking of early birds, there is a 
Monday-Friday early bird breakfast special priced 
at $6.99 and a ham steak and eggs special every day 
for $7.99. Hungry yet?

 I’m sure you all read Jeff’s Book Pics by Jeff 
Brown on the Arts & Entertainment page of the 
Mountain Views News. Imagine my delight to see 
my book: A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of 
Laughter being reviewed right there! Thanks, Jeff! 

 Our new store, Goody Bags, will make up special 
goody bags just for you and your event.

 Last Sunday was the fifteenth anniversary of one 
of the worst disasters ever to befall our Nation, 
9/11...a day which will live in infamy. “September 
11, 2001 seems destined to be the watershed event 
of our lives and the greatest test for our democracy 
in our lifetime.” Lt. Col. Shelton F. Leskford, U.S. 
Marine Corps in 2008. We will never forget.

 My book page: Deanne Davis


 “Tablespoon of Love, Tablespoon of Laughter” is 
available there…

 An excellent The Kids Are Back In School gift, by 
the way!



The Friends of the Sierra Madre Library announce 
that the October Best Used Book Sale will be held 
Friday, October 7 (3-7 p.m.) and Saturday, October 8 
(10 a.m. – 2 p.m.). 

 Featured in the basement at this sale we will have 
a wonderful collection of books on exploration 
and exotic travels. We also have complete sets 
of Winston Churchill’s World War II series and 
the Durants’ The Story of Civilization. Another 
wonderful set available is The Imperial Dictionary 
of Universal Biography, published in England 
in 1880. It is described as “a series of original 
memoirs of distinguished men of all ages and all 
nations.” The entries include notables of the past, 
including some from the nineteenth century, with 
beautiful engravings. Check out some of our other 
wonderful vintage books, too.

 As always, the basement will have nearly new 
fiction and non-fiction titles, DVDs, audio books, and 
some “Dickens’ Village” lighted buildings suitable for 
holiday decorating. 

 In the parking lot will be our popular Bargain 
Books for only $1.00 and will include both fiction and 
nonfiction. Children’s and Teen books in the parking 
lot will be selling from .25 to $1.00 each. We also will 
have a collection of sets suitable for classroom or book 
groups. Small paperbacks are .25 each or 5/$1.00.

 The Friends of the Sierra Madre Library is a 
non-profit organization and all proceeds benefit 
the Sierra Madre Library. For more information 
visit us on Facebook, at our website www., or call the library at 
626 355-7186.

 The sale will be held in the basement and the parking 
lot behind the library at 440 West Sierra Madre Blvd. 
Come and talk books with the volunteers from the 

 See you at the Book Sale!

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: