RETIREMENTS (continued from page 1)
The remodeling of the Pool House, the
Recreation Center, the City Hall Basement
EOC, and the Senior Center, the construction
of the YAC and the initiation of the process
to make improvements to the Library are
representative of efforts to update the
City’s building facilities. Construction of
the award-winning Grove Street Reservoir,
the water filtration plant, the water system
interconnections with Arcadia and MWD, and
the replacement of miles of transmission and
distribution water mains show a commitment
to supplying dependable, safe drinking water.
Lastly, the construction of the 2 replacement
reservoirs and pump station at Mira Monte,
the City’s largest single public works project
ever, demonstrate that no accomplishment is
too big for the Department, when the resources
and community support are present to get the
job done.”
City Manager Elaine Aguilar stated that,
“Bruce has always been an instrumental staff
member, and he seems to have unending
energy and commitment. He has been involved
in many of Sierra Madre’s accomplishments.
He is one of the most service-oriented,
dedicated, and hardworking members of the
Sierra Madre team. He possesses a wealth of
information and professional expertise and is
the consummate professional.” Inman’s final
date of employment with the City is December
16, 2016.
Mountain View News Saturday, September 24, 2016
Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side
by Deanne Davis
“My favorite poem is the one that starts, ‘Thirty
days hath September’
because it actually tells you something.”
Groucho Marx
As I am writing this week’s Walking Sierra
Madre, all the mechanical things that make our
garage door go up and down, when we press on
a remote while careening down the driveway,
are being replaced. The phone has rung several
times since they arrived and each call has told
us something else unpleasant. So far, the cost
is a little less than astronomical, but not much.
Heavy sigh... It will be nice not to have to crawl
in the garage window, balancing precariously
on stepladders inside and outside the window to
get the door open when it has decided it doesn’t
want to let us have our cars.
Another rose garden has bit the dust here.
Queen’s “Another One Bites The Dust” comes to
mind. In its place are succulents, lavender and
some large decorative rocks we have unearthed
here and there around the place. We’re liking
it. More roses to go, two that were planted just
before our youngest daughter, Crissy, had her
wedding reception here are the next ones in line.
The anniversary card goes out today to celebrate
her and husband, Chris’s, 17th anniversary. The
roses, alas, are destined for the green bin, just as
soon as I see something really fantastic to put in
their place.
Have you been to Petunias lately? Our nifty new
store on Baldwin, across from Starbucks? That
orange blouse in the window called my name until
I got in there and took it home with me. They have
some splendid stuff, way more than just clothes.
Think gift items, earrings, artwork.
Speaking of orange things, this (pictured)
house down on South Baldwin is winning my
award for best and earliest Halloween décor.
Above their front gate is a bright orange
pumpkin topped with a menacing vulture. The
picket fence is totally decorated, the front door
sports a colorful witch and it’s all so cleverly
done. Stop and take a look. We’re seeing little
signs here and there that Halloween is definitely
on the way. The giant pumpkins on our street are
the biggest ones ever and the scarecrows in front
of Creative Arts Group are stunning. Hoping
you all signed up for the Scarecrow Contest.
There were rumors this week that we might
have a little rain. Ha! Actually, it did rain in
Burbank and we got about nine drops on us as
we happened to be down in Los Angeles when
it sprinkled on Monday. Think how many songs
there are about rain, and these are only a few of
the best ones!
“Singin’ In The Rain” Sung by Gene Kelly in
the classic movie.
“It’s Raining Men” OK, it was the 80’s and
really worked in the musical, “Priscilla, Queen
of the Desert.”
“Purple Rain” Prince, of course
“Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head” BJ
Thomas – “Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid.”
“Looks Like Rain” Grateful Dead
“Buckets of Rain” and “Rainy Day Women”
Bob Dylan
“Who’ll Stop The Rain” Creedence Clearwater
“Fire and Rain” James Taylor
Pumpkin cheesecake is back at Cheesecake
Factory...just saying.
My book page: Deanne Davis
“A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of
Laughter” is available there…
An excellent The Kids Are Back In School gift,
by the way!
September 11, to September 18, 2016 - During this
time period, the Sierra Madre Police Department
responded to approximately 235 day and night time
calls for service.
Monday, September 12
Sierra Madre PD officers were dispatched at about
8:26 a.m. to the 00 block of Suffolk Ave. regarding
a theft from a vehicle report. Unknown suspect(s)
entered victim’s apartment complex parking lot
sometime between 9/11/16 at 10:00 p.m. and 9/12/16
at 6:10 a.m. and ransacked the victim’s vehicle
taking victim’s property. Case to Detectives
8:26 a.m.
Officers responded to the 00 block of Suffolk Ave
regarding a stolen vehicle report. The victim stated
that his car was parked the night before at about
6:00 p.m. in the rear carport, when he returned
on 9/12/16 he discovered it missing. The car is
described as a 2014 gray Honda Civic containing
two car seats and miscellaneous baby items. The
victim’s truck was also ransacked at the same
location. SMPD dispatch entered the auto into the
stolen vehicle database and notified surrounding
9:10 a.m.
Officers dispatched to the station lobby for an auto
burglary report. The victim’s car was parked in
the driveway in the 100 block of Esperanza Ave. on
9/11/16 at about 10:00 p.m. The victim returned to
the car on 9/12/16 at about 8:45 a.m. to discover the
passenger door open. Unknown suspect(s) stole
personal property. Case forwarded to Detectives
Tuesday, September 13
At about 3:50 p.m. officers were dispatched to the
station lobby for a stolen bike report. The victim
last saw his bike on the bike rack of his parked SUV
on 9/12/16 at about 9:00 p.m. in the 500 block of
Woodland Drive. On 9/13/16, at about 8:15 a.m. the
victim received a call from his neighbor telling him
that his bike had been stolen. The victim states that
it appears the locks that secured the bike had been
cut by bolt cutters. Case to Detectives
5:30 P.M.
Officers and a supervisor were dispatched to a
domestic dispute in the 400 block of Fairview
Ave. An argument between two males escalated
into an assault charge after one male was struck
by a bamboo stick by the other. A male was
arrested and transported to Pasadena PD’s jail.
An Emergency Protective Order was obtained
keeping the aggressor from returning to the house.
Case referred to the DA’s office for filing
Saturday, September 17
At about 9:17 a.m. officers responded to the 200
block of E. Sierra Madre Blvd. for an auto burglary.
The victim said that she last saw her property
the night before at about 11:00 p.m., when she
returned on 9/17 at about 5:50 a.m. she found her
trunk and passenger door open. An unknown
suspect(s) rummaged through her vehicle and
allegedly stole property while the vehicle was
parked in the carport. Victim had several white
bags with recently purchased household items that
were taken. Detectives are following on a witness
account of possible suspect(s).
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: