Mountain View News Saturday, September 24, 2016
Friday, September 30, 2016 – 6:30-9pm
For the period of Sunday, September 11th, through Saturday,
September 17th, the Police Department responded to 946
calls for service of which 134 required formal investigations.
The following is a summary report of the major incidents
handled by the Department during this period.
Sunday, September 11:
Shortly before 7:39 a.m., an officer responded to China
Red Restaurant, 855 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a
commercial burglary report. An investigation revealed
unknown suspect(s) entered the business by cutting a
hole in the roof, rummaged through the office where they
cut the wires to the alarm and camera system, and fled
with $2,500 in cash and 27 boxes of “Abalone”, worth an
estimated value of $800.00. The investigation is ongoing.
Around 7:38 p.m., an officer responded to a residence
in the 00 block of East Longden Avenue regarding a
burglary report. The officer discovered suspect(s) entered
the residence through an unlocked window, ransacked
the master bedroom, and fled with designer watches and
jewelry. The investigation is ongoing.
Monday, September 12:
At about 1:44 a.m., an officer initiated a traffic stop on a
bicyclist near the intersection of First Avenue and Foothill
Boulevard for riding without a headlight at night. During
a consensual search of the subject, the officer located a bag
of methamphetamine. The 47-year-old male from Eagle
Rock was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail
for booking.
Just after 9:47 p.m., an officer responded to the Santa
Anita Mall, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a
grand theft report. The officer determined an unknown
suspect stole the victim’s designer purse and wallet from an
unsecured storage locker in the employee area of the store.
The total loss is estimated at $1,150.00. The investigation is
Tuesday, September 13:
Around 3:02 p.m., an officer responded to Springhill
Suites, 99 North Second Avenue, regarding a fraud report.
The officer discovered an unknown suspect charged
more than $12,000 to the victim’s personal and business
accounts without her permission. The suspect(s) also
opened accounts in the victim’s name. The victim does not
know how the suspect obtained her personal information.
The investigation is ongoing.
Just before 3:56 p.m., an officer responded to the Arcadia
Police Department front counter regarding a battery that
occurred at Arcadia High School, 180 Campus Drive. An
investigation revealed a physical altercation occurred when
a group of 25 students confronted the juvenile victim about
fighting their friend. The investigation is ongoing.
Wednesday, September 14:
Shortly after 6:54 a.m., officers responded to a residence
in the 00 block of East Christina Street regarding a theft
report. Officers determined an unknown suspect stole
two backpacks from the trunk of an unlocked car. The
investigation is ongoing.
At about 4:51 p.m., an officer responded to Burlington
Coat Factory, 1201 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding
a burglary report. An investigation revealed Suspect 1
offered Suspect 2 monetary compensation for committing
a commercial burglary. Suspect 2 concealed approximately
$1,200.00 worth of merchandise before fleeing the store,
failing to make payment. Officers located and detained
the suspect. The 22-year-old male from Santa Ana was
arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for
booking. Suspect 1 is outstanding at the time of this report.
Thursday, September 15:
At approximately 10:28 a.m., an officer responded to a
residence in the 9900 block of Garibaldi Avenue regarding
a domestic dispute. An investigation revealed a physical
altercation occurred between a mother and daughter
resulting in the mother punching her 16-year-old daughter.
Then the suspect punched her 67-year-old mother. The
34-year-old female from Temple City fled the location
before officers arrived. The investigation is ongoing and
the suspect is outstanding at the time of this report.
Around 2:21 p.m., an officer responded to 7-Eleven,
1003 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a possible theft
report. The officer discovered the suspect attempted to pay
for two packs of cigarettes with a counterfeit $50 bill. When
the clerk told her it was fraudulent, she took it back, paid for
the items with a credit card, and quickly fled on foot.
The suspect is described as a white female,
approximately 65-years-old, with blonde hair. The
investigation is ongoing.
Friday, September 16:
At about 6:26 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in
the 400 block of Cortez Road regarding a vehicle burglary
report. The officer determined an unknown suspect
stole the victim’s designer sunglasses and cash from his
unlocked vehicle sometime during the previous night. No
suspects were seen and no witnesses were located.
Just before 10:06 p.m., an officer responded to a
residence in the 2200 block of Lenta Lane regarding an
attempted burglary report. An investigation revealed
unknown suspect(s) entered the backyard, cut the
window screen, and used a window punch to break
into the residence. The suspects were unsuccessful
and fled the location undetected. No witnesses were
Saturday, September 17:
Shortly after 5:36 a.m., an officer responded to Georgio
Realty, 159 East Huntington Drive, regarding an audible
alarm. The officer discovered unknown suspect(s)
pried open the front door and were scared away as the
business was not ransacked and no items were missing.
The suspect(s) were gone by the time officers arrived. The
investigation is ongoing.
At approximately 10:36 p.m., an officer responded
to a residence in the 200 block of South Baldwin Avenue
regarding a domestic dispute. An investigation revealed a
physical altercation occurred between a husband and wife,
resulting in the husband hitting and pushing the victim
causing her to fall and scratch herself. The 39-year-old male
from Arcadia fled the scene prior to the officers’ arrival.
The investigation is ongoing and the suspect is outstanding
at the time of this report.
Fathers, Grandfathers and Uncles,
treat your princess to a night filled
with fun and excitement while creating
wonderful memories together. Come
dressed in your most elegant attire for
an evening featuring gourmet dining,
a DJ, dancing, exciting games, and
activities. This event is for girls ages
4-13 and is $40 per couple, $12 for an
additional daughter and will take place
at the Arcadia Community Center,
365 Campus Drive, Arcadia. Advance
registration is required. No registration
will be taken on site. For more
information please call 626.574.5113.
About the City of Arcadia
Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel
Mountains, Arcadia is an 11.38 square
mile community with a population of
just over 56,000. Located approximately
20 miles east of downtown Los Angeles,
Arcadia is known for combining small-
town charm with the conveniences and
amenities of a mid-size city. Arcadia is a
full-service charter city governed by a five-
member City Council, elected at large.
Recognized for exceptional education and
recreation opportunities and beautiful
neighborhoods, Arcadia is also defined
as the “Community of Homes” and has
twice been designated the “Best City in
California in which to Raise Kids” by Business Week
The City of Arcadia was announced as an Eddy Awards
finalist for Most Business-Friendly City by the Los Angeles
County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC) for
cities with a population under 68,000. This is the first time
the City of Arcadia has been selected as a finalist for this
Finalists are selected by a blue ribbon panel that evaluates
and recognizes Los Angeles County cities that are doing
the most to encourage job creation and facilitate the ease of
doing business within their communities. “This has been a
long time coming,” said Mayor Tom Beck. “It is recognition
that the City Council, City staff, and our business partners in
the community are working together to promote prosperity
and to ensure the economic vitality of Arcadia for decades to
Over the past several years, the City has taken great
strides to cut red tape, streamline processes, and enhance
customer service through a business assistance program.
“It’s an exciting time to be doing business in Arcadia,” said
Assistant City Manager/Development Services Director
Jason Kruckeberg. “We invite entrepreneurs and businesses
of all sizes to see Arcadia and experience our commitment
to a business friendly environment, and a great business
experience above and beyond their expectations.”
Winners of the 2016 Eddy Awards will be announced on
Thursday, November 10, 2016 at the Beverly Hilton hotel
in Beverly Hills. The annual gala began in 1996 to support
fulfillment of the LAEDC’s mission to recognize excellence
by celebrating individuals, organizations, and cities that
demonstrate exceptional contributions to economic
development in the region. For more information, please
visit the LAEDC website at www.laedc.org/eddy-awards.
At about 6:39 AM, on Friday September 23, 2016,
officers responded to a battery call at the Santa Anita
Race Track. Both parties were still there. The victim
advised he was pushed to the ground by the suspect.
The victim made a private person’s arrest of the suspect.
The suspect was identified as Steven Jiro Miyadi, who
was a 59-year-old resident of Arcadia. Miyadi was
charged with a violation of PC 242 – Battery. Miyadi
was booked at the Arcadia Police Department, and
then he was released with a citation to appear in court.
This incident is being investigated by Arcadia Police
Department Detectives. Anyone with information
on this incident is encouraged to contact the Arcadia
Police Department at (626) 574-5151, case #1605125. If
you prefer to provide information ANONYMOUSLY,
you may call “Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-
TIPS (8477), or use your smartphone by downloading
the “P3 MOBILE APP” on Google play or the App
Store, or by using the website http://lacrimestoppers.
Following are the weekend’s highlighted issues and events.
To see a complete listing of crimes reported, go to the City of
Monrovia website and click on the crime mapping link. Sign
up to follow us on Twitter for police notifications.
Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance – Suspect
Arrested September 15 at 8:08 p.m., officers were dispatched
to the 300 block of S. Mountain regarding a subject acting
erratic and throwing objects. The officers arrived and
determined the subject was under the influence of drugs. He
was arrested and taken into custody.
Driving Under the Influence / Hit and Run Traffic Collision
/ Weapon Offense – Suspects Arrested September 15 at 11:10
p.m., an officer was on patrol when he observed a vehicle
driving north on California crash into a pole as it crossed the
train tracks. Both the driver and passenger exited the vehicle
and fled east, along the train tracks. Officers detained both
suspects at Shamrock and the tracks. The driver was found to
be intoxicated and a weapon was found in the vehicle. Both
suspects were arrested.
Driving Under the Influence / Evading a Peace Officer –
Suspect Arrested September 16 at 12:19 a.m., officers were
dispatched to the 2600 block of S. Peck on the report of a
possible drunk driver. As officers were responding to the
location, they saw the driver heading north without any
headlights. The officers attempted to stop the vehicle for
the violation, but the vehicle failed to yield and continued
driving. The driver eventually yielded at a dead end street by
his residence. The driver was found to be driving under the
influence and was arrested.
Theft of Package September 16 at 2:58 p.m., a theft of mail
was reported in the 1800 block of S. Fifth Avenue. The victim
reported that he was notified a package was delivered by UPS
to his residence. When he arrived home, the package was
gone. The investigation is continuing.
Burglary / Warrant – Suspect Arrested September 16 at 8:57
p.m., a business in the 100 block of W. Foothill called police to
report a shoplifter that fled the location. Officers responded
and conducted an area search. The suspect was located and
detained in the 200 block of W. Palm. The suspect also had a
warrant for his arrest. He was arrested for both the burglary
and the warrant.
Public Intoxication / Vandalism – Suspect Arrested
September 17 at 1:30 a.m., officers were on patrol in the
downtown area. One of the officers heard glass breaking and
saw an intoxicated female who looked like she was talking on
her phone. She had her hand up to her ear, but upon closer
inspection, the officer saw she had a credit card to her ear and
her cell phone was on the ground. She then threw an object
at the glass window of a business, causing damage. She was
arrested and taken into custody for being drunk in public
and vandalism.
Traffic Offense / Evading a Police Officer – Suspect Arrested
September 18 at 3:59 a.m., an officer attempted to stop a
vehicle for a vehicle code violation in the area of California
and Cypress. The vehicle failed to yield, accelerating through
numerous red lights and stop signs, before stopping his
vehicle and fleeing on foot. The suspect was identified by the
pursuing officer and the vehicle was impounded. A wanted
person’s entry was made into the law enforcement system for
his arrest. At 8:14 p.m., the suspect called police asking how
he could get his car out of impound, claiming that his vehicle
was stolen. He came to the police department and filed a
grand theft auto report, claiming an unknown person had
stolen his vehicle. After signing the CHP form reporting his
vehicle was stolen, the suspect was arrested for making a false
report and for evading a police officer.
Vandalism / False Information / Warrant – Suspect
Arrested September 19 at 1:35 a.m., officers were dispatched
to the 200 block of Kruse regarding three subjects painting
graffiti on a vehicle. The officers arrived and detained three
subjects, two males and a female. One of the male subjects
was a minor. The male adult suspect who painted the graffiti
on the vehicle was identified by the victim. A can of spray
paint was recovered and the suspect had fresh paint on
his fingers. The suspect was arrested and charged with
vandalism, contributing to the delinquency of a minor and
giving false information. It was later determined through
fingerprints that the suspect gave a false name to police and
he also had an outstanding warrant for his arrest.
Attempt Grand Theft September 19 at 6:48 a.m., residents
at an apartment complex in the 1000 block of Royal Oaks
reported that someone attempted to remove and take copper
piping from the complex, which caused flooding. The
investigation is continuing.
Vandalism September 19 at 7:18 a.m., a vandalism incident
was reported at the school district office in the 300 block of E.
Huntington. It was reported that someone threw a baseball
bat through an office window sometime during the night.
The investigation is continuing.
Theft From a Vehicle September 19 at 8:14 a.m., a theft from
a vehicle was reported in the 1000 block of E. Lemon. The
victim called to report that someone entered her unlocked
vehicle sometime during the night. The vehicle was
ransacked and it was unknown if anything was taken. The
investigation is continuing.
Strong-arm Robbery – Suspect Arrested September 19
at 2:47 p.m., officers responded to the report of a strong-
arm robbery in the area of Magnolia and the railroad
tracks. The victim stated that he had just been assaulted
and the suspect took his bicycle. Officers detained the
suspect in the 1800 block of S. Mayflower and the bike
was recovered. The suspect was arrested and taken into
Theft of Vehicle Registration Tabs September 19 at 9:24 p.m.,
an officer was on patrol in the 700 block of E. Huntington
when he saw a male subject crouched down behind a parked
vehicle and there was a female subject with him. As the officer
approached, the male subject ran. The officer requested
assistance and he followed the suspect in his police unit. The
suspect tripped in the area of Huntington and Mountain and
was detained by officers. Further investigation revealed the
suspect is a gang member and was crouching down removing
the registration tabs from a vehicle when the officer saw him
and attempted to detain him. The female suspect left the area
and was not identified.
Grand Theft Auto Recovery September 19 at 9:57 a.m., an
officer was on patrol in the 900 block of W. Huntington when
he saw a parked vehicle that looked abandoned. A computer
check of the license plate revealed the vehicle was reported
stolen on August 26. The vehicle did not appear damaged
and the owner was notified.
Vehicle Burglary September 20 at 12:49 p.m., the owner of
the business in the 800 block of Royal Oaks reported that
one of his vehicles had been broken into over the weekend.
It was unknown if anything was stolen. The investigation is
Grand Theft Auto September 21 at 8:07 a.m., a vehicle was
reported stolen from the 800 block of E. Foothill. The victim
reported that her silver, two-door, 2000 Honda Civic had
been stolen sometime during the night. The investigation is
Voters can drop off their ballot at Monrovia City Hall beginning on October 11, 2016
During the past few weeks, the City has been
working with the LA County Registrar-Recorder/
County Clerk’s office to coordinate a new service
for voters during the upcoming November 8, 2016,
election. In an effort to provide the electorate
with another option through which they can
vote during what is anticipated to be a very busy
Presidential General Election, Monrovia will be
participating in the Vote by Mail (VBM) Ballot
Drop-Off Program. This service will allow voters
to drop off their VBM ballot here at Monrovia City
Hall beginning on October 11, 2016.
Our City Clerk, Alice Atkins, has worked to
coordinate this program for our community, and
we will have a ballot box publically available in a
visibly secure location during normal business
hours at City Hall from October 11, 2016, through
November 7, 2016. Credentialed, identifiable teams
from Los Angeles County will exchange the ballot
boxes on an ongoing basis leading up to Election
Day on November 8, 2016. We are excited to offer
this program during the upcoming election cycle!
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