Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, October 1, 2016

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, October 1, 2016 

Meet soft, 
sweet KYLIE, 
age about a 
year and a 
half. Kylie is 
adorable, and 
super, super 
sweet! She’s a 
calico with lots 
of white.She’ll 
be a purr-fect 
in your home 
and gets along well with other nice kitties! Loves 
to cuddle, too. Want the purr-fect cat? Look no 
further! We can’t say enough about how sweet and 
loving she is! Call to arrange to meet her at one 
of our Petsmart adoption Sundays: 909-561-7700. 
You will fall in love! 

 Lifeline for Pets is a small no-kill rescue, and 
we know our cats well. We show some cats most 
Sunday afternoons at Petsmart, 3347 E. Foothill 
Blvd. in Pasadena, 12:30-3:30. 

 Adoption fee is $100, which includes spay, 
microchip, exam & vaccine. Our cats are negative 
FELV/FIV unless otherwise indicated. 

 See adoption info & application on our 
website, Sorry, we are not 
accepting cats at this time.


Happy Tails

by Chris Leclerc

I have never considered myself to be much of 
a voyeur, mainly because I have never felt the 
urge to spy on people in the privacy of their 
own space or anywhere else for that matter. 
However, I must admit that I will allow myself 
the privilege of nosing in on the interesting 
intimate activities of wild animals, when given 
the opportunity.

 Being a virtual wildlife voyeur is a relatively 
recent development for me. It all started a few 
of years ago, when I found out I could tune in 
to a variety of live webcam internet broadcasts 
that show real time streamed footage of birds 
and other wild animals carrying on with their 
daily lives, and I have been an avid voyeur ever 

 My first experience with spying on wildlife 
via the internet was when I visited a website 
( that 
someone had posted as a link to my Facebook 
timeline. The live video was streaming from 
an hidden camera affixed to the outside of an 
owl box that a guy in Oceanside had erected in 
his back yard.

 The stars of this particular “feature film” 
were a couple of adult barn owls named 
Sydney and Mel. It showed the two huge love 
birds nesting and mating at first, then Sydney 
laying her eggs, the eggs eventually hatching, 
the hatchlings growing strong enough to fly 
and ultimately fledging out of the nest, and it 
all happened right before my very eyes!

 It was so amazing to witness those baby owls 
hatch and grow, then fly away. It was all up 
close and in person as if I were right there in 
the nest with them. To me, this is technology 
at its very best. I learned so much about barn 
owls from watching that webcam video, 
and I decided to bookmark the website for 
easy access in the future. Now I find myself 
checking in on various wildlife webcams 
at least once a day to see what’s happening 
with my new feathered and furry four-legged 

 Another remarkable webcam broadcast that 
I frequently enjoy viewing is that of an eagle 
nest located on Santa Catalina 
Island. There are actually two 
eagles’ nests on the island 
that a virtual voyeur can tune 
in to, and both of them show 
the enormous, gorgeous adult 
birds come and go as they do 
throughout the day, while the 
baby eagles sit waiting for the 
treats mom and dad bring home 
after a hard day of hunting.

 Because it is so rare that I ever 
get to see eagles in the wild, I 
find this particular webcam to 
be one of the most fascinating. I try to tune in 
when I think it might be feeding time, which 
is typically in the early morning hours before 
sunrise, or just after the sun goes down. The 
“treats” those eaglets wait so patiently for are 
nothing like the kind we humans care to eat, 
as you might imagine, so viewing at feeding 
time might not be everyone’s cup of tea.

 I had hoped to see the little eaglets fledge 
this year, but unfortunately I missed out 
because I was too busy to log on. Hopefully 
I will have the privilege of witnessing the big 
day with next season‘s hatchlings. There are 
several other eagle nest webcams located in 
various places throughout the world linked to 
the website as well.

 Other live webcams that are posted on 
Sportsman’s Paradise Online include a 
pristine wild Kestrel nest in Washington 
state, showing an adult Kestrel laying on an 
egg soon to become a baby bird, a natural den 
in Minnesota where you’ll see “Lily” the bear 
coming and going at various times throughout 
the day, and “Woody” the wood duck nesting 
in a man-made box waiting patiently for her 
hatchlings to arrive. The list goes on and on, 
and I can’t seem to get enough of watching 
those beautiful animals do their thing in the 

 If you haven’t already had the experience of 
linking to a wildlife webcam on-line, I highly 
recommend it. Although, do be warned that 
you will probably get hooked like I did. It sure 
beats watching the news and getting depressed 
or wasting time gaming or chatting it up with 
a distant friend, or some stranger on a social 
network website, and by all means it is far 
more educational.

 I don’t feel guilty about being the virtual 
voyeur I have apparently become, rather I feel 
more connected to the part of this wild world 
that I may otherwise never be privy to, and I 
am grateful to modern technology for bringing 
the beautiful beasts from the great outdoors 
where they live, into my own personal living 


Praline is a 3-year-
old American Staffordshire 
Terrier mix who is just cute 
as a button and as sweet as 
her name suggests. Praline 
has as a gorgeous brindle 
coat, lovely floppy ears, and a 
mocha button nose wrapped 
up in her petite and girly 

 Weighing about 55 
pounds, this petite girl is 
great on the walks as she stays 
next to her walkers and wags 
her tail along the way. She 
arrived to the shelter after 
being found wandering the 
streets of Rosemead and 
although she was initially 
shy, she is now her true 
playful loving self. In fact, 
she is now an expert at doing 
the “play-with-me-bow” and 
of course at receiving gentle 
belly rubs. She also does not mind being dipped in 
small pools as long she is able to spring in and out 
of it splashing water all around.

 After being without a home for some time, 
Praline is looking to explore and experience all 
the goodness of being a beloved family member 
in a home with her very own warm bed, toys, 
and treats. If you are that 
family that could show her 
how beautiful like can be, 
please stop by and meet our 
sweet Praline! . Her adoption 
fee is $145, which includes 
spay surgery, a microchip, 
first vaccinations and a 
free wellness check-up at a 
participating veterinarian. 
Feel free to call us at (626) 286-
1159 for more information on 
Praline. She currently resides 
at the San Gabriel Valley 
Humane Society located at 
851 E. Grand Avenue in San 
Gabriel which is located off 
San Gabriel Blvd, north of 
Mission and south of Las 
Tunas Drive. To arrange 
a ‘Meet and Greet’ with 
Praline, please stop by any 
time from 10:30am to 4:30pm 
Tuesday through Sunday. 

 Go to and find the San 
Gabriel Valley Humane Society and every time 
you buy something 0.5% will be donated to the 
shelter! It’s easy to do and helps the shelter with 
every purchase you make! Let your friends know 
about this simple way to make a difference!

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We’re your place when you’re out of 
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Dogs get better with age, just like a fine wine! 
Mickey is one beautiful example of that! Mickey 
(A4989809) is a gentlemanly 12-year-old black 
male Chihuahua mix whose owners moved and 
left him and his brother Rocky [A4989811] at the 
Baldwin Park Animal Care Center on September 
4. Weighing 9 pounds, Mickey warms up to 
new people quickly, even in the stressful shelter 
environment. He is cooperative, gentle, and 
affectionate: he loves to be carried and pet. Mickey 
gets along well with other dogs. He did not want 
to walk on a leash during our photo shoot, but he 
does show signs of being housebroken. Mickey is 
eager to spend his golden years in a loving home, 
and will be a loyal companion to the family that 
welcomes him. Although we’d love to see Mickey 
and Rocky go to the same home, Mickey will also 
make a wonderful companion on his own. Come 
meet Mickey or the pair today! To watch a video 
of Mickey, please visit the following link: https://

 If you are interested in Mickey, please contact 
his volunteer UHA adoption coordinator, Katja, at 
951-973-2757 or

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: