Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, August 19, 2017

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 12, 2017 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 12, 2017 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4
Artist Shenping WangDonates Paintings to Library 

After The South Pasadena 
Summer Arts Crawl, last 
month, Shenping Wang 
donated a pair of companion 
textured paintings entitled 
“Yin” and “Yang” to the Library. 
They now hang side-by-side on 
the second floor of the Library 
outside the office. Wang 
also donated frames for the 
artworks and Mission Framing 
of South Pasadena contributed 

 An exhibit showcasing striking 
Chinese-themed paintings 
and sculptures by artist Wang 
was presented in the Library 
Community Room on July 15. 

 The event was part of The 
South Pasadena Summer Arts 
Crawl, a “NeighborhoodNight-
on-the-Town” that 
presented artworks at more 
than 20 venues, including 
four restaurants, around the 
city’s Mission Street Business 
District. The Library exhibition 
also featured a delightful 
performance by Judy Ying 
on the guzheng, a traditional 
Chinese 21-stringed plucked 
instrument. Mayor Michael 

A. Cacciotti welcomed the 
audience of more than 100 that 
also included Mayor Pro Tem 
Richard D. Schneider, M.D. and 
Councilmember Robert Joe. 
Faith Lee from Assemblyman 
Chris Holden’s office presented 
Certificates of Appreciation to 
both Mr. Wang and Ms. Ying.

 Shenping Wang was born 
in China 30 years ago and 
earned a Bachelor’s Degree 
from Beijing Technology and 
Business University in 2003. 
Interestingly, when he first 
graduated from college, Mr. 
Wang wanted nothing at all to 
do with painting or sculpture - 
or even the art world as a whole. 
Nevertheless, the artistic muse 
grabbed his attention and by 
2008 he had already created his 
own studio and was producing 
and selling his own original, 
unique sculptures.

 In early 2011, Shenping moved 
to the United States and enrolled 
at the prestigious Academy of 
Art in San Francisco to pursue 
a Master’s in Fine Art. After 
graduating, he worked on 
the design and production of 
undersea theme creations for 
the “phytoplankton hole” of an 
indoor miniature golf course 
in San Francisco. Since then, 
Shenping has showcased his 
sculptures and paintings in 
a wide variety of exhibitions 
around California where they 
have been prominently featured 
and have garnered impressive 
awards and high praise. He 
currently works as Art Director 
for Linwoods Auctions in San 

Blue Boy to be Subject ofConservation Project

 Visitors will watch 
conservation treatment as 

it happens in “Project Blue 

Boy” exhibition, on viewSept. 2018 – Sept. 2019in the Thornton Portrait 


 One of the most famous 
paintings in British and 
American history, The Blue 
Boy, made around 1770 by 
English painter Thomas 
Gainsborough (1727–1788),
will undergo its first major 
technical examination and 
conservation treatment. 
Project Blue Boy begins on 
Aug. 8, when the life-size image this unique and remarkable 

of a young man in an iconic treasure,” said Steve Hindle, The 
blue satin costume will go off Huntington’s Interim President 
public view for preliminary and W.M. Keck Foundation 
conservation analysis until Director of Research. “The Blue 
Nov. 1. The Huntington Library, Boy has been the most beloved 
Art Collections, and Botanical work of art at The Huntington 
Gardens, home to The Blue Boy since it opened its doors in 
since its acquisition by founder 1928. It is with great pride 
Henry E. Huntington in 1921, that we launch this thoughtful 
will conduct the conservation and painstaking endeavor to 
project over a two-year period. study, restore, and preserve 
The final part of the project will Gainsborough’s masterpiece. 
largely take place in public view, The fact that we are able to do 
during a year-long exhibition, so while inviting the public 
also called “Project Blue Boy,” to watch and to learn is both 
presented from Sept. 2018 to gratifying and exciting—not 
Sept. 2019 in the Thornton least since the project is so 
Portrait Gallery, where the perfectly suited to our mission.”
painting traditionally hangs. The Huntington’s website will 
“We are profoundly conscious track the project as it unfolds at 
of our duty of care towards 

Buffalo Bill Starring JoelMcCrea to be Screened

 A free screening of “Buffalo Bill,” a 1944 Technicolor Western 
starring South Pasadena’s Joel McCrea (1905-1990), will be 
presented on Thursday, August 31 at 7 p.m. in the Library 
Community Room. The classic western features an all star 
cast that also includes Anthony Quinn, Maureen O’Hara, 
Linda Darnell and Edgar Buchanan. The compelling, well-
acted film is set against the backdrop of the bloody battles 
between white settlers and Native Americans. Joel Albert 
McCrea was born in South Pasadena on November 5, 1905, 
the son of Lou Whipple and Thomas P. McCrea. Joel McCrea 

eventually went on to blaze a 
remarkable trail, appearing in 
90 feature films over a 50 year 
period. By the time Joel retired 
after 80 starring roles during 
Hollywood’s Golden Age, he 
was declared “The Last of the 
Great Cowboy Film Heroes.” 
As an actor McCrea was known 
for his strength, realism, 
and dependability. Although 
he appeared in comedies, 
thrillers, adventures, and 
romances, westerns became 
his forte. McCrea was one of 
the very few actors who started 
as a lowly extra in the film 
business and rose to leading 

 Joel McCrea’s career reached 
its zenith in the 40s with 
Alfred Hitchcock’s “Foreign 
Correspondent” (1940),
“Sullivan’s Travels” (1941), 
a classic Hollywood spoof 
directed by Preston Sturges, 
and as the long-haired, 
mustachioed “Buffalo Bill” 
(1944). For Paramount, 
McCrea garnered top billing in 
the title role of the Technicolor 
version of “The Virginian” 
(1946). From this point on 
McCrea would only play 
western roles. McCrea made 
17 westerns in the 50s, all of 
which were successful at the 
box office.

 Master of Ceremonies for the 
free screening of “Buffalo Bill” 
will be the dynamic Cowboy 
Poet, Helping to introduce the 
film will be Wyatt McCrea, 
one of the grandsons of Joel 
and Frances McCrea. Wyatt 
and Larry will also team up 
to conduct a Q & A with the 
audience after the screening. 

 The Library Community 
Room is located at 1115 El 
Centro Street. No tickets or 
reservations are necessary. 
Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. 
and refreshments will be 
served. The Community Room 
is only about a block from the 
Gold Line Station and free 
parking will be available at 805 
Meridian Avenue.

Peafowl/PeacocksObserved in San Marino

 Peacocks/peafowl have 
been observed in several 
neighborhoods in San 
Marino which has quickly 
become a preferred location 
for them to live. Peafowl 
were introduced in the City 
of Arcadia back in the late 
1800’s and have become part 
of their community. Since 
then, peafowl have been 
seen in many neighboring 
communities as well as plants: Agapanthus, Azalea, 
more distant communities Baby’s Breath, Bee Balm, 
including Palos Verdes. Bird of Paradise, Blazing 
The City of San Marino Star Liatris, Bouganvillea 
contracts with the Pasadena Butterfly Plant, Cactus, 
Humane Society for animal Camellia, Cannas, Clivia, 
control services but they will Columbine, Coneflower, 
not assist with the removal Ferns, Fuchsia, Gaillardia, 
or relocation of peafowl Gardenia, Geranium. 
since they are considered Giant Columbine, 
wildlife. However, if you see Gladiola, Gloriosa 
an injured peafowl, please Daisy, Hen &Chicken, 
call the Pasadena Humane Hibiscus, Hardy Lavender, 
Society at (626) 792-7151. Hostas, Iris, Ivy, Lantana, 
Here are some precautions Lavender, Marigold, Mint, 
and best management Mum,Oleander, Painted 
practices for dealing with Daisy, Periwinkle, Peonies, 
Peacocks/Peafowl:Phlox, Pink Lady, Plumbago, 

Peafowl are afraid of dogs.Poinsettia, Pyracantha, 

 Peafowl dislike water.Rhododendron, Rose, 

 Peafowl will avoid Shasta Daisy, Snap Dragon, 
repellents, such as certain Sunburst Coreopsis, WeigelaBird-X products. Peafowl love these plants: 

 Trim overhanging large Amaryllis, Begonia, 
trees.Broccoli, Brussel Sprout, 

 Be cautious when Cabbage, California 
composting as peafowl are Poppy, Cauliflower, Chive, 
attracted to compost. Keep Holly Berries, Impatiens, 
compost bins covered. Kale, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, 

 Peafowl like to eat wild Nasturtium, Pansy, Petunia, 
birdseed, bread and pet Primrose, Stock, Stock 
food. Keep pet food indoors Cauliflower, Sweet Alyssum, 
or remove immediately after Tomato, Water Stock, Young 
your pet has eaten. Spinach and any young 

 Peafowl like to eat seeds and plantsplants. See below for plants California laws protecting 
you can use in your garden wildlife, including 
to deter peafowl.peafowl, for more go to 

Peafowl dislike these and-regulations/ 

Paul Riddle AppointedSouth Pasadena Fire Chief

 The South Pasadena City 
Council appointed Monday 
Deputy Chief Paul Riddle as 
the City of South Pasadena’s 
Fire Chief, making Chief 
Riddle the 17th Fire Chief 
in the 110-year history 
of the Department. His 
appointment followed the 
City Council’s approval of a 
new, Two City Cooperative 
Fire Services Agreement 
with the City of San Marino.

 Chief Riddle was born 
and raised in West Covina, 
California. His father was a 
Firefighter for Pasadena Fire 
Department and his older 
brother currently works as 
a Firefighter for the City of 
Seattle. Chief Riddle started necessary for the position,” 

his career in the fire service 

stated Interim City 

in 1991 as a Volunteer 

Manager Elaine Aguilar. 

Firefighter with the City of 

As Fire Chief, Riddle will 

South Pasadena. He was 

be responsible for leading 

brought on as a full-time 

a department composed 

Firefighter in July of 1992. 

of 21 full-time uniformed 

He has served the South 

personnel, 3 part-time Fire 

Pasadena Fire Department 

Prevention Specialists and 

as an Engineer, Captain, 

administrative staff.

Battalion Chief, and in 2014 

 Additionally, on 

was promoted to Deputy 

Wednesday, July 19th, the 

Fire Chief. As the Deputy 

City Council approved an 

Fire Chief, he was in charge 

agreement with the City of 

of training for the Cities 

San Marino for the sharing 

of South Pasadena, San 

of Fire Command Staff. The 

Marino, and San Gabriel 

agreement identifies each 

Fire Departments as part 

City having its own Fire 

of Verdugo Cities Fire. He 

Chief and Division Chief. 

has also held the positions 

The remaining Division 

of Department Training 

Chief will be identified as the 

Officer, Safety Officer, 

Shared Command Position. 

Emergency Manager, 

Each City will be responsible 

and Fitness Coordinator. 

for 50% of the mutually 

He has an associate in 

agreed upon shared cost 

science degree from Mt. 

of services for the Shared 

San Antonio College in 

Command Position. The 

fire technology and is 

agreement will allow each 

completing his Bachelor’s 

Department to continue 

Degree in Management. 

providing the highest level 

“Chief Riddle has the 

of customer service to its 

experience, professionalism, 

communities at a reduced 

and leadership qualities 


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