Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, August 19, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page A:5

Mountain View News Saturday, August 19, 2017 


Local authorities also recieved assistance from 
the LA County Sheriff's Search and Rescue, Dogs,
Altadena Mountain Rescue, Montrose Search 
and Rescue Team, Antelope Valley Search andRescue Team, San Dimas Mountain Rescue Team, 
LASD Air5, LA County Fire Dept Air Ops and LACounty Fire Search Dog Team. 

The SMPD continues to work with ith Los AngelesCounty Sheriff’s Homicide Division, and the 
coroner's office as the investigation into the cause 
of Carl's death is determined.” 

As reported in the Mountain Views News lastweek, Foote was well known in Sierra Madr where 
he lived his entire life. Foote was Vice President 
of a well known aerospace industry firm and 
formerly served for 16 years as the Director ofHuman Resources at the Huntington Library.
At the time of his death, he served on the Board of 
the Foothill Unity Center. 

Mary Ann Lutz, former Mayor of Monrovia said 
The body of Sierra Madre resident Carl Foote ,upon learning of Carl's death issued a statement on 

59, was found last Saturday near Jones Creek inFacebook: " Our worst fears have come true. Carl 
Bailey Canyon. In a press release issued shortlyFoot, my friend and fellow Foothill Unity Centerafter the time of the discovery, the Sierra MadreBoard Member is gone. Devastation is the bestPolice Department could not officially confirmway to describe these events. My love and prayersthe identify of the body although preliminary to Carl’s wife and family! We never know what is

identification indicated that the remains were instore for us, make sure those around you knowthose of Foote. On Thursday, the Los Angeles you love them". 
County Coroner's office, positively identified thebody to be that of Carl Foote. There has been an outpouring of support for

the Foote Family on social media and even aFoote had been missing since the previous Sundayheartworming thank you from Carl's wife to the 
and was reported missing by his wife. Immediately,Sierra Madre community. 

the Sierra Madre Search and Rescue and the Sierra 
Madre Police Department, along with volunteersAt press time, no further details were available.
from the community began searching for him. S. Henderson/MVNews 


Carl Foote 

of taking any chances, when it’s in that zone werespond.”
He also said they lease the scoopers this 
time of year because of wind, “you add that onecomponent that makes an average fire extremelydifficult.” 
County Fire Chief Daryl L. Osby urged residentsin wild land areas to comply with brush clearanceregulations. He also said when asked to evacuate, 
to evacuate. 
“We can always rebuild a house if it’s lost, thegrass and vegetation will always grow back, but wecan never bring back a life,” he said.
Osby also said there is no reason for anyone tohave or fly drones near wildfires.
“If you do we will hunt you down, you can bearrested, and convicted and fined up to $25,000.” 
This is the 24 year that the county and Canadapartnered leasing the planes and Barger thankedeveryone involved. 
Story and photos by Dean Lee

Supervisor Kathryn Barger (pictured above left)
along with L.A. County fire personnel showcaseda leased pair of Bombardier CL-415s from CanadaFriday morning, the aircraft will stay in SouthernCalifornia for 140 days to help firefighting in areasthat include, Altadena, Pasadena, Sierra Madre 
and other cities along the San Gabriel foothills.

“The jurisdictional agency fighting the fire, 
[Pasadena, Sierra Madre] they would make 
a request to us through their dispatch,” said 
Assistant Fire Chief Thomas Ewald (pictured 
above right). “If Pasadena were to have a fire 
they would make that request.” 

Last year the planes were dispatched more than50 times and dropped water in at least 20 of them.
He said in the case of fire that spreads into theNational Forest, there is an “initial action zone.” 

“When there is a 911 call, who knows? Is the 
fire actually in the forest or on our side, so instead 


 Preparations are underway to decorate Small Business Saturday and Sierra Madre’s 

KerstingCourt for the Winter holidays! Join inHoliday Winter Events. Program Sponsored by 

the holiday spirit. Purchase an ornament for the Sierra Madre Community Foundation and 

the Sierra Madre Community tree and help raiseSierra Madre Chamber of Commerce 

funds for civic improvements.Sierra Madre Community Foundation is 

It’s easy just visit Leonora Moss (9 Kersting a charity singularly devoted to Sierra Madre. 

Court) or the Bottle Shop (58 W Sierra Madre SMCF solicits donations to enhance our 

Blvd) and fill out a postcard and leave your community by making direct grants, both large 

donation. Checks should be payable to Sierra and small, to worthy people and organizations 

Madre Community Foundation. Volunteers will that might otherwise be overlooked and also 

be decorating Kersting Court in mid-November assists other community groups in collecting 

for the holidays and in preparation of the Support and distributing funds for programs 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: 

Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side

by Deanne Davis 

“We promise to care for your family as we do our own.of the building. We saw the Cinema Theater whereVery deliberately, we built a residence that looks andtwo current movies or great classics are shown daily.
feels like home.” We saw the Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy

and Speech Therapy facility on the lower level and theMy son-in-law, Chuck’s, mom, Elaine Holmgren, spentfull-service beauty salon right on the northeast cornerthe last couple of years of her life at The Kensington. Iof the building, which also serves customers from thewent to visit her frequently there, usually around 4:00community.
or so, which was Happy Hour. I could count on a reallyThe art on the walls is spectacular and abundantnice glass of wine, an hors d’oeuvre or two, and someone and I’m thinking The Kensington should have an Arttalented playing the piano or singing. I looked forwardWalk through their facility just to see the paintingsto this as an oasis of pleasant peace among folks whoand photographs, most of which were created by localwere having a good time at the end of a busy day.artists. The art features many local landmarks: The Rose

I haven’t visited The Kensington since Elaine left usBowl, The Pinney House right here in town, and various

– just one more remembrance about her – she was onebridges in our area. Walking past each resident’s room,
fun-loving gal and we frequently went down to thewe were charmed by the shadow boxes above eachCheesecake Factory for cheesecake and champagne.resident’s name, depicting their interests, family, pets –
Anyway, I got to be part of a tour group led by Steveand we met Ferne’s pet cat Purrfect! Yes, residents maySciurba, who is Director of Community Outreach athave a pet!
The Kensington; he’s also currently President of theThe ratio of caregivers to residents, especially inSierra Madre Chamber of Commerce. Also included the Memory Care, more extensive care area, is five towere two of Congresswoman, Judy Chu’s, staff: Ellenone, which is amazing. We passed through the kitchenHamilton, Legislative Assistant, and Maile Z. Plan,in that area where they had just taken trays of freshField Representative/ Caseworker. These delightfulcookies out of the oven. See what I mean? I want to live 
women have been taking a look at medical facilitiesthere! There was music, there was laughter, there wereall over Judy Chu’s 27th District of California. Ms.people involved in all sorts of activities, and everyoneHamilton said she’s been to Huntington Hospital,gets outside at least once a day. And there are outings!
to Methodist, to Kaiser and all sorts of other places Santa Monice Pier last week... nice! 
on fact-finding missions to help CongresswomanI guess what I noticed most was dignity, respect,
Chu in her role as a member (since last February)and affection. Residents are encouraged to live in theof the Ways & Means Committee. Needless to say,moment, and are surrounded by beauty. The upstairsThe Kensington is the crown jewel of healthcare andherb garden looks so much better than my yardMs. Chu and her staff would really love it if everyonecurrently. Steve Sciurba compared The Kensington tocould be in a facility like The Kensington should theyDisney facilities in that so much attention is paid to theever need healthcare of this type in their later years.comfort of the guests and their family. I’m ready! AndJudy Chu is also a strong advocate for Veteran’s healthI already love Happy Hour! Great to meet part of Judycare and she is still working tirelessly for a Veteran’sChu’s excellent staff and to see their sincere interest in 
clinic in our area. the people of the 27th District of California. Thanks for
As far as touring the Kensington was concerned, Iletting me be part, everyone!
was ready to go home, pack my bag and move in today.Thursday, August 31st from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Dr.
I want to live like that! The Kensington has been openWilliam White will be at The Kensington talking aboutfor a little more than two years now, is a real asset to ourthe Pack Trains of Sierra Madre! Call and RSVP. 
community, and is just gorgeous, too. We toured theMy book page: Deanne Davis 
Art Therapy room, which fronts on Sierra Madre Blvd.Blog: 
and saw all sorts of works in progress that the residents“A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter” isare completing. They also have Karaoke, Tai Chi classesnow available at 
and Bingo! Let me just tell you, friends and neighbors,Sunrise Books + Coffee at Pasadena First Church 
when Bingo is in progress, don’t bother trying to talkof the Nazarene –just down the road on Sierra Madreto any of the residents. These people are dead seriousBlvd. 
about their Bingo. If I arrived during Bingo, ElaineKindle readers, give yourself the gift of:
could hardly lift her head to say Hi!A Treasure Map, A Drunken Owl, and 47 Rattler’s in

We walked past the Heroes Wall, where pictures anda Bagstories of these brave men and women residents who It’s on on my book page!
served so long ago are documented. We walked throughFollow me on Twitter, too!
the dining room, which faces out to the gardens in back playwrightdd 


Dear Editor, continuing to look for cutoff locations on the property.

They managed to turn the water off to the house, whileI am writing to gratefully acknowledge and thank theminimizing the impact on surrounding neighbors.
Sierra Madre Fire Department for their response toAfter that, they carefully and gently, hand to hand,
flooding from a catastrophic pipe break at my homemoved books and furniture from the most flooded 
last month. As I arrived at my door one night after alocations to ‘higher ground’. I’ll never forget that sight!
long day’s work, I was surprised to hear the sound ofFrom the moment they arrived, they were extremelyrunning water. I had just made my place sparkling cleanpolite and sympathetic, professional and neighborly.
in anticipation of the arrival of out of town guests. As I Because the pipe break happened when I was not atopened the door, water came out and the sound becamehome and had been going on for who knows how long,
a roar. I had no clue where the water was coming from,the flooding was severe enough so that I had to be out ofbut I enrolled the manager in attempts to turn themy house for a month of mitigation and repair activities.
water off to no avail. When we called in an emergency,Nevertheless, the most memorable part of this incidentwe were eventually connected to the fire department.for me will always be the response of the Sierra MadreWho knew the Fire Department deals not only withFire Department. They are one of the many things Ifire in this town but with all kinds of emergencies,love about Sierra Madre. What a blessing! 
including floods? Needless to say, once called, the firedepartment responded immediately. In the dark, theyPamela Clark 
quickly located curbside water cutoff locations while Grateful Citizen 


During this time period, the Sierra Madre Police Depart-curred sometime from 8:45 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. in the 700ment responded to approximately 374 day and night timeblock of Auburn Ave. The unknown suspect(s) enteredcalls for service. the property through the driveway then removed the win-

Sunday, August 6 An SMPD officer was dispatched atdow screen of the guest room. Several rooms in the home 
about 6:17 p.m., to the 100 block of Merrill Ave. to takewere ransacked. Apparently no items were taken. Case to 
a missing person report. The wife of the missing personDetectives 
stated that he was last seen earlier that morning. A miss-Saturday, August 12,
ing person report was taken. Case to Detectives and localFollowing an exhaustive search of the local foothillsagenciesby members of the Sierra Madre Search and Rescue and

Monday, August 7 Officers conducted a traffic stoppartner search teams from Altadena, San Dimas, Ante-
at about 12:30 a.m. for a vehicle code violation. Officers lope Valley and Montrose a body was found northeast ofmade contact with the driver and determined that the Jones Peak at about 4:10 p.m. The deceased person found,
subject was on probation. After a search of the subjectsfit the physical and clothing description of the reportedvehicle officers found drugs and drug paraphernalia. Theperson missing on 8/6/17. Positive identification by thesubject was arrested and transported to the Pasadena Jail.Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office is pending.
It was later revealed from the Pasadena PD Jail staff that Sunday, August 13 Officers responded to a report of athe subject had provided a false name to the officers. Case home burglary in the 500 block of Auburn Ave. The bur-
to Detectives 6:37 p.m. Officers responding to a call forglary occurred sometime between 11:00 a.m. on 8/11/17a welfare check discovered that the subject was in pos-and 6:23 p.m. on 8/13/17. The unknown suspect(s) shat-
session of drug paraphernalia and on probation for pos-tered a rear window with a rock and entered throughsession of methamphetamine. Subject was arrested andthe window. Multiple rooms were ransacked with thetransported to Pasadena Jail. Case to Pasadena DA’s office suspect(s) taking jewelry and a small amount of cash.

Friday, August 11 A report of a home burglary that oc-Case to Detectives