Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, September 16, 2017

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, September 16, 2017 


Jeff’s Book Pics By Jeff Brown

Vaster Than Sky, Greater Than 
Space: What You Are Before You 
Became by Mooji 

Brilliant Illuminations for Awakening to 
the Absolute.What if all that you believe 
yourself to be—your body, mind, emotions, 
and conditioning—is actually what you are 
not? What if this is merely a self-portrait 
shaped by false identification, habit, and 
assumptions?In gatherings worldwide, 
Mooji has opened the eyes of thousands 
through his ability to shine light on the 
ineffable with uncommon clarity, humor, 
and warmth. Now, with this book , Mooji 
invites readers everywhere to discover 
the true essence from which we all arise.
He guides us into the adventure of deep 
inquiry, sparking direct Self-realization 
through parables, insights, wisdom 
teachings, and responses to the common 
questions of readers.Through our own 
engagement and self-exploration, Mooji 
helps us to arrive at the answers from our 
own deepest Knowing—revealing the 
timeless, boundless love and freedom that 
is the natural perfume of the Absolute.

History of Wolves: A Novel by Emily 

“So delicately calibrated and precisely beautiful 
that one might not immediately sense the 
sledgehammer of pain building inside this 
book. And I mean that in the best way. What 
powerful tension and depth this provides!”—
Aimee BenderFourteen-year-old Linda lives 
with her parents in the beautiful, austere woods 
of northern Minnesota, where their nearly 
abandoned commune stands as a last vestige of 
a lost counter-culture world. Isolated at home 
and an outlander at school, Linda is drawn to 
the enigmatic, attractive Lily and new history 
teacher Mr. Grierson. When Mr. Grierson is 
charged with possessing child pornography, 
the implications of his arrest deeply affect Linda 
as she wrestles with her own fledgling desires 
and craving to belong. And then the young 
Gardner family moves in across the lake and 
Linda finds herself welcomed into their home 
as a babysitter for their little boy, Paul. It seems 
that her life finally has purpose but with this 
new sense of belonging she is also drawn into 
secrets she doesn’t understand. Over the course 
of a few days, Linda makes a set of choices that 
reverberate throughout her life. As she struggles 
to find a way out of the sequestered world into 
which she was born, Linda confronts the life-
and-death consequences of the things people 
do—and fail to do—for the people they love.


FROM 9/11

 Like many of you, I watched the remembrances 
and commemorations covered on television Monday, 
September 11, this past week. I thought a lot about 
that fateful day 16 years ago, my memories of watching 
the towers come down still vivid in my mind. The 
horror, the sadness, still heavy on my heart. The 
heroic actions of so many brave men and women still 
giving hope to my soul. 

 And then on Tuesday, the very next day, I was 
listening to motivational speaker Winn Claybaugh, 
as he addressed the Sierra Madre Rotary Club about 
experiencing the very same feelings I myself had 
just the day before. We shared the knowledge that 
those thousands of people, trapped in airplanes or 
buildings, suddenly realized they were in the very last 
moments of their lives. And we both thought about 
how that must have felt - but of course we can’t really 
know. The one thing we do know, however, beyond 
a shadow of a doubt, is that many of those people, 
comprehending they only had moments left to live, 
chose to use those precious last few seconds to make 
phone calls.

 We’ve all heard the stories. And we know they didn’t 
call their bosses, or their employees, to complain 
about stress in the workplace. We know they didn’t 
call a neighbor or relative they were having a dispute 
with to take one final parting shot. We know those 
that could, made phone calls to the people they loved 
most in the world. And we know the simple message 
they conveyed was a message of love. “I love you,” 
they said. “No matter what happens, know that I love 

 Because in the end – the literal end – nothing else 
mattered. At all. To a person, they just wanted to hear 
their loved one’s voice one last time. They wanted to 
send one final message: “I love you.” That was their 
priority; the most important thing in the world. 
Nothing else mattered. Can there be any doubt love 
is stronger than hate? Can there be any mistake that 
what’s most important, when everything is all said 
and done, is the love we have for our families?

 How amazing is that?! What a tribute to us as 
human beings. And yes, pure evil does reside in some 
human beings. That’s always been the case. But there 
is also such pure goodness and love in so many of us. 
And ultimately, this all speaks to why I love doing 
what I do. Because at the very end, nothing matters 
but the love we have for our families. Estate planning 
is the way – the only way, in fact – to guarantee that 
last message of love and hope comes through to our 
loved ones loud and clear. 

 And when it comes right down to it, that’s the only 
thing that matters. So, my question is this: have you 
taken the necessary steps to ensure your final message 
will be clearly heard and unequivocally understood 
by the people you love most in the world? Estate 
planning can – and should be – about so much more 
than just legal documents. It is – and must be – about 
successfully communicating the most important 
message of your life to the most important people 
in your life. And in the end, that will be the most 
important thing in your life. 

 If you haven’t gotten it done yet, stop procrastinating. 
Get your estate plan in place. Don’t lose the most 
important opportunity of your life. 

 Dedicated to empowering your family, building 
your wealth and securing your legacy, 

A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a 
mission to help parents protect what they love most. 
His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, 
Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointment 
to sit down and talk about ensuring a legacy of love 
and financial security for your family by calling 
626.587.3058 or visit for 
more information.

All Things By Jeff Brown


On September 11, 2001, minutes after United Airlines 
Flight 175 struck the South Tower between floors 78 and 
85 Crowther called his mother from his office at 9:12 a.m., 
leaving the message, “Mom, this is Welles. I wanted you 
to know that I’m OK.” Crowther made his way to the 78th 
floor sky lobby, where he encountered a group of survivors, 
including a badly burned Ling Young. Young had been one 
of approximately 200 people waiting at a bank of elevators 
to evacuate when the plane hit the tower, and one of the few 
survivors.Crowther, carrying a young woman on his back, 
directed them to the one working stairway. The survivors 
followed him 17 floors down, where he dropped off the 
woman he was carrying before heading back upstairs to 
assist others. By the time he returned to the 78th floor, he 
had a bandana around his nose and mouth to protect him 
from smoke .He found another group of survivors, which 
included Judy Wein, who was in pain from a broken arm, 
cracked ribs and a punctured lung. According to Wein, 
Crowther assisted in putting out fires and administering 
first aid. He then announced to that group, “Everyone 
who can stand, stand now. If you can help others, do so.” 
He directed this group downstairs as well.As occupants 
of the Tower headed for the street, Crowther returned up 
the stairs to help others. He was last seen doing so with 
members of the FDNY before the twin Tower collapsed at 
9:59 a.m. According to survivor accounts, Crowther saved 
as many as 18 people following the attacks.


The latest on Business News, Trends and Techniques

By La Quetta M. Shamblee, MBA


Millions of Texans and Floridians are facing the prospect 
of financial disaster in the aftermath of hurricanes Harvey 
and Irma. It is heartwarming to witness the humanity of 
fellow Americans extending every possible effort to help 
others in need. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said 
for some landlords who have notified tenants that they 
are still expected to pay rent for homes that tenants were 
unable to occupy due to standing water. Such is the case 
in Pasadena, Texas where some tenants have been told 
that rent is still due and late fees will be applied. 

 Homeowners with mortgages insured by the Federal 
Housing Administration (FHA) fare a bit better. 
Traditionally, the FHA imposes a 90-day moratorium on 
foreclosures of federally-insured loans after the current 
president issues an official declaration. After the 90-days, 
those who have not been able to make the payments have 
to try and negotiate for additional relief.

 In addition, mortgage lenders typically make 
accommodations for borrowers in response to 
proclamations by banking regulators and government 
mortgage agencies. This includes guidelines that align 
with regulators like HUD or foreclosure outlines from 
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack and applicable state and 
local agencies.

 The relief is helpful, especially if the homeowner is able 
to resolve the past due amount with a lump sum payment 
or payment arrangement. Ultimately the lender has the 
discretion. For individuals who have no jobs to return to, 
or small business owners who must await the restoration 
of electricity to resume business, 90 days is not sufficient. 
Even with the allocation of federal relief available through 
FEMA for some, millions are faced with the prospect of 
financial ruin.

 It seems that a reasonable “bail out” for everyone 
impacted would be appropriate in this type of situation. 
Perhaps similar to what was granted to the financial sector 
in October 2008 in response to the disaster that was not 
by an act of nature, but instead by acts of greed. After 
being rescued by the $700 billion dollar taxpayer-funded 
bailout, many of these same institutions showed little to 
no regard in working with individuals to help them save 
their homes.

 The recent wave of natural disasters can serve as a 
wake up call for citizens to advocate for and demand 
more compassionate laws in the wake of these situations. 
Laws to ensure some baseline of “bail out” assistance for 
everyone facing displacement, homelessness or loss of 
employment due to hurricanes, tornados, fires and similar 
events, would make a lot of sense.

 We have been inspired by the scenes of strangers who 
have nothing except concern for other humans, going out 
of their way, assuming risks and sacrificing to extend a 
helping hand. In contrast, financial institutions that have 
amassed billions from the masses are demonstrating a 
cataclysymic disregard for the masses that keep them in 

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