Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, October 7, 2017

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, October 7, 2017 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4Mountain Views-News Saturday, October 7, 2017 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4
San Marino Free CompostGiveaway October 28

 A free compost giveaway 
self-serve event will be held 
on Saturday, October 28th 
from 9 a.m. until noon at 
Lacy Park, 1485 Virginia Rd, 
San Marino, in the west end 
parking lot. Bring your own 
sturdy containers. There is 
a 30-gallon limit during the 
first hour and no limit from 
10 a.m. until noon, or while 
supplies last. Plastic bags are 
not allowed. Bring your ID 
card or Athens bill.

 For more information, 
contact Ed Chen at (626) 
703-9726 or chen@ or Ron 

Serven, Environmental 
Services Manager at (626) 
300-0789 or rserven@ 

South Pasadena Garfield 

Reservoir Open House

 Construction at the City’s 
largest reservoir, Garfield 
Reservoir, is nearing 
completion. An Open House 
will be hosted at the facility 
on Saturday, October 21, 2017 
from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. 
Garfield Reservoir is located at 
416 Garfield Avenue in South 
Pasadena. Please mark your 
calendar and plan on joining us 

seriously impacted the water 

for this event! 

supply. This is especially true of 

Water Facility Tour

ground water from where South 

 Immediately following the 

Pasadena obtains the majority 

Garfield Reservoir Open House 

of its water. These sources are 

there will be a tour of the South 

at historically low levels. The 

Pasadena Water Facilities 

City is proposing to increase 

for residents to learn more 

the water and sewer rates to 

about the City’s water supply, 

generate sufficient revenues to 

production and distribution 

ensure reliable water and sewer 



The tour will leave from 

 The City Council will be 

Garfield Reservoir at 11:00 

having a Public Hearing 

am and return around 1:00 

regarding the proposed water 

pm. Please RSVP with Public 

and sewer rates on Wednesday, 

Works at 626-403-7240 if you 

November 1, in the City Hall 

are interested in joining to tour.

Council Chambers located at 

In related news; Water & Sewer 

1424 Mission Street. Notices 

Rate Change City 

were mailed to residents and 

of South Pasadena residents 

water customers in September.

met the water conservation 

If you have any questions 

requirements mandated by the 

regarding the proposed rates 

State of California. However, 

please contact the Finance 

the prolonged drought in 

Department at 626-403-7250. 

southern California has 

San Marino Local 
Hazard Mitigation Plan 

 The City of San Marino is submitted to for approval at 
pleased to submit the City’s least once every 3 years. The 
2017 Local Mitigation Plan City must have an approved 
(LHMP) for open public review LMHMP to maintain eligibility 
and comment. The LHMP for State and Federal Hazard 
will be available for review Mitigation grant programs. The 
beginning, Monday, September LHMP’s list of hazards includes 
18 through close of business earthquakes, floods, fires and 
Friday, November 3.windstorms. It also addresses 

 The California Office of man-made hazards such as 
Emergency Services (CalOES) hazardous material accidents, 
and Federal Emergency gas pipeline ruptures, and 
Management Agency (FEMA) homeland security threats. 
requires that the LHMP The purpose of the City’s 
be reviewed, updated and LHMP is to identify long-term 

strategies, goals and objectives 
for reducing the impact of 
disasters. Community input 
is an important aspect of the 
planning process.

 Residents and community 
stakeholders may review 
the plan on-line at ci.sanmarino. Copies are also 
available for review at San 
Marino City Hall located at 
2200 Huntington Drive and 
the Crowell Public Library 
located at 1890 Huntington 
Drive .Comments or questions 
about the LHMP may be sent to or 
by calling Laura Hernandez at 

A public workshop is also 
scheduled for residents October 
24, 2017 at 6:00 PM in the San 
Marino Council Chamber. 

South Pasadena 
'Pathways to Art' 

– Street Sign Sale 
SPEF and the South Pasadena 
Arts Council (SPARC) are 
teaming up to sell 300 local 
retired city street signs. This 
joint project, “Pathways to Art,” 
will raise money to advance the 
arts within our community, such 
as SPARC’s utility box initiative 
and funds for an SPUSD 
Visual and Performing Arts 
Coordinator. These signs were 
generously donated to SPARC 
by the South Pasadena City 

 Signs are $100 per sign and the 
cost of shipping is not included. 
If you need to have a sign 
shipped please let us know.

Please note: The signs are not 
in pristine condition, reflecting 
the character of their years 
of service, and sold as is. All 
sales are final. The city’s sign 
replacement will be an ongoing, 
three-year process, so as new 
signs become available this list 
will be updated.

 If the street you are interested 
in is not on this list please contact 
Stacey Petersen at spetersen@ or call the SPEF 
office at 626-441-5810 ext. 1163. 
We will give you a call as soon as 
your sign becomes available.
To learn more visit: 

South Pasadena Fall 
Arts Crawl October 21

 Contemporary Paintingsby Jimi Martinez to bepresented along withSpecial Art Book Sale atSouth Pasadena LibraryArts Crawl Event. 

 The South Pasadena Fall 
Arts Crawl, a “NeighborhoodNight-
on-the-Town”, will 
take place from 5 pm to 9 
pm on Saturday, October 21 

South Pasadena. During his 

with a variety of art galleries, 

work at SP Kinesthetic Kids, 

live music shows, and other 

he became inspired by the 

entertaining family activities. 

incredible acumen and zeal of 

They will be presented at more 

the campers. Although Jimi 

than 20 venues, including 

lacked confidence when it came 

several restaurants, around the 

to following a career in the 

city’s Mission Street Business 

visual arts, it was the children 

District and surrounding 

of SP Kinesthetic who pushed 

streets. Descriptions, hours, 

him to be serious about his 

and locations of all participating 

craft. Jimi noticed the fun and 

venues and events will soon be 

excitement his artwork brought 

posted on www.southpasadena.

to his campers as they tried 

net and at “Arts Crawl South 

to impress him by mimicking 

Pasadena” on Facebook.

his humorous pop surrealist 

 A very special Art Exhibit 

themes in their own drawings. 

will be presented in the Library 

The children’s admiration for 

Community Room from 7 

his work started Jimi thinking 

pm to 9 pm. It is sponsored 

about the bigger picture when 

by the South Pasadena Public 

it came to his artistic muse. Jimi 

Library and the Friends of the 

left SP Kinesthetic Kids in 2009 

South Pasadena Public Library 

when he was accepted into 

with special thanks to the 

Art Center College of Design 

South Pasadena Chamber of 

with a full scholarship, and 

Commerce, SPACE, Pop Secret 

he graduated with a BFA with 

Gallery and Scott Gandell. 

honors in 2013.

The event will showcase the 

 After graduation from Art 

striking Pop Art paintings of 

Center, Jimi couldn’t resist 

highly accomplished South 

going back to SP Kinesthetic 

Pasadena artist Jimi Martinez. 

to meet a new generation of 

His artwork will be able to 

campers and began offering 

be viewed during the entire 

painting lessons to them. 

Library Arts Crawl Exhibition.

Jimi’s works also began being 

 In addition, the event will also 

displayed in various galleries 

feature a Special Art Book Sale 

around LA such as The Hive, La 

to benefit the Friends of the 

Luz, Pop Secret Gallery, Copro 

South Pasadena Public Library, 

Gallery, and Sugar Mynt Gallery 

an all-volunteer group. The sale 

in South Pasadena. In 2015 Jimi 

will feature a splendid collection 

was asked to join 

of wonderful art books donated 

to be a part of their animation 

by South Pasadena author 

team. With a heavy heart, Jimi 

Donald Rapp that were housed 

left SP Kinesthetic once again 

in the studio he shared with his 

to partake in this incredible 

wife, Zolita Sverdlove (1936

opportunity. Jimi’s videos titled 

2009), a notable 20th Century 

“In Theory” can be viewed on 

Impressionist. Two of Zolita’s 

the Uproxx Facebook page 

paintings hang above the main 

and YouTube channel where 

reading room of the South 

they have generated millions of 

Pasadena Public Library.

views from around the world. 

James Martinez (or Jimi as he 

In his spare time, Jimi also likes 

likes to be called) was born in 

to create Plein Air paintings at 

1982 in Silver Lake. When he 

various locales around South 

was just 2 years old he moved 

Pasadena, as well as to write 

to South Pasadena. He attended 

in his diary at Kaldi Coffee 

Woodsy Owl Pre School 

Shop across the street from the 

(seriously!), Arroyo Vista 


Elementary, South Pasadena 

 The free event will take place 

Middle School, and graduated 

in the Library Community 

from South Pasadena High 

Room at 1115 El Centro Street. 

School in 2001. Jimi then 

Doors will open at 6:30 pm and 

enrolled at Pasadena City 

refreshments will be served. 

College where he pursued an 

The Community Room is only 

education in illustration and 

about a block away from the 

fine arts. In 2008 he won the 

Gold Line Station and free 

Ruth Estes Award for his comic 

parking will be available at 

printmaking for the PCC 

the Mission-Meridian Parking 

Scholarship Show.

Garage, located at 805 Meridian 

 While at PCC, Jimi worked 

Avenue next to the Metro Gold 

at SP Kinesthetic Day Care in 

Line Station. 

San Marino HuntingtonDrive Safe Streets Survey 

 The City of San Marino aesthetics to reinforce 
is preparing a planning community identity. As part 
document for the of this effort, the City is also 
Huntington Drive Corridor. working with San Marino 
The plan is intended to schools along Huntington 
help improve overall Drive to improve safety and 
safety and mobility, and access through education 
increase awareness of all and programs. Officials are 
modes of transportation, asking residents to take a 
including children walking brief survey, your responses 
and biking to schools will help guide our planners 
and business owners and to areas of concerns within 
patrons traveling to San our community.
Marino business centers. For more information 
The plan will also consider and the survey visit: ci.sanways 
to enhance corridor 

San Marino Crowell Public 
Free Library Program

Fashion Lecture with Alex Kosztowny

Tuesday, October 10: 7 pm

 Alex Kosztowny, freelance fashion designer and librarian at 
the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM) 
returns with another lecture on the world of fashion and 
costume history. No stranger to art libraries and collections, 
Kosztowny has worked with Fashion and Art Collections at 
LACMA and the Gagosian Gallery.

 All events take place at Crowell Public Library, 1890 
Huntington Drive. For more information please call the 
Library at (626) 300-0777. 

Jimi Martinez

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: