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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, October 7, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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5 Mountain View News Saturday, October 7, 2017 5 Mountain View News Saturday, October 7, 2017 SIERRA MADRE ROSE FLOAT ASSOCIATION IS Walking Sierra Madre…The Social SidePLEASED TO PRESENT OUR 2018 PRINCESSES by Deanne Davis The Announcement Ceremony was held Sunday, October 1st at The Lodge at Sierra Madre. We thank Roger Joe, DDS for his gracious donation of the use of the facility. Emily Verdin (AlvernoHeights Academy). Petra Shair (Pasadena High School), Emma Allen (Pasadena High School), Amy Stapenhorst (Westridge School) For information, please call Donna Sutcliffe at 626-355-8579. TWENTY INNOVATOR HUMANITARIAN NOMINEES ANNOUNCED SIERRA MADRE’S Dr. William ‘Bill’ Patzert Among Nominees Rotary of Sierra Madre is proud to announce the twenty innovators embodying service to humanity nominees for the Humanitarian awards to be presented on November 4, 2017. The Rotary Humanitarian STAR (Science, Technology, Aerospace, Robotics) Awards recognize and celebrate scientific achievements that significantly improve lives. Our goal is to raise public awareness of scientific advances and their positive impacts on humanity. To honor and bring to light achievements to support, advance and inspire humanitarian accomplishments, the Rotary Club of Sierra Madre, embodying the pursuit to serve humanity, offers the Rotary Humanitarian STAR Awards. Within today’s science and technologically advancedsociety, public focus can become dominated by searchesfor information and entertainment, while previouslyinconceivable innovations addressing our most crucialhumanitarian needs remain unknown. Beyond screens and devices are creative mindsdiscovering ways to explore oceans and skies, methodsof information sharing, disaster relief, and healing forovercoming obstacles to personal and planetary wellbeing. From outer to inner space; from satellites torobotics and microchips, the impossible becomes ourpromise for the future. The nominees are: Kimberly A. Shriner, M.D., F.A.C.P. Director, Founder, The Phil Simon Clinic Pasadena medical teams bring medical scienceto Tanzania through lectures, workshops & clinicsto sustainably relieve diseases such as HIV, parasitesand much more within the country, saving lives. Jack Lloyd, Chairman Bioengineering Industrial AdvisoryBoard at Berkeley. Developed the first pulse oximeter, measuring oxygen in blood, leading the way to afundamental breakthrough in anesthesia and critical care. Albert Waldo, MD, PhD, Walter H. Pritchard Professor of Cardiology, Professor of Medicine, & BiomedicalEngineering, Case Western Reserve University. Discovery of a pacing method; enabling diagnosisand termination of Arrhythmia. Nagin Cox, Tactical Mission Lead - Curiosity RoverNASA JPL, STEM speaker for the US State Department. Communicates the power of NASA’s explorationstory, cutting through political & cultural issues, reminding us what humankind can do together. Frances H. Arnold, Ph.D. Professor of Chemical Eng., Bioengineering & Biochemistry; Director, Donnaand Benjamin M. Rosen Bioengineering CenterDeveloped highly active enzymes (cellulolytic and biosyntheticenzymes) and microorganisms to convert renewablebiomass to fuels and chemicals. Jeff and Karen WeigelCoordinated efforts with locals & professionalsworldwide to bring clean water & sanitationinfrastructure to Fiji. Titanium Robotics Team Promoting STEM research and educationto inspire the future generation locally and globally Allan Y. Lee Ph.D. Aeronautics & Astronautics NASA JPL Preliminary design of a human Marslander using a Hyper-sonic Inflatable AerodynamicDecelerator entry technology with descent andlanding trajectory subsystem. Jim Lux Ph.D., Telecommunications Specialist Vat JPL. FINDER: Portable device using radartechnology to find victims trapped beneath rubble. Richard Myers, Ph.D., President, Science Director & Faculty Investigator Hudson Alpha Institute for Biotechnology. Integrates functional genomics, epigenetic and genetic data to understand how genomes are involved in cancer, brain disorders, ALS, children born with developmental disorders, autoimmune diseases and other traits. Stephen Turner, NASA Emergency Management Specialist - Michoud Assembly Facility. Directed efforts with the MAF Response and Recovery teams Sam Bloch, Founder of Communitere International Innovative approach to humanitarian aid, changing the scope of disaster response and community development. Mark Minie Ph.D. Founder, BioSpherics Working Group. Bionic Leaf Development Kit for use in education and innovation. Nexleaf Analytics ColdTrace Team, Martin Lukac, Shahrzad Yavari, & Anita Sircar Technology platform ensures every child receives safe & effective vaccines by bringing powerful data analytics, real time detection of systems failures, and cost effective systemic improvement to immunization outcomes in developing countries. William C. Patzert Ph.D. Research Scientist, NASA JPL Interpreting Satellite data, to further our understanding of climate and environmental problems. Angelo Capozzi, MD. Founder & Medical Director Rotaplast International. Helping children and families worldwide by eliminating the burden of cleft lip palate, burn scarring, and other deformities. Mark E. Davis, Ph.D., Warren & Katharine Schlinger Professor Chemical Engineering at CalTech, City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center, Experimental Therapeutics Program. Engineered nanoparticles that are made from polymeric materials specifically designed and created for human cancer therapeutics. Denise McCain-Tharnstrom, Ph.D. Exec. Director - Our Children LA Developed an app, ‘WIN’ (What I Need) providing a resource directory & web-based App for homeless & vulnerable youth. Robert C. “Bud” Bishop Ph.D., M.B.A. President Pasadena Bio Collaborative Incubator Coordinates the nurturing of over 50 early stage companies working to translate scientific ideas into products for the improvement of health, quality of life, and the environment. Anna Stork,Andrea Sreshta and Mark Cuban LuminAID founders & partner. Invented solar powered inflatable light. Forty thousand units distributed to 100 countries for disaster relief and undeveloped areas. To purchase tickets & become a sponsor Go to RHSTAR.Org. “I’ll miss you most of all, Scarecrow!” L. Frank BaumThe Wizard of Oz Being a connoisseur of scarecrows, when I cameacross this lovely couple, I had to stop and take theirpicture for posterity. Now I ask you, are these guys notincredible!! It’s officially Fall and persimmons are appearinghere, there, and everywhere and I, being a persimmonlover, want to share my persimmon story with you, dear friends and neighbors.. Some years ago, my Dad lived on four acres of limetrees in Valley Center, a community up in the hillsbetween Temecula and San Diego. As Valley Center isnot far from the Mexican border, my Dad always hadplenty of guys who were looking for work to help himwith the trees. He would practice his Spanish withthem, give them food, spend time talking to themabout their lives in the country they had just left andwhat they hoped to find in America. My Dad loved totalk to people, any kind of people. Many of these guyswho wandered into his yard were from Guatemala, which is a very long way from the border. Theytold tales of murder, desperate hunger, desperadoeswaiting to rob these migrants and were beyondgrateful for a few sandwiches and a bottle of water. But I digress...we were talking about persimmons. While he still lived in Valley Center, before his wifepassed away and he moved to Ajijic, Mexico himself, he had an extremely prolific Hachiya persimmontree. I would go down for the day to visit them andhe would give me a big bag of persimmons. I wouldsend some to my cousin, Cindy, eat a lot of them andoccasionally make persimmon cookies. I’m still madthat he sold that lovely home and moved to Mexico. He’s been in heaven for a while now, but I treasure the memories of those days in Valley Center, Dad’spersimmons, and the delicious champagne weoccasionally sampled together. At one time a persimmon tree grew down in thelower reaches of our yard. It sat down there doingits job for years and then one day, apparently tired oflife, it broke in two. What a disappointment, as thefruit was delicious and I had finally learned how todo something with them, other than just wait greedilyfor them to ripen and devour them. Fortunately, it was overlooked. No one was in a hurry to tear it away from the last shred of stump thetree was still clinging to. For a while, I forgot aboutit and then one morning walked down to look at it, and discovered there was more fruit than I could count! Hard and pale orange, but they would ripenbeautifully by November. Persimmon cookies! One windstorm too many separated the tenuouscoupling between branch and root and that was thatSome years later I planted a persimmon down therein the lower region, a Fuyu. I have never had even onepersimmon from that tree. It’s really in a bad spot, forced to fend for itself as far as water and sunlight areconcerned. If it ever bears anything, the squirrels getto them first. Now that our persimmon tree is gone, Dad andhis persimmon tree are no longer within my reach, I look longingly at the few persimmon trees in ourarea and consider introducing myself to their owners, somewhat like Oliver Twist, “Please sir, could I have some more?” Persimmon Cookies Preheat oven to 350 degrees 1 tsp. baking soda1 cup persimmon pulp (Hachiya persimmons, notFuyu) 2 cups flour . tsp. cinnamon (I like cinnamon so my tsp. tends tobe heaping) . tsp. ground cloves . tsp. nutmeg . tsp. salt . cup butter (softened) 1 cup sugar1 egg You can also add a cup of chopped nuts, raisins, chocolate chips or some of all three. Puree persimmon pulp in blender. If you cut thetop off the persimmon and squeeze the ripe fruit overthe blender, it will spill right out. Then dissolve thesoda into the pulp. It will become very thick, like pudding. Blend together flour, cinnamon, cloves, nutmegand salt. Stir in dry ingredients, persimmon-soda mixtureand raisins/nuts/chocolate chips. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto well-greased cookiesheets. Bake at 350 10-12 minutes. Makes 5-6 dozen. These freeze well. Drop a dozen in a Ziploc bag and give them tosomeone you love, or someone who needs to be loved. Or hide them in your freezer and eat them all yourselfone rainy day (I use that term laughingly as SouthernCalifornians get a spoonful of rain infrequently) inFebruary. Watch for scarecrows! They’re popping up everywhere! My book page: Deanne Davis Blog: “A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter” is now available at Sunrise Books + Coffee at Pasadena First Church of the Nazarene – just down the road onSierra Madre Blvd. Kindle readers, give yourself the gift of the EmmaGainsworth Adventures: “Just Dessert: A Fall Fantasy” – “The IntergalacticPumpkin Battle” – “The Lost Amulets” They’re on on my book page! Follow me on Twitter, too! playwrightdd Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||