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Sierra Madre EditionBreaking News:Inside
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SIERRA MADRE EDITION “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2017 VOLUME 11 NO. 2 SIERRA MADRE NEWS BRIEFS AFTER 44 YEARS, GIANNONE MAKES IT OFFICIAL From The City Manager's Report PLANNING COMMISSION The next Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 7:00 pm. The Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing regarding Municipal Code Text Amendment 16-05 (MCTA- 16-05) to amend Chapter 17.60.056-Discretionary Demolition Permit for single family dwellings and duplexes 75-years of age or older. Concerns have been raised by the Commission and community regarding the practical application of the Discretionary Demolition Permit process specific to the requirement to obtain a historical resource evaluation report and the 25% construction exemption requirement. The Planning Commission is recommending elimination of the 25% construction exemption and expanding the application of the ordinance to all structures 75 years of age or older. The Commission also amended the definition of “demolition,” to include the destruction and removal, in part or in whole, of the foundation, exterior walls, roof structure, exterior framing, exterior siding, finish cladding material, porches, chimney and architectural details, thereby requiring all applications proposing one or more above to prepare a historical resource evaluation report. The Commission will also continue a public hearing scheduled for January 19, 2017, for a certificate of appropriateness for 126 E. Mira Monte Avenue to February 16, 2017 at the request of the applicant. STONEGATE The Planning and Community Preservation Department is continuing to review the resubmitted applications for Hillside Development Permits and Conditional Use Permits for properties within the Stonegate development. The Department received resubmittals the week of May 9, 2016 consisting of Lots 7, 21, and 22, resubmittals the week of June 6, 2016 for Lots 1 and 2, and resubmittals the week of August 1, 2016 for lots 16, 17, 19, 25, and 26. A submittal for Lot 23 was received on September 15, 2016. The plans are in various stages of review by staff to determine if the applications are complete and to confirm if staff comments were addressed since the last submittal prior to being scheduled before the Planning Commission at a noticed public hearing. PLANNING & BUILDING AND SAFETY ACTIVITY The Planning and Community Preservation Department is currently processing 41 development applications. PUBLIC WORKS RAIN/SPREADING OPERATIONS The Water Department completed its annual maintenance of the spreading grounds just in time for the recent storm events. Between October 1, 2016 and January 12, 2017 we have received 11.8” of rain and counting. In that same period we have spread approximately 147 AF of local runoff and 118 from the Santa Anita Dam (BSA). Official BSA spreading totals will be confirmed with LA County once they are available. Not all water can be diverted to our spreading grounds. During heavy periods of rain the County is unable to divert water to our spreading basins. Once outflow volumes are stabilized and the County is able to control discharge flows spreading operations resume. We anticipate we will be spreading water the week of July 16th, indefinitely until the dam reaches its minimum pool. WELL DEPTH GAGE The Water Department will be evaluating the condition of the Well Depth Gauge currently on display at Sierra Vista Park with plans of relocating it to Kersting Ct. The ground water level marker will be adjusted on a weekly basis to reflect the most current water levels in the aquifer. FLUSHING Most of the distribution system has transitioned back to well water with the exception of a couple of areas. These include the extreme far reaches of the distribution system and a few isolated pockets where we have long detention times as well as low flow. These mainlines are among the oldest water mains composed of unlined steel pipe with heavy tuberculation. In these areas we find that flushing into the tanker is ineffective. In order to maintain water quality, in terms of color and disinfectant residual it is necessary to flush directly onto the street with a diffuser. This method allows for a much larger volume of water and flushing at the desired rate of 3.5 feet per second. (310 gallons per minute on a 6” pipe) The areas of concern include the North West portion of the distribution system, Valley Vista Drive / Acacia Street and a small pocket of zone 2 including sections of Sturtevant, Old Ranch Rd and Pleasant Hill. Flushing the in the pocket of zone 2 is diverted into the spreading grounds for groundwater recharge. The priority will always be to use the tanker first. If the desired effects are not obtained we will have to flush with a diffuser onto the street. This is essential to maintain a healthy distribution system. Pictured above with Sierra Madre Mayor Pro Tem Rachelle Arizmendi, Former SMPD Chief and Director of Public Safety Larry Giannoneofficially brought his 44 years of service in law enforcement to an end. In a dinner held at Brookside at the Rose Bowl, more than 100 relatives, friends and well wishers honored Larry for his dedication,commitment and leadership not only in Sierra Madre, but also in Huntington Beach, Ontario and Monterey Park. The heartfelt praise and admiration was overwhelming. There was one thing that everyone in attendance will certainly remember - the public disclosure of the honoree's lifelong nickname. As a token of our appreciation (the Staff of the Mountain Views News), that name will not appear in print, at least not today! S. Henderson/MVNews A WORD FROM THE SIERRA MADRE ROSE FLOAT ASSOCIATION: Thanks and let's get ready for next year! The Sierra Madre Rose Float Association would like to thank all the volunteers that helped build and decorate the award winning float “The Cat’s Away” that won the Mayor’s Award for the Most Outstanding City Entry - National or International. We are having our Annual Pot-Luck Dinner on Saturday January 14th at 6pm at the float building. Please come and bring a dish for 6 people. We look forward to seeing you there. Also please go to our WEB site SMRoseFloat.org and BE A FLOAT DESIGNER WINNER . . . CONTRIBUTE A DESIGN FOR THE 2018 SIERRA MADRE ROSE FLOAT. The Parade hint and contest rules are available at SMRoseFloat.org. Designs are due by February 3rd at 5pm. David Colcher, President, SMRFA | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |