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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, March 25, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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B4 Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 25, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-072780 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: A TOUCH OF GLASS, 7735 WALKER AVE. UNIT C, CUDAHY, CA 90201. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) JOSE PEREZ PEREZ, 7735 WALKER AVE. UNIT C, CUDAHY, CA 90201, ARTURO MIGUEL VAZQUEZ-CHAVEZ, 7735 WALKER AVE. UNIT C, CUDAHY, CA 90201. This Business is conducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. Signed; ARTURO MIGUEL VAZQUEZ-CHAVEZ. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/22/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 03/2017. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-071176 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN SERVICES, 19744 ALONDA DR., CARSON, CA 90746. Mailing address: 19744 ALONDA DR., CARSON, CA 90746. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) LIONEL C. TAYLOR, 19744 ALONDA DR., CARSON, CA 90746. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; LIONEL C. TAYLOR. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/21/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 03/2017. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-073950 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: AMERICAN CARE SERVICES, 535 FORESTDALE AVE. STE 201, GLENDORA, CA 91741. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) MAULIN HOMECARE SERVICES, INC., 1004 W. FOOTHILL BLVD. STE 201, UPLAND, CA 91786. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. Signed; LINUS OJUKWU. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/23/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-070149 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ANGEL’S NAILS, 3948 N. PECK RD. UNIT A6, EL MONTE, CA 91732. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) QUYNH DIEM DINH, 3948 N. PECK RD. UNIT A6, EL MONTE, CA 91732. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; QUYNH DIEM DINH. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/20/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-068379 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: AQUA MART; VIC WIRELESS, 2810-C BEVERLY BLVD., L.A., CA 90057. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) GUILLERMINA VILLEGAS, 2517 BOULDER ST. #4, L.A., CA 90033. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; GUILLERMINA VILLEGAS. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/17/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 10/2016. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-074496 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: BALDWIN HILLS CLEANERS, 5782 RODEO RD., L.A., CA 90016. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) IVAN HERNANDEZ, 5782 RODEO RD., L.A., CA 90016, CAROLINA SANCHEZ, 5782 RODEO RD., L.A., CA 90016. This Business is conducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. Signed; IVAN HERNANDEZ. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/23/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-071592 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: BENAVENTE, 432 N KINGSLEY DR. #2, L.A., CA 90004. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) TERESA RODRIGUEZ, 432 N KINGSLEY DR. 2, L.A., CA 90004. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; TERESA RODRIGUEZ. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/21/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-068460 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: BETHANY BAPTIST CHURCH, 10010 SOMERSET BLV., BELLFLOWER CA 90706. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH OF BELLFLOWER CALIFORNIA, 10010 SOMERSET BLVD., BELLFLOWER, CA 90706. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. Signed; MERRELL EUGENE WILLIAMS. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/17/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-071157 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: BIGGIE TRUCKING, 3616 E 59th PL., HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) MIKE GONZALEZ, 3616 E 59th PL., HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; MIKE GONZALEZ. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/21/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-068291 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: BONITAA THREADING, 10930 LONG BEACH BLVD. UNIT 6, LYNWOOD, CA 90262. Mailing address: 17820 ALBURTIS AVE. APT 1, ARTESIA, CA 90701. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) HEMRAJ RAI, 10930 LONG BEACH BLVD. UNIT 6, LYNWOOD, CA 90262. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; HEMRAJ RAI. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/17/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 03/2017. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-072465 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CASCADE POOLS AND SPAS, 1322 BAXTER DR., GLENDORA, CA 91741. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) KEVIN HARDY, 1322 BAXTER DR., GLENDORA, CA 91741. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; KEVIN HARDY. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/22/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 12/2016. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-071264 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: EL DOLARITO, 2460 FAIRMOUNT ST., L.A., CA 90033. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) MIGUEL A. AGUILAR, 2460 FAIRMOUNT ST., L.A., CA 90033. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; MIGUEL A. AGUILAR. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/21/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-071975 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ELITE FUNDING; ELITE ESTATES WEST, 7948 FLORENCE AVE., DOWNEY, CA 90240. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) SALAZAR GROUP INTERNATIONAL, 7948 FLORENCE AVE., DOWNEY, CA 90240. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. Signed; FABIAN SALAZAR. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/22/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-069769 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: FURAI, 13235 BLODGETT AVE., DOWNEY, CA 90242. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) CHRISTOPHER ALEXIS TURCIOS FIGUEROA, 13235 BLODGETT AVE., DOWNEY, CA 90242, FREDDY NESTOR TURCIOS FIGUEROA, 13235 BLODGETT AVE., DOWNEY, CA 90242. This Business is conducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. Signed; CHRISTOPHER ALEXIS TURCIOS FIGUEROA. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/20/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-068571 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: GOLDEN INK SIGNINGS AND LIVESCAN SERVICES, 3450 E SPRING ST. #102, LONG BEACH, CA 90086. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) CHRISTINA THU, 3450 E SPRING ST. #102, LONG BEACH, CA 90806. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; CHRISTINA THU. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/17/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-069889 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: GORDES MANAGEMENT, INC., 2920 HUNTINGTON DR. STE 218, SAN MARINO, CA 91108. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) LVGEM GROUP, INC, 2920 HUNTINGTON DR., STE 218, SAN MARINO, CA 91108. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. Signed; GANYU HUANG. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/20/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 01/2017. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-070287 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: GRYND, 27701 MURRIETA RD. SPC #202, SUN CITY, CA 92586. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) BLAIR EDWARD LI BRAXTON FISHER, 27701 MURRIETA RD. SPC #202, SUN CITY, CA 92586. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; BLAIR EDWARD LI BRAXTON FISHER. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/20/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 03/2017. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-069897 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: HAMILTON STEAK HOUSE, 1211 E GARVEY ST., COVINA, CA 91724. Mailing address: 2920 HUNTINGTON DR. STE 218, SAN MARINO, CA 91108. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) GORDES HOSPITALITY, INC., 2920 HUNTINGTON DR. STE 218, SAN MARINO, CA 91108. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. Signed; GANYU HUANG. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/20/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 01/2017. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-068573 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: HISPANIC FACES TALENT, 497 N GARFIELD AVE., PASADENA, CA 91101. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) GLORIA SANDOVAL, 497 N. GARFIELD AVE., PASADENA, CA 91101. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; GLORIA SANDOVAL. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/17/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 02/2010. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-068997 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: J PEREZ THE HANDYMAN, 3116 S. NORMANDIE AVE. #4, L.A., CA 90007. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) JOEL ISAI PEREZ DE LEON, 3116 S. NORMANDIE AVE. #4, L.A., CA 90007. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; JOEL ISAI PEREZ DE LEON. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/17/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 03/2017. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-063782 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: JACINTO LAM, MD, 4811 E. FLORENCE AVE., BELL, CA 90201. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) JACINTO LAM, MD, 4811 E FLORENCE AVE., BELL, CA 90201. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; JACINTO LAM, MD. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/13/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 03/2017. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-072393 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: JASMIN BEAUTY SALON, 1438 E FLORENCE AVE., COMPTON, CA 90001. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) LORENA E RAMIREZ-GOMEZ, 1438 E FLORENCE AVE., COMPTON, CA 90001, MARLYN JASMIN ROSALES, 1438 E FLORENCE AVE., COMPTON, CA 90001. This Business is conducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. Signed; LORENA E RAMIREZ-GOMEZ. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/22/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-069923 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: JDC TRUCKING, 2985 POPLAR DR., LYNWOOD, CA 90262. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) GUILLERMO MOJARRO, 2985 POPLAR DR., LYNWOOD, CA 90262. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; GUILLERMO MOJARRO. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/20/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-069103 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: JUDYS, 19409 DUNBROOKE AVE., CARSON, CA 90746. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) MAMADOU NDIONE, 19409 DUNBROOKE AVE., CARSON, CA 90746. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; MAMADOU NDIONE. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/17/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-071022 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: KLUTCH WHEEL; CONCEPT ONE, 15325 STAFFORD ST., CITY OF INDUSTRY, CA 91744. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) KWR ENTERPRISES, INC., 15325 STAFFORD ST., CITY OF INDUSTRY, CA 91744. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. Signed; CHIA CHIEN FENG. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/21/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 04/2010. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-072223 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: LEYVAS PRODUCTION, 4444 UNION PACIFIC AVE., COMMERCE, CA 90040. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) MAXIMO LEYVA MEJIA, 601 N. 21st ST., MONTEBELLO, CA 90021. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; MAXIMO LEYVA MEJIA. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/22/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 10/2016. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-068132 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: LINKA MEDIA GROUP, 3350 N FIGUEROA ST., L.A., CA 90065. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) KAREN GARCIA, 442 ISABEL ST., L.A., CA 90065, HERLINDA BEAS, 3350 N. FIGUEROA ST., L.A., CA 90065. This Business is conducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. Signed; KAREN GARCIA. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/17/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-068462 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: LOS ANGELES DELIVERY, 205 W. TICHENOR ST. #6, COMPTON, CA 90220. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) MARCELINO JUAREZ, 205 W. TICHENOR ST. #6, COMPTON, CA 90220. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; MARCELINO JUAREZ. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/17/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-071199 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: MARIACHI PERLA DE LA BARCA JALISCO, 159 S. MOTT ST., L.A., CA 90033. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) JAIME VALDIVIA, 159 S. MOTT ST., L.A., CA 90033. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; JAIME VALDIVIA. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/21/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 03/2017. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-070072 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: NEIGHBOR ALLIANCE, 14315 BRONTE DR., WHITTIER, CA 90602. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) MAX DOUGLAS TOROSIAN, 14315 BRONTE DR., WHITTIER, CA 90602. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; MAX DOUGLAS TOROSIAN. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/20/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-069911 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: PARK INN BY RADISSON, 1211 E. GARVEY ST., COVINA, CA 91724.Mailing address: 2920 HUNTINGTON DR. STE 218, SAN MARINO, CA 91108. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) LVGEM HOTEL CORPORATION, 2920 HUNTINGTON DR. STE 218, SAN MARINO, CA 91108. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. Signed; GANYU HUANG. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/20/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 01/2017. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-068366 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: R&G INTERNATIONAL TRADING, 332 HINDRY AVE., INGLEWOOD, CA 90301. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) RONNIE HERNANDEZ LALUNIO, 332 HINDRY AVE., INGLEWOOD, CA 90301. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; RONNIE HERNANDEZ LALUNIO. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/17/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-064993 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: REDEFYNED, 15104 COLONY CT., PARAMOUNT, CA 90723. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) AUTUMN LYNN TALLEY, 15104 COLONY CT., PARAMOUNT, CA 90723. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; AUTUMN LYNN TALLEY. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/14/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-072314 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ROMEROS PORTABLES, 423 W 129 ST., L.A., CA 90061. Mailing address: 2866 EASY ST., LONG BEACH, CA 90810. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) MAGDALENO ROMERO, 2866 EASY AVE., LONG BEACH, CA 90810. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; MAGDALENO ROMERO. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/22/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 12/2005. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-071249 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ROSARIO VALDERAMA CAREGIVING SERVICES, 1716 W ALISAL ST., WEST COVINA, CA 91790. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) ROSARIO LISING VALDERAMA, 1716 W ALISAL ST., WEST COVINA, CA 91790. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; ROSARIO LISING VALDERAMA. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/21/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-074169 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: RUIZ TACOS, 632 E HARDY ST. #D, INGLEWOOD, CA 90301. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) OLGA LIDIA RUIZ-ALAMILLO, 632 E HARDY ST. #D, INGLEWOOD, CA 90301. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; OLGA LIDIA RUIZ-ALAMILLO. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/23/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-068022 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: SIMPLY BUSINESS ACCOUNTING; STRICTLY BUSINESS ACCOUNTING; PALMA & ASSOCIATES; SIMPLY AUTOMOTIVE ACCOUNTING; SIMPLY CLOUD ACCOUNTING; SIMPLY MARKETING; SIMPLY MEDICAL ACCOUNTING; SIMPLY QB ACCOUNTING; SIMPLY RESTAURANT ACCOUNTING, 21250 HAWTHORNE BLVD. STE 500, TORRANCE, CA 90503. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) ANDREW BEAUPRE, 21250 HAWTHORNE BLVD. #500, TORRANCE, CA 90503. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; ANDREW BEAUPRE. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/17/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 03/2017. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-069065 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: SO CAL LOCAL OPTIONS, 8355 TERRADELL ST., PICO RIVERA, CA 90660. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) MIGUEL QUINTANA JR., 8355 TERRADELL ST., PICO RIVERA, CA 90660. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; MIGUEL QUINTANA JR. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/17/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-068546 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: SOCAL CELLULAR SOLUTIONS, 803 S FIGUEROA ST., WILMINGTON, CA 90744. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) MOHAMMED S ABED, 1722 E CARSON ST., LONG BEACH, CA 90807, MAHBOOB TALUKDER, 24015 COPPER HILL DR. #2208, VALENCIA, CA 91354. This Business is conducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. Signed; MOHAMMED S. ABED. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/17/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-072204 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: SOUTH PACIFIC MARKET, 1330 S PACIFIC AVE., SAN PEDRO, CA 90731. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) FADI KHAZAL, 1330 S PACIFIC, SAN PEDRO, CA 90731, CLAUDIA KHAZAL, 13816 BURNING TREE DR., VICTORVILIE, CA 92395. This Business is conducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. Signed; FADI KHAZAL. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/22/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-072363 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DOGWATCH, 6425 E. OCEAN BLVD., LONG BEACH, CA 90803. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) STEPHEN RIORDAN, 6425 E. OCEAN BLVD., LONG BEACH, CA 90803. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; STEPHEN RIORDAN. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/22/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-070890 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: STAR LINE TRANSLATIONS, 177171 ROSCOE BVLV APT 207B, NORTHRIDGE, CA 91325. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) MELISSA FRANCO CORREA, 17171 ROSCOE BLV. APT 207B, NORTHRIDGE, CA 91325. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; MELISSA FRANCO CORREA. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/21/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-071489 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: STRAIGHT CROOKED, 2134 DORADO DR., RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CA 90275. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) RUEBEN GRAY LINDSEY, 2134 DORADO DR., RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CA 90275. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; RUEBEN GRAY LINDSEY. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/21/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-072446 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: SUBFRAME TOOL.COM, 10714 WHITTIER BLVD., WHITTIER, CA 90606. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) JOEY VICUNA, 10714 WHITTIER BLVD., WHITTIER, CA 90606. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; JOEY VICUNA. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/22/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-068628 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: TROPICAL PET LAND, 6711 ATLANTIC AVE., BELL, CA 90201. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) MARIA ROBLES, 2984. RANDOLPH ST., HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; MARIA ROBLES. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/17/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-068090 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: TUFF CLONES, 901 S 6th AVE. 206, HACIENDA HTS., CA 91745. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) THOMAS ARTHUR TOGO, 552 S. ST. MALO ST., WEST COVINA, CA 91790. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; THOMAS ARTHUR TOGO. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/17/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 10/2016. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017-071199 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: MARIACHI PERLA DE LA BARCA JALISCO, 159 S. MOTT ST., L.A., CA 90033. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) JAIME VALDIVIA, 159 S. MOTT ST., L.A., CA 90033. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; JAIME VALDIVIA. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/21/2017. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FILE NO. 2017-070135 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME The following person(s) VO THI THU TRANG, 2654 SANTA ANITA AVE., EL MONTE, CA 91733, has/ have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name: ANGEL NAIL, 3948 PECK RD. #6, EL MONTE, CA 91733. The fictitious business name referred to above was filed on 07/21/2016, in the county of Los Angeles. The original file number of 2016183183. The business was conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on 03/20/2017. The business information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: VO THI THHU TRANG/OWNER. Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FILE NO. 2017-072670 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME The following person(s) VICTOR MARCELINO NAJERA, 6817 S FIGUEROA ST., L.A., CA 90003, has/have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name: SON OF THUNDER, 3114 MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD. UNIT B, LYNWOOD, CA 90262. The fictitious business name referred to above was filed on 12/07/2016, in the county of Los Angeles. The original file number of 2016296293. The business was conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on 03/22/2017. The business information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: VICTOR MARCELINO NAJERA/OWNER. Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: March 25, April 01, 08, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017074376 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: YOONMIN ACUPUNCTURE & HERBS, 80 MONTECITO CT., SIERRA MADRE, CA, 91024 YM ACUPUNCTURE & HERBS, 80 MONTECITO CT., SIERRA MADRE, CA. 91024. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) YOONMIN ACUPUNCTURE & HERBS, INC. 80 MONTECITO CT., SIERRA MADRE, CA. 91024. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. Signed: HENRY J. YOON, PRESIDENT. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/23/17. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 10/2016. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: MBP Mountain Views News Mar 25, April 1, 8, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017074375 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: LISA VERLO MUSIC 80 W. SIERRA MADRE BLVD. #437, SIERRA MADRE, CA., 91024. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) LISA VERLO, 80 W. SIERRA MADRE BLVD., #437, SIERRA MADRE, CA. 91024. This Business is conducted by: an Individual. Signed: Lisa Verlo, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/23/17. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: MBP Mountain Views News Mar 25, April 1, 8, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017074374 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as:GAIA RECORDS, 80 W. SIERRA MADRE BLVD., #251, SIERRA MADRE, CA., 91024. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) LUCAS MCCLURG 80 W. SIERRA MADRE BLVD., #251, SIERRA MADRE, CA. 91024. This Business is conducted by: an Individual. Signed: Lucas McClurg, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/23/17. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: MBP Mountain Views News Mar 25, April 1, 8, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017056736 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: LA COSA NOSTRA INK, 11480 OXNARD ST., N. HOLLYWOOD, CA., 91605. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) ISAAC CONTRERAS, 11621 VICTORY BLVD APT #2, N. HOLLYWOOD, CA., 91605. This Business is conducted by: an Individual. Signed: Isaac Contreras, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/07/17. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on May 2, 2016. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Mar 25, April 1, 8, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017057080 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CALIVERA TRANSPORT, 440 N GLENWOOD PLACE, BURBANK, CA, 91506. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) ARASELI V. GARCIA, 440 N GLENWOOD PLACE, BURBANK, CA, 91506. This Business is conducted by: an Individual. Signed: Araseli V. Garcia, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/07/17. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Mar 25, April 1, 8, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017056855 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: FLYWHEEL SUPPLY V, 12081 MONTAGUE ST, PACOIMA, CA, 91331. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) MARCO ANTONIO SOLORIO EGUIS, 9047 WILLIS AVE #3, PANORAMA CITY, CA., 91402. This Business is conducted by: an Individual. Signed: Marco Antonio Solorio Eguis, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/07/17. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Mar 25, April 1, 8, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017057839 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ESCROW HUB OF THE INLAND EMPIRE, A NON INDEPENDENT BROKER ESCROW, 5900 CANOGA AVENUE SUITE 150, WO, CA, 91367; ESCROW HUB OF INLAND EMPIRE, A NON INDEPENDENT BROKER ESCROW, 5900 CANOGA AVENUE SUITE 150, WO, CA, 91367; C21 PEAK, 5900 CANOGA AVENUE SUITE 150, WO, CA, 91367; CENTURY 21 PEAK, 5900 CANOGA AVENUE SUITE 150, WO, CA, 91367; ESCROW HUB OF INLAND EMPIRE, 5900 CANOGA AVENUE SUITE 150, WO, CA, 91367; 1 SHORT SALE, 5900 CANOGA AVENUE SUITE 150, WO, CA, 91367; PEAK COMMERCIAL, 5900 CANOGA AVENUE SUITE 150, WO, CA, 91367; PEAK REALTY, 5900 CANOGA AVENUE SUITE 150, WO, CA, 91367. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) PEAK REALTY CO., 5900 CANOGA AVENUE SUITE 150, WO, CA, 91367. This Business is conducted by: A Corporation. Signed: Peak Realty Co., Gil Priel, President. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/08/17. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Mar 25, April 1, 8, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017062954 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: GOOD THINGS INDEED, 23132 LOCUST RIDGE CIR, VALENCIA, CA, 91354. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) CHRISTINE VILLASENOR, 23132 LOCUST RIDGE CIR, VALENCIA, CA, 91354. This Business is conducted by: an Individual. Signed: Christine Villasenor, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/13/17. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 03/2017. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Mar 25, April 1, 8, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017064376 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: VITAMIN CITI, 9587 WOODALE AVE, ARLETA, CA, 91331; DIRECT BUY DEPOT, 9587 WOODALE AVE, ARLETA, CA, 91331. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) GREG GRIGORYAN, 9587 WOODALE AVE, ARLETA, CA, 91331.This Business is conducted by: an Individual. Signed: Greg Grigorian, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/14/17. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 10/2015. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Mar 25, April 1, 8, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017064517 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: PRIMAL PROBIOTICS LLC, 653 MILO TERRACE, LOS ANGELES, CA., 90042. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) PRIMAL PROBIOTICS LLC, 653 MILO TERRACE, LOS ANGELES, CA., 90042. This Business is conducted by: a Limited Liability Company. Signed: Primal Probiotics LLC, Aaron C. Vasquez, Manager. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/14/17. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 3/14/17. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Mar 25, April 1, 8, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017064544 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: REGAL CARPET / RESTORATION, 6829 CANOGA AVE #2, CANOGA PARK, CA, 91303. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) DANIEL FROSTER, 6829 CANOGA AVE #2, CANOGA PARK, CA, 91303. This Business is conducted by: an Individual. Signed: Daniel Froster, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/14/17. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 2009. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Mar 25, April 1, 8, 15, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2017067385 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: VALLEY VILLA CLHF, 8225 AGNES AVENUE, NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA, 91605. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) VALLEY VILLA RCF, 8225 AGNES AVENUE, NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA, 91605. This Business is conducted by: a Corporation. Signed: Valley Villa RCF, Harutyun Nadrian, CEO. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 03/16/17. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||