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SATURDAY, MAY 20, 2017 VOLUME 11 NO. 20 SIERRA MADRE EDITION SIERRA MADRE COMMUNITY YARD SALE SMPD WARNING: LOCK YOUR CARS! SATURDAY, MAY 20, 2017 VOLUME 11 NO. 20 SIERRA MADRE EDITION SIERRA MADRE COMMUNITY YARD SALE SMPD WARNING: LOCK YOUR CARS! The City of Sierra Madre Senior Communityspaces are filled. Yard Sale spots are reserved on aCommission is hosting the 7th Annual Communityfirst come, first serve basis. You do not want to miss Yard Sale on Saturday, June 3, 2017 from the hours ofout! 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. located at Sierra Vista Park 611Participants must provide their own tables, E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Community Organizationschairs, canopies (12’x12’ maximum) and cashand members are invited to come together withboxes if needed. No electricity will be provided andtheir neighbors to participate in a community yardselling areas must be self-sustaining. Live animals, sale. Participants have the opportunity to cleanlarge canopies, and selling of food or beverages areout their garages, attics, storage sheds and closetsprohibited. All business must be conducted within without sending those items to landfill!your space. Note: Event may be canceled due to $35.00 Fee for individual spaces - no yard saleinclement weather. permits need be purchased; and all proceedsDon’t wait as there are a limited number of spaceswill benefit our senior programs and activities. offered. For more information, please contact theRegistration is required to be done in personHart Park House Senior Center (626) 355-7394; beginning on Monday, April 10th in City Hall at theor the Community Services Department at (626) Community Services Department - 232 W. Sierra355-5278. Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024. www.cityofsierramadre.com/cityhall/ Registration deadline is Thursday, May 18th or until departments/community_services_department/ TRAIL RACE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Saturday, May 27, 2017 celebrates the 109th anniversary and 51st running of the Mount Wilson Trail Race (MWTR). The 8.6 mile running race is a unique, historic event, revered by the Sierra Madre community and by the 350 competitors who measure themselves against the mountain. As the second oldest run trail race in California, the Mount Wilson Trail Race is rich in history and has over the years developed strong ties to community members and organizations alike, making this event one to look forward to year after year. This Memorial Day weekend tradition brings together over 1,000 runners, volunteers, and spectators. Activities include training runs for adults and kids, Kids’ T-shirt Design Contest, Pre-Race Pasta Dinner and Raffle and much more. Runners enjoy the small town charm of Sierra Madre prior to and after their grueling, yet scenic climb of the Mount Wilson Trail. From novice to elite runners, this event has something for everyone! Participants can register in person at Sierra Madre City Hall or on line by clicking the link below. For more volunteering information please contact Clarissa Lowe or Tim Shepard at (626) 355-5278, clowe@cityofsierramadre.com or tshepard@cityofsierramadre.com SIERRA MADRE RESIDENTS ARE STILL URGED TO CONSERVE WATER Despite improved statewide conditions, we are still striving to return to our local groundwater supply. Consider the variety of rebates that are being offered by our friends at the San Gabriel ValleyMunicipal Water District here: http:// sgvmwd.org/CONSERVATOR/Rebates COMING TO PASADENA MAY 20-21? ARRIVE EARLY, DRIVE CAREFULLYAND READ ADVISMENT FOR TRAFFIC AND SAFETY INFO. PASADENA, Calif.—If you plan to be inPasadena May 20 or May 21 for one of themany special events here this weekend, City officials remind the public to arriveearly; drive carefully; bring money for food, parking & souvenirs; have fun but celebrateresponsibly; take precautions from sunexposure, and don’t forget to have a lot ofextra patience. The upcoming weekend is packed withseveral special events that are guaranteedto attract tens of thousands of peopleto Pasadena on both days. The plethoraof exciting activities include two, sold- out U2 rock concerts at the historic Rose Bowl Stadium; the two-day annual OpenHouse at the w orld famous Jet PropulsionLaboratory (JPL) and the final leg of theAmgen Tour of California with dozens ofprofessional, road-rocket cyclists racing The Sierra Madre PD is advising that all residentsplease remember to keepyour vehicles locked at alltimes. Day or night, in yourdriveway, on your street and of course, anywhereyou go. Listed below is alist of the recent theft from vehicles ALL FROM UNLOCKED VEHICLES! Theft from unlocked vehicle A grand theft from anunlocked vehicle occurred at the 300 block of W. Laurel Ave. This incident occurred on Monday, May 15, 2017, between 7:00 pmto Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 6:30 am. The victim parked his unlocked vehicle in the driveway of theresidence. Unknown suspect(s) entered the vehicle, ransacked and stole miscellaneous items, from theinterior and fled. Unknown amount of loss at this time as of this writing. Vehicle Tampering A vehicle tampering occurred at the 300 block of Manzanita Ave. This incident occurred on Monday, May 15. 2017, between 7:00 pm to Tuesday. May 16, 2017 at 6:30 am. Victim parked her unlockedvehicle in the driveway of residence. Unknown suspect(s) tampered the unlocked vehicle, but no losswas reported. Theft from unlocked vehicle & Vehicle Tampering A theft from an unlocked vehicle occurred at the 200 block of Manzanita Ave. This incident occurred on Monday, May 15, 2017, between 7:00 pm to Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 6:30 am. The victim’s secondvehicle was tampered but no loss was reported. The victim parked her unlocked vehicles in the drivewayof the residence. Unknown suspect(s) entered the first vehicle and stole loose change. Vehicle Tampering Two vehicles were tampered, which occurred at the 400 block ofManzanita Ave. This incident occurred on Monday, May 15. 2017, between 10:00 pm to Tuesday. May 16, 2017 at 7:45 am. The victimparked her vehicles in the driveway. Unknown suspect(s) tamperedthe vehicles, however no loss was reported. Thank you and BE SAFE! through Pasadena on Saturday to theFinal Finish Line in front of the Pasadena Convention Center. “Arrive early and give yourself plenty oftime to get here, park and enjoy your event,” urged Pasadena Police Chief Phillip L. Sanchez. “All motorists are advised to use extra care; follow the directions of on-scenepublic safety officials and electronic messagesigns and take heed of all temporary andpermanent No Parking zones becauseillegally parked vehicles are subject to ticketing and towing.” Helpful URL website: http:// w w5.cit yofpasadena.net/…/ coming-to-pasadena-may-20-…/ Online links to event information, maps, road conditions and other details are provided below per event. Pasadena FireDepartment and Public Health official sremind attendees to wear hats and layeredclothing; use sunscreen; drink plenty ofwater or nourishing fluids; seek shade asnecessary and smoke only in designatedsmoking areas. Always celebrate responsibly; designate a driver and/or consider usingpublic transit—cheaper than a DUI; better for the environment and less stress. To help keep us all safe, public safety officialsalso remind everyone that “If You See Something, Say Something” by calling (626) 744-4241 for suspicious, non-emergencysituations and/or to contact the nearestuniformed officer on scene. For immediate, life-threatening instances, always call 9-1-1. When calling, remain calm, speak clearly, identify your location and the nature of thecall. Caltrans reminds the public that activeconstruction projects, lane realignmentsand temporary barriers are on the I-210Freeway. For the JPL and Rose Bowl Stadiumareas, Caltrans estimates the (currentlyclosed) eastbound I-210 Berkshire P laceon-ramp and Arroyo Boulevard off-rampswill reopen by 5 a.m., Saturday, May 20and remain open through May 21. Due tothe Amgen race route, however, the eastand westbound I-210 off-ramps for ArroyoBoulevard will temporarily close for about30 minutes, from about 1:20 p.m. to 1:50p.m., as cyclists pass through the area onSaturday. This may impact arrival times atJPL. VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS OF THE UNITED STATES MEMORIAL DAY CEREMONIES Lt. Kenneth Bell VFW Post 3208 before and after the ceremony. Ourinvites patriotic Veterans, families scheduled keynote speaker is retiredand friends to attend our special Air Force Lt. Col. Richard G. (Dick) Memorial Day Ceremonies honoring Rutan, highly decorated, ace Vietnamour deceased War Veterans at Sierra War Air Force fighter pilot, test pilot, Madre Pioneer Cemetery, Monday, pilot of historic world-record holderMay 29 at 11:00 A.M. Please arrive aircraft Voyager, and recipient of theearly to get a seat. In recent years, Presidential Citizen’s Medal of Honor the ceremony has attracted standing- from President Ronald Reagan. VFW room only crowds. A sandwich lunch Post 3208 urges all who are availablewill be served following the ceremony, and able to come and honor America’s courtesy of Post 3208. Patriotic deceased war veterans at our solemn and WW II music will be played Memorial Day Ceremony. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |